Hey hey! 😀 Today is what is quickly becoming my favorite day of the week (right behind Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) – Wednesday! And you know what that means – it’s time for another edition of…
Honestly, it’s getting kind of ridiculous how much I’m starting to look forward to WIAW’s. I really enjoyed the first one I did last week, and I always love coming across them on other blogs, so I’m pretty sure this is going to become a weekly thing for me. Thanks Jenn!
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I always wake up around 5:30-6, and the very first thing I do (after the requisite trip to the bathroom, of course) is get started on breakfast. I’m super picky when it comes to my oats, and my favorite (steel cut) take a bit longer to prepare, so I get those going and make myself a cup of tea while I’m at it. Bam.
Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice
Then I go off to spend some time on the computer or yoga mat, and before I know it, breakfast. is. served.
A mix of steel cut/Scottish oats, banana, honey, and roasted almond butter.
Anyone who skips breakfast? Craaaaaaazy.
The morning just happens to be my favorite time to work out, but I’m definitely not one of those people that can do it on an empty stomach (seriously, how do you guys manage?!). So, after letting breakfast digest for a bit, it’s time to get some exercise in, depending on what I’m feeling up for that day…
[insert 45 minute bike ride and random jumble of core/ab work here]
Then? More food! It’s weird. Exercise basically kills my appetite, and I don’t usually find myself hungry right afterwards. Still, I know my body needs the fuel, so I grab something that goes down easy…

… like a chocolate protein smoothie & Cookie Dough Ball (yes, I have a problem)
My mind is running blank as to what I did after that, so let’s just pretend it was something productive and move right along to lunch, shall we? I’m not a huge fan of pasta, but I got hit by a random noodle craving this afternoon, which led to this bowl of goodness being born:
Egg white noodles mixed with olive oil, marinara sauce, and hummus, accompanied by a bowl of cottage cheese mixed with nooch and a salad. Note: that laughable spit of salad is only there to represent the bigger-than-my-head bowl of salad that I actually had… it just didn’t look as pretty.
Mmm. Tasty; and I think I’m good on pasta for the next, oh, 3 months? Like I said, not the biggest pasta fan, but a trip to Italy might change my mind, just in case anyone is offering 😉
Sometime after lunch (or maybe it was during?)I realized that I’d been neglecting housework for… quite some time, and that my place had consequently fallen into a state of orderly disorder. That being the case, I spent most of the afternoon doing various chores that I hate-but-at-the-same-time-kinda-enjoy [read: vacuuming, dusting, laundry, tidying], and worked up quite the appetite while I was at it.
Greek yogurt with banana and trail mix (sunflower seeds, dried apple, raisins, chocolate chips)
I don’t know about you guys, but housework makes me hungry. I can run 3 miles or spend an hour at the gym and be perfectly fine, but 20 minutes of vacuuming and I’m ready to gnaw my arm off. So, in order to keep all my appendages in tact, I snacked the afternoon away.

Cranberry Kombucha & Cocoa Ginger Snaps
When dinner time rolled around, the very last thing I wanted to do was spend more time in the kitchen cooking an elaborate meal, so I grabbed the first things that sounded good, threw them together in a haphazard way, and called it done… In and out in under 15 minutes (TWSS!… Sorry, I couldn’t resist).
Mutigrain toast topped with cottage cheese and jam; 2 fried eggs & broccoli with feta cheese.
Apparently, I also called my laptop/the floor a table, but that’s neither here nor there at this point. And now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a beautiful evening and a little pooch calling my name, so I’m gonna inhale what’s left of dinner, unplug for a bit, and go for a leisurely stroll. Lots of love until tomorrow.
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Are you always hungry after you exercise?
Do you enjoy WIAW’s?
Informative post thanks for posting
Fabulous writing style thankyou for sharing
Amazing post thanks for sharing
Many thanks for the insightful information you provided. It has been difficult for me to come up with numerous queries pertaining to this matter. I will follow you!
In all candor, my anticipation of WIAWs has reached comical proportions. I had so much fun with the one I did last week, and I love reading them on driving directions other sites, that I want to make them a regular feature here. Thank you, Jenn!
Bananas combined with chocolate are so delicious
I love Kombucha! Beautiful blog by the way 🙂
I HAVE to eat in the morning! Or I don’t funciton at all it’s horrible. I don’t get how some people manage to work out on an empty stomach in the morning… not judging, just totally not capable of doing so haha 🙂
Your eats are beuatiful and sooo delicious looking! 🙂