You guys… I’m just going to go ahead and get this off my chest right from the get-go… I baked yet another batch of soft and chewy protein granola bars…
… which, if you’re keeping track, brings my tally up to 4 batches. I would say I have a problem, but it’s all in the name of experimentation — I swear! I received a few samples of Plant Fusion (expect a review + recipe soon), so I figured I’d test ’em out by seeing if my favourite bars could be veganized — and they can! I replaced the whey with a plant-based protein powder, and used a mix of chocolate chips and raisins instead of straight up chocolate chips. Gooooooood stuff.
But don’t you worry your pretty little heads off… I’ve been enjoying plenty of food that doesn’t come in bar form. And to prove it to you, let’s take a look at What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday…
We’re going to start with what I’m eating as I write this [on Tuesday night], since it’s the easiest to bring to mind. Behond! The nighttime snack…
Banana milkshake and a granola bar.
Err… I just realized that starting things off by highlighting a meal with a granola bar probably isn’t the best way to convince you that I eat things other than granola bars — I clearly didn’t think that one through. But it’s late, I just got back from snowboarding not too long ago, and the majority of my brain juices are working at keeping my basic functions functioning — there’s not much left over for coherent thought. Bear with me.
Okay. So I’ve recently started increasing my nighttime snacks because boarding kicks my butt and waking up at 2 AM to the loud crescendo coming from my general stomach region is not my idea of a night well spent. What is my idea of a night well spent? I’ll leave that to the workings of your imagination.
In non granola bar news, we have breakfast…
… which actually contains a lot of the same ingredients as my granola bars, now that I think about it. You’ve got your oats, your almond butter, your honey… I guess I have a fixation? Evidenced further by the fact that I followed it up with a morning snack of one of my flourless almond butter muffins…
… whiiiiich, again, are made with oats, almond butter, and honey 😯 But at least the cantaloupe was different!
… as was lunch!
I’m still loving my snack plates, and I honestly don’t see that changing anytime soon. This lovely spread was made up of some killer combos — chips & salsa (dangerous!!!); almonds & raisins; cottage cheese & jam; and…. roasted kabocha, all by its lonesome self. I think what I love most about snack plates is that they allow me to satisfy all my cravings in one go so that I’m not left prowling the kitchen in that annoying state of: “not-hungry-but-need-something,” ya know? There’s nothing worse than finishing a meal and not feeling satisfied, so I’ve learned to say to hell with convention and just eat whatever it is that I might be feeling… and for an afternoon snack, I was feeling some chocolate…
Belsoy dark chocolate pudding.
… and a banana, apparently…
Another classic combo, but at least it’s not oats, almond butter, and honey 😉 And neither was dinner…
… which was leftover chicken stir fry, eaten cold because everyone knows that’s the only way to do it.
I’ve got some exciting news to share, but it’ll have to wait until tomorrow. I hope you guys have a wonderful Wednesday! And I’ll see you tomorrow for Thinking Out Loud! 😀
What’s one of your favourite food trios? I think mine is pretty obvious…
Favourite leftovers to eat cold? Stir fry or pizza.
What was breakfast this morning? Oats… with almond butter and honey 😉
My favorite leftovers are (cold) sweet potatoes with cinnamon…is that weird? Haha probably but I don’t care. I crave them! My favorite food trio has got to be chocolate, coconut and….really anything with that combo is going to be delicious 🙂
Peanut butter-chocolate-banana has got to be one of the best food trios ever! I love to spread banana chocolate chip pancakes with peanut butter – seriously my favorite breakfast ever!
I got some Plant Fusion sample as well, and I love all the flavor choices! I haven’t tried any of them yet, but I’m definitely intrigued. Oats, almonds and honey are three of my fave foods….so in my opinion, you can’t get enough! Loving those adorbs snack plates.
I loooove almond butter, banana and chocolate chips!
Love leftover chipotle- weird?
Breakfast was pumpkin pancakes!
I’d -kill- for some leftover Chipotle, mostly because it would mean that I could actually get Chipotle, but we don’t have it up here in my neck of the woods 😥
Snack plates are one of my favorite lunches too! You can fill your plate with all your favorite fruits, veggies, grains, etc. Always a great idea 🙂
Eggs, avocado, and a veggie is definitely one of my favorite trios. So is fruit, nut butter, and cinnamon! And I totally agree about cold leftovers. I’m eating cold chicken from last night as I type this. 🙂
Snack plates, COLD meals…this is the ultimate blog place bullying. All the means I am unable to do!
