I can’t believe it’s been 3 weeks since my last WIAW post! As much as I gripe and moan about how cumbersome it can be to take pictures of my eats, deep down I really do enjoy it — at least once a week, anyway 😉 So without further ado, here’s What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday…
So let’s talk about my appetite… because I don’t think it’s been seeing enough blog time judging by all the fuss it’s been making lately. Seriously. You know those days where you feel like you’re eating all.the.time? I’ve currently got 3 consecutive ones like that under my belt. Cold weather, boredom, holiday baking, snowboarding… whatever the reason, the result is the same — eat ALL the foods!
Yesterday started out innocently enough. I woke up, glanced at the clock, rolled over, and went back to sleep. Whaaaat? It was 3 AM, which is way too early even by my early-bird standards. Nuh uh. 5 AM was a little more acceptable, at which point I actually got out of bed, ambled over to the kitchen, brewed a cup of tea, and did some blog reading while prepping breakfast…
Oats. Yogurt. Almond butter. Honey. A combination I have yet to get tired of. The only thing different about these oats was the addition of coconut flour. I’ve been adding a spoonful or so to my morning oats and I love what it does to the consistency. I like my oats really thick and chewy, and I find that the coconut flour helps create an almost batter-like consistency while adding a subtle coconutty sweetness. Big fan.
A little while later, I brewed up a homemade latte and enjoyed it alongside a [ridiculously microscopic] piece of daily Advent chocolate (2 weeks left ’till Christmas!!!!)…
… which only sparked my hunger and paved the way for my morning snack. Or should I say, snacks…
Side note: does anyone else really dislike the dried up nut butter that ends up hanging out in the bottom of the jar? I know it’s a mixing failure on my part, but DANG — there’s just no working with that stuff! Unfortunately, Justin’s is a rare commodity up here in Canada, so it’s a crime to let any go to waste. And Christmas oranges (please tell me someone out there calls them that too) have got to be one of my favourite foods at this time of the year. My parents would always buy huge boxes of them, and I remember my fingers turning orange from the amount of peeling I had to do. Worth it. But back to the point of this post — my appetite.
I got a little snacky before lunch time rolled around, so I dug into some kabocha while trying to decide what to make. And yes, I’m still eating squash on a daily basis. Don’t act like you aren’t too.
I stood around my kitchen for what felt like forever [while snacking on squash], but nothing really jumped out at me so I went with the only thing that sounded mildly appealing: a toasted almond butter and jelly sandwich.
Followed up by by some carrots ‘n’ hummus…
Aaaaaand vanilla Greek yogurt. You know… just to end things on a high sweet note 😀
Snacky — and that’s just the beginning. I spent the majority of the early afternoon working and studying, which did absolutely nothing to help curb my appetite… I managed to hold out for a little while, but hunger is a demanding mistress and I eventually had to break for an afternoon snack…
You guys. These brownies. I’m in love. But come on — just look at that crackly shell! It’s enough to make me weak in the knees! Enough to make me run back for more! But we’re getting ahead of ourselves because first there was dinner #1…
Random salad with veggies, deli chicken, kabocha, and avocado.
Followed by dinner #2…
Cold (the best) leftover sesame chicken stirfry.
And then I ran back for more…
Oh.heck.YES. And apparently my stomach thought so too because it finally settled down after that — thank goodness. I used to spend a lot of time analyzing my eats on days like today yesterday, trying to figure out why I was so hungry and where I went wrong… Too much sugar; not enough protein; more fibre; etc., etc. But you know what I found? It doesn’t really matter. I can eat the same exact way on two different days and be hungry on one and perfectly satisfied on another — there’s a lot more going on than what I choose to eat and I prefer not to get too caught up in day-to-day analysis — I like the bigger picture.
And before I go, just as a little reminder… The very first Thinking Out Loud linkup is happening tomorrow and I’d really love it if you joined! All you have to do is grab a button and let those random thoughts flow; then come back tomorrow and add your link so everyone else can see what’s on your mind.
See ya then! 😀
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Anyone else feeling extra snacky lately?
How do you like your oats? Soupy? Cakey? Chewy? Creamy?
What do you do with the dry nut butter at the bottom of the jar?
