Happy What I Ate Wednesday, friendly faces! 😀
It’s been a while since I’ve shared a day of eats with you guys, and I figured that taking pictures of my meals would be good motivation for me to actually start plating them and sitting down to eat as opposed to eating straight from the pot or standing over the counter. Womp, womp. I’ve picked up some not-so-great habits over the past little while, and while I could blame them on being busy and constantly having something to attend to, they’re still habits that I’d like to nip in the bud.
Side note: I totally had to Google that phrase to see if it was “nip it in the bud” or “nip it in the butt,” because there was a point where I thought it was the latter… which sounds kind of wrong 😆 Either way, it’s still a habit that I’d like to stop, so let’s take a look at some sit-down meals! Plusssssss some unpictured snacking, because… hey… old habits die hard…
Breakfast… sitting down to eat… pancakes.
A stack of apple oat Greek yogurt pancakes (recipe soon!!) with dried figs and almond butter.
Your eyes are not playing tricks on you. Amanda, the girl who never eats pancakes for breakfast, had pancakes for breakfast. I’m going to stop referring to myself in the third person now and admit that the only reason this happened was because I had pancakes left over from the night before — otherwise I consider pancakes to involve too much manual labour for first thing in the morning. But testing out a new recipe idea means lots of pancakes in my kitchen, and lots of pancakes in my kitchen means someone’s gotta eat them! I took about 3 bites before I had to go grab some maple syrup… #iamcanadian.
Morning snack… sitting down to eat… a protein bar.
Simply Protein Whey Bar in chocolate mint.
Okay, so I didn’t really sit down to eat this one since I was out running errands all morning, but I was sitting in my car so I’m totally counting it! I’m not really crazy about most store-bought protein bars and usually prefer to make my own, but I’ll admit that they do come in handy when I’m feeling lazy, and this one actually tasted pretty good! It helped keep the hanger at bay while I was out and about in the world, anyways, so I’m happy about that! Also… please note that Spike is still alive 😉
Lunch… sitting down to eat… a snack plate.
Half an avocado, dates, Dr. Kracker crispbreads, roasted kabocha, cherry tomatoes, and cottage cheese.
The return of the snack plate! Not that it ever really went away, but it sort of morphed from a snack plate into a “snack-while-standing-at-the-counter” type deal. I know, I know. But sometimes I’ll just get into these moods where I’ll have no idea what I want, so I’ll stand in my kitchen and taste-test a bunch of different things until I figure the mysterious craving out… usually eating close to an entire meal in the process 😆 It’s a habit I really need to fall out of.
Afternoon snack… sitting down to eat… chocolate.
Milk 2 Go chocolate milk and Green & Black’s dark chocolate.
I haven’t had chocolate milk in… years. But I got a free bottle while I was over in Whistler and figured I should finish it before it expired in… December 😆 Don’t even tell me what makes it last that long — I don’t wanna know. It was tasty, though! And it, along with some dark chocolate, managed to squash the chocolate craving that always seems to hit me in the afternoon. Enjoyed with a side of Farmville.
Dinner… sitting down to eat… quinoa and chickpeas.
A bowl of quinoa cooked in coconut milk and nutritional yeast, with steamed spinach and canned chickpeas.
You can thank my recent obsession with quinoa and chickpeas for the fact that I’ve actually been making real dinners lately. Or, I suppose I should be the one saying thanks, since there’ve been a few too many “cereal for dinner” nights around these parts lately… and to be honest, I was kind of getting sick of it. It’s not that I don’t like to cook, but it can be hard to work up the motivation sometimes when I’ve had a busy day and I know that I’ll be the only one eating it. Anyone wanna come over for dinner? 😀
Evening snack… sitting down to eat… cereal.
A mug of Kashi Cinnamon Harvest with banana slices and almond milk.
I may be tired of eating cereal for dinner, but that doesn’t mean I can go an entire day without it! It’s still one of my favourite late night snacks, and while I usually mix a few different kinds to make things interesting, I kept it simple this time around with the classic combo of shredded wheat, banana, and milk. Enjoyed alongside Heir of Fire before passing out for the night.
Hope you’re having an awesome Wednesday! See you guys tomorrow for Thinking Out Loud! 😀
What did you have for breakfast today?
Do you have a habit of eating over the counter too?
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I’m glad to hear you’re sitting down for meals again and even making dinner. It’s a good habit to get back into.
You can also come make me dinner if it looks like this. I really like the idea of cooking the quinoa in coconut milk. I bet it gives it a great flavor. Also snack plates…you already know how much I love those, although mine would likely include some fruit and cheese because yum.
I’m a day late, but I have to share…I found Coconut Peanut Butter in HI and that’s what I had on toast today. I want to eat it on EVERYTHING, but the jar is so small and costs $10 :/ I am excited for that pancake recipe post coming, that sounds right up my alley! xoxo, ganeeban
I can’t wait for the recipe for those pancakes – apple, oats, yogurt, sounds amazing so far!
This may sound weird, but your pictures and every single thing you cook always looks so clean and perfect! Even that half of an avocado- mine would probably look totally un-photogenic. Weird observation, but just a thought I’ve had as a long time reader haha!
That’s only because you don’t see what I eat when it doesn’t go on the blog 😉 Definitely not that pretty!
I would have had to Google that phrase too..no shame. OHH my that snack plate. YUM! Oh and that dinner bowl. OK I just want to eat this post.
This is so funny because I *just* had this conversation with my husband a few days ago – I told him that I didn’t know the phrase was “nip it in the buD” until a few years ago. And he responded with “wait…isn’t it nip it in the butt?!” We laughed a bit about that – and I explained the meaning of course haha If you say it quickly anyway, no one will notice 🙂
This morning I was in a rush so I weirdly grabbed some leftover quiche for breakfast! No regrets though – it was delish 😉
I had my usual oats, bacon and grapefruit for breakfast today. Your pancakes look delicious though. I usually make pancakes on the weekend, too time consuming for the weekdays. I feel like I have been seeing the combination of quinoa and chickpeas a lot lately. I finally bought some quinoa to try, just haven’t gotten around to making it. Maybe I will finally try a recipe with quinoa this weekend.
Eating over the counter is a bad habit of mine, especially at lunch! I seem to snack my way through lunches more times than not while I’m feeding Hunter his lunch. It’s something I’ve really been trying to work on lately.
Love your snack plate – such a good idea! I know what I’m having for lunch tomorrow! And I’m glad that I’m not the only person who continuously snacks on cereal!
Today I had a chocolate croissant and it was delicious!
This morning I totally ate breakfast while I was blow drying my hair. I feel like when I get busy the first thing to go is “meal time”. I’m pretty good about sitting down for dinner…although my husband and I eat at our coffee table while watching TV every night. We should really work on that!
When I was little I definitely thought it was nip it in the butt LOL!
LOL! me too, i kinda still want it to be that way. BUTT!
p.s. Amanda, you need to visit TX to get more cactus pics. Bring bars!
If I conveniently “forget,” does that mean I can borrow some Bites? 😀
Love these!