Oh geez. So I pulled a goofball move and completely forgot to announce the giveaway winners in yesterday’s post, so without further ado:
Congrats to Emma and Sam! E-mail me ([email protected]) with your contact info and your kisses will be in the mail soon.
As an aside, would anyone have noticed that I didn’t post the winner on the date I said I would if I didn’t bring light to my blunder? My guess is probably not. I think we have a tendency of being acutely aware of our own mistakes or flaws when others probably don’t even notice them a majority of the time. Just a little food for thought. But what’s say we move on to talking about food for the body; it is, after all, WIAW…
The other day I realized that I don’t really spend a lot of time talking about food anymore. Back when I started blogging, the majority of my posts included a documentation of whatever it was that I ate on that particular day, but now? I’ve even stopped sharing my breakfasts with you guys, and those were always my favorite!
Yogurt mess made with plain Greek yogurt, a banana, Kashi Cinnamon Harvest, chunky applesauce, cinnamon, and roasted almond butter.
So why the change? Well, a big part of it has to do with the fact that food kind of got put on the back burner in my life. I still love it, obviously, but my life no longer revolves around it and I no longer put it on a pedestal like I did when I was recovering from my ED. That’s not to say that I have no interest in talking about food, buuuuut a lot of the time I’d rather be talking about things like travelling and makeup.
That being said, I do have to admit that I kind of miss it sometimes. Like yesterday morning when I was slacking at work enjoying a mid-morning snack?

Barefruit Cinnamon Apple Chips dipped in Oikos coconut Greek yogurt.
I found myself getting super excited over how good it was and wanting to share it with you guys asap. Seriously, I thought the combination of apples and plain yogurt was amazing, but apples and coconut yogurt? Oh.my.word. Talk about taking things to a whole other level. You better believe there was some repeat action going on when I got home…
That would be some freshly made chunky applesauce topped with a dollop of coconut Greek yogurt. Swoon. And for those of you who can’t find coconut flavored yogurt, I would recommend adding some coconut milk (from a can) to plain yogurt – it’s something I used to do way back in the day and it’s pretty much just as delicious. But I’m getting ahead of myself here. Before that bowl of deliciousness came lunch…
… which was eventually followed by an afternoon snack…
A blueberry banana muffin with a Starbucks cappuccino to wash it down.
And yes, I whipped up another quick batch of muffins on Monday night. The first one disappeared way too quickly because I was forced to share, so I wasn’t quite able to get my fix. Thankfully, I think I’m good on muffins for a little while and I can now move on to tackling my next project: [maybe protein] bars.
But back to what I was talking about before my mind got sidetracked by food. Another reason for the lack of food talk around these parts is that that I tend to eat a lot of the same things on a daily basis and I feel like constantly showing you guys pictures of string cheese, sandwiches, cereal, and frozen pizza would start getting a bit old. I mean, it’s not every day I whip up something creative for dinner…
Rice cooked in coconut milk with a random stir fry made up of tofu, broccoli, mushroom, bell pepper, orange, sunflower seed butter, and soy sauce.
And my night time snacking routine is pretty consistent…
Plain Greek yogurt with Weetabix, cinnamon, and applesauce.
Basically, I’ve found meals and snacks that work for me and I tend to stick to them for a couple of reasons. First, I have a really finicky stomach that doesn’t always take kindly to a lot of variety. Trying new foods, while exciting, often leaves me feeling not-so-great… especially when a lot of spices or flavors are involved. Second, it’s kind of nice to not have to put a lot of thought into my meals. Every now and then I’ll crave something different and get hit with the urge to be a little more creative, but for the most part I’m pretty satisfied with the foods I eat and don’t feel much of a need to change them out.
Oh! And did you realize that today is officially the first day of spring? I almost forgot about it on account of the fact that we’re still buried in snow over here, but it’s nice to know that warmer days are on the way soon (I hope), and I’m definitely not complaining about extra hours of sunlight that we’re already getting. Not looking forward to spring cleaning so much, but it always feels nice to de-clutter a little bit.
Happy Wednesday, friends!
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Eaten any delicious foods/combos lately that you wanna share? Trust me on the apples and coconut!
What’s your go-to night time snack? Cereal and yogurt is always a winner for me.
I definitely have to give it to you on the applesauce and the yogurt combo! When I tried it for the first time a few weeks ago, I couldn’t believe how much I liked it…unfortunately my applesauce wasn’t of the chunky/homemade variety, but still darn tasty! I never thought about adding coconut milk to yogurt. I might have to try that…I don’t know though, every time I buy a can of coconut milk, it ends up going bad before I use it all. Guess I’ll have to write up a game plan before I crack one open…coconut yogurt, coconut rice, mmm, coconut smoooooothie? Yes, that sounds like a winner! 😉
My go to nighttime snack lately has been Arctic Zero (with cereal of COURSE!) or a warmed up Quest protein bar <- the chocolate chip cookie dough one is to DIE for! Tastes like a real cookie!
I love all your posts…and the variety of them…but I'm always glad when you do a daily eats one! You may think it's boring, but I love the ideas I get from you! 😀
I need to get my hands on this coconut yogurt!
Ok so I just had to update: I made the cookie dough smoothie for breakfast this morning..my gosh it was gooood :D. Left out the protein powder & used 1/2 cup oats! And to think I was afraid I might miss my chewy bowl of oatmeal…
That’s great to hear! Thanks for sharing 😀
I love the idea of rice cooked in coconut milk! I’m not a fan of rice normally but I’ve been obsessed with coconut milk lately and this sounds like the perfect way to add flavor.
