Thank you guys for putting up with my randomness from yesterday — I promise not to pull those kind of shenanigans on you [too] often, but I think falling victim to a food coma gives me a legitimate excuse… After all, blood migrating to stomach = a significant lack of blood in brain = zzzZZzzZz. You can’t argue with science. But I’m not about to school you in biology because there are more important things to discuss!
Even though I don’t think I’d ever be able to go back to sharing my eats on a daily basis like I did when I first started blogging, food is probably still one of my favourite things to talk about… especially now that I’m learning more about it through my course with IIN.
One of the things I’ve been learning about more recently is the importance of eating a varied diet, 1) to ensure that you’re covering the whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals, and 2) to prevent yourself from possibly developing food sensitivities as a result of eating too much of the same food.
Remember how I mentioned having to give up oats for almost a year because of the strange reactions I started experiencing any time I ate them? I honestly think it had something to do with the fact that I was eating so much of them that my body literally couldn’t handle it anymore. Oatmeal for breakfast, oatmeal before bed, and sometimes even oatmeal for lunch/dinner — a little much, yes?
So oatmeal and I went our separate ways, and while it’s currently back in my life and not causing me any grief (thank goodness), I make sure to keep it to one bowl a day. Still… I do tend to eat that bowl If not for breakfast, then for lunch, and if not for lunch, then for dinner. I don’t think there’s a problem with that, but introducing some variety probably wouldn’t hurt… which is why I’ve [grudgingly] been switching things up over the last little while and trying to branch out in terms of what I’ve been eating.
I say grudgingly because I’m a creature of habit and I end up eating a lot of the same things because a) I like them, and b) it means I don’t have to spend a lot of time thinking about what to eat. Back in the day, I used to spend hours planning out my meals on a daily basis, which is probably why I prefer to avoid thinking about things like that now — too many bad memories. BUT! taking things from one extreme (obsession) to the other (avoidance) isn’t the way to go — that mythical middle ground is the place to be. Luckily, I figured out a way to add a decent amount of variety in my diet without having to give it too much thought — making simple swaps.
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Breakfast… [oatmeal swapped for quinoa flakes]
Cold, dark mornings call for warm bowls of comfort. Truth. I wasn’t willing to give those up, but different grains I could do. This bowl used quinoa flakes in place of oats, and was dressed up with a whipped banana, melted coconut butter, and a sprinkle of cinnamon raisin granola for some added texture. Not half bad… Not quite the same as oats, but still good. I’d also love to try doing something with rice.
Morning snack… [coffee and baked goods swapped for NO! NO TOUCHIE!!]

We all have our mandatory creature comforts, and this is one of mine that I don’t want to mess with. A homemade cinnamon topped assaulted latte courtesy of my Keurig and a milk frother, alongside a pumpkin pie oatmeal bar. Bliss.
Lunch… [sweet snacking swapped for savoury sandwiches]
As much as I love my incessant afternoon snacking, I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes it doesn’t serve me all that well — sometimes you just wanna eat and get it over with instead of constantly being distracted by that slight hunger and needing to graze. So, I’ve been swapping my sweet snacking for more savoury meals since I’ve found that catering to my sweet tooth at this time of the day just makes it run a little more rampant. This lunch was a pair of sandwiches, one with avocado and the other with egg salad, with some steamed broccoli to add a little bit of colour.
Afternoon snack… [bananas & AB swapped for crackers & hummus]
My go-to snack for the longest time has been a banana with almond butter, but seeing as it’s not rare for me to hit 3 bananas a day, I figured that introducing a new snack into my rotation wouldn’t hurt. Enter a Dr. Kracker classic 3 seed crispbread dipped in Sabra’s classic hummus. Perfect for satisfying the [salty] tooth and beating the mid-afternoon slump.
Dinner… [chicken swapped for turkey]
Okay, so this one is kind of cheating seeing as it was just Thanksgiving and using up leftovers has kind of become a necessity, but it’s a good reminder for me to vary up my protein sources. I tend to default to chicken 99.9% of the time because it tastes good and it’s what I’m most familiar with preparing, but swapping in different protein sources like turkey, eggs, tofu, and tempeh wouldn’t hurt. I’d actually like to experiment with eating at least 1 or 2 vegetarian meals every week — something I really started slacking on since giving up the vegetarian diet. This dinner was a plate of turkey and mashed potatoes topped with mushroom gravy, alongside some various roasted veggies.
