So I know it’s only been 2 days, but so far operation try to get more sleep has been pretty successful. I’ve still been waking up at the crack of dawn (read: 5 AM), but I’ve been doing my best to resist the siren song of my iPhone and roll over and try to get back to sleep instead. It’s been going well… Even though I’m still getting out of bed at 6 or 6:30, the extra hour feels kind of fabulous. It’s strange to be waking up with the sun peeking through my windows though…
I’m so used to waking up in the dark and trying to navigate my way through a pitch black condo without walking into any pieces of furniture or hitting my shoulder on any door frames… which has actually happened more times than I care to admit. So yeah… the hidden perks of sleeping in! And the best part of all? I still get to enjoy my leisurely mornings, complete with my favorite breakfast…
Plain Greek yogurt with a sliced banana, blueberries, Kashi Cinnamon Harvest, Puffins, and almond butter.
… and a side of blog reading. I could get used to this! But I do wish that breakfast lasted a little bit longer…
Confession: I may have cried a little when I finished the last bite – it’s never easy saying goodbye to a delicious meal. But hey! Since today is Wednesday and we’re already on the topic of food and confessions, I figured that I’d use today’s WIAW post to get a few food related confessions off my chest. Aaaaaaand go!
Confession #1: I may or may not have topped a rice cake with a hefty amount of leftover honey cream cheese frosting and eaten it as a morning snack…
Seems like a complete paradox doesn’t it? On the one hand we have a rice cake – the epitome of diet food. On the other, frosting – as far away from diet food as it gets. But in my defense, this frosting only has cream cheese, honey, and orange zest, which I figure is healthy enough to eat before 10 AM.
Confession #2: I’ve been eating almond butter and [blueberry] jam sandwiches for lunch almost every day for the past week…
… and pairing it with various other kid-friendly, fun snack foods like Barefruit apple chips, coconut Oikos, and [unpictured] baby carrots…

After enjoying this type of lunch setup so much last week, I decided that it needs to become a regular thing around these parts since it makes the ever-hated midday meal so much more bearable. Dare I say I actually look forward to eating lunch these days?
Confession #3: I always feel a little guilty when I have to ask the baristas at Bux to remake my cappuccinos so I’ve started ordering them dry (less milk, more foam), and I think I’ve finally found a way to ensure I get a cappuccino rather than a latte.
It’s not 100% fool-proof, as there’ve still been one or two occasions where even my dry capp was way too wet (seriously?!), but it’s getting better.
Confession #4: I couldn’t figure out what I wanted for dinner, so I had a banana…
… beeeeefore heading over to my mom’s because I didn’t feel like cooking anything. Did I scare you? Don’t worry. Long gone are the days where I can replace a meal with a piece of fruit.
Confession #5: I really love my mom…
Toasted sesame chicken stir fry.
Confession #6: While making my snack last night, I realized I have a bad habit…
… but that’ll be a whoooole other post in itself. Today’ll be a busy one for me with work and volunteering and what not, but I’m planning on participating in a Twitter chat tonight hosted by Lindsay over at The Lean Green Bean. It starts at 8 PM EST and will cover various tips and tricks related to blogging, so use the hashtag #BlogSmarter if you’d like to join, and I hope to see you there!
Happy Wednesday, loves!
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What’s your favorite jam/jelly to have with an AB/PB sandwich?
What’s one thing on your agenda today?
If you had to confess something, it would be: _______
Haha! LOVE the rice cake topped with frosting! I’m a blueberry OR fig jam kinda gal when it comes to my PB&J sandwiches…thought I haven’t had one in FOREVER! They never really fill me up…I need to do some foodie experimentation soon to see what I can do about that because I’ve had a craving for weeks now!
I think it’s awesome you joined in on a Twitter chat…I’ve wanted to, but I know so little about social media that I’m afraid I’d do something wrong and everyone would think I’m a goob! :-/
The frosting look delicious!
Frosting on a rice cake? Why in the HELL have I not thought of that before?! Doing that stat.
And oh Bux…I think I finally found my true love there. I usually get the skinny vanilla lattes but yesterday I switched it up to a plain iced coffee with 2 pumps toffee nut. Holy yum. Seriously best coffee EVER!!
I can’t wait until it’s actually warm enough for iced coffee here!
I tend to always have a TON of fruit, cereal, yogurt, nuts, treats late at night (not just one or two things…but EVERYTHING) and then it inevitably ends with 30-40 grams of chocolate….food monster. Oyzers.
I’m oddly adddicted to those rice cakes too…and not the little “10 gram carb” ones…but the real rice cakes (well, you know what i mean 🙂 )…..I literally lately have been eating like 4 or 5 of them at EACH meal with hummus….so I’m up to about …oh 10++ grain servings per day.
I am all over the map 🙂
And I want to eat like you . Or at least I want to be NORMAL. I just need to be normal. I am normal…I have to keep saying that 🙂 Repeat. Repeat 🙂
What kind of camera do you use?
I use a Canon EOS7D.
Loves it! I have been making sandwiches with almond butter and sliced bananas almost every day so no judgment here, girl. 🙂
to me, rice cakes are just the shovel for anything fatty and delicious. It’s the “I need more than a spoonful of this” approach. Yep, and it gluten free. YAY!
hey how’d the twitter chat go?