I wish I was more snacky! Lately I haven’t really felt hungry at all 🙁 Soupy oats are nasty! I like ’em nice and thick and chewy. Whenever I get to the bottom of a nut butter jar, it becomes overnight oats! You haaave to try it!
You know what makes the dried up nut butter softer? Some nice warm oats added into the jar 😉 😉 😉
DONT give me the stink eye! lol
Definitely giving you the stink eye — just can’t do it 😛
For whatever reason, peanut butter doesn’t dry up at the bottom of the jar. At least not for me. And since we know I don’t eat almond butter, I am feeling rather lucky about this dried up occurrence you unfortunately experience – I know it would totally bother me….And oh can I totally relate to the hunger days where you can eat the same things two days in a row and one day be full and the next feel as though you have yet to eat…It just happens. That’s my experience. And when I feel that way, as long as I keep on eating, it eventually goes away and I return to normal. Sometimes it takes one day, sometimes two, sometimes a few. Super annoying but what can you do? Can’t walk around hungry.
You sure know how to eat all of the BEST foods in one day! Cold Asian food is one of my favorite things ever, right behind cold pizza. Mmm
Good point with your last comment. Our eating needs don’t just differ from person to person, but day to day with just ourselves as well.
PaleOMG just posted a gingerbread brownie recipe today too. What are the odds? Before yesterday I would have never even considered them in the realm of food possibilities but now two of my favorite bloggers have made them? I think it may be a sign. Or maybe that’s just my sweet tooth whispering in my ear.
Oats- creamy, thick, cakey, chewy. Doesn’t matter as long as they aren’t soupy.
I don’t have that nut butter problem since I never eat it, but I can remember my dad getting so mad when he’d reach the bottom of the natural Smucker’s peanut butter jar and there would be the dry stuff. I think the best solution is overnight oats or yogurt messes! 🙂
Definitely with you on the soupy oats. That’s how J likes his, and it would skeeve me out to watch him eat it every.single.morning 😯
I’m way more snacky when I’m at home, too! When I’m at work the time flies cause I’m busy, but at home? All bets are off!
These last two days I’ve been like a bottomless pit! I think for me it’s a combination of things, December definitely puts me in an eating mood with all the delicious treats about. As long as I don’t go crazy, I’m happy to go with the flow and feed my inner hunger monster 😉
I love how you photograph all your food! I looks so more appealing than my normal eats 🙂 As for oatmeal, I tend to go for a peanut butter and banana creamy route or a crunchy granola route.
I’ve been insanely snacky/hungry lately! Yesterday I woke up and ate a bowl of cereal before I did anything (i.e. workout) then ate a normal breakfast later! I went out to dinner then immediately came home and continued to eat. I don’t know what was wrong with me!
You should make overnight oats in the Justin’s jar to utilize every last bite of nutty goodness 🙂 It softens up the leftover nut butter.
Also – do you add the coconut flour when you’re cooking the oats or after?
I -wish- I could get on board with the whole OIAJ thing, but scooping them out is just too much like work 😆 And I add the coconut flour towards the end after all the liquid has been absorbed. If it ends up too dry, I just add a splash of almond milk.
I am TOTALLY eating squash every day too! Tis the season, right?!
I have been feeling not-so-snacky lately….I am on a “teatox” and I find it really does take away my snacking tendencies. I am eating bigger portions at meals though so I am pretty sure it all balances out. I LOVE my oats to be super creamy, with plenty of almond or coconut milk. I have been making “mocha overnight oats” lately with day old coffee, cocoa powder, a bit of brown sugar and a sprinkling of chia seeds. Heavenly! I never have lumpy nutbutter anymore because of a trick my dad taught me. I store my jars of PB upside down, so the oil goes to the bottom. Before stirring the first time, I zap in the microwave for 30 seconds or so, and the warm nutbutter and oil mixes beautifully! Of course, this only works for glass jars…
I definitely was feeling snacky this past weekend when we were “snowed in”! Oh well, it happens! I feel ya on the nut butter at the bottom of the jar… I typically add it to some oatmeal so I don’t have to worry about spreading it, and the hot oats help it melt a little better.
