I probably made a mistake by trying to go to sleep a little too early (9:30) the night before, but dang… restful sleep was just not in my cards. You know those nights where you wake up every couple of hours absolutely convinced that it’s time to wake up, when the reality is that it’s only 10:30 PM? Then 1 AM? Then 3? That was my night. Needless to say, I was more than ready to jump out of bed when I eventually woke up [again] at 5.
After puttering around the house for a little while, my stomach decided that a little breakfast was in order. What to make was a no-brainer, since oats are pretty much always on the top of my menu…
(recycled picture because the lighting was horrible and I was too hungry to fight the camera)
Yes, I start pretty much every day with a bowl of oats, but that’s because a) I love them, and b) I’m not the best when it comes to making novel decisions… especially before the sun comes up. Case in point… I had an impossibly difficult time trying to decide which of Justin’s almond butters I wanted to dress my oats with — maple or vanilla?
I went with maple in the end, and also tossed in some coconut flour and orange zest on a whim. Coconut flour because it makes my oats so wonderfully cakey, and orange zest because I’m kind of obsessed with the flavour in the last batch of cookies I baked. And speaking of those cookies, I may or may not have had a few pieces of the failed batch (aka: melted cookie bark) along with my morning coffee…
… which left me feeling so buzzed up on caffeine and sugar, that I took it as a perfect opportunity to get in a good power walk at my building’s gym. Well, that and I needed a way to kill some time while the coconut oil mask I had in my hair made me feel like a grease ball worked its magic.
I don’t imagine this would work well for runners, but taking my iPad with me and catching up on some blog reading while walking on the treadmill made 40 minutes go by in the blink of an eye. Before I knew it, I was back home in the kitchen whipping up a snack…
Remember that kabocha pudding I told you about last week? I finally got around to figuring out more-or-less what the ingredients were, so here’s the recipe for those who asked!
[yumprint-recipe id=’5′]
I guess that kind of makes it more like a kabocha protein pudding, but I just really love the creamy consistency that the cottage cheese gives it… and it’s another way to get more kabocha in my system, so I consider it a win all around.
Another win? Snack plates for lunch…
It’s probably no secret that lunches are my least favourite meal of the day, so I’ll try to play them up by eating things I know I’ll enjoy (breakfast foods, smoothies, ABJ sandwiches, snack plates…). This plate of random marvellousness had on it: a couple Dr.Kracker Klassic 3 seed flatbreads, hummus, half an avocado, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, and a hardboiled egg. Simple, satisfying, and substantial enough to keep me going through an afternoon of work-related errand running.
By the time I got home, I was feeling frazzled and in desperate need of some comfort. Enter cookies…
… (and an orange for good measure). I know they say it’s not good to turn to food when you’re feeling stressed, but I’ll be honest… I do it anyways. Food is one of life’s simplest pleasures, and I figure that as long as I’m not going overboard, there’s nothing wrong with getting a little bit of extra comfort from cookies. And speaking of comfort, dinner was the epitome of it…
Quinoa cooked in coconut milk and topped with dried cranberries, Justin’s maple almond butter, and Eden Foods apple butter. It’s been a while since I’ve had quinoa, and I honestly forgot how much I enjoy it — but here’s the part where I admit that it wasn’t my first dinner choice. I originally planned on having buckwheat kasha with chicken and veggies, but I guess I must have fudged up the kasha cooking process because it came out as a gloopy paste instead of a light and fluffy grain. Fail. At least I still managed to get the veggies in 😉
And to eventually end the night, a snack bowl of plain Greek yogurt with original Puffins and a spoonful of Barney Butter cocoa coconut almond butter.
And that, friends, is What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday. Looking back at my eats, I can say that it was very much an Amanda-type day… Oats, cereal, nut butters, coffee, cookies, snack plates, brinner… those are the foods that I naturally gravitate to. I try to get a little more “grown-up” variety in my diet, but I have to admit that it usually takes a pretty conscious effort to do so.
And on that note, I’m going to wish you a happy Wednesday and remind you to get those random thoughts together for the Thinking Out Loud linkup happening tomorrow!
What would be on your ideal lunch snack plate?
What’s your favourite comfort food?
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner — what’s a very “you” type day?
Awesome idea to catch up on blogs while getting your daily movement in. I love to read while I am cycling actually. I know that other people watch TV, but I hate commercial breaks so much, that I am totally annoyed after a few minutes.