My go-to nighttime snack lately has been coconut flour mixed with almond milk and chocolate chips. Sometimes I microwave it for a cake-like snack and sometimes I leave it uncooked for a cookie dough-like consistency. Either way, it’s deliciously simple!
I think I’ve had the apple/coconut combo before! Though not with yogurt, so now I’m wondering HOW I’ve had that combo! 😀
A combo that I’m loving is putting a handful of pecans in a cup and drizzling honey over them! Pure heaven.
And like you, I typically have yogurt topped with cereal or bananas and honey at night! (I’m on a honey kick as you can see!) Though I throw in a couple of graham crackers for good measure as well 😉
I’ve been loving honey as well, especially with nut butter, bananas, and yogurt. Oh man… I think I’m going to have to go back and have another snack before bed ’cause now I’m seriously craving that combo!
Your day of eats looks delicious….I’m so jealous! I want to try that cookie dough smoothie and those muffins. You need a pinit button….I want to pin some of your recipes! 😉 Happy Spring!
Gah! I’m still such a nooblet when it comes to stuff like that. I have no idea how to do it! Is it a plugin?
I never would have thought to pair apples and coconut together. I guess I’d better give it a try now! One of my favourite food combinations lately is fig + soy nut butter in oatmeal. SO good!
Cereal and yogurt is my go-to nighttime snack too. It’s pretty much my favourite snack any time of the day. It’s such an unbeatable combination!
I love granola and yogurt, amazing combination! Your food looks amazing. Good thing I am all settled in for the night, otherwise, I think I would be making a trip to the store to try to make the breakfast you had!
Cereal before bed. Always.
i always love your breakfast pictures! you make something so simple look so freaking good. That dinner and smoothie gahh i don’t know which one I want more. Coconut yogurt sounds awesome. I get in meal ruts too but I don’t really complain. If I want something different I have it but I pretty much stick to the same foods and love em. My snacks been all over each day but I think a nut butter and banana always wins!
Your homemade applesauce always makes me jealous! I never make my own, probably because I eat my apples up too quickly, but I’d love to make a batch sometime. I definitely think it’s a positive thing that your focus isn’t as intense on food. I do love seeing your breakfasts though! Your photography is always beautiful. I also seem to have a very finicky stomach.. and I’ve wondered whether it’s a result of my years and years of restricting and eating abnormally. Sometimes I feel like I really screwed myself up if that’s the case. Lately, my favorite food combo has probably been peanut butter and raisins. Nothing original. 🙂 Cereal is definitely my favorite night-time snack too.
My stomach has always been finicky, but I’m pretty sure that my ED didn’t help matters! Thankfully it’s slowly getting better, but it takes a lot of babying.
I also don’t do overly flavoured things or too much food variety, makes me feel sick!
And I love that you put an orange into a stir fry, I’ll have to try it 😀
Hmm probably no real wild combos from me, but something I’ve always loved and turned many a friend onto over the years is: baked potato (white) smashed with caesar salad or creamy garlic dressing.. I go for renee’s brand, any thick and creamy kind would work, add in green onion and lots of pepper… it (probably?) sounds so weird but I just love it. Came up with it when I was like 10? Haha!
Also, based on a post I saw before, they Do sell Cascadian (sp?) Farms cereal here! I am so obsessed with that cinnamon sugar one too! It’s just a bit pricey.. they sell it at a natural store in Ontario called Ambrosia, and I think at Whole Foods too? Not sure what you have out West, but there’s hope 🙂
Gah! We don’t have Ambrosia or Whole Foods out here, but if there’s some sort of hope then I’ll have to keep my eyes open!
I’ve been the same way with food lately. I love it (of course) but it definitely doesn’t play as big of a role in my every day life as it used to. Most of the time I don’t even give it a second thought. I guess that’s a good thing. (:
I do love seeing your food posts though- mostly because your photography is always gorgeous! My favorite thing lately has been sourdough bread…oh my goodness. I hadn’t had any in YEARS and bought a fresh-baked loaf last week. It’s amazing.
Nothing beats fresh bread. Sourdough is amazing, but I have to admit that I’ve got a pretty big weak spot for a good rye.
I want to try that Oikos yogurt to see how it compares to Liberte/ Olympic FOB coconut yogurt. Both are delicious. I’ve been loving homemade vanilla almond butter + sweet potato fries lately. Or banana and raspberries mashed together with chia seeds. <– seriously one of the best things ever.
I'm not much of a night time snacker – most of my eating takes place during the morning, but I usually snack on cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, raw veg, nuts and yogurt/berry bowls. 😀
That cookie dough smoothie looks delish – I’m kind of addicted to smoothies. My go to nighttime snack is usually veggies or chips with hummus or a handful of nuts/trail mix!
You’re food looks amazing! Love ALL your meal options! I have got to try that apples and coconut mix and that cookie dough shake. The two things I absolutely love: coconut and cookie dough. What can get better than that right!? I usually eat greek yogurt at night too and always am looking for a “crunch”. What is weetabix exactly?
It’s just a type of flakey cereal http://www.weetabix.ca
It’s basically just a wheat flake nest with a tiny bit of sugar and salt, but it’s seriously adds the perfect light crunch.
IMO its seriously one of the best cereals around..but that could be since there’s no Kashi on my side of the world :(. The variety of weetabix more than makes up for it though; weetabix flakes, clusters,bites,bars… 🙂