The day is really long when it starts at 4:30 AM. Believe me – I speak from experience.
What on earth was I doing up at such an ungodly hour? I’d love to say it was something inspiring, like trying to start the day on a good note by fitting in an awesome workout before heading off to work, but the truth of the matter is that I was up before the crack of dawn because I was trying to appease a wonky appetite that just so happened to decide that it felt like kicking in at a rather inconvenient time.
Really, stomach? Really?! You couldn’t have held out for another hour or so? You had to force me to get out of my comfy bed, head to the kitchen, and stand there bleary-eyed and half-conscious, with a banana in one hand and a spoonful of almond butter in the other, while I wondered if I was actually awake or if it was all just a bad dream? We are not on speaking terms today, you and I.
But yeah… Despite my best efforts to get back to sleep, it just wasn’t happening. I stayed in bed and read for a little while before giving up at around 5:30 and starting my day…
You would think that having so much extra time in the morning would motivate me to whip up something extra fancy for breakfast (read: pancakes or waffles), but for some reason, breakfast is a meal that I don’t like to mess around with too much, so I went with a tried-and-true classic instead…
Plain Greek yogurt with a banana, homemade applesauce, Weetabix, almond butter, and cinnamon.
Oh cereal, you never fail me; even when I cheat on you. I’m actually trying to cut back on oats again for a little while to see if they’re what’s behind my mysterious stomach woes, since those seem to have started at around the same time that oats came back into my life… I’m seriously hoping that’s not the case, seeing as I fell in love with them all over again, but it would be nice to be rid of the wonk. And if it does turn out to be the oats, then I may just have to switch over to those quinoa or rice flakes that I found in the depths of my pantry…
Oh! And speaking of which, I’ve been doing pretty well on the whole “operation: pantry cleanup” ordeal. Okay, so my morning snack wasn’t exactly the most creative…
Banana and hardboiled egg.
… lunch was just some leftovers (which tasted even better cold)…
… and my daily cappuccino is better at emptying my wallet than it is at emptying my pantry…
BUT!! I did manage to sneak some kamut flakes into my [otherwise] oatmeal cookies…

And I finally got around to opening up my carton of almond milk to cater to my newfound addiction to, for lack of a better name, fruit soup…
I’m not even sure how I came up with this oddity of a snack, but it’s basically become my newest obsession. What I do is scoop some plain yogurt into the bottom of a bowl and toss in a sliced banana, homemade applesauce, and cereal crumbs. Then I top the whole thing with almond milk and let the cereal get a little soggy before going to town. It sounds a little out there, but trust me… the combination of flavors (especially the yogurt and almond milk) and textures is to die for.
So is the combination of cookies and ice cream…
… which, while it may appear as a nice little indulgence at first glance, is actually yet another cleverly devised way to get rid of some unwanted items. Why I buy gluten-free cookies when I’m not gluten intolerant is beyond me, but I have a feeling it has something to do with the fact that they’re also labelled as nut-free, which always makes my allergy-ridden heart do a little happy dance.
But let’s see; what am I missing? Ahhhh dinner… I had cereal…
… on my chicken. I loosely followed this recipe, but used Weetabix instead of corn flakes; and while it may not have been as good as having an actual breakfast for dinner, I have to admit that it wasn’t half bad 😉 Even the quinoa and green peas were a nice touch.
So that, my friends, is what I’ve been eating [lately]…
Odd hours and odd combinations, but no complaints 😀 Happy Wednesday!
. – . – . – .
Have you ever had to get out of bed at odd hours to satisfy a grumbling stomach?
What’s a food combo you’re loving lately?
What was today’s breakfast?
Look at you eating a real meal for dinner (not that cereal isn’t a real meal). It’s like I don’t even know you anymore. Glad to see your appetite is back and apparently calling for a few new things.
Omg, that was me last night! I went to be at 11pm and was up at 2am with my hand in a cereal box!! I tried to lay there and tell myself to just go back to sleep (especially since I had a snack JUST before going to bed…I mean JUST…as in, I was IN BED when I ate it! Haha!).
I hope the oats aren’t the cause of your tummy woes, but I’m glad to hear your appetite is making a comeback…I know you’ve been a bit concerned!
