Is it possible to be both a night owl and an early bird? An early owl? A night bird? Because I think that’s what I’m becoming. Lately, I can’t seem to get my butt in bed any earlier than 12:30, but I’ve still been waking up [without an alarm] anywhere from 6 – 6:30; and the strangest part? I’m not even the slightest bit tired. And no, I’m not ridiculously caffeinated either; at least, not more so than usual…
It may seem like no big deal, but you’re talking to a girl who, not even that long ago, had trouble keeping her eyes open past 9:30; a girl who hasn’t been able to welcome the New Year in years because she just couldn’t stay up that late; a girl who was constantly plagued with exhaustion and fatigue.
I know I seem to go on about it endlessly, but I just have to say it again… giving up intense exercise and no longer obsessively controlling my diet has done me a crazy amount of good. I thought I was doing everything right when I was trying to follow plans and programs to a T, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. It wasn’t until I gave up on all of that nonsense and started listening to my body that I started feeling truly healthy. Aaaaaaand now I’m going to stop before I start to tear up. Just do me a favor and don’t be afraid to give your body what it needs. More rest, more food, more chocolate. You’ll only feel better for it in the end – promise.
And now that we have that out of the way, let’s get to what Wednesday’s are all about around here – the food…
Unfortunately, I don’t really have any new ‘healthy holiday recipes’ to share with you guys, BUT! I’ve got one in the works so I hope to be able to share that with you soon. In the meantime, let’s take a look at some of the things I’ve been eating lately, shall we?
Breakfasts have been the same old, same old…
Plain Greek yogurt – banana – Kashi Cinnamon Harvest – Puffins – chunky applesauce – roasted almond butter.
Lunches have come in sandwich or wrap form…
Turkey and hummus on whole wheat – random veggies with olive oil and salt.
Dinners have been random and easy (minds out of the gutter!)…
Kamut noodles, frozen mixed veggies, pasta sauce, and a cheesy sauce made with cheese, milk, butter, and flour.
Snacks have been strangely summery…
Melons of all sorts.
Banana-coconut smoothie
Vanilla ice cream – chocolate sprinkles – sugar cone.
Random roasted potato craving.
Aaaaaand I have been feeling pretty darn good 😀 Hope you guys are having a fabulous Wednesday!
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Are you a night owl or an early bird?
If you blog, do you ever feel pressured to come up with creative eats to share with your readers?
you know I can’t stay up past like 10 unless there is something keeping me up like a good movie. We used to do all nighters at our church and I was the lame kid who was tucked away in the corner trying to sleep lol I do well off of 6 hours of sleep since that is what I am used to now. Dont get me wrong, I would love to sleep in, but I am finding that I actually enjoy waking up early, and taking a nap with my hubby in the afternoon :):)
Have I told you lately that you’re, like, my favorite blogger? Your honesty and straight up telling it like it is makes me so happy! There is so much to be said for LISTENING to your body rather than trying to conform to some supposed version of what’s best for it. It is SO hard, though, especially after years of disordered thinking. It’s a slow process, but I’m finding that it’s worth it. And I’m glad it’s been such a fabulous change in your life too!
As for the early owl/night bird thing…I’m honestly finding I’m a little of both! I can adapt pretty easily to either – it’s afternoon when I hit a slump! I wake up ready to go, and I get a second wind after dinner…but mid-day I wish nap time was socially acceptable at work…
since reading your blog i been inspired more to let go of the intense exercise i dont feel all guilty and mad if i miss a workout, i dont belong to a gym n with it gettin dark early when i get home i dont feel like having to do a workout vid i just wanna get in my pjs so i just dont stress with working out anymore and love it so thank u! and im a early bird most of the time but lately to been surprising myself and not getting to sleep before 11 which is late for me during the wk lol
Awwr Kaity that’s so great to hear! Isn’t it amazing to not have that weight on your shoulders anymore? Love it!
thanks for sharing this with us. isn’t is amazing what some low intense exercise and more calories can do for ours bodies… especially when you need it?! great eats!!
