Books and food – two things I can’t live without.
Food to keep me going, books to keep me sane. Let’s not argue over the latter for now – the point is, I like to eat and I like to read. That being the case, I hope you guys don’t mind me tossing in a short little book review at the end of today’s WIAW. I was recently sent a copy of Witness to Fitness by Donna Richardson Joyner and asked to give my opinion, so that’s what I’m going to do. But first, the food…
I think it’s safe to say that we’ve spent enough time talking about breakfast lately…
Eggy banana oats with a spoonful of cocoa added. Topped with almond butter and blueberry jam.
… so all I’m going to say about this bowl of oats is that you need to make it now and thank me later. Heck even I wanted to make it later, but what I didn’t want was to push my luck and risk developing another oatmeal sensitivity, so I went with something different for lunch…
Turkey, hummus, and cheese wrap with random veggies on the side.
… and dinner…
Sesame ginger tofu stir fry with brown rice.
And I even managed to refrain from including a bowl of oatmeal in my snacks…
Sunbutter and baby carrots.
English muffin topped with melted coconut butter and buckwheat honey.
Coffee Crisp.
Although I can’t say the same about cereal…
Kashi Cinnamon Harvest with 2% milk, a banana, and extra cinnamon.
… but you guys know how much I adore the stuff so that shouldn’t come as much of a surprise 😀
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Earlier this month, I was contacted by TLC Book Tours asking me if I’d like to review a copy of Witness to Fitness by Donna Richardson Joyner…
I was originally a little hesitant since I wasn’t exactly in the market for a book on how to lose weight, but after a brief glance at the description, I became more than a little intrigued…
In WITNESS TO FITNESS, Donna Richardson Joyner brings together faith, food, and fitness in a way no one else has done before. She inspires the reader to follow her on a journey to good health and a deeper love of God, using faith to raise up each reader and provide the strength to make the changes needed.
Each day of Donna’s dynamic 28-day plan begins with an inspiring scriptural quote and a brief note from one of the people Donna has worked with whose life has been transformed by the Witness to Fitness plan. Additional features include a daily menu with delicious recipes, clear and instructive photographs of Donna demonstrating the workout for the day, and an inspirational song suggestion that adds just the right beat to keep moving.
Donna’s joy in her Christian faith is contagious. So is her belief that losing weight and taking care of your body means giving glory to God. And Witness to Fitness provides a unique fitness program that harnesses the strength, support, and joy to be found in His love.
Faith, fitness, and a focus on getting healthier instead of just how to lose weight? I could get down with that…
Things I liked:
- The emphasis on making long-term lifestyle changes as opposed to offering a quick-fix diet. The suggestions offered are easily maintainable and encourage a gradual adoption of healthier habits that will stick over time.
- The idea that a healthy mindset has to be adopted before a healthy body can be achieved. The author emphasizes the importance of seeing our body as a temple and learning to love ourselves enough to want to invest the time and energy that it takes to live a healthy life.
- The emphasis on nourishing the body by eating whole foods as opposed to trying to trick it with low-calorie diet food.
- The emphasis on movement rather than exercise. We are made to move, and even if we’re not doing any formal workouts, every little bit of activity helps.
- The 28 day plan is detailed and easy-to-follow. Each day includes a Scripture reading, a motivational success story, positive affirmations, a detailed meal plan (with recipes), and a workout with photos showing how to do each move. The workout plan includes cardio, strength, stretching, and rest days.
- The book is easy to read and the author is extremely genuine and motivational.
Things I didn’t like:
- The daily meal plan is only 1400 calories, which seems a bit low to me. However, the author does state that more may be needed and offers additional healthy snack ideas.