I feel like I’m the only blogger who doesn’t wake up before 7…like ever. There are a few rare occasions that I wake up around 6, like if I’m going on vacation and have to leave as early as possible, but I’ve left the 5:15 AM wakeups behind with high school. I never understood why HS started so early when most teenagers prefer to sleep in as late as possible. I do tend to wake up pretty hungry though, but I’m thankful I haven’t woken up at a crazy early hour to satisfy my stomach!
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I adore your Minnie Mouse mug. There’s actually a similar one sitting in my cupboard, but your Minnie is far more…expressive? Mine is far too happy for sleepy (read: occasionally grumpy) mornings. 😉
I’m intrigued by your “fruit soup” snack. Umm, yum?! Even though I’ve always preferred crispy cereal, there’s something very appealing about slightly soggy crumbs mixed with Greek yogurt, applesauce and almond milk.
As far as climbing out of bed to satisfy a grumbling stomach goes, I’ve definitely been there. However I’ve realized that eating a hefty snack–more like a meal–right before bed usually prevents me from waking up *too* hungry in the morning. And speaking of morning…Breakfast this morning was scrambled eggs, sauteed sweet potato, spinach, and fresh raspberries. It was a nice change-up from the pancakes, waffles and sunnyside eggs I’ve been eating lately. 🙂
Happy Wednesday, Amanda! <3
When I get hungry, I can’t sleep either! It’s the worst, but Almond butter and banana are always a good solution. Still need to go buy a jar of Maisie Janes- I am out of all nut butters right now and am starting to have a panic attack lol 😉 Happy WIAW Amanda!
Well, I feel you on the early mornings…I was already on my way to work at 4:30am! So crazy. Turns out here are quite a few people who make their way to Starbucks when we open the doors at 5am.
I’m happy to hear that your appetite is back though, even if it showed up at an inconvenient time! I knew it couldn’t stay away for too long- mine never does!
Oh, and I’m totally a pro at making Dry Cappuccinos now. I actually made one for myself today when I got off of work…love me some foam! <3
That makes my dry cappucinno-loving heart all sorts of happy. So… when can I come visit? 😉
that snack, with applesauce… it’s genius. Well, i like soggy milky crumbly goodness. And the cappucino froth.. gah. THE BEST.
oh and leftovers cold are my favorite. Are you sure we’re not related?
Most of my food I prefer cold so I can totally understand why you found the left overs better cold 🙂 Ouch, 4:30 is early for being awake, hopefully that won’t turn into a habit! I love the cereal on the chicken, although I have to admit I don’t like quinoa. No matter how much I try to like it…it’s just not my fave 🙂
You know I don’t think my appetite has ever gotten me up before. I have however, woken up to pee and had a grumbly tummy, but I just went back to sleep. Ive been getting up at 530 the past few mornings pretty hungry though, but that’s about when I typically get up!!
I hope its not the oats messing with your tummy 🙁 That would be all too depressing!! Good thing you still have your beloved cereal and yogurt though!!
I have a hard time falling asleep when I’m hungry, or maybe my brain just goes into overdrive a little too quickly. And I’m seriously hoping it’s not the oats. But… better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? Lol I don’t know…
I am crossing my fingers for you that oats will be able to stay in your life! Although, if they can’t, at least you still have cookies and ice cream 😉
ahhh 430 is the worst time to get up at! that time you cant go back to sleep at, worst! I wish I wasnt allergic to greek yogurt bc your bfast always wants me to go right in the kitchen and whip that up! Hopefully you figure it out what is bothering your stomach, worst feeling! Same bfast for me todaY again, 2 eggs a sweet potato and kale with a lot of nut.yeast, cant get enough of it! I actually too woke up at 1am starving and had some left over pasta and veggies, so random that I was hungry but I am glad I got back to sleep I wouldve died lol I am on a hummus salsa refried beans combo kick, love my mexican!
I had the same thing happen to me this morning! I was woken up at 5:30 am because I was hungry. Actually I usually wake up at 5:30 am anyways, but I’m not usually starving at that hour yet. So I dragged my butt out of bed and had banana egg white oatmeal with berries and Barney butter. Such a good way to start the day, even if I was super tired for the rest of it! 😛
Normally I leave your blog craving breakfast and cereal in a crazy need-it-now way, but today I’m actually craving that quinoa and chicken dish for dinner! Looks so good. And cookies on top of ice cream is one of the best food combinations out there.