This totally makes sense for the early wake ups- snowboarding would be burning energy like crazy!! Glad you found a way to rectify it.
A trio combination…Hmmm. Protein, fat an carb? Is that cheating? But to be satisfied I need a combo of all 3. Just like breakfast now. And I will find a way to have cold noodles for lunch even if it means buying take out and chucking it in the fridge!
Oats + PB + chocolate = a pretty excellent trio. 😉 After reading this post though, I have a sudden craving for HONEY!
Favorite leftovers to eat cold: pasta with red sauce, like lasagna!
Breakfast this morning: oats with peanut butter, almond milk, and blueberries.
That reminds me. We have some rice noodles somewhere in our cupboard. I should try to make a stir fry with those.
The banana milkshake looks so creamy! 🙂
Favorite food combo- bread, nut butter, and jelly.
I can’t believe you are making us wait until tomorrow to hear this exciting news!! 🙁
Favorite cold leftover: pizza or spaghetti (weird i know)
Favorite food trios: oatmeal with a nut butter or anything with a nut butter haha
Hey Amanda! Just wanted to let you know that I made your flourless Chocolate Chip muffins —and they are so yummy! I had to sub out the banana with pumpkin (cuz kids ate them) but still yummy. Score.
Hi Megan! Thanks for letting me know! I’m glad you liked them 😀
Clearly those granola bars must really be good! I eat almost all my leftovers cold other than my dinner last night. I was so cold I had to reheat leftover dinner last night.
I made your muffins and they were delicious. The kiddos and the husband loved them too. I did have to cook them quite a bit longer….. may have something to do with the altitude. Next up your granola bars!
love that snack plate idea – it def covers all bases.and cold stir fry noodles – yum
Perhaps your little snack plates for lunch make you hungry in the middle of the night, girl! I don’t know why you started resorting to those but for me at least, a proper lunch makes ALL the difference in the world. I might eat a tiny lunch and actually think I’m doing fine till dinner, but even a huge dinner usually will leave me feeling snacky and unsatisfied because I didn’t eat enough earlier.
And you know, I usually don’t eat cold leftovers. But I will agree that cold pizza is pretty dang good!
Actually, my snack plates are pretty much calorically equivalent to a regular meal — I’ve had to make sure to make them that way, otherwise yeah… not satisfying. And I didn’t start having any issues with nighttime hunger until this past week or so when I started boarding a lot more often. I go in the evening and come back kind of late, so having a bigger snack before I go to sleep has definitely helped.
Your leftovers look better than my regular food! Just saying 🙂
I would never think to put jam in cottage cheese, but that sounds like a killer combination for sure! Since I only eat dairy now and then, I will have to ensure that I try that out the next time I get a craving for some cottage cheese!
Your lunch always puts me in a happy place!! I used to always feel guilty making a snack plate but you have seriously rid me of that guilt and now when in the mood I snack for lunch PROUDLY!
I like so many combos but I do enjoy an oats, egg whites and cinnamon situation. Anytime I eat that everyone always asks.. what are you eating that smells so good! 🙂
I’m good with noodles…pizza goes right into the toaster oven!! Have a great day love.
My trio would be kabocha + miso + coconut oil! And cinnamon doesn’t count right? These number-limiting food games are too distressing for me!!
Brain fart on what to do with my plant fusion samples. Let’s put our minds together and come up with something cool?
My brain needs some Beano with all the farting it’s been doing lately. Texting you …. now.
turn the samples into plane tickets. To Australia.
bye bye brain fart.
My mom loves to eat cold leftover pizza for breakfast. She’s a bit odd haha I had oatmeal this morning for breakfast, but eggs and spinach have been my consistent breakfast of late. I’m hoping to make your almond butter muffins this week sometime!
Muffins! My pumpkin choc chip ones were going bad, so I had to pick all the choc chips out of the last two today. 😉
There is absolutely nothing wrong with oats, almond butter, and honey haha. Delicious combo. Lately m favorite food trios are either celery with peanut butter and raisins orrrrrrrrr whole wheat crackers with cheddar cheese and sliced pear. Both. So. Good!
