Happy What I Ate Wednesday, friendly faces! 😀
I was originally planning on sharing a Whistler recap with you guys today, but I got hit with some last minute foodie inspiration, so you’re getting a WIAW instead. Any objections? Do you like seeing what Spoons ate in a day? Not so much? Let me know! I can’t promise that I’ll do it every week, but I’ll try to make it a more regular thing if you like 🙂
But back to my foodie inspiration — let’s talk source. For whatever reason, I was tired as heck yesterday. Actually, scratch that… I know the reason. I woke up at 4:12 AM and couldn’t get back to sleep. So, yeah… tired as heck and very much in need of some get-me-through-the-day strategies. Luckily, I just so happen to have a few of those strategies on hand, so without further ado… what I ate, and how I stayed awake…
When I’m tired I… make sure to eat enough early in the day.
A salted caramel cookie dough smoothie. Current obsession — expect a recipe soon.
If I don’t get enough sleep, I end up being extra hungry; and when I’m extra hungry, all I want to do is snack all day. It makes sense, right? I mean… the body has to make up for the missing energy somehow, and a lack of sleep can actually mess with our appetite regulating hormones, making it harder for us to distinguish between what’s real hunger and what isn’t. To keep myself from going snack crazy and eating half a box of cereal later in the evening, I like to make sure I get plenty of calories in early in the day… and what better way to do that than with a nice big smoothie?
I love smoothies for this sort of thing because you can pack a tonne of energy and nutrition into them without having to deal with too much bulk; and the fact that everything is blended up means your stomach doesn’t have to use as much energy digesting your meal so you can use that energy on something else. Win, win!
When I’m tired I… drink coffee.
A homemade latte made with coconut milk alongside a bowl of dates.
This one is kind of obvious, but caffeine is a great way to give yourself an extra boost… as long as your system can handle it and you don’t go overboard. Even on days where I’m dragging, I try to limit myself to 12-16 oz. of coffee a day because I find that amount gives me a nice boost without getting me to the point where I’m running on fake energy and overexerting myself. That and any more makes my stomach go all wonky.
When I’m tired I… exercise.
Half an avocado, Blue Diamond Nut Thins, Dr. Kracker crispbreads, cucumber slices, a carrot, dried figs, and Tribe hummus..
Have you ever noticed that the more time you sit, the more tired you become? You’d think it would be the opposite since you’re not exactly doing anything strenuous, but sitting is exhausting… which is why you always want to make sure to break up long periods of sitting with at least 5 minutes of activity. Not only is it good for your heart, but it’ll help wake you up and keep you focused. I spent 45 minutes messing around in my apartment gym in the morning, and I felt like a completely different person afterwards. Bodies are made to move.
When I’m tired I… drink plenty of water.
Another salted caramel cookie dough smoothie. I may have mentioned I’m obsessed?
Did you know that fatigue is one of the symptoms of even mild dehydration? Fatigue, lightheadedness, headaches, digestive distress… the list ain’t pretty. The majority of our body is made up of water and every single one of our cells needs it to function, so it’s a good idea to make sure you get enough. Everyone’s water needs are different, changing with things like activity level and temperature, but 8 cups is a pretty good baseline to start with. On average, I’d say I drink about 2.5 – 3L a day.
When I’m tired I… eat plenty of carbs.
A bowl of red quinoa cooked in coconut milk and nutritional yeast, with steamed broccoli, carrots, and canned chickpeas.
I find that I feel my best eating a higher carb diet in general, but I seem to crave them even more when I’m feeling tired. Not only do they give me energy, but they help keep me happy and satisfied. That being said, there are plenty of people who do better eating a diet higher in protein or fat — it’s all about figuring out what makes you feel your best and going with that.
When I’m tired I… go to sleep earlier.
A bowl of Barbara’s Morning Oat Crunch, almonds, and butterscotch chips with a side of almond milk.