The dreaded dried up nut butter at the bottom of jars. It drives me nuts! I do realize I need to spend more time stirring. Sometimes I’ll add a bit of walnut oil so it’s easier to breakdown and use it all. By the way… Where do you buy Justin’s in Canada? I’ve be dying to try their nut butters.
I picked up my jars in the States, unfortunately 😥 But I know you can order them online from places like iHerb and Swansons!
Being iced in has definitely made me EXTRA snacky. I love the looks of all of your eats and I’m still eating squash like crazy too. In fact, I’m eating it mashed up in my oats right now. I can’t wait to try the coconut flour in my oats tomorrow…. great idea!
That happens to me too! I eventually realized it’s got to be related to my um…woman stuff. Usually the week before, I just want to eat everything in sight and nothing satisfies me! Then two weeks later I can go hours without feeling hungry. So frustrating!
The joys of being a woman, eh? 😉
Yummmm those oats look delicious and that stir fry definitely looks like a typical dinner for me. I haven’t been feeling too snacky lately but I think that’s because I haven’t been going hardcore ( haha I’m never hardcore) in the gym. Buuuut I’ve definitely had those days and when I do I’m like wtf Erin.
I definitely have those ridiculously hungry days too. For me it seems to coincide with my hormones and which week of birth control I’m on. Which is weird because I thought birth control was basically supposed to squash your hormones. Who knows? Anyway, I’m loving all of the photos with the Christmas tree in the background. Did I say that already? Lately I can’t keep track of what I thought and what I actually said. Sigh.
Anyone else feeling extra snacky lately? A little, yes, now that you mention it!
How do you like your oats? Soupy? Cakey? Chewy? Creamy? ALL of the above. I love oats. The end.
Speaking of which, tell me more about the coconut flour, please!! That sounds amazing. Batter-like oats? Yes, please. Do you put the flour in before or after the oats are cooked? Anything else I should know? Thanks!!! xo
My newest obsession! I’m not sure how much detail you want about the actual flour, but I usually just add a spoonful to my oats right near the end of cooking when all the liquid has been absorbed. If I find them too dry, I’ll add a few more spoonfuls of milk, and voila! — perfect cakey oats.
Perfect, that helps a ton. I can’t wait to try it!
Is it weird that I prefer the nut butter at the bottom of my jars? I know…so weird.
Ummmm hello stir fry recipe!!! Wanna post it? Say yes!
Seeing as we -just- had the conversation about savoury meals yesterday — maybe 😉
Oh and I’m super excited to link up tomorrow!!!
Me too! 😀 Looking forward to reading your randoms!
Your eats are right up my alley 😀 ! Goodness when am I not snacky!? Everyday is a mission to tame the hunger beast..but it is getting easier though. Oatmeal has to be chewy/cakey for me, which I was why I love your eggy oats. But I also enjoy overnight oats in a jar which is the only way to save all that rock-solid nut butter 😉
I actually don’t stir my nut butters (too messy). I just store it upside-down..still end up with the hard stuffikins though
Yum, winter squash is seriously the best and it goes with everything! I definitely do enjoy it everyday!
My appetite is very erratic. I hate feeling full and used to spend waaay too much time analyzing what I ate, how much, when, in what combinations, etc. and trying to figure out where I went wrong. Like you, I have come to the conclusion, there is more going on then I know and I try to roll with it. I actually like that my appetite has picked up a bit lately because I know it is a sign of improved health that I am receiving (and acknowledging) hunger cues.
I like my oats thick and pipin’ hot. (Okay, that just does not sound right!)
Sometimes I make a smoothie by pouring the ingredients in the end of an almond butter jar, swishing it around, and throwing it all into the blender. I used to try and ram the immersion blender into the jar but my hand blender suffered an untimely death and was laid to rest.
I adore Christmas oranges. The smell so fresh and clean and remind me of Christmas morning. We always got one in the toe of our stockings.
