It’s confession time, ladies and gentlemen!
And because it also happens to be Wednesday, we’re going to be doing it in traditional What I Ate Wednesday style, savvy?
So, you guys have probably noticed that there are a tonne of “rules” surrounding eating these days. Like… a tonne. Just eating doesn’t even seem to be a thing anymore. Now it’s all:
“Eat this, don’t eat that.”
“Eat at this time, not at that time.”
“If you do X, eat Y.”
“If you do not do X, do not eat Y…”
“… and if you do eat Y, do X to make up for it.”
Basically: analyze the heck out of what, when, and how you eat. And while, sure, I do think it’s important to be mindful of our eating habits, I also think it can go [way] too far… to the point where people do feel genuine guilt over breaking “food rules” — like they committed some kind of dietary sin. I mean, heaven forbid that I eat something I’m not “supposed” to, at a time I’m not supposed to eat it.
That’s the surefire path to damnation right there, my friends.
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Can you tell I’m not a big fan of the idea? I mean, don’t get me wrong — there was a time where I followed those kinds of rules religiously — but these days? Nuh uh. No way. And I’ll tell you why at the end. First, let’s take a look at my [foodie] confessions…
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Confession: my day of eats are never as ‘neat’ as they look on the blog.
[Breakfast:] 3/4 cup oats cooked in coconut milk with half a scoop of vanilla rice protein powder. Topped with a mix of molasses, maple syrup, and applesauce.
I’ve talked about this once before, but that was mainly concerning the fact that my pictures look a lot nicer than my reality of eating out of pots and standing over the counter. But my eats aren’t usually as structured as they are here, either. I categorize them in a B, S, L, S, D, S kind of way to make it easier, and because that’s kind of how my mind was trained in recovery, but there are days where I’ll eat 4 times a day, and days where I’ll eat 10 times a day. It all depends on my appetite, cravings, activity level, schedule, etc.
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Confession: I live for carbs.
[Morning snack:] coffee with a splash of homemade creamer and a slice of banana coffee cake.
I do. I’ve tried the whole high protein/fat thing on a few different occasions, and my body just isn’t a fan. I get cranky, my stomach goes all wonky, my cravings are out of control, and my energy completely disappears. This girl needs her carbs, and the more she eats, the better she looks and feels.
I realize this isn’t exactly the popular belief of the times, and that it doesn’t necessarily work for everyone, but it’s really been a life changing realization for [me]… and it makes me sad to see carbs getting such a bad rap.
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Confession: sometimes it’s just not easy to get the veggies in.
[Lunch:] a green smoothie made with a banana, dates, hemp seeds, and baby spinach, with a bowl of Kashi Cinnamon Harvest to crunch on.
Don’t get me wrong — I love veggies — but there are definitely times where they just don’t sound that appealing. And I really have to watch how many and what kind I eat or my stomach doesn’t hesitate in letting me know that it’s not overly pleased. So I drink them. Err… the green ones, anyways. Green smoothies have been my saving grace, especially since they’re a good excuse to get more sweetness in π
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Confession: I’ll never give up sugar.
Work/study/blogging fuel: jelly beans.
That’s not to say that I go crazy on it, but I don’t demonize it or avoid it like the plague either; and I have some processed form of it pretty much every day. I mean, I love my natural sugars and I’m lucky to often be able to satisfy my sweet tooth with those, but sometimes a girl just needs some jelly beans, ya know? Besides… I didn’t notice any overly impressive benefits when I gave it up, nor did I notice any overly negative effects when I brought it back. And it just makes life that much sweeter… #punny.
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Confession: I’ll never be satisfied with 1-2 squares of chocolate.
Afternoon pick-me-up: Alter Eco dark quinoa chocolate bar.
Okay, this one might not be entirely true, since there are definitely times where 1 square after a meal is enough to take the edge off, but for the most part, I don’t usually stop on anything short of half the bar… especially when this bar is involved. Bloggy friends, meet my newest obsession. Newest obsession, bloggy friends. You guys… you need to try this bar if you can get your hands on it. The taste of the chocolate paired with the crunch from the quinoa is just… uunnnnggghh (read: SO good).
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Confession: I eat when I’m not hungry.
Dinner: whole wheat pasta with a homemade cheesy sauce and green beans on the side. Topped with ketchup, #obviously.
I know, I know… “Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full.” But what about… eat when you have a craving? Or when you’re with family/friends? Or when you’re baking? Or when something just straight up tastes good? There are a lot of times where I’ll grab something (usually sweet) just because I’m craving a taste of it. I know food is fuel, but it’s also a whole heck of a lot more than that, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with getting enjoyment out of it.
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Confession: I never eat without distractions.
Evening snack: popcorn with chocolate chips while watching the GoT finale.