… except that didn’t end up happening last night 😆 I guess my energy-building tactics must have worked a little too well, because I ended the day with a tonne of energy and no desire to sleep. I usually try to shut things down around 8 or 9 and start to unwind, but I ended up breaking my rules by 2 or 3 hours last night. Oops 😳 Time will tell if I have to use more of these tricks today!
Hope you guys are having an awesome Wednesday! See you tomorrow for Thinking Out Loud! 😀
Do you enjoy reading WIAW posts?
What’s your go-to when you’re feeling tired?
What time do you usually go to sleep?
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That smoothie looks unreal girl!
I need all the carbs in the world when Im tired! And moving around definitely helps with the grogginess. After a full day of school I am always exhausted from sitting for so many hours…I always question why, but then realize.
I enjoy WIAW posts when they have some sort of topic or theme, like this one! I think you do a great job at that.
When I’m tired, I’m all about the coffee and carbs too! I try to focus on healthy fats as well, because they tend to make me feel more satiated and satisfied so I don’t keep reaching for ALL things sugar. 😉 If I’m having a super sleepy day, sometimes I’ll try to take a quick 30 minute power nap while Hunter naps to get me through the rest of the day. It does wonders and keeps me from drinking endless amounts of coffee and sugar.
Naps are -amazing-. I haven’t been taking as many lately, but when I’m really dragging, nothing helps more than a power nap. As long as I don’t sleep -too- long, because then I just end up feeling even more groggy.
Isn’t that weird how sitting too long makes you more tired? After we moved to California, I had to drive so much more for work and I noticed that it really affects my energy levels. Now I just try to get up and walk around at work as much as I can to keep that from happening.
And I’m always snacky, well rested or not. Which means I would slurp down that shake any day! Yum!
Omg that coffee next to a bowl of dates scene looks familiar because i have that exact combo like once a day. Sorta obsessed at the moment. Although I’m sure if i had that salted caramel cookie dough smoothie in my life right now id be even more obsessed with that 🙂
I love all of your posts as long as they are genuine (which, duh, they totally are!) :o) Whenever I am tired, I always look towards coffee, chocolate, or fruit. I know I need a little sugar pick me up whenever I am feeling drowsy and sometimes I can tell when my blood sugar is just low. I tend to get cranky. My usual bedtime is 11, but I could probably be in bed by 9 if it was possible in my house. Lol my mom is a little too loud to fall asleep early.
Perfect post today….I’m tired (had my almost 3yr old grandson 9 hrs yesterday) Theres a good reason they say to have children in your early 20s lol! On that note I’m headed out for my long walk with Libby (my Boston Terrier) on this beautiful day in Pitsburgh! Thank you again for a great written Blog….. <3
Amanda, your WIAW’s are definitely up with my MOST favourite to read… it’s that captivating personality probably 😉 . I would be rather depressed if you stopped entirely; given that your taste buds share quite abit in common with mine – I am always picking up meal inspiration from you. Like right now: making a mental note to pair a latte with some dates STAT.
These are some top notch pointers to reboost.. I’ll add a heavy dose of fresh outdoor air to it – never fails to perk me right up 😀 .
Good heavens, a salted caramel cookie dough smoothie. And you had it twice. In one day. It’s epic, guaranteed.
Yes, yes, YES to getting some fresh air! I was actually going to add hat one in, but I ran out of meals 😉
I LOVE your WIAW posts!! Can’t wait for that smoothie recipe! Thanks
Okay, so you peeked into my brain and saw that lack of sleep is taking a toll on me right now?! Or actually, it always is. I’m not proud to say that and will ignore the bed time question …
I generally enjoy WIAW posts for meal inspiration but even more when they offer aditional information like Robyn’s [real life RD] or yours today. Just pictures without any kind of story: admittedly not so much.