Awh it’s so lovely to hear how happy you are with how you’re living your life now <3 You are amazing girly and I hope people see you as an inspiration to listen to what their body is asking for because it does make you a happier person, like I myself have discovered 🙂
I am definitely a night owl. I can't ever get to sleep before 12.30pm and thennnn in the mornings well, yeah what mornings at the moment? Since I'm not in uni until January I've been sleeping in until like 11.30am so I barely see the mornings! I know, I'm a lazy butt but I love my beauty sleep clearly 😉 It's going to be a shock to the system when I go back eeep..
I love my sleep! 8 hours or more and I’m happy. Love those snacks! I’m so happy to hear that you are feeling great and listening to what your body wants! Nothing better than that : )
I’m definitely an early bird. I can’t usually keep my eyes open past 11! And I’m usually awake at 6-6:30 too, but lately it’s been more like 4:30-5 because of how stressed I’ve been. I’m hoping I can get some good sleeps over the Christmas break!
And yes, I definitely feel pressure to come up with recipes. I’ve made a few things recently but they weren’t spectacular, so they’re not worth posting. I’d rather post fewer good recipes than lots of mediocre ones!
I am a night owl and an early bird! I don’t sleep, have insomnia bad, not fun!
Happy week to you love! <3
me? i pass out on the couch every night at like 9:30 and can’t sleep in past 6 to save my life!
super random but that sandwich and salad combo looks to die for. So freaking good. My workouts have been what my body is feeling lately too and it’s just so much nicer to be worry free you know?
Those roasted potatoes look so good! Oh, and I totally agree with you that listening to one’s body is so important. Well, I’m listening to my body but not doing anything about it. But I guess chasing after a busy toddler (in my case) could count as exercise? 😉
I love your mindset on intense workouts, and just letting your body get the proper rest, and nutrition. I’m pretty sure I’ve told you this before, but you are such a beautiful person. and so inspiring to me. I absolutely love your meals (especially the summer-y ones).. (and is that a kitty cat tail on your plate?? It looks adorable!!) Seriously, your meals are exactly things that I would eat everyday! “Did we just become best friends”.. “yup”.. okay, sorry i felt the need to quote Step Brothers =)
So glad that you have been doing well! I have had the best past few days (minus today) in months and it feels great to be taking care of my body, mind, and spirit. I’m definitely a night owl!
It’s so great to hear that you’ve been feeling better, Alex! Hold on to that and use it to help motivate you to continue to get healthy.
Ah yes I can relate completely: the paradox of being healthy…the more we try to control and manipulate in order to achieve “good” health, the more unhealthier we are getting! Easier said than done but sometimes going with the flow is probably the healthiest thing we can do! Despite the crazy low temperatures, I get your cravings for cold breakfasts- I’m just the same! I am so cold right now yet only want to have yogurt or cottage cheese with breakfast…good thing there’s tea to warm us up in between bites ;)! On that note, time to crack into my favorite meal of the day!
Early bird!! I am in dreamland by 10pm except I go out. It does my body good to get these 7-9hours of sleep!! So GOOD for you that you listen to your body!! I am still working on that!
I think I’m more of a night owl. On school nights I try to get into bed by 11 but on weekends, I can be up until almost 1. I know I’m not an early bird though because I think waking up at 7 is early 😛 Oh the perks of being able to choose your schedule in college and not having to wake up before 8!
Ice cream is good all year–coconut milk ice cream is probably one of my favorite desserts ever! And ice cream cones make it even better.
In just the short time that I have been working on letting go of my ED, I really have felt like I have more energy! It’s amazing how actually eating when you’re hungry can make you feel so much healthier! (Umm…duhh!) I know I can still do better, but my increase in energy has given me so much motivation to actually keep going!!
roasted potatoes for the win. can I just say this made me so happy to see you write? I just love hearing how great your body feels. heck i am a bit nervous, I just got back from work and I know I will be naturally waking up early. lets just hope I am not tried tomorrow either. we will see. i love reading your posts because you are so inspiring, to everyone who has ever of my goals in life.