If I’m eating, there’s a 99.99% chance that I’m either: on the computer, reading a book, watching TV, playing video games, studying, working, blogging, and/or doing something else. I know that’s not exactly ideal when it comes to the whole mindful eating thing but… honestly? I tried phasing out all other distractions and I just found myself rushing through my meals because I was bored and wanted to go do something else. It doesn’t work for me.
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So there you have it — my foodie confessions. I realize they go against most dietary “wisdom,” but they work for me. And if they stop working, then I make adjustments. I think one of the worst things we can do for our health is become too rigid in our habits. I mean, our bodies aren’t static things that operate on set principles — they’re fluid and ever-changing, and our habits should be as well. The same things aren’t going to work for different people, and the same things aren’t going to work for the same person at different times. It’s all about being flexible and keeping your sights set on the big picture — not driving yourself crazy with tiny details.
Happy Wednesday, friendly faces! π
I guess what I’m just trying to say is that it’s okay not to eat “perfectly.”
What’s your foodie confession?
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Good one, Amanda! No rules, no problems! I don’t follow a lot of the rules either. I’m always eating in front of the computer. And packaged goods? I tend to love them. π Thanks for opening up! Happy WIAW!
yes to all of these!! Sometimes, the only veggies I get in a day are in smoothie form, or I don’t get them in at all. Which is fine. And I definitely eat processed sugar on a daily basis. Actually, I baked 4 different recipes within about a week, so I’ve eaten a ton of sugar lately. Not something I do all the time but hey – it happens and I’m fine with it. Booooo food rules.
I relate to just about all of these! Except for the dark chocolate squares one π
I’ve discovered that my GI tract appreciates it so much more when I’m not forcing myself to eat veggies, or when I put greens in smoothies to make them more digestible. I still love veggies, but like you said, sometimes my stomach just says NO.
Confession: I don’t always eat organic foods that should be bought organic. I try when I can, but that doesn’t always happen ($$$$$).
Confession: ditto on the organics π
Confession: My craving foods are all carbs – oatmeal, cornbread, mac ‘n cheese, and pancakes. My energy is in the stinker when I don’t have my carbs.
Confession: I always have lollipops or jelly beans with my at all times.
Love these confessions! Goes to show how far you’ve come. I’m the same way — carbs all the way, and I eat when I’m not hungry, just because I feel like having something tasty to munch on. I too have never felt better or looked better. I go on regular, weekly pizza dates with my fiance, we eat cheesy, meaty casseroles and lasagna… I’m no longer looking to cut calories by using substitutes… I mean, I literally wouldn’t touch pasta, beef, cheese because I was afraid of the calories. It’s no longer about numbers for me, it’s about eating to make me feel satisfied and happy. So I’m really happy to see you doing the same thing π
By the way, going through a health coaching program! Hoping to do this kind of stuff on the side in addition to my regular full time job π
That’s so awesome about the health coaching, girl! It’s seriously some of the most enjoyable and rewarding work I’ve ever done.
I think if anyone admitted their food was as pretty as the best photo they took, they would be lying. You always take awesome food photography but I know you work super hard on it too.
All this and you sound like one of the healthiest eaters on the internets! I am all about the carbs too and honestly, they are my favourite food group. I am actually an advocate FOR sugar. It’s a clean burning fuel, a muscles prefered fuel source and as long as you are burning it as most active people are, there is no need to demonize anything.
Cheers to BALANCE! π
LOVE what you said about sugar. Those are basically my thoughts exactly, but I still feel like I have to walk on eggshells when it comes to that subject. Especially with all the 21 day sugar detoxes and “I Quit Sugar” movements going around lately…
What would a day be like without sugar?! π I see you are back on the oats for breakfast train! YUMMMM
Thank you for your honesty, most healthy living bloggers never admit to most of these things– like how their food never looks as perfect as their staged pictures, or how they feel better with carbs and do enjoy eating sugar. However I so have to say your breakfast left my mouth hanging wide open. I think I stared at it a good minute or two and wanted to go make it before I realized I has just eaten breakfast. Oh well, second breakfast is always welcome ;).
I definitely think there’s a lot of pressure on healthy living bloggers to make it look like they live/eat super healthy, and while I do think that can be inspiring for some people who need help in their healthy living journey, it can also be really detrimental to people who think that that’s how they have to live their lives. We need more balance in the community.
I will never give up sugar either – it’s in human’s biology to crave sugar! I hate when people say it is “bad” because we are literally designed to crave sugar and fat for our survival. Living solely on sugar is obviously not going to make you feel great, but giving it up entirely is so unnecessary in my opinion. I love all of these and can agree 100%. Thanks for being real gurlfren.