Evening snack… [cereal swapped for chickpeas]
Even though I can’t see you right now, I know you’re giving me the raised eyebrow look. Or maybe you’re not even the least bit surprised given all the #strangebutgood combos out there in the blog world. Either way, this bowl of plain Greek yogurt topped with Biena’s honey roasted chickpeas, cinnamon, and honey was definitely a gooder. A little different from my normal nighttime bowl of cereal, sure, but the sweet crunchiness of the chickpeas was kind of reminiscent of cereal, so I didn’t feel too deprived.
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And that’s that. Some really simple swaps that didn’t involve too much thought but still introduced some variety to my diet — exactly what I was going for. I have to admit that, as much as I like my routine, adding a bit more variety intrigues my tastebuds and keeps things interesting. I’ve noticed myself being a lot more satisfied with my meals when they’re something different from what I’m used to, which I’m guessing has something to do with the whole novelty aspect of them. If you find yourself stuck in ruts or grooves, just make some simple swaps. Keep the same basic formula for your meals, but rotate your grains, proteins, and fats. Not only is it an easy way to get more variety, but it’ll keep you from getting bored with your eats.
Happy What I Ate Wednesday! 😀
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Do you try to get a lot of variety in your diet, or do you usually eat the same things?
What food do you eat the most of?
What’s your favourite afternoon snack to beat the slump?
Do strange combos in the blog world surprise you, or have you seen it all?
Thanks for a marvelous posting! I definitely enjoyed reading it, you could be a great author.
I will always bookmark your blog and will eventually come back down the road.
I want to encourage you continue your great work, have
a nice weekend!
I completely agree with you – even though we tend to be creatures of habit, there is such thing as too much of a good thing. I really like your “swaps”! And I LOVE Dr. Kracker crackers… so many great varieties!
You should join a CSA. Here me out.
Most CSA’s will net you a week’s worth (sometimes more) of local seasonal produce. You don’t get to pick what you get or how much of each veggie you want, you just get it, so it’s forced variety in a way. It keeps me on my toes, but it also keeps me creative in the kitchen, and while every meal isn’t a success, I never get bored either. It’s funny how much I love participating in my CSA even though I’m a excessive planner in almost every other aspect of my life. I truly never fully know what my weekly eats are going to be until I pick up my share.
With that being said, the thing I eat most often is probably homemade granola, although I only eat it during the week, I try to mix up the flavors, and I usually top it with different fruit so there’s still some variety.
The quinoa flakes is a brilliant idea. You should try the Bob’s Mills morning blends too. I don’t know entirely what’s in them, but I feed the to the Hubby all the time, and he seems to enjoy them.
I get so easily bored with food so I need to constantly switch things up. Although I do have staples that I rotate every few weeks, like apples and pb…can’t live without this combo haha.
Oh and I’ve been drooling over those pumpkin bars since you posted them, yum!
I ALWAYS have sweet snacks. Always. But yesterday I broke into my Somersaults thinking that they would be sweet but they were EXACTLY the opposite. I’m talking salty and savory. At first I second guessed whether I wanted it or not, but seeing as A. I hate wasting food and B. I liked them I just wasn’t EXPECTING them, I decided to give them a go. And honestly…their powerhouse nutrition and saltiness was surprisingly satisfying. I need to remember that snacks can be ANYTHING, not just sweet!
I can get bored with the same things over and over again, but I do tend to go through food phases for a week or so at a time before moving on to other things. Salads, sandwiches, yogurt/fruit/nut butter bowls? Yeah…as of late, it’s been all about the pumpkin! The other day, I had it for 2/3 of my meals…and I may or may not have eaten a couple of spoonfuls straight from the can! Haha!
I love the chickpea dessert! I actually mixed some cinnamon roasted chickpeas with the granola that Meghan sent me home with last week in an effort to make the granola last longer…which didn’t exactly work out so well! Oops?