- The book seems to be geared at those who are at the very beginning of their fitness journey. However, the workouts, readings, affirmations, and recipes are things that anyone at any fitness level can benefit from.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading Witness to Fitness. Although it’s written with the ultimate goal of weight-loss in mind, I found that there was actually a lot to take away in terms of healthy living in general – I especially enjoyed the focus on developing a healthier mindset and working on spiritual and mental health instead of simply focusing on physical. I didn’t follow the 28-day plan, but going over it provided me with some great workout and recipe ideas. Also, I found this book to be really motivational – reading it made me feel like I was getting my own personal pep talk. Donna’s enthusiasm is seriously infectious and she seems to really care about helping people get healthier. You can learn more about Witness to Fitness by visiting the Donna’s website, or you can leave a comment on this post for a chance to win your own copy. All you have to do is tell me the best thing that changed about your life since committing to a healthier lifestyle. The giveaway will be open until Friday, February 1st, and I’ll be announcing the winner on Saturday. And if you’re not interested in a copy, then tell me: what’s your favorite thing to combine with nut butter?
Disclaimer: I was given this book free of charge but not compensated for my review. All opinions are my own.
I will forever be skeptical of plans with calorie limits. Everyone is different, and everybody should eat according to their own body. 1400 is just not enough calories for most people, good for you for calling their bluff.
Seriously, your food always makes me droooooool. You have the most beautiful pics of food ever!!
And I’ll def be checking that book out!
I am personally a fan of Tosca Reno’s books – they taught me sooooo much about being healthy!
Since committing to a healthier lifestyle I have much more energy and must less obsession!
Nothing beats that energy 🙂 I wouldn’t be willing to give that up for anything.
Loving your blog, Amanda!
Peanut butter + apple slices 🙂
Orrrr peanut butter + spoon.
Your eats look delish as usual, especially those oats for breakfast & the cereal, yum!! I LOVE breakfast food too. 🙂
I would love to do a book review like that! And your English muffin with melty coconut butter and honey looks to die for, seriously! Kashi Cinnamon Harvest Puffs are on my list of things to buy since your pictures look amazing! Are you convinced on going to BLEND yet!?! DO IT!
I used to be all about fitness books, like I was going to someday discover the clue on how to lose weight. But not anymore. Listening to my body, eating what I want in moderation and balance, not forcing myself to do excessive) cardio because otherwise I’ll get f*t. AND EATING MORE THAN 1400 CALORIES. 🙁 It was no way to live. I guess it’s good this book takes a more holistic approach, but I think these books generally target people who want a quick fix, and that doesn’t last. :/ It took me way too long to figure that out.
Anywhoo, PB and chocolate (protein) pudding is where it’s at. Once people learn to both nourish their bodies and their soul, only then can they make a permanent lifestyle change. She’s right, it starts in your mind.
I’m not the biggest fan of fitness books in general either, which is why I take them all with a grain of salt. I think that some of them have some useful bits of information, but they definitely shouldn’t be treated as the be-all, end-all. Figuring out what makes a healthy lifestyle is something that each person needs to explore on their own.
Looks really good! Your eats looks delicious 🙂
great book review too! I’ve got so many books to get my teeth into that I got for Christmas I just need some time set aside for reading!
It looks like you got your veggie fill in for the day..nicely done! 😉
That tofu and veggie stir-fry looks amazing, and I imagine that it was pretty easy to make….the perfect combo!
Best thing about a healthier lifestyle -> Energy and focus levels. I can tell if I’m on the right track if I can focus on the task at hand. If I’m not eating enough my mind will wander like CRAZY.
I’ll answer both questions… 🙂 Chocolate + Bananas are best with nut butter. Especially when all three are incorporated into my oats!
Coffee Crisp! My favorite Canadian candy bar 😀
Best thing that changed about my life = more energy and endurance.
The book sounds quite interesting and seems to offer some good advice, but truth to be told – I would be put off by the spiritual approach. But that’s me. I hope it will help some people to find a healthy way to lose their pounds.
But lets move on to a more important question: what is buckwheat honey? I never ever heard of something like that. Is it like the new agave 😉 ? Man, I am so out-of-the-world here in Germany.
It’s just a specific type of honey, like manuka or clover. What I love most about it is that it has a really strong and distinct taste that’s a lot different from regular honey.
I’d love to hear more about the books you’re reading/have read! I love books and food as well and I’m always looking for new books to read! I rent the Amazon Best Sellers through my library for my Kindle and I love it!
p.s. your stirfry looks AMAZING!