Yup yup, I’m TOTALLY on the same page with you when it comes to being completely against all those trending “food rules”. Talk about a surefire way to develop an unhealthy relationship to food. Nope. Not for me.
I love that you developed this post around breaking some of those “rules”. I’m in the exact same boat with you for basically all of them!
I love these confessions! I don’t stick with hard and fast rules either. I love feeding my body healthy things, but I don’t want to deprive it of my favorite slice of pie from our local bakery on a visit or popcorn with butter at the movies!! It’s all about that balance (we try) π
Love this. I don’t follow any of the rules either. Mainly the ones regarding carbs and sugar. I personally function better on a high carb diet. I’ve tried eating more protein/fats but I’m a zombie and I feel absolutely awful. When I’m eating carbs, I have energy. And with sugar- I definitely eat more than I *should* but at the end of the day, it makes me happy and that’s just as important to keeping you healthy as any “health” food is. It kind of goes back to the principle that there is no one right way to eat. We all need different things because our bodies are all different.
“… and thatβs just as important to keeping you healthy as any βhealthβ food is.” <-- Amen to that! I would actually say that it's even more important, since I know that I'm so much healthier now than I was when I was eating 100% clean...
This all looks so good!
I never eat WITHOUT distractions and I’m totally okay with that!
I’m a huge veggie lover and I never have a problem eating them (maybe too many! Haha!) but when I got sick last week and am now finally regaining my strength, I really just want carbs and fruits….everything else looks so nasty and makes me nausaus…I’ve never had to deal with that though :/ I want my veggie loving back!
girl i feel you on the carbs!!! xoxox
I TOTALLY relate to this! I’ve tried the high protein/fat thing and my body just doesn’t like it. I feel constantly hungry and I can’t be satisfied unless I have some carbs!
Right?! Everyone says that proteins and fats are supposed to be the most satisfying, but that only leaves me prowling the kitchen 10 minutes later looking for more food π
I have had a blog post in my drafts for a few weeks trying to explain food rules and how I feel about them. You said it! I definitely struggle, since most of how I lost my weight initially was with a structured meal plan, but I’m really trying to make an effort to not listen to rules, unless they work for me=.
Amen for this, seriously. Growing up, my parents were really strict with our eating. We could only have 1 snack a day, and we had to eat a serving of fruit or vegetables with every meal. Any time I wasn’t around them, I would binge eat all the junk food and had a really unhealthy obsession with food. It took me a few years on my own to finally have normal eating habits, which is basically eat what I feel like and don’t go overboard. So much better!
It took me a few years to normalize my eating after my eating disorder as well. It’s crazy how embedded those habits become!
I absolutely LOVED your confessions! Food rules are the road to hell, let me tell you. It causes so much stress and guilt that should never be there. I’m glad I’m not the only one who “distracts” themselves while they eat. I, too, rush through my meals when I don’t do something else because I want to be doing something because I am so extremely bored. My brain gets restless pretty easily π
Have a lovely rest of your day, Amanda!
We’re definitely sitting in the same boat here – especially with Jelly Beans and Ketchup π
With my work schedule it’s almost impossible to eat at certain times – and my appetite really goes from crazy to nothing and except for chocolate I can not stuff my face with meals if I’m not hungry.
I am with you on ALL OF THESE! Especially my love for carbs and inability to do high protein/fat, love of sugar, love of eating half a chocolate bar (not just a square… who can do that??)
I can relate to 100% of these confessions Amanda. Carbs, sugar & chocolate will always be a part of my life.
Unless I’m out at a restaurant I eat all my meals while doing something else, sometimes with a cat in my lap, although the last one isn’t ideal because hair in my food is gross.
To be honest, I never encountered so many food rules until I hit the HLB blog and even now, I don’t pay much attention. I still don’t know calories counts or macro makeups for my food and I like it that way. What I do know is I feel good and I’m healthy, and that’s really all that matters.
Happy WIAW!
And that’s why I love you. Well, one of the reasons, anyways π
I looooooove this Amanda! I actually feel like I’ve taken care of myself if I get any green stuff in on any given day even all I can do is blend it into a smoothie. And I also feel like I’ve taken care of myself when I’m together with family or friends and I find myself not hungry, but I eat anyway. Food should bring people together. As soon as it starts to isolate us, then watch out! Bad news.
So true! That was actually one of the things I struggled with in my ED — I preferred the company of my meals to the company of other people π
So basically we are the same person because all of those confessions are SPOT ON with mine hahaha! One time someone argued with me because I said you could eat past 6 pm……. -____- screw food rules
OhmyYES I absolutely tend to sorta rush my meals when I eat without distractions. I slow down and savour when I bring in a side of reading, listening, watching…basically any of those taboo things to be multi tasking your food with. I was just discussing with the brother the other day; we can switch up and change things as we please, there’s no reason to feel obliged to commit when it comes to food. Life has enough stressful/serious factors as it is – we can keep food fun!