Girl, you never give yourself enough credit. You’re a huge inspiration, and your strength is pretty darn amazing. Don’t sell yourself short <3
I wonder why I have a sudden craving for ice cream… 😉
I wish and try to be an early bird, but I think it’s just in my blood to be a night owl. It sounds pretty neat to be an early owl/night bird though!!
Lately I have bee getting to bed later so I might just have to consider myself a “night owl/early bird” too. Hopefully after finals I can get back to my grandma bedtime though. 😉
Love it — but I still can’t get over how little you eat 😀 I mean, I’m still doing the crazy calculations and comparisons, but I guess if you cut out intense exercises, it’s all good. But I remember your pic from Disneyworld(land?) and those teeny tiny legs of yours have stuck with me in making me think you might be content with less exercise because you’re countering it with less food, which means you may be technically under-eating still. Orrrr…. you’re just one of those lucky people who is just skinny by nature 🙂 The more I read your blog though the more I think that it’s probably the latter and that you really have reached a good place. Gives people like me and others some hope for sure!
Hehe I actually make it a point to never post everything I eat in a day just so people can’t compare; well, that and taking a picture of every random handful of things I grab would get a little tedious. Notice the lack of watermelon, multiple yogurt bowls, and nightly snack, for example. That’s why it’s not a good idea to compare yourself to bloggers – you never see the whole story.
Yeah..I am relying almost everything on that promise of yours (along with those of others) right now. So thanks for repeating it! Don’t stop.
Also…..Night Bird Morning Owl……yeah. I Recall that happening once or twice in my life….Butterflies in the tummy *ahemboyahem* make sleeping just…ancillary. *wink*
While I was working, I was an EARRLY bird, I’m talking awake and 3am and 4am to get to work. This meant bedtime no later than 10. Which was still too late. Now I find myself staying up later, and sleeping in until…9!! GASP! That is almost embarrassing to admit! HA! I don’t feel pressure to create certain dishes, I just get excited sharing the ones I do make!
Embarrassing to admit?! Girl, some days I’d kill to be able to sleep in that late!
I stand by the idea that everyone could use more chocolate in their lives. 😀
Right now, I’m an early-ish bird (I’m in bed by 11:30, up around 7:30 most mornings. Nothing ridiculous, but definitely up earlier than I need to be for school), but I honestly go all over the place sometimes. Last spring, I was working nights so clearly, I was exactly the opposite. As long as I have a dark, quiet room I can pretty much sleep whenever.
If I notice that I haven’t posted any new recipes in a while, I start feeling the pressure a little bit. But I know I’m not a food/recipe blogger, so if I get up one or two a month, I’m satisfied. I’ve got a pasta recipe that I’ve been saving for a writers block day!
Jealous of those summery melon snacks! I haven’t bought fresh fruit in ages (except apples and bananas) because it hasn’t been looking too great. I miss it!
And I sometimes feel a little pressured to come up with something unique or interesting food-wise, esp on WIAWs, but one person can only do so much! And the point of WIAW is honesty right? What you actually ate that day… not a perfectly balanced and picture worthy day of eating. I know everyone must be sick of looking at the same old egg sandwich I have for breakfast every day, but I’m not sick of eating it so it’s probably gonna keep showing up! haha
Your posts make me smile each time I read them, darlin 🙂 Really and truly. I love how honest you are and how in tune with your body you seem to be…and your WIAW always make me want to beg you to come down and cook for me…or at least give me recipe ideas 😉 Feel free to visit the burgh anytime <3
If you guys aren’t buried in snow then I’m so there in 2.2.
Oh man. Now I want pasta. Like REAAAAAALLY badly. Really, really badly. Methinks that my breakfast all day loving mind has been starting to turn today … I had a wrap earlier (gasp!) and sweet potato (what now?!) and now I want pasta (who is this?!). Tastes change with the times. You’re obviously full of energy and vitality. Keep listening to your body, it won’t lead you astray. <3
It’s true, the less you workout the less sleep you need! When I take breaks from running/training, I have trouble getting more than 6-7 hours a night. But when I’m running I need like 9. I love running though so that’s cool with me lol. It usually ends up on the sleeping in/afternoon nap end of things though (I love lvoe love naps haha). Though compared to a lot of bloggers, 10:30pm/7:30am isn’t early at all haha. Dude your eats look DELICIOUS though! those kamut noodles with cheesy pasta sauce – best pasta sauce I’ve ever had, all I did was combine a jar of marinara with a jar of alfredo. creamy goodness. And roasted potatoes…NOM. I’m on a potato kick right now myself!