Funny you should mention rice for breakfast…I always get the craziest looks when I tell people that one of my favorite breakfasts growing up was “sweet rice” which was just leftover rice, reheated in some milk with butter and sugar! 🙂
I actually used to eat my rice that way for lunch and dinner when I was a little kid, so no crazy looks from me. And girl… I’m part of the can – spoon – mouth club too… I’m sure I’mm get sick of it soon, but for now it works 😉
While I have my favorites also, I do agree that it is important to switch it up from time to time and vary food choices. I used to eat oatmeal with honey and cinnamon for breakfast every dingle day without fail until I got so sick of it I couldn’t even look at the stuff. After that I started witching of between oats, yogurt bowl, smoothies, pancakes, etc (still keeping it sweet, but of course) and like the choices. I have been subbing oats for quinoa flakes lately since I have a whole box of them and have been loving that as well.
Do you try to get a lot of variety in your diet, or do you usually eat the same things?
I like eating a variety of foods when I can, but living alone on a busy schedule and on a budget means eating a lot of the same things and leftovers a lot of the time. I eat a LOT of eggs and bacon (eggs are in one, if not two, of my meals most days), plain Greek yogurt, bananas, whole natural almonds, salsa, cauliflower, frozen Asian veggies and chicken breast.
What’s your favourite afternoon snack to beat the slump?
I LOVE larabars. They’re expensive but sometimes I can score them for $.59 a piece at my local discount grocery store! I recently bought a whole box of the chocolate cherry chip flavor, which I’d never had before, and it’s AMAZING. My other favorite flavors are banana bread and peanut butter chocolate chip. They have a lot of sugar and are pretty calorie dense considering they’re pretty small and not too high in protein, but they’re a wonderful treat I can feel good about eating.
Do strange combos in the blog world surprise you, or have you seen it all?
Yes, honestly, there are a few combos I see HLBs eat that I just can’t get behind. One would be the whole eggs with sweet stuff…Sweet omelets? NO. Sorry. Also, avocado in smoothies skeeves me out. But then all avocado skeeves me out. I just can’t get myself to like it!
girl, I am by no means giving you a wtf – strange type of look over your evening snack. Roasted chickpeas by them self are freaking fantastic. I can’t even imagine how much better they taste in Greek Yogurt with honey!
Now if only I could actually figure out how to roast my own chickpeas without them either burning to a crisp or staying soggy 😆
Your Thanksgiving dinner looks so good! As does the rest of your meals as always. I get into ruts sometimes but am always trying to come up with something new and exciting!
Great job on the variety girl! I admire you since I’m with ya on being a creature of habit & sticking w/what I like & know is good. Like you said, so much less time is spent trying to decide WHAT to eat & it just seems like less groceries/ingredients to buy. Variety is great though & as they say, the spice of life! 🙂
Those crackers look bomb! I need to look into getting those for a snack
You’ll have to look for brown rice flakes. I went through a phase with those for awhile, when I could find them. If not, cooking brown rice like pasta (so it’s super soft) and then pureeing it a bit gives a nice texture and mild flavor. I ate that a lot after my wisdom teeth were taken out, but I liked it so much I kept making it even when my teeth could chew properly again. 🙂
And now I want some hummus.
I learned the hard way about overeating a single ingredient. My dream vacation turned into a nightmare when I couldn’t get enough Caribbean Spiny Lobster. I’d never had a food allergy, but I actually gave myself one by eating it every day for a week. Luckily, it was temporary. I once again eat lobster, but only in moderation.
So I started off this post wondering… What is she going to replace her coffee with? Question answered. 😉
Thanksgiving leftovers are the best! Really, they never get boring because they’re so delicious! I’ve always wanted to try a Thanksgiving leftover sandwich. Here are 17 genius ideas for what to do with the leftovers: #17 is epic, but #8 or #12 is more practical 😀
I will not even pretend that I’ve seen all the blog world has to offer when it comes to strange but good combos. However, I didn’t even think twice about your chickpea combo until you mentioned that some may find it strange. Then I paused and thought “Hmm. You’re probably right.”
Well, I suppose there’s that herbal coffee alternative, but I don’t like to mess with my hug in a mug 😉 And #17… holy.beastly. I like the sound of shepherd’s pie though…
I also get into the habit of having the same thing. I do it for the same time saving reason. I hate when I waste too much time planning out what I should have/making sure I have the ingredients etc. These simple swaps are all great ways to mix it up! I have quinoa flakes and love adding them to instant soup packages, I have never tried it as a sub for oats though! I have seen those Dr. Krackers around for a while now but haven’t tried them out yet. That last combo is definitely caught me off guard, but I guess I won’t judge..I have definitely had my fair share of strange things!!