I loved this post! I can relate to all of your confessions, especially “I eat when Iβm not hungry” and “I live for carbs”. Sometimes you just have to eat when it’s convenient or when it fits your schedule. That’s part of what “normal eating” is. And I love carbs, especially white rice and bread. Whole grains are hard for me to digest. I know it’s against the “nutrition gospel” but whatever. We have to find what works for us individually. Oh and 1-2 squares of chocolate is never enough!
I have better luck with white rice than I do with brown rice as well, Letizia. In fact, a lot of the “healthier” foods actually end up causing me a lot of stomach problems.
I always eat with distractions too! They say it’s “not good for you,” but can’t help it. π I’m either during a newspaper crossword at lunch or watching the news at dinner or relaxing with a movie and big bowl of popcorn. I also live for snacks. My body just doesn’t work its best with only breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I will never give up sugar either – or chocolate! I’ve seen those Alter Eco bars, but, I am not very experimental when it comes to chocolate and I’ve been hoping to hear what others thought – and BOOM- YOU delivered! I, however, can stop at one or 2 squares – but, my daughter will finish the rest so if we get a bar and share it, I will force myself to eat my half, or she will eat hers and whatever’s leftover of mine!
My confession is sorta more drink related, but I think coffee should be a food group! I’ve been drinking so much of it – I can even drink it at 10pm and be asleep at 10.10pm – I still don’t understand why we don’t have coffee IV’s – same way I don’t understand why we don’t have scratch and taste screens! GAH!
BTW, I so love this WIAW, Amanda!
I was just saying to a friend of mine the other day that I needed a coffee IV π And I really wish that I could drink more of it, but my stomach gets a little crazy when I do so I have to limit myself π₯
I’m with you. Can’t live without carbs or sugar. And I definitely can’t just have a bite of chocolate. I wouldn’t even try to limit myself to a square.
I completely agree about the carbs. I’ve found that, on a consistent basis, when I don’t include them, I am FREAKING CRABBY. And I also believe that eating even when we’re not hungry (social events etc) is absolutely part of the beauty of life.
THANK YOU! Gosh , as a health coach student I feel the pressure almost to be this ideal role model for the people who look up to me (or will in the future, fingers crossed). I can relate to every single one of those confessions, espeically eating when not hungry. I’m constantly surrounded by food, thats just way too hard not to! I love your honesty and appreciate it! Lovely meals also π
I’m dealing with exactly the same thing, Alexa. It’s hard to be a health coach and encourage people to do things that are labelled as less than healthy… even when you know they actually are. But I feel like more and more people these days are taking health too far and actually ending up on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Yay, I love this! I totally agree with all of your points. I’m almost always doing something when I eat, I eat sweets, I don’t always eat when I’m hungry, basically everything you said.
Also totally want to make that banana coffee cake now.
This post makes me feel great! I am the same way…..cue the dark chocolate covered espresso beans and Vosges chocolate bars always in my desk at work! I got a little excited when I saw the Disney mug too. I am currently planning my family’s 3rd and 4th trips into May 2016….just seeing your Minnie mug made me smile this morning! PS-we have 2 squares of the cinnamon sugar banana coffee cake left, and my son wants me to make it again this weekend!
I’m glad you and your family liked them, Kimberly! And I love that you’re going to Disney! Seriously one of my favourite places to go!
I eat half a bar of chocolate at a time, anything less just seems like I didn’t even eat any π Those jelly beans are so pretty, actually just bought some jelly beans for Adam as an early Father’s Day present π and my food tries to be pretty for the photo but that lasts until the first bite π
I love this. I can totally relate to each and every one of theseβ¦ especially the “I live for carbs”. I could be totally happy eating bagels and pasta for the rest of my life. It took a really long time for me to vary my diet away from simple carbs and into complex carbs. And I’m with youβ¦ I definitely always eat with distractions. My foodie confession = I eat the same thing for breakfast every single day ! Haha. Hope you have a fabulous Wednesday! π
I fall into breakfast grooves as well! Mostly because I’m not in the mood to think up anything new that early in the day, so I just go with what I know works π
Great post! Loving each of your confessions because let’s be honest, most of us can totally relate. π
I like this style of WIAW! I always eat with a distraction of some kin if I am alone. And it really is hard to get all those veggies in. I am not sure anyone comes close.
I LOVE all these confessions…and the fact that you 1. Love ketchup because, in my opinion, it’s a food group.
and 2. Eat when you’re not hungry. I am almost never hungry but know that I need to eat.
And jellybeans. ALWAYS.
YES to ketchup being a food group! Right up there with salsa <3