Ditto on the toe oranges 😀 And great job for listening to those hunger cues! I know it can feel uncomfortable not to always feel that nagging hunger and emptiness, but life really is a lot more awesome when you’re not constantly being distracted by a growling stomach. And everything is better when you’re healthy 🙂
My appetite has actually been strange lately. Sometimes I’m extra snacky and sometimes I’m not hungry at all, so maybe that’s just everything balancing out? I’m used to being more hungry though haha…guess I’m eating what I need to be eating finally! Although I do expect my appetite to build as the miles do…we shall see! I had oats for breakfast this morning and made them creamy, with Greek yogurt, milk, and egg whites…topped with pb and pumpkin butter of course. Excellent combination that got me ready for a run…which I should probably head out for now…but it’s cold and I’m procrastinating haha…time to suck it up!
You’re brave, lady! I take one look outside and I’m just like — nope! Good luck on your run!
I LOVE this post!! Your eats look delicious 🙂
Anyone else feeling extra snacky lately?
Yes!! I blame the cold weather and feeling all cosy indoors… I also leave for South America for 6 months in a few weeks so feel I need to enjoy all my favourite foods here before I go!
How do you like your oats? Soupy? Cakey? Chewy? Creamy?
Definitely cakey, with an egg baked in and frozen cherries stirred in so they melt and make a lovely sauce…
What do you do with the dry nut butter at the bottom of the jar
Sad to admit usually it goes to waste… I do try and stir it in though!
I rarely buy jarred nut butters anymore, one of the reasons being that dried stuff at the bottom, and the other being that you just cannot beat fresh ground PB!! However, on the rare chance that I DO buy the jar I stir and stir and HOPE it’s not too bad on the bottom. I will always eat the bottom..but one time it was so salty and disgusting it made me sick! I totally threw the rest away!!
GIMME all those snacks, especially the brownie!
I’ve had days JUST like this before and as much as I beat myself up over it, I eventually realize that I should be proud because I listened to my body and gave it what it deserved. Plus, looking at what you ate on a snacky day vs what half of the other people in the world would have eaten….you definitely fueled your body in the best way possible. So kudos to you!!
I also despise the hardened almond butter at the bottom of the jar. Oh I eat it…..because I don’t like to waste almond butter but it is not half as good as the creamy part!! I thought I was the only one who never thoroughly mixes! 🙂
It’s seriously hard! I try to get all the way down to the bottom, but usually just end up spilling all over the place. And someone suggested adding some coconut oil to the dried up nut butter to moisten it up, which sounds like it would work fabulously.
Kabocha makes the best snack food. Your brownies look so good-it’s been a while since I made any.
When the weather is terrible and I’m stuck inside and have to study for exams–that’s when I get super snacky and it’s hardest to tell if I’m actually hungry, or bored, or just want to be distracted, or maybe I actually need the energy to power through all that material. I’m usually good at telling when I’m hungry or just bored but when you’re forced to stay inside, it’s a lot harder!
Actually drooling…. I have snacky days for sure! But they are usually when I am not very busy and I’m more bored. I’ve definitely trying to listen to my hunger cues and just eat when I’m hungry and if I’m snacky then hey, I’m snacky!
Ok, let’s make a deal. I’ll send you some of our warm winter weather and sun, and you send me that kabocha and the bottoms of your nutbutter jars. I can hardly find any kabocha anmore and I absolutely LOVE that part of the AB jars 🙂
I got used to an increased appetite in winter. It used to freak me out, but meanwhile I go with it – thinking about how much I cycle around outdoors with below zero temps – I guess my body just needs it.
PS. If you’re at it, you could also send one of those AB&Jelly sandwiches along…..mk? .-)
DEAL! And PLEASE expedite my package! I’ll go an extra step and toss in TWO sandwiches!
Working from home makes me snacky – especially when there’s baked goods in the house… and kabocha (my love is still going strong too!)
Home offices are a blessing and a curse, eh? Blessing because it means I don’t have to go out in the crazy weather, but a curse because I’m literally within 5 ft of my kitchen at all times 😕
Well we know I’ve been eating all the foods lately. It’s a weird feeling after a fall with little to no appetite. It’s certainly taking some adjusting but I’ve noticed the same thing as you. I could eat exactly the se two days in a row and one of them will have me feeling so hungry i can’t even stand it and the other day I’m stuffed. Oh well. It’s that pesky metabolism. Those brownies DO look good. Since I have zero ability to bake, any sweet treats have to wait until I’m home with parental supervision. The list of things to make is quickly growing 😉
Girrrl – WHEN we meet one day, we so so need to do breakfast! My breakfasts are almost identical to yours! Oats, honey, nutbutter – so down with ’em!