Ahhh I keep meaning to do a post on some of my favorite books, but it’s so hard to narrow them down and my list ends up being insanely long and unmanageable. I may have to break it up into chunks 😆
I have to agree with you on the whole books and food thing. I love to read. I just got a kindle for hannukah, so I’ve been reading crazy since I don’t have to lug around tons of huge books. I also love food since it is a huge part of my life as a nutrition student.
Yum egg oats with peanut butter and banana! I have been loving oats with egg whites blueberries, vanilla and honey!
first off – did you know I save reading your blog for last because I like to end on a high note? yep true life. second – hlb is on my calender for september, it is in minnesota but I will still be going if you are. third – i haven’t commented on any of your food and that is fine by me.
!!! If you’re going, then I’m definitely going to do my best to go.
I love books like that because I always seem to get new ideas 🙂 I recently read The Eat Clean diet book and love how she incorporates different foods together. Sunbutter and carrots??? Why have I not tried that?! haha! I LOVE sunbutter 😀
Oh and you’re prob another person I should mail my coconut butter to 😉 haha I was not a fan
!! Not a fan? Eep! Have you tried it on toast with honey? Or on a baked sweet potato with cinnamon? Or in oatmeal with jam? I find that it tastes a lot better with something sweet to back it up.
oooooo I’ll have to try those combos out!! I do like honey 😀
Food and books. I cannot live without those two either.
Turkey and hummus sandwiches or wraps are one of my favorite lunches. Love the stir fry too! Look at me…appreciating real food instead of just breakfast haha 😉
The best thing that changed about my life since committing to a healthier lifestyle is that I’m stronger in my everyday life. Little things like getting in and out of the car, lifting heavier items for work occasionally, they’re all so much easier now that I’m stronger!
And it sounds like the concept behind the book is good for beginners looking to live a healthier lifestyle. The fact is, a lot of people out there do need to lose weight for health-related reasons. I’m a big fan of anything that promotes doing it as a lifestyle change (ie something you can keep up with FOREVER) rather than a “quick fix” 6 week diet or other fad.
Agreed on books and food being essential to a good life. Where would we be without good reads and chocolate, right?
One thing that changed in my life is being overall fitter. I know I still need to change things to fuel my body best but looking back I did make quite a few good changes already.
Sorry to be repetitive but (Greek) yogurt + coconut flour are the perfect accompaniment to nut (or most often for me: almond) butter. Admittedly, though, straight from the jar is the best way to eat nut butter – simple but good.
Sunbutter is incredible! I am headed to pick some up today 🙂
Cereal makes the perfect snack!
I love english muffins with coconut butter! It’s so specific and random haha but the textures are amazing! I also add mini chocolate chips on top and it’s crazy delicious!
!! Chocolate chips?! I’ve never tried that but it sounds like something that has to happen, stat.
MINI chocolate chips! It’s just so much deliciouser (yes) with mini chocolate chips 🙂 do it!
Happy Wednesday! Can’t pass up a giveaway or talk of nut butter for that matter! Best thing about having a healthier lifestyle? “Feeling” good! It makes such a difference to have confidence & strength from working out & eating well. As for nut butter, I love it on fruit, lately it’s just been the spoon straight in the jar! Have an awesome day lady 🙂
Books and food are my favorite things in life (with the occasional run in there to get fresh air and sunlight)…and two things come to mind about the healthy lifestyle switch: learned about, tried, and fell in love with tons of new foods I wouldn’t have gone near otherwise (oatmeal, sweet potatoes, nut butters, almond milk, spaghetti squash to name a few), and running has given me self comfidence, pride, and patience with myself like nothing else has before 🙂
Oo I always forget how many new foods I found thanks to the HLB community. Can you believe I only started eating nut butter like 2 years ago when I started reading blogs? Clearly I wasn’t quite living before then…
I had never heard of anything beyond peanut butter until 2011…now I can’t imagine life without it!
I love books as well, but I never have time to read for leisure anymore because of school. Darn it =/ Why is carrots and nut butter such a great combo?!
I have to admit, books and food are two of my favorite things as well! Give me a good book and I can get lost in it for hours. Okay, I think I officially need to pick up some of that Kashi cereal! Can you believe I’ve never tried it before?! I’ve actually never tried any of their products…that’s just not cool;)
Never?! Eeeep! I definitely suggest that you give it a shot 😉 If you’ve ever had Frosted Mini Wheats, these are pretty much exactly like that.