Oh and what an awesome snack plate. Recently I’ve been not too keen eating lunch – way too much effort. And I totally forgot how awesome a mix of hummes, veggies, cooked eggs and crisp bread can be!
i should start adding something to my oats to make them thicker and doughier! i love your coconut flour idea. i wonder if almond flour would work…
and that random lunch does look so good. lunch is usually my biggest meal. maybe a snacky plate of options would be a nice alternative.
Not sure about the almond flour idea, but I’ve got a baggie of it sitting in my pantry waiting to be used, so I’m thinking I might have to give it a go. Never hurts to try, right?
That Kabocha pudding sounds DEVINE!!! Anything with squash is though right?!
I agree with the ipad + running. I have been able to read on the elliptical with it but it was pretty awkward.
Looks like a yummy day of eats 🙂
What would be on your ideal lunch snack plate?
Red bell pepper slices with hummus, carrots with a bit of almond butter, Krave Black Cherry BBQ pork jerky and an apple sprinkled with cinnamon
What’s your favourite comfort food?
Probably my dad’s crepes (French Canadian), served with real maple syrup or sugared and topped with fresh strawberries; Shot of espresso on the side
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner — what’s a very “you” type day?
Breakfast: coffee, 2 turkey sausages with sriracha
Lunch: Greek yogurt, apple, Justin’s ab packet
Snack: Krave Black Cherry BBQ pork jerky, baby carrots, Larabar
Dinner: Amy’s mac and cheese or an omelet with roasted broccoli, grapes for dessert
haha, maybe it’s a universal “Amanda” thing; as I share the same name and gravitate towards the same foods 😉
Nothing wrong with a little emo-eating….
emphasis on “a little.” Comfort food is great when you know your just in need of some comfort…
but I tend to eat thinking it will make all my feelings go away. LOL.
I admire your ability to be so balanced in that regard (0:
I have to ask, because you are someone I’ve looked up to in terms of ED recovery being possible: Why is your dinner being served in a ramekin?
I just like the way it photographs, and it’s the same size as a regular bowl.
I can’t wait to try that kabocha pudding! 🙂 YUM!
I love snack plates, especially if I need to work through lunch. My favourite is a mix of savoury and sweet: sugar snap peas, avocado, apple or pear slices, rye crispbread or pita chips, a handful of nuts, and (one of my all-time favourite snack foods) unsulphured dried apricots. And I usually add a couple of squares of chocolate too.
Speaking of chocolate, I made your double chocolate mug cake the other day and it was awesome. If I’d known coconut flour was so yummy in baked goods I would’ve tried it a long time ago, but I’ve been wary of it since it seems so dense. Oh and I don’t know if this is of interest at all, but if anyone wants to make it without a microwave (i.e. if you still live in the stone age like me and don’t have one…), I baked it at 180C/355F for around 20 mins, which seemed to be just right.
I’m glad you liked it, Agnes! I avoided coconut flour for the longest time for the same reason — it’s tricky. I love using it in mug cakes, but I’m still a little wary of actually baking with it.
It’s funny, I have the hardest time being able to read while running. I can’t really read a lot while riding passenger in a car. I guess each to their own right? I hope you get a bit more rest tonight though 🙂
I can’t believe you chose maple over vanilla! I’m literally licking the knife I just used to put some on my bagel and it is the best.thing.ever. Sorry if that sounds weird but it’s true.
That quinoa cooked with coconut milk looks fantastic. I’ll definitely be giving that a try.
It’s hard to choose my favorite comfort food but lately it’s been soup. I’ve been eating it almost every day and it’s so soothing.
Oh I hate those sleepless nights! Hope you sleep better tonight. I definitely stress-eat more on the days I don’t sleep well! A very “Kelly” day involves PB toast, bananas, lots of coffee, pizza and red wine. Mmmm I’m hungry just thinking about all those things 🙂
I still have YET to try that squash…but man that pudding is seriously calling to me! I’m going to have to hunt one of those puppies down soon 🙂
My sleep has been nuts lately as well. As in, its pretty nonexistent. Im chalking it up to the stress of the holidays…just trying to get everything done while going broke in the process lol
you know, i think i have the same sleeping patterns as you!
i’m such a bad sleeper, and it’s strangely comforting to know that i’m not the only one who wakes up at 5am kinda too often or wakes up every couple of hours in bed… i just want to sleep better but i never can 🙁
Maple vs. Vanilla Justin’s Almond Butter … that is one heck of a decision! Those are two of my faves! I probably would’ve done a little of both. 😉
I’ve been thinking lately that I want to do the coconut oil thing in my hair. Does it work well? How long do you let it set for? Do you use regular ol’ coconut oil or do you buy special stuff specifically for your hair?
