Hi beautiful people! 😀 Can you believe it’s already June? Eeeee. Love it! And what better way to bring in a beautiful (and hopefully sunnier) new month than with a delicious round of WIAW.
I started off the first day of June the same way I start off any other day… with tea and breakfast prep.

Eggy banana steel cut oats with blueberries, coconut butter, and vanilla pudding.
Did you know that the first of June also happens to be International Children’s Day? I don’t think it’s that commonly celebrated over here in North America, but because my parents were born and raised in Europe, and grew up celebrating it themselves, they always get me a little something special…

This year it was a little panda charm for my Pandora bracelet *squeak*.
Amanda Panda. Get it? 😉 No, I will never grow up… nor will I ever get tired of these…

Cookie Dough & Killer Strawberries
What? You don’t use empty jam container lids as plates? Pssh. Get with the times! Or… don’t; I was just too lazy to go rummaging through the cupboards, so I grabbed the first thing I saw. Hey, whatever works. And speaking of which… what kind of magic are they working to pump out strawberries that grow as big as my face? I should probably be at least a tiny bit concerned, but they’re just too darned tasty.
And you know what else is tasty? Breakfast… which is why I decided to have it again when lunch time rolled around. To get my veggies in, I figured I’d throw a salad beast in there too, just for good measure.
Salad beast; vanilla tofu protein smoothie; Greek yogurt with puffs, Sunshine, and trail mix.
Confession: I haven’t eaten a typical lunch-type lunch in… ohhhhh… 5 days or so? I just haven’t been craving the savory stuff like I normally do, so why try and force it? To wind up cranky and unsatisfied?
In the past, I adhered to the wonky belief that only breakfast and snacks were “allowed” to be sweet, so I’d force myself to eat savory lunches and dinners even if I wasn’t feeling them. No bueno. Unhappy tummy = unhappy Amanda…Â much more satisfying to go with what your gut is telling you (oh and by the way, I really don’t care much for the word gut), and although lunch managed to silence my talkative gut for a little while, it wasn’t long before it started speaking up again…

… and again…
Quite the chatterbox, my gut is.
Crazy afternoon hunger. It’s hard to handle sometimes – especially when it hits you in the middle of a run. What. the. hell? How is it possible to get hungry so quickly when I literally just ate before I walked out the door? Stomach. Seriously. Knock it off. I would like to enjoy activities other than eating. Thanks.
That’t not to say that I don’t enjoy eating, because I very much do, especially when breakfast is involved…

Pumpkin bake with banana, cream cheese, and roasted almond butter.
Yes, that makes today a triple breakfast day. Don’t say it. Just… don’t say it. Breakfast overload, I know. Watch, tomorrow I’m gonna end up having something very un-breakfast-like for breakfast – like a tofu stir fry or something. Naaaaaahh. Never gonna happen.
And now if you’ll excuse me, loves, I’m off to test the strength of my nerves watch game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals, which my Canucks will hopefully be winning (sorry Jess, I still love you!).
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Have you been craving more sweet or savory foods lately?
Has your appetite been out of control like mine?
I love the photography! I have for sure been craving sweet things lately… but I think I always do 😉
hey there, I’ve been looking for clean eating blogs! So glad I came across yours! i’m trying so hard to eat right and stick to my workouts! it’s so hard without my family on board so i’m hoping that i can find some good people who have the same interest. I’ll be back to see what you are up to since I subscribed to your blog!
YES breakfast for every meal?! I do that sometimes and it’s the best thing EVER obviously cos breakfast is the highlight of the DAY!! And I have SUCH a sweet tooth, so every meal either has to BE sweet or end with something sweet haha! 😛
I usuallu have savoury meals and save my snacks as my sweets….I think it is definitely time for me to change that up!
P.S. I also hate the word “gut”..ewww!
Happy belated Children’s Day! I think it’s so sweet that your parents always get you “a little something” for it… 🙂
I’m definitely a sweet breakfast / savory dinner person… lunch can go either way. I have no idea why I feel that way, but hey, I’ll just go with it…
<3 <3
It depends on the day but I ALWAYS crave sweet for breakfast – and the rest of the day it differs. My snacks are 80 % sweet, but my lunches and dinners are pretty savory.
I’ve had a CRAZY appetite for the past week or so, but it’s been actually rather tame these past few days.
I LOVE breakfast for other meals, and now that it is summer and I have to pack less food, I will be enjoying it a lot more!
My appetite seems to work like clockwork, and I ALWAYS basically honor my appetite and hunger cues, but on occasions when my appetite seems overactive, I still need to work on eating MORE!
Happy belated children’s day! I think I will celebrate it even when I turn 50 😛 .
Hmmm… all the huge strawberries I’ve tried tasted like rubber. You are probably luckier than me 🙂 . I just focused on the tiny ones which appear to be very, very sweet. And I eat enough bananas to keep the economics of a small country running.
I crave a sweet lunch from time to time but sweet dinners are my specialty. There is nothing more natural than eating some kind of sweet bread with yogurt for dinner or a big bowl of “overday” oats or yet another banana sandwich because banana sandwiches never go out of fashion. When I want something sweet, I just want something sweet. I can eat my weight in savory food and I still won’t be satisfied until I get my sugar. I am already dreaming of tomorrow’s sweet yogurt-y goodness and I hope the morning comes sooner 🙂 .
Raging appetite? Checked. And it causes more mental discomfort than physical.
honestly, thinking of some of the food “rules” I used to have for myself (and some that I still do. meh) are almost laughable to me. Can you believe that there was one point in my life when I only allowed myself 1 Tbsp of nut butter per day? Ludicrous.
p.s. I just bought the most ridiculous container of strawberries and I’m pretty sure they were all injected with steroids. I like it.. I like it a lot.