It was really interesting! Got to see people’s different opinions on what makes a good blog and what to avoid, and met some great people in the process. Lindsay, Cori, Jessica, and Elizabeth will be doing recaps I think.
Never thought to have blueberry jam with almond butter, yum!! I am always a strawberry or raspberry girl!
Hope your week is great beauty! <3
Ive been eating so much cereal lately I think I might be turning into you!
Haha now I am very curious to know what your “bad habit” it. I love any types of jam (I always have a latest favorite from a local jam maker, love!) on my ab/pb/random other nut butter sandwiches, but I also like to melt frozen berries and use that sometimes. Sooo good!
My confession would be I’ve never had a peanut butter/nut butter and jam sandwich- but your photo makes me think this shall be rectified promptly:)My favourite jam is strawberry and I combined that with some if your frosting recipe( made the cupcakes/muffins too lovely!) and had some on Rye essene bread it was fantastic especially if you add a bit of cinnamon. Your mama is a great cook by the looks of it! Mine is too but mostly The roles have been reversed recently but she appreciated warm cupcake/muffins and your prayers so grazie Amanda xo Sophia
It’s really great to hear that your mom is on the mend, Sophia! I’m sure your helping to take care of her had a lot to do with that 🙂
Yeee! I’m so happy that you’re getting more sleep! I’m sure you feel better already. (:
And I can’t tell you how jealous I am that you live close enough to your momma to drive home whenever you don’t feel like cooking. I can’t tell you how many nights I text my mom and ask what she’s making for dinner just to hear it and wish I was there. You’re one lucky girl!
Dang, check out your moms perfect dinner meal! I want her cooking skills.
That’s awesome you’ve been getting up later these past few days! Were you able to fall back asleep after waking up at 5 am, or did you just stay in bed until 6?
I love pairing pumpkin butter (sort of like a jam?) with almond butter… or fig jam… or raspberry jam. Okay, any jam is good to me. 😉
Love all your confessions! I love fig butter with my almond butter. OR banana, cinnamon, and honey… ooohhh or fresh strawberries and cinnamon. OH my… my list could go on and on!
Love these confessions, that’s great you had dinner at your Mom’s! I have never even heard of dry cappuccinos. I’m so curious I am going to go and check it out! 🙂
Moms are the best!!
My food confession is that my Rice Krispie treat tonight was more like a Rice Krispie pan 🙂
OOh i love the addition of blueberry jam to the AB&J sammie! Stonewall Kitchen Wild Maine Blueberry is probably my favorite jam ever, but I’ve never tried it on a sandwich! I kinda love the frosting-on-rice cake idea….probably the only way a rice cake would ever taste good to me lol. And holy wow, your mom can COOK! that meal looks like something I’d pay $$ for in a restaurant!
Ha! Same here – it’s a good thing my mom doesn’t charge me 😉
I’ve tried SO many jams with almond butter…my favorite is by far BLACKBERRY! It’s where it is at!
I love almond butter and jam on rice cakes and for a savory combo, soft boiled eggs mixed with avacado and hot sauce…yum
Seriously! My most delicious meals always seem to go by way too quickly. I feel like I take about two bites and then I’m like, hey! where’d it all go??
Mmm I’d be perfectly content with almond butter + blueberry jam sandwiches for lunch everyday. My favorite jam is probably good ol strawberry. But I don’t like to play favorites. I’m open to all other jams and jellies 🙂 And I also love cream cheese and jam sandwiches. Which is why I think that rice cake you have there topped with your honey cream cheese sounds fantastic!
yummmm your mommas meal looks great!! i love blueberry or strawberry jam! i also get this mixed one at WF that is sooo good! my agenda is gym then studying all dayy. LOVE wednesdays! My confession is that since you posted this I have been signing Ushers song nonstop lol
I would cry too after finishing that breakfast! It looked so good. My confession would be eating way too many chocolate chip cookies…before bed…with a glass of milk! 😉
I love strawberry jam, but when my Grandma was alive she made the most amazing plum jam, and I used it on absolutely everything. It was beyond sublime paired with nut butter.
I always think your food photography is excellent – even if it’s a standard meal you seem to give it a little extra sparkle.
And I’m going to confess that I will never get bored of living vicariously through your gorgeous, drippy nut butter sandwiches (and thank God it’s not just a mere scraping of nut butter – that’s one of my pet hates about blog food. I’m not saying go to town on the jar the way I would, but the subtext to that is ‘must…use….as…little…fat…as…possible….but need to prove I’m not scared to eat fat and OMGsoooonotdisordered!’) You have a sensible serving size – I wish I could do the same! Oopsie, rant over again!
The nut butter scrapings drive me crazy as well, and mostly because I used to do that nonsense as well and I know for a fact that it’s not even close to being satisfying.
I had strawberry jelly on my peanut butter sandwich for lunch today! I love strawberry jelly 😀 The rest of my life is going to consist of projects/papers.. exciting. Semester is almost over..semester is almost over.. If I had to confess something today, it would be that I’ve discovered I have a lot of food aversions, but they’re related to meat products/non-vegetarian items that give me the creeps if I think about ever eating them again. They’re not related to foods I eat/ just stopped eating.
There really is nothing worse than an awesome meal ending, it makes me so sad, I get it! I’m en route to San Francisco so hoping for some time to walk around & explore after I get some work done. And also hoping for a meal & some wine I don’t want to end this evening 🙂