Okay, so you peeked into my brain and saw that lack of sleep is taling a toll on me right now?! Or actually, it always is. I’m not proud to say that and will ignore the bed time question …
I generally enjoy WIAW posts for meal inspiration but even more when they offer aditional information like Robyn’s [real life RD] or yours today. Just pictures without any kind of story: admittedly not so much.
Chocolate. Then again, it cures all.
Your WIAW posts are always interesting, since you integrate other topics, not just a rundown of what you ate. I appreciate that! I used to go to bed around 10 each night, but with a brand new baby now, she dictates when I actually get to sleep.
I really loved hearing that you feel better when you have a higher carb diet. I had never thought about that but I’m pretty sure that I need to experiment in my own diet a bit. I’ve been feeling lately that protein is actually what I’m lacking and I need more of it. I also love to down water and exercise when I’m tired! I also read some Danielle LaPorte or Wayne Dyer and that gets my energy going too 🙂
Carbs n’ coffee, that’s pretty much my life in a nutshell
You forgot ice creaaaaam 😛
I love your WIAW posts! I love getting new ideas for food so I am not bored with my meals! When I am tired I go for coffee and smoothies too! It’s so easy quick and it makes me feel energized!
Love the title of this post and how you wrote it. After teaching at school all day by the time I get done I am worn out, but I always feel better when I got to yoga or CrossFit. Like you said, it makes you feel like a new person. And yesss to all the carbs! They help keep me full and satisfied.
I’m still obsessing over those crackers you put on your snack trays! I don’t know what it is about them, but I really need to go look for them and buy them, they look so good! Hahaha. And yes to red Quinoa!! I definitely prefer that over the normal colored one, it just has a much nuttier flavor and it’s so so good!
Definitely keep an eye out because they’re so, SO good! I’m not 100% sure, but I imagine that Whole Foods carries them!
That smoothie looks amazing!
If I’m tired I notice that I crave junk. I try not to give in and do my best to eat fresh, healthy foods, but sometimes that doesn’t work. And, go figure, junk makes me feel worse. That should not be a surprise! I try to get to bed around 10 and asleep by 10:30. Some days that works better than others. I find that I get caught up in the just get “one more thing” done cycle.
I like the WIAW posts, always interesting to get some ideas for good snack/dinner options!
I need that smoothie recipe like yesterday. 😉 It looks so good!
coffeeeeee.. tons of coffee! 🙂
Carbs definitely make me feel better! That quinoa dish looked amazing!
It is true that when you exercise you suddenly have more energy so if I am feeling sluggish it only takes a small walk around the hood to get me going.
And yes! Do more WIAW posts! I really enjoy them!
Thanks for your input, Elsie 😀
Can’t wait for that smoothie recipe! Looks delicious!
I am excited to see that salted caramel cookie dough smoothie recipe! That would really hit the spot this week! I’ve been feeling incredibly tired too and work has been very busy since the kids came back to school. I’m rubbish at eating well when I’m tired though and don’t make as many fresh meals as I should. Must get back on it!
I absolutely agree that the less you move, the more tired you become. When my son was little, if he took a nap I kept moving around and doing things around the house because if I sat down for a minute, I would end up exhausted and have zero energy to deal with the rest of the day when he woke up lol. It makes zero sense but it is so true.Even on rest days from running, I am more tired than when I run 13 miles.
Your photos are so awesome! I need to get more creative with my photos like that! I definitely enjoyed this WIAW post 🙂
Aww thanks Melissa! 😀
Also. I love reading your eats posts. They always inspire me to try other foods 🙂
I absolutely love your WIAW 😀
Keep em’ coming!!
Hmm, my go to– if its midday and i’m not busy, then a long run…. these always seem to give me a mood/energy boost (followed by a crash, but I mean the high is great while it last 😉
But if its at night, then its So Delicious NSA Mint Chocolate Chip Coconut Ice Cream and a book/my journal 😉
About 4-5.. Hoping this will change soon though!! Lol.. Not sufficient enough to keep alive through 8+ hours of school everyday! Haha.