That yogurt/milk snack looks really good. Definitely going to be trying that soon. I’m a weirdo who likes cereal soggy, and will purposely wait for it to get soggy enough (depending on the cereal).
I’m actually a big fan of soggy cereal as well, as long as the milk doesn’t overwhelm it. I especially love using the crumbs because then it gets all pasty and… tasty? lol
I don’t think I have ever gotten out of bed to eat that early in the morning haha. My appetite is non existent until I’m awake for at least an hour. Knock on wood…OHH my gosh that ice cream and cookies. I need…right now.
You should have called me this morning at 4:30 because I was totally up and making steel cut oatmeal lol. I was having a hungry hungry early am and I finally gave in and got up for the day to make a pot. My stomach was in desperate need of being filled properly with a bowl of oatmeal. Sometimes that is just what it takes to settle my stomach rumbling. I am exhausted now! I am always up early but I literally had to hold off until 430 rather than being up for the day at 300 am!
I’ll eat your lunch leftovers!!! That looks amazing.
Fruit cereal too! I used to do something similar with cottage cheese, but never thought to add apple sauce. Copying you ASAP. 🙂
When I was training for my first half over summer sometimes I would have to get out of bed in the middle of the night and eat a snack!! It was such a weird and new concept to me because I’d never had that happen before. I am not one of those people who can sleep when hungry! I love the idea of the “fruit soup” and it sounds like something I would try!
I can’t sleep when I’m hungry either, and the ungodly hour wake-up calls would make a lot more sense if I was hardcore training for something, but I think my body is just going crazy 😆
I hate when you’re tired but you can’t sleep! That’s the worst!! 🙁 I hope you have better luck tomorrow morning! Those cookies look excellent!
Ohhh, fruit soup, yum! I’ve had to get out of bed before due to hunger, I kind of like it though as I take it to mean my body is “working”! And I love eating, so double the fun! I’m still munching away on leftover birthday treats, icing, chocolate almond pie, so those have been a few of my favs 🙂 Glad your appetite is coming back, even if it’s at wonky times!
I’ve woken up around 4:30AM [give or take an hour or so] for the past month… Thankfully I’ve been going to bed earlier because of it so I don’t feel too tired. Hope you get things settled soon!
out of all your food the thing I found the funniest was your tiny ice cream bowl with what looks like one cookie on top… I’m guessing you wont get through those very fast at that rate 😉
Wow – i officially can never complain about getting up early ever again. 4:30?? Thats almost closer to my bedtime sometimes haha. Most of the time its hunger around bedtime that has me getting up. I’ll toss and turn in bed for hrs, but once I get up to get food, I fall asleep in no time. I guess when ya gotta eat, ya gotta eat!
I’m not really a soup person, but I can definitely get aboard the fruit soup. Mmm that would’ve been a nice breakfast this AM. Breakfast this morning was cinnamon raisin toast with coconut butter and a banana-vanilla smoothie on the side. I’m trying to clean my fridge/freezer and attempting to use everything up.
It used to be closer to my bedtime, back in the day. I have no idea why my body suddenly decided to make the switch from a night owl to an early bird. And I have to say… for cleaning out the fridge, your breakfast sounds pretty darn good 😛
I want that ice cream and cookies! I like those glutten free cookies too. 🙂
I’m glad your appetite is back but sorry it came at such a bad time! It should have known you were sleeping! I hope it’s not the oatmeal upsetting your stomach.
I also try to make sure breakfast is always a safe meal. I’m always starving after waking up so if I don’t have a nice oatmeal bowl I will just keep eating random stuff. Making pancakes takes too long when you’re hungry 🙂
I also add almond milk if I’m eating a yogurt & cereal bowl !
Isn’t it amazing how absolutely delicious leftovers can taste cold? It is not just pizza that tastes good right out of the fridge!
Aw no! Annoying that you were up that early; my stomach sometimes does things like hasnt in a while though!
Weetabix is such a delicious breakfast; I used to love it all warmed up to a paste like consistency and then topping it with sliced bananas! Weetabix warmed is the best! So comforting!
My Grandma always used to make weetabix chicken when I was younger; I’ll have to give it a go for myself!