I just use regular coconut oil. I take about a tablespoon and work it through the bottom half of my hair before putting it up in a bun and letting it sit. The best is if you can do it overnight and wash it out in the morning, but even a few hours will do the trick. The only thing is that it can be a bit of a pain to get out, so you might need to shampoo more than once. Definitely works, though! Always leaves my hair feeling super soft.
I personally don’t think turning to food when stressed is always a bad thing, especially for those of us with restrictive intake pasts. Oh and I love snack plates! Especially ones with pimento cheese and some veggies..and hummus…and a pear. So random but that’s the beauty of the snack plate!
I kind of feel the same way about my eating habits. I gravitate toward oats and simpler things when I am by myself but try not to do that because I feel like I should have more refined tastes/want to put in more effort in my meals. Like, if I could eat oats, nut butter, and some kind of veggie on the side for every meal, I totally would.
i hate those night sleeps. they honestly throw off my whole day. I got less than normal amounts of sleep last night so man am I hitting the coffee hard this am.
The pudding looks divine… and easy! If only I could find kabocha.
Your quinoa dish looks fantastic, too. Drooling over here!
You could probably sub it in for any orange squash, really. Or even canned pumpkin if you can find that!
Ooh, good idea! thank you! xo
I love snack plates for lunch! My favorite would be guac, bell pepper strips, cucumbers, sweet potato chips and lots of cholula!
Alot of comfort foods come to mind, but favorite would be my husband’s Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo. He seriously makes it the best!
Ideal comfort food: macaroni and cheese 🙂 It always hits the spot! And I think lunch is honestly my favorite meal, at least during the work week. Breakfast is always rushed and by the time I get home from work, I have no energy to make dinner. The weekends, however, dinner for the win!
I never force the peanut butter decision – I usually just take a bit from all the jars lol…I like snack plates for lunch because, I, like you, hate lunch. I never know what I want so choosing a mix makes it that much more bearable. My mish mosh plate sometimes includes an apple with peanut butter half a grilled cheese and some form of salad or roasted vegetable mix. A good combo of the things I can’t decide between solves the problem. Unless of course its a yogurt parfait day- I do love those days.
Not a fan of lunches, but breakfast…. now that’s a meal I could eat all day everyday. I’m glad to see you went with Justin’s Maple AB… good choice my friend.
We’re so alike – I too read blogs while i’m power walking on the mill. I’m ont sure what I’d do if there wasn’t a spot for it. I just can’t do silence or starring @ a wall for 40 minutes or so.
I read blogs or watch youtube videos on the treadmill, and the time literally passes by in a blink of an eye! Multi-tasking at its finest! Also, once again your pictures have blown my mind. You have an amazing eye for photography! I seriously want to dive into your blog and live in that beautiful little world full of almond butter goodness. (Wow, I’ve just probably written the weirdest comment I’ll ever write and you’ll ever read!)
What would be on your ideal lunch snack plate? Fruits, veggies, hummus, pretzels!
What’s your favourite comfort food? Nut butters and tomato soup. My favs!
Haha! Thanks Katherine! Your comment just totally made my day 🙂
Two questions:
1) What font is this? I really like it.
2) What is your ratio to oatmeal – coconut flour for your morning outs! That sounds… delish. I never thought of that! Aka: How do you make your oatmeal in the morning? I am dying to know, it always looks… amazing 🙂
Hey Caitlyn! Which font is it that you were curious about? I use a few different ones so I’m not sure what you’re after. And my oat to coconut ratio is 1/2 cup to about 1 Tbsp. I always add the coconut flour in near the end, and then add a splash of almond milk if it’s too thick.
I am referring to the font used in your posts. Its nice!
Also thanks! I have trouble getting the perfect oat consistency. Is that all you add? Or do you have more oaty secrets?
The font is called OFL Sorts Mill Goudy. And oaty secrets? Not really. I just bring about 1 1/4 cups of water to a boil, add a pinch of salt, toss in the oats, and let them cook for ~20 minutes before stirring in a spoonful of coconut flour. I think the trick is mostly just to let them cook for a long time.
