As if I didn’t love you guys enough already… now you’ve just given me even more reasons to adore you! Thank you for sharing some of the things that make you, you. It’s comforting to know that there are so many other family/food/literature/Disney/video game loving introverts out there. I usually have a pretty hard time finding people that I can relate to, and one of the things that I love most about the blogging community is that I come across so many others like me. Love, love, love.
And wanna know some other things that I love?…
Partying on Wednesdays…
. – . – . – .
Dessert for breakfast…
Eggy bananafied steel cut oats, chocolate/caramel pudding, roasted almond butter
Favorite. dessert breakfast. ever.
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Making a [yogurt] mess…

Strawberry Greek yogurt with banana bread & mini chocolate chips
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Being a walking advertisement for Lululemon…
… although my wallet does not feel the same way…
… and I need to Windex my mirror…
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Breakfast for lunch…

Greek yogurt mess with Kashi puffs & Sunshine, Cinnamon Puffins, and trail mix
vanilla tofu protein pudding … salad beast
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Mid-Afternoon Pick-me-ups…
I need a lot of fuel…

… to get me through…
… the afternoon energy slump…
. – . – . – .
The freedom to enjoy… just because…

Coconut Bliss Dark Chocolate Bars
. – . – . – .
Dinners that hit. the. spot…
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My healthy habits rubbing off on those I love…