So true, Girl. I’m pretty sure if you dropped me off on an island, I could survive forever off of books and food. 🙂
What a great book! I love how it emphasizes on loving yourself first, that honestly is the first step. I believe in order to change your lifestyle, you have to love yourself enough to make that effort + commitment and once the ball gets rolling it becomes easy and you become happier and healthier! I love your breakfast choice I may be thanking you later on this afternoon 🙂 Love + Shine CourtStar
All your eats looks so good! I’ve never had eggy oats. Gonna have to try that sometime. 🙂
Never?! Oooo girl! Definitely get on that – they’re seriously life-changing. Well okay, that might be a tad bit dramatic, but they’re good!
Um, I need to make those oats! And sunbutter and baby carrots sounds like the best snack everr!
Oh its been too long without sun butter! At the moment I’m really loving almond butter and coconut milk together 🙂
all your eats look delicious as always. i don’t know why but for some reason your wraps look better than mine ever do. i think i want to get back on my wrap kick…getting bored of the same old salad, i just have so many grapes and i don’t really like them in any way other than in a salad. random. as for that book – first i don’t know how you cannot comment on the sassy cover photo as that is obviously the best part of the book. secondly, i can’t say i like any book that gives specific calorie counts for meal plans because i think it’s all so different depending on your body and lifestyle. thirdly i DO really like the idea of avoiding low-cal diet foods. i’m still attempting to purge my pantry of these and i am getting close to actually doing it. one of these days i’ll just toss the rest of my “diet” hot chocolate and call it a day. yes, i have diet hot chocolate. no i don’t really drink it – i make the real stuff now if i want it 🙂
Have you ever tried freezing your grapes? I enjoy them way more that way. And I know – specific calorie counts suck, but they’re pretty much everywhere these days so I just do my best to ignore them.
I absolutely love books and food as well:) That sesame ginger tofu stir-fry looks delicious; I love making stir-fries with homemade teriyaki sauce. Though I don’t usually buy sunflower butter, I have tried it before and love it! That book sounds quite interesting; I will have to see if our library carries it…
Books and food – both are necessary for my happiness (although I may not want to look at a book again for a while once I’m done this semester. Holy textbooks, Batman).
And I can’t remember the last time I had a wrap for lunch. I should get on that (or go to Pita Pit…pitas are good too)
SUNBUTTER!!! That stuff is seriously addicting.. same with Justins maple almond butter. Have you tried it? Don’t. It’s like eating crack-infused cookie dough. Also, is that a Dagoba bar I see in the book photo? I can’t find that flavor anywhere in the southern end of our hillbilly province! We only have lavender & the spicy one. 🙁
I haven’t tried the maple AB because I think it has traces of peanuts 🙁 And yup! It’s the lemon ginger Dagoba bar – my favorite. I can only find it in one store up here… Planet Organic. I’m definitely feeling you on not being able to find stuff, though. Oh the joys of living in cold, cold Alberta…
So I have some chicken, veggies and brown rice out to make for dinner and I was initially going the Mexican route (Chipotle style), but I’m suddenly starting to re-think that….a stir-fry may be more in order! Thanks for your honest review about Witness to Fitness- sounds like a good read!
On a completely random note- despite my love for yogurt, I’m making an effort to scale back my consumption for fear of developing an intolerance. That would just be tragic. I say scale back but that just means eating it 1-2 times a day max!
Oh Chipotle – how I miss it. Are you having withdrawals too? And I was actually starting to worry about the same thing when it came to yogurt… I may try to decrease how much of it I eat from 1 tub to 3/4 of a tub a day
Books and Food, aaawwwyeah. So me. The best thing that changed since I committed a healthy lifestyle is that I meditate every single morning first thing instead of stepping on the scale.
That’s a way better way to start the day 😀
Have to agree on the books and food. I love to read and can’t get enough cereal. I think we might be alike 😉
Woahhh food and books, you gettin’ fancy, huh? Haha LOVE kashi cereal! And carrots. And chocolate of any kind. And reading. I’m a bookworm and a picky foodie, apparently haha