I love coconut flour in oats. It’s crazy how much the texture changes with the addition! I’m usually not a fan of orange flavored things, yet for some reason the idea of adding orange zest really appeals to me! I used to read while running on the treadmill. I had to make sure the print in my books was large enough. I would definitely bring entertainment for treadmill walks 🙂
I actually LOVE reading blogs while running on the iPad. As long as I am doing a steady run and not changing it up every 20 seconds, I can do it. I know some people can’t, but it makes the time fly by! And seriously, I have like 90 some blogs I like to read so it works for me 🙂
I have lots of food I naturally gravitate to. Can you believe cookies aren’t them this week? I wish I could get over this blah feeling I’ve been having in my stomach and get on with all the holiday treats!
I’m impressed! Anything more than a casual stroll and I’d be on my butt in no time. And I’m with you on the blah feeling in the stomach… Mine’s been kind of wonky lately too, but I’m tempted to start blaming the cookies 😆
Drooling. Especially over lunch! Perfection. That basically is my ideal lunch snack plate 🙂
A “me” day as far as food would include: Special K Protein Plus Cereal, lots of chicken breast, greek yogurt with jelly mixed in, and of course, ice cream for dessert!
Yeah if santa’s reading I could definitely use an iPad for blog reading on the move! Oooh and I’m so glad you posted that recipe – I’m gonna make it and dip everything in it. Mainly my finger, but everything.
hmm. I would extremely love to spend a day with you not only because of your lovely company, but also because of all the good food!! Definitely my kind of day. Thanks for the Pudding Recipe, looks divine!
My perfect snack plate includes Guacamole, Hummus, Random Veggie Sticks, Homemade Flatbread, some cheese and deli turkey.
I had oats this morning too! I mixed in mashed kabocha; which was delish. I need to try the orange zest idea…..sounds yummy and different.
Lunch is by fat my least favorite meal too. I really just wish breakfast was every meal
Lunches for me are almost always a hodgepodge snack plate or eating up leftovers. It’s probably my least favorite meal of the day, too 🙂
Talk about jealousy when seeing you read blogs on your iPad while on the treadmill. I’ve just recently noticed my elliptical reading times, errr, workouts pass by way faster when taking my Android with me. Yes, I actually hadn’t done that until just a few weeks ago. Anyway, blog reading doesn’t work too well on that small display but it’s a great time to multitask writing some mails.
A very ‘me’ type day [not including snacks] right now would be kabocha with almond butter for breakfast, some kind of stew or pot pie for lunch and oat bran with caramelized banana and cocoa powder – and more almond butter – for dinner. And yes, countless snacks because … well, you know the drill ;). Regarding breakfast, though, I totally want to try your orange zest idea in addition to the coconut flour I’ve already been adding. Oh, and did you try mixing coconut flour into Greek yogurt yet?
I did! I like how it thickens things up, but I still prefer the taste of coconut flour without the tartness of the yogurt.
I could eat breakfast for every single meal for the rest of my life and be happy. I’m actually not a fan of snacky lunches but mainly because when I have them it’s because I have nothing left in my house so it’s always the bland stuff.
Can we discuss how you clearly have talent if you can walk on the treadmill AND comment on blogs. Seriously girl, you blow my mind lol
ONLY because I don’t walk that fast. Anything more than a casual stroll and I’d be face planting for sure.
Paninis are my favorite lunch by far! You can’t go wrong with a warm sandwich with melted cheese…
Ok that lunch…so colorful! I love it. I wish I could get some blog reading done at the gym buuuut I don’t have an iPad and I’m pretty certain I would get too distracted. Also, love pairing cookies/chocolate with a fruit–in my mind, they totally balance out.
Amanda – every Wednesday I find it so funny how much our food choices seem to have in common – oats or oat bran is my breakfast staple almost EVERY morn – and snacks for lunch happens 5 days of the week at least for me – though there are the odd days when I do eat leftovers for lunch…and broccoli and quinoa – big time staple for dinner at our home!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your snack plate – avocado and eggs and carrots and crackers = yumsiferous!
Thanks so much for that kabocha pudding recipe! I am gonna have to try that next week!
Happy happy Wednesday!
Ohhh tell me more about this coconut oil hair mask! That sounds like something I want to try… also, I miss having a gym in my building. It was so convenient for treadmill walks and things like that! Hope you’re having a great week!
Super simple! I just take about a tablespoon of coconut oil, slather it on the bottom half of my hair, put it into a bun, and leave it on for a few hours (or overnight) before washing it out. It can be kind of a pain to get out and sometimes requires more than one shampoo, but it always leaves my hair feeling super soft.