I love your wisdom. You’re such an inspiration, Amanda 🙂
I think it’s called insomnia?
I’m so glad you’ve finally achieved a good balance in healthy eating! I envy you so much – I still struggle at finding what works for me :/
Can’t wait for the new recipe! All your recipes were a success. And they’re so popular around all healthy bloggers – I see everyone trying them 🙂
Wow those roasted potatoes look like the perfect texture! Some nights I have a hard time falling asleep, but usually that is because I am overly caffeinated haha. Now that it is darker in the morning I don’t seem to be waking up quite so early, which is kind of nice!
P.S – Kamut noodles sound interesting, I totally want to try those out!
How annoying! My last comment didn’t post. I’ll try to recreate it. I’ve been loving roasted potatoes…I made a huge batch of roasted sweet potatoes today. They’re basically all gone, now – I don’t regret it one bit. As far as feeling pressured to make creative meals, I always love to experiment with food, so that’s no issue. Rather, I feel more pressured to take decent pictures of my food. The whole presentation thing is key (difficult when all I want to do is scarf down the food). Oh, and I’m a total early bird. I love getting so much done early in the morning before others have even woken up!
Love that you are feeling great and listening to your body, rather than a “plan” that’s created by someone else. I truly believe we are all so different in terms of what our bodies and minds need, and there is no one size fits all lifestyle. I think it’s so important not to compare yourself to the way others are doing things because that’s when we get ourselves in a trap! Yay for chocolate. I know I couldn’t survive without it 😉 And now I really want vanilla ice cream with sprinkles…
Your pictures always make me hungry!! And your posts always inspire me to continue on with my intuitive eating. 🙂 I do feel pressure to come up with creative eats for my reader, but unfortunately, I’m not that creative. Instead, I hope they stop by for my fun personality and quirk.
I love your quirk 😀
Hi there, Amanda, the early owl :D. I’m definitely a night owl myself staying up past midnight every day. Not exactly the best habit when I have to get up for classes at 6.30 AM the next day. I guess it really is about time I change my sleeping schedule, sigh.
While I haven’t posted a lot of what I’m eating so far I do feel like whenever I do it has to be exciting. My routine meals seem way too boring for a WIAW post though it’d be fun to join the party. Then again, I think I actually need that push to change up my meals. I think for me in recovery it’s important to try different recipes and snacks every so often.
How in the world have you been feeling pretty darn good? I’m one of those lame kids that neeeeeeeds her full 8 hours of sleep! 🙂
Noooo idea. I was expecting it to catch up to me, but it’s been about a month and so far, so good. I have days where I feel more tired than others, but overall? It’s like magic…
Damn girl you need to get some sleep!
I am definitely not a night owl!
“More rest, more food, more chocolate.” PREACH IT GIRL!!!!! Even though I’ve only recently stepped into a “counting free” lifestyle, I’m already noticing SO much of a difference in not only satiety but happiness. It sure feels great to just honor your body with what it desires!
Aaaaand right now my body is desiring that banana coconut smoothie– umm YUM 😀
Oooh and I’m excited to see the recipe you have in the works! You always have such tasty looking creations!! 🙂
Have a great evening Amanda!
Oh girl, I’m still stoked about your counting-free lifestyle. Thinking about it seriously makes me giddy. Love you! <3
depends on the day lol during the week, i’m an early bird, but on the weekend i’m a night owl. i have a feeling when me and my boyfriend move in together, i’ll be both, me and him always have so much to talk about.
sometimes, but then i have to remember that my blog isn’t based on that, its an open diary of me 🙂