Dad’s been asking me to make him, and I quote, “salad beasts” for dinner…
… and I’m more than happy to oblige!
. – . – . – .
This furry face…
(Kaiah says “Hi”)
. – . – . – .
Have your healthy habits rubbed off on those around you? Yes! Both of my parents have started making healthier food choices and exercising more regularly.
What’s the best thing you ate today? If you have trouble thinking of something, go treat yourself right now. Go! And make it good!
All those photos are so beautifully shot 🙂
Oooh and i love dessert for dinner…nom!
I just nibbled bits of some Mama Pea bars I just baked – delicious! Probably the best thing today 🙂
My habits have definitely rubbed off on my mum, at least – she loves PB and j sandwiches now 😀
You look so cute in all your lululemon!! Making me want to go back to the store.. can’t afford it!
Everything looks so great. I need to go get some food now.
YES! My healthy habits have rubbed off on people! 🙂 My mom recently started running with me, and she has gone almost completely vegan….which I’m not even that extreme, but she’s gotten really passionate and proactive about her health (because 4 out of her 8 siblings have either died from or had heart issues). My dad also got a membership at the gym and thanked me a few weeks ago for being a good role model of health for him. He said “I’m following in your footsteps.” Melted my heart. Also, I’ve been trying to teach my hubby that when his energy is down and he needs a pick-me-up, that he shouldn’t depend on red bulls and 5 hour energy’s. I told him he needs to just grab a few handfuls of almonds, trail mix or something of the sort. Because whenever I’m lacking a bit of energy and can tell I need a little somethin’ somethin’ to pick me up, if I just eat a handful of nuts, I instantly have bounds of energy! He called me yesterday on his break to tell me he was walking to the store next to his work to grab a bag of almonds because he was hungry for a snack and was tired 🙂 Then later he informed me that in addition to the almonds he bought a 5 hour energy, but never actually ended up drinking it because he forgot he had it. He realized that the almonds got the job done, and he didn’t even need the 5 hour energy 🙂 YAY!
That’s awesome! You should be super proud 😀 Almonds definitely beat energy drinks in… well… every way.
Ohh my. I am loving your photos! Your breakfast and the tortilla pizza look incredible! Your pup is way too cute, btw.
That yougurt mess looks so delicious….
I have to make it for breakfast sometimes
I do the same thing and have to eat a breakfast-y thing with a salad. I crave those sweet foods so so much, so I give in to them. Never been to Lululemon but their clothes look adorable =) Maybe someday soon…
Those coconut milk bars look amazing!!! I stumbled across your blog last WIAW and must say I love it! I made your blueberry muffin breakfast bake this morning with banana instead of blueberries (didn’t have any blueberries). SO GOOD! I can’t wait to try the pumpkin one and continue reading your blog!
That afternoon snack looks wonderful. I’ve been wanting some cantaloupe lately. The best thing I’ve eaten lately is the sweet potato I had for dinner last night.
I am so jealous of your lululemon clothing!!! Someday I am going to have ONE piece of clothing from there…and that day better be soon! =P
Ahh I’m loving the cantaloupe bowl! It’s my favorite 🙂 I love your outfit it’s soooo cute! Once I start working I may have to splurge on some lulumon clothes!
Yes my eating habits have rubbed off! My mom is eating healthier and walking more! It makes me so happy to see her caring about her health as well
Well since it’s only 6am and the only thing I’ve eaten today is a bowl of cereal and i LOVE cereal. I’ll go with my bowl of cereal 🙂 but yesterday it was my sandwich at lunch!
Seriously, you just eat I NEED to come and stay at your house. You can feed me all the time and I’ll gain my weight quite happily on all the delicious amazing things you give me 🙂
But you know what I would be most excited about…PUFFINS of course 🙂 YUM YUM! I hope you were thinking of me haha 😛 I’ve nearly run out already. I can’t believe it 🙁 Actually..I can lol.
Your cantaloupe bowl looks delicious by the way – I really need to try that. I have some cantaloupe at the moment 🙂
My healthy habits have totally rubbed off on my family memebers – and it’s great to see!
Food looks amazing as always.
I LOVEEEE ur bfast! and bfasty lunch :)! looking HAWT in lulelebon! someof my habits have rubbed off~! my mom eats AGAVE now! ahaha and she looks out for preservatives and such more now!
Lucky you with the lululemon clothes!! I might just steal your wardrobe…and Kaiah too 😉
YES my habits have!! My brother and dad who were both HUGE meat eaters are now vegetarians, and now they actually eat VEGETABLES!! Wheeeee!! 😀
Best thing I ate yesterday was peanut butter cookies!! 3 cookies and about 1000 cookies worth of dough…soooo worth the Cookie Baby!! 😀
!! You converted TWO men to vegetarianism? Girllll you got super powers!
How the HECK did you get men to become vegetarians????? I’m working on my hubby. lol He just doesn’t get the connection between food and health. His only relation with food is weight. Meat doesn’t necessarily make him gain weight in his mind…so it’s healthy. Cake, however, apparently will make him gain weight…so it’s not healthy. Seriously…..this is what the media does to people! I keep trying to explain that health is not necessarily strictly related to gaining/losing weight. Sheesh! I’ve almost lost hope 🙂 But it’s all good….I suppose he doesn’t HAVE to eat like me 🙂
Haha I am yet to own any Lululemon, I can’t justify the price tag until I become a SERIOUS yogi! My healthy habits have definitely rubbed off on my friends- they have ALL converted to greek yoghurt and fresh produce eatin’ 🙂
Best thing I ate today: Indian alphonso mangos- the king of mango for sure 🙂
Kaiah is so so sweet!!
And your meals are to live for, I wish I could taste them all 😀 Yum! Banana bread with yoghurt sounds so good!!
My parentens, especially my dad , loves when I make them vegetarian dinners. They have started to make a lot of it on their own. Dont know if its thanks to me or not, but Im happy they do 🙂
My best and only meal so far today, is my breakfast : Norwegian strawberries (the best) and oatmeal with tahini 🙂
I am very proud to say that I kind of changed my roommate´s lifestyle – completely and totally:) She started eating healthy, she even stopped eating meat (!), started exercising regulary and stopped smoking! I was pretty excited to see all those changes she was able to incorporate:)
But I wish I could change my parents´ eating style…Your dad is pretty cool:)