Winter just seems to kill my appetite – I know its kinda the opposite to the norm, but I get real snacky when the weather is warming up…when its cold, I just wanna bury my hands under a thick blanket or thick gloves – both not conducive to snacking ALL the time …but your snacks are fantastic! Bananas and Justins are one of my favs! Sometimes I nuke the nutbutter jar for like 10 seconds in the microwave and that kinda melts the nutbutter stuck at the bottom – am with you – nutbutter of any sort is too precious a commodity to waste!
The last few times I made something of yours, I got addicted…so I am thinking if I look at another picture of your gingerbread brownies, I might have to join a support group! 🙂
So looking forward to Thinking out loud tomorrow! Happy Wednesday lovely lady!
Welcome to the super awesome Coconut Flour Club :)! Be prepared for a long-lasting obsession and wanting to add it to EVERYthing. Yes, I do. I’m not sure about the brand you buy but my favourite one sometimes forms little ‘clumps’ – not to say ‘balls’ 😉 – and I really like to bite on those. That’s why I sprinkle them on top of dishes for extra added dough-y, flour-y texture. And yes, I realize some might find that odd.
Oats have to be creamy but because I like texture I always add in wheatberries for some chew.
” I can eat the same exact way on two different days and be hungry on one and perfectly satisfied on another” <- truth. It's the very same way for me. Like you, I've given up overanalyzing or beating myself up for going back for more food when what I'd already eaten wasn't enough even though it had been the day before. We will probably never fully understand what's influencing our hunger on a certain day and while it's a little hard on the mind – or at least mine – I figure we really just need to roll with it.
I really need some Gingerbread Brownies in my life! Not fair that I'll be at the office for another few hours unable to bake :).
I literally just got done talking to myself (is that sad? haha) about how much I hate scooping out the dried almond butter… unfortunately I just had to experience this myself. I’m loving all the nut butter happening in this post. Have you tried carrots and nut butter yet?? If not, DO IT.. DO IT NOW!! I promise you’ll be smiling from ear to ear. If not, well than you’re not human. Ha I kid I kid!
btw- what’s your go to oatmeal recipe?
YES to carrots and nut butter — amazing. As for oats, lately it’s just been 1/2 cup of oats with 1 cup liquid (water, milk, tea), and a pinch of salt… then whatever toppings I happen to be feeling that day. Sometimes I’ll add an egg white in the last minutes of cooking to make it even more cake, or about a Tbsp. of coconut flour for the same effect.
Awesome! I am not the only one who was ravenous yesterday. Crazy days – guess it’s the weather (I might use this excuse year round though 😉 ). And my trick for the nasty, dry and crumbly remainings in the nut butter jar: mix it up with some melted coconut oil. The consistency will not only be perfectly creamy, but the taste is also purely amazing. Also you can add some cacao powder for the much needed chocolate fix. Nowadays I cannot wait for the nut butter jar to empty itself!
Ohh that’s actually brilliant! Trying it!
I was feeling like this last week. It was like no matter how much food I ate or what I ate it wasn’t satisfying. I was just dying of hunger. So weird! This week is better though. All your eats are definitely making me hungry. I love my oats thick and the idea of adding in some coconut flour is genius. I totally need to try that one out!
Old, dried up nut butter is so sad. I still eat it anyway. Instead of doing oats in a jar though, I do chia pudding in a jar! It makes for a nice, on the go work snack.
Anyone else feeling extra snacky lately? OH GOD YES. I don’t know if it’s the lack of daylight, the cold, or what, but this morning, I woke up at 3:53am with a growing stomach.
How do you like your oats? Soupy? Cakey? Chewy? Creamy? COOKIE FORM. 😀
What do you do with the dry nut butter at the bottom of the jar? Cry.
Heyyyy that means we can be breakfast buddies at 4 AM! And wait another 5.freaking.hours for the sun to come up 😡