It’s confession time, ladies and gentlemen!
And because it also happens to be Wednesday, we’re going to be doing it in traditional What I Ate Wednesