Hello hello! It’s Wednesday yet again and you know what that means…
Things have been pretty wordy around these parts lately, so I hope you’ll forgive me if today I just don’t say too much. Besides, I’m currently in the middle of eating dinner and everyone knows it’s not nice to talk with your mouth full, right? 😉 Well that and my mind is kind of preoccupied with thoughts of the terrifying trip that I have to take tomorrow morning. Dentist. I’m only going in for my yearly checkup and cleaning, but I still get the heebie jeebies just thinking about it. Anyone want to come along and hold my hand? I’m a wimp…
Cold temps + cold breakfasts = cold ‘Manda. Still, I’m not quite ready to give up my yogurt messes. This one had: plain Greek yogurt, a banana, a nectarine, Kashi Cinnamon Harvest, Puffins, and roasted almond butter. Delicious, but I can definitely tell that summer fruit is no longer in season. What am I supposed to replace it with? Apples? Pumpkin?
Nothing interesting to see here, folks, just your basic unimaginative work snacks. This is a perfect example of where food is pretty much nothing more than fuel. Tasty, but nothing to fawn over.
Lunch time! Toasted tastes better. Or at least, slightly warmed and melty does. Turkey. Cheese. Tortilla. Yum.

Guys, I have a problem. The watermelon thing? Still going strong. I don’t know what to think… or say 😳 Should I cut back? Should I just leave well-enough alone? Should I eat some dates? I have no idea what dates have to do with melons, other than the fact that they’re both delicious, but I’m grasping at straws here. I’m completely at a loss.
As good as nature’s candy is, sometimes you just need good old fashioned candy candy. Love.
Wonderfully foamy Starbucks capp – still a daily thing around these parts.
Sunday night’s dinner at Mom & Dad’s ended up being lunch and dinner on a few more occasions this week. No complaints. Noodles, veggies, chicken, soy sauce, and toasted sesame oil? Get in my belly.
Nothing like breakfast before bed. Lately I’ve been satisfying some waffle cravings with a little bit of almond butter and blueberry jam for a perfect after dinner treat. Hits the spot every time.Â
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Are you afraid of the dentist? Yes 😯 I used to have to take anti-anxiety meds any time I had to go.
I probably shouldn’t ask this given the dentist question, but what’s your favorite candy? KitKat definitely makes a strong contender for me.
My favorite candy has long since been Reeses Cups. Seriously what combo is better than peanut butter and chocolate?! Although, you’d probably disagree on that, haha! But we could agree on almond butter and chocolate, yes?
I actually grew up loving the dentist. I know, I’m a freak. Ha! I go to a pretty nice one, with tvs, comfy chairs, and very nice people, so I guess I got pretty lucky!