Can you come cook/make my meals for me? Please? My family eat a lot more vegetables these days because of me and my Dad likes to come walking with me sometimes which is great! But now that I’m eating a lot more chocolate and cakey things these days, my indulgent habits appear to be rubbing off on my Dad as well 😉 Although to me it’s not indulging. It’s just normal 😛
Wow.. that pumpkin tortilla pizza looks delicious.. the flavors sound interesting together~
AAAAYYYY all your eats look so good and fresh! I love the look of your salad beasts 🙂 And I could definitely have breakfast for lunch AND dinner! Best meal of the day for sure!
My healthy eating habits have definitely rubbed off on my parents…my mom especially. She eats so much more veggies now!
I hear Kaiah so much! its so crazy how I know bloggers by their pets these days… <3
hookay sooo stop teasing me with that hummus pizza mmkay? i hate the tortillas i've been buying…. what do you use? mine sahhhuuuuck!
Happy WIAW! <3
I use Food for Life brown rice tortillas. They’re horrible as wraps, but they taste FANTASTIC when baked.
My food was so lackluster today! Wahh. The best thing I ate was a peanut butter cookie Larabar for dessert. Right out of the fridge. Oh man, it was goooood 😉
As long as it was good 😀
ohhhhh hummus pizzzza! yummers! Two of my fav foods 🙂
Amazing eats, and your pictures are amazing as always 🙂
I need to try those Coconut Bliss bars 🙂
Ahhh, I was reading last night’s post via iPhone at a baseball game and couldn’t write a proper comment because my iPhone typing skills are sub-par, but I love my alone time, Disney movies and eating. I’ll know who to call if I ever need to change a tire… or re-build an engine 🙂
It makes me want to cry tears of joy every time my bestie texts me to say she tried a recipe from my blog 🙂 And the best thing I ate today was…. breakfast. I know, I’m so predictable. What can I say, nothing beats breakfast. I think you feel the same!
Oh I definitely feel the same! And that’s coo too cool about your friend! I’ve yet to open up to mine…
Girl, that cantaloupe pic is GORGEOUS!
I actually just had a friend of the family tell me that she took inspiration from me and my blog and started making healthier choices when it comes to her diet which is SO important being as she’s diabetic. And whenever I go over to my parent’s house, I always “surprise” my mom with fruit salads and salad beasts since she rarely ever buys produce for herself because “your dad won’t help me eat it and it will go bad” 🙁
Best thing I ate today was a baked sweet potato for lunch topped with cottage cheese, honey peanut butter, and TONS of cinnamon! Yum!
best thing I ate today…my NIGHT SNACK! greek yog with vanilla icecream + cereal/raisin/cracker mixin.
I wish healthy habits would rub off on my family. No one else in my household even exercises. I know that because of where I am in my recovery, though, it wouldn’t really be healthy for me to concern myself with their choices. SELF focus for me is all I can handle!
Truth. Have to be healthy and take care of yourself before you can worry about taking care of others.
That’s so cute that your dad asked you to make him a salad beast! I’m lucky if I can get my dad to put a tomato slice on his hamburger. 😛 I think I’ve rubbed off a bit on my sister though because she’s started eating Greek yogurt + muesli for breakfast. I’ve never been more proud, haha.
The best thing I ate today were a few squares of Angela’s berry bliss bars that I baked yesterday. 😀
This is my first comment but I LOVELOVELOVE your blog! Don’t tell anyone, but it might be my new favorite. 🙂
Aww thanks Emily 😀 That’s so sweet of ya…
I love Lululemon – that outfit is great!!! Its one of my favorite stores!! Your eats from today look fabulous as usual – best thing i ate today?? Well i basically loved everything – it was a perfect day for a strawberry smoothie, and i just had a lovely summer dinner of roasted portabella mushroom burger with roasted garlic, fresh roasted red peppers and spinach all topped with melted moozarella cheese on a whole wheat roll. Now im off to have my chocolate fix – chocolate banana smoothie!!!
everything looks so yummy 🙂 I love that you have something breakfast-y alongside your salad beasts. I have been doing that more often than not, lately!
My habits sometimes rub off on my mom…which is better than never!
best thing i ate today was definitely my dinner…the waffle and egg. and the salad was yummy too 🙂
Mmm I saw that waffle and egg, and I’m seeing a waffle and egg combo in my near future, too.
I think I MUST try pudding on oats soooon!
Mmm I have that kombucha in the fridge waiting on a rainy day! Which I think may be this weekend… It’s my “natural” red bull!
Hmmm.. sweet potato fries? Lame? I think i may go make some brownies..
Haha I feel the same way about kombucha. Sometimes it makes me so hyper that it’s actually kind of scary…
I think my healthy habits have rubbed off on the fam (my mom went vegan about a month after me :). And my dad and sister eat vegetarian most of the time). Also, best thing I ate today was…. two rhubarb strawberry muffins (frozen from last week, reheated!) and chocolate chips with peanut butter melted on my hot cereal. YAY! I had two treats… I’m so proud!
Love the cantaloupe bowl! I used to eat cantaloupe bowls filled with ice cream and a brownie for dessert, but it’s been forever since I’ve had one. All of your food looks so good! The best thing I ate today was chia seed pudding with granola and sunflower seed butter. 🙂
My mom now drinks Green Monsters, and my dad is the man who started me eating oatmeal 🙂 I am eating a massive pb and banana sammie with dark chocolate chips….so thats pretty amazing!! haha
Nut butter, banana, and chocolate is probably one of the best food combinations EVER.
Aww your doggy is the cutest thing ever 🙂 And I wish my healthy habits would rub off on someone!! 🙁 Loving your eggy oats and cereal lunch. I’m pretty jealous of your Kashi Sunshine and Puffins mix!!! I want some. I haven’t had Kashi Sunshine in forever and it’s my favorite. I’ve never tried Puffins though, I feel deprived…
!!! How can you live without your fave cereal?! I would die. Promise me you’ll head out to the store, grab a box of Sunshine and Puffins, mix them together, and enjoy 😀
Heck yes for the cantaloupe bowl 🙂 that makes my soul happy!! I wish I had some lululemon gear, but since I’m super cheap I’m pretty sure it’ll never happen lol my eats today were pretty boring, minus my chocolate cherry smoothie. It never gets old, and it always tastes amazing!!
That cantaloupe snack looks so yummy, but so do all your other eats so I shouldn’t be surprised! I love lululemon, but what I love even more is that it’s Canadian (and I know your Canadian… so am I)
Eee! I had no idea they were Canadian. Now I feel a little bit better… supporting the national economy lol 😉
Aww, Kaiah is so cute 🙂 Love your outfit too!
Best thing I ate today = a Dark Chocolate Chia Glo Bar.