Oh geez. Seriously.
salted caramel cookie dough smoothie. I. Need. This.
Great post Amanda! I always like reading your WIAW posts because of both your commentary and your delicious looking food.
This was very timely for me. i have been exhausted lately. the temperatures have been in the triple digits which leaves me listless. Compounding this fatigue is the fact that I do not sleep well in the heat. For me, I find the less i sleep the less appetite I have. Smoothies have been my go to lately. As for energy pick-me-ups, laying down for even five minutes helps a lot.
Have you ever mixed hummus and nutritional yeast? Epic. It makes a delectable topping for grains, bread, or veggies. Even tastier with a squeeze of lemon.
This is why I try not to complain about our winters — I’m honestly not sure I’d be able to survive that kind of heat. We don’t have to deal with anything even close to those temperatures here, but even on our hottest days (high 80’s?) I -still- end up feeling tired and cranky. Hopefully things cool down for you soon! And yes, yes, YES to that amazing combo! Chickpeas mixed with nutritional yeast is actually one of my current obsessions 🙂
Salted caramel smoothie???? Recipe please!!!
Friday 😀
I am just like you and need something filling in the morning. I tend to eat more for breakfast if I have time, and then I stay full throughout the day. If I have something small for breakfast,the hunger ninja comes into full force later!
Yes please continue posting WIAWs! I love them!
I usually go to bed around 11 pm, sometimes later, depending on when I have to get up – I have a loose student’s schedule 😉
I don’t think I crave anything specific when I’m very tired, and I should know because unfortunately I often sleep very badly. I’m an insomniac 🙁
That red quinoa bowl looks delicious. When I’m tired, the only thing that really helps is to move around a lot during the day and go to bed early. My body is immune to caffeine at this point!
TONS OF WATER, yes!! Since I never drink anything that contains caffeine, I need to fill up with something else 🙂
Seriously, besides that I don’t like coffee, caffeine just boosts my already high energy even more – not ideal.
And I agree on the high carb thing – I normally feel better with less carbs, but when I am sleep deprived, carbs are everything!!
Confession: I would kind of love to see you hyped up on caffeine. I’m spiking your drinks when I meet you AT BLEND! 😀
Don’t complain after when I am getting on your nerves with my giddiness 🙂
I feel like I have been running on empty these past couple of weeks – not enough sleep, not enough water, plenty of “fake energy” from “eleventy” (borrowing that word from Taylor) million cups of coffee…I need a reboot – and that salted caramel cookie dough smoothie sounds like the perfect way to jump start my reboot! So looking forward to that recipe! OOh and to a Whistler update in the future?
I love how a post you didn’t really plan on sharing ends having a message for me – thanks sweet lady!
Slow down, Shashi! Before you get to the point where your body -forces- you to do it, because that’s no fun.
I’m doing a post on the importance of slee, actually! Lately I’ve been more appreciative of my baby time since it affects my hormones and metabolism so much. I feel dreadful if i wake up and don’t remember bits of a dream. I snack all day long too! And it’s the junk food i reach for not carrot sticks.
Oh my gosh salted caramel cookie dough smoothie – girl you are killing me! Love your Minnie mug (made me smile this morning). Love that you got up and moved when you were tired, people often do the opposite which just leads to feeling worse!! So glad you shared your eats because YUM! Also your hummus plate looks amazing!
same ..
OMG twice at that smoothie. The first one because it sounds like a heavenly combo and the second because my breakfast looked identical- I have the same mason mug! Delicious eats as usual, especially loving the look of the quinoa. Might have to replicate tomorrow! I usually sleep by midnight but this past week it’s been later- maybe I need to skip my evening cup of coffee temporarily. And for what it’s worth, I truly do love your WIAW posts 🙂
Aww thanks lady! And I used to be one of those people who could drink coffee even at 9 PM and have no problem falling asleep, but it’s been a while so I’m not sure if things have changed…