I think your gonna make watermelon jealous with that canteloup liaison. *wink*
I like your non-conventional meal approach because I LOATHE that feeling you mentioned.. The full belly and the appetite totally not-sated.
Those muffins look sooooo good!!
Never would have thought to put jelly on cottage cheese. I love cottage cheese and eat it regularly, but I’ve been wondering how I can season it. Def trying the jelly!
It’s the sweet and salty combo that does it for me.
I love snack plates…I dont know why I dont eat them more often! Still need to make your muffins! Maybe tonight 🙂
Favorite food trio: PB, banana, chocolate. I’m sure like 100 other people just said that.
Pizza is the best leftover.
Breakfast: perfect protein pancakes!
I seriously crave those granola bars now. As far as trios go, peanut butter, Nutella, and graham crackers are an amazing combination.
My favorite food trio is peanut butter, banana, and oats. I have it every day and it makes me sad when I can’t have it, so I’m pretty sure it counts as a favorite. I think 99.9% of the reason I love it is the melty peanut butter. UGH.
I am weird about eating leftovers but the ones I do eat are always cold. Cold Italian food is BY FAR the best cold food… Ever.
See you tomorrow, lovely! Enjoy your Wednesday 🙂
I’ve never had cold stir fry but I don’t mind some next day pizza! Fave food trio is a tough one as most of them are in twos. I would say oats, apple and almond butter would be one of them
I love love love your snack plates! And the pudding, ah reminds me of my fave evening snack. Your din looks fab too.
Your stir fry’s always look so good! I can never get my rice noodles to mix properly with the veggies/meat. What’s your secret?
I had overnight oats for breakfast with apple and cinnamon mixed in 😀
Alas I rarely have trios…. they turn more into quadruplets or more
I love most leftovers cold except soup!
I love looking at your food pictures!
I always enjoy reading about your food. I find your combinations to be fascinating and interesting. I honestly don’t eat a lot of leftovers but mostly because I don’t cook a lot of extras. I kind of just cook what I need for me and keep going with it. No need to cook extra for myself. I don’t know…lol I don’t have a lot going on that I cannot just cook again.
Confession: the only reason I ever have leftovers is because I mooch them off my mom when I go over to my parents’ for dinner on Sundays. Otherwise I’m like you — I just make enough for me.
I’ve never had cold stir fry but I’m willing to give it a go. Cold pizza is soooo delicious I look forward to the leftover before having even had the first meal!
I don’t blame you for making that many granola bars. They are addictive! I’m nervous to try your muffin recipe as I feel the same thing will happen to me.
I have to say that my favourite food combo is banana, almond butter, and cinnamon (if cinnamon counts as ‘food’). I just love it. I pretty much love anything that include banana.
Well…you’re obsessed with your granola bars and I’m obsessed with your Greek yogurt pancakes – so much so that I made them 4 days in a row (which included once for dinner)! They are seriously amazing, Amanda and I will most definitely be featuring them on the blog in the near future! 🙂
I’m not a cold leftover person. I definitely prefer my leftovers heated up.
This a.m. I had Cascadian farms granola, dried cranberries and PB topped with a little bit of almond milk. Yummy!
So I like cantalope, but I never buy it because I’m always too lazy to cut it. For some reason it never crossed my mind to just cut it in half and eat it that way? I’m so ridiculous.
Favourite food trio: banana+peanut butter + chocolate or eggs+cream cheese+rice cake….or ice cream+spoon+my mouth.
Ohh, I haven’t had the almond butter and honey combo in a while, that’s always a good one! And I randomly got a craving for pudding the other day…are the belsoy ones any good?
Breakfast this morning was a banana protein pancake with almond butter. And as for cold leftovers – cold roasted or rotisserie chicken. I’m fairly sure I could eat an entire chicken that way.
Yessss! They’re delicious. The dark chocolate one is amazing, but the caramel is really good too.
To be perfectly honest, I noticed the banana milkshake more than the granola bar. Yum! I might have to make a shake for lunch today. Totally loving your snack plate too! Those are my favorite to make sometimes when I can’t decide what the heck I want to eat. 🙂