That’s one helluva #strangebutgood!!! I love it. Roasted chickpeas give such a nice protein crunch to meals. I try not to repeat meals often. There are so many ways to shake up flavors… like making beefy oatmeal. LOL!
Ahh this is crazy, when Amy mentioned her recent food intolerance, I told her about an experience I had- which was from oats! I went through a phase where it was my primary carb source and I had it multiple meals a day- so much that I developed an intolerance to it after seeing the doctor and natropath. These days, I vary it up too, and have it no more than once a day. Crazy!
Love the #strangebutgood combination- sweet and salty = perfection. And that thanksgiving leftover plate looks amazing. One word- fedex.
It’s easy to get carried away with oats because they’re just so.darn.GOOD. They’re easily my favourite grain, both in terms of texture and taste, so I really have to force myself to go for different ones. And be careful with eggs and egg whites too! I’ve heard of people running into problems with those.
all good swaps my dear. and i love the quinoa flakes. Good choice! now about the chickpea snack, i must try!
Yeee! I love this. And everything looks delicious.
I definitely went through a period where I ate the same foods day in and day out…eventually it led to intolerances for me also. So frustrating. But being forced to open up and incorporate a variety of different foods every day has been a huge blessing. My days are never the same anymore and I love that! Plus, that allows me to get inspiration from people like you and try new things on a regular basis. (:
I used to eat a lot of the same meals over and over again too. Oatmeal or yogurt bowls for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and either stir fry or salmon + rice + broccoli was pretty much like 90% of my diet a few years ago. But then I started switching things up majorly not only to get more variety but also because I enjoy experimenting with cooking! That being said, I still eat oatmeal or yogurt bowls for almost all my breakfasts, and I still eat stir fry at least a few times per month because I love them so much.
I did try quinoa flakes in place of oatmeal flakes a few times, and it’s pretty good, but just not the same as good ol’ oatmeal!
what kind of cereal is that? they look like Pops!
Cereal? No cereal in today’s post.
I totally love that you are making sure not to swing too far to either extremes. I tend to swing all the way to one side, and when things go wrong there, I swing all the way back to the other. No good.
I eat nut butter with breakfast all the time, but my actual breakfasts change every day. I do like having variety in my diet, because I like to keep my taste buds interested. I DO have go-tos though, such as avocado toast, eggs, and banana + pb.
Speaking of banana and pb, those with yogurt is my favorite afternoon snack! If I’m in the mood for savory (which is less often), I like carrots and hummus or caprese.
Dried not fried. Of not if. And not an. Oh I’m so sorry for the typos! Xo
Lovely food swaps. I’m not a huge fan if quinoa though but you make it look good! A lively breakfast my mama sometimes made was rice simmered in milk topped with honey and brown sugar an butter if course but I bet you could just add almond butter. She would add various bits and pieces like fried fruit or chocolate sometimes. It’s a lovely comforting base for the day. Sooooo delicious too. 🙂
That actually sounds like exactly what I had in mind when I was thinking rice for breakfast. Thanks for the suggestion, Libby!
Good for you for challenging your daily eating habits! It’s true that it’s super easy to get stuck in a food rut that results in too much of a food making me feel blah. I have been SO into Brussels sprouts lately but the other day I literally felt sick at the thought of eating them. I’d been eating them in my lunch AND dinner the last several days! But I took a “meal off” and now I’m back into them of course!
Those cinnamon chickpeas with Greek yogurt are seriously THE BEST. Love that. I also am so into those everything-flavor type of crackers with hummus. I’m definitely more of a savory snacker!
Sometimes nothing is better for lunch than a good old sandwich. I don’t remember the last time I had one for lunch! And egg salad is seriously lovely.
I love all of these ideas! Need to try quinoa flakes ASAP. All of your food pics always look so delicious! 🙂
I’m definitely a creature of habit and tend to stick to the same food items for meals. I’ve heard a lot lately too that switching things up is better for us. Something I’m going to try doing!
That lunch looks super duper tasty! I love avocado and I love egg salad. In fact, I actually have a guacamole egg salad recipe on my blog that is quite delicious!
Really interesting post! It definitely got me thinking about how much I eat the same foods – on reflection I do think I get a good variety, maybe not day to day, but definitely over the course of a month or a few weeks, I’m certainly a seasonal eater and I think being guided by that gives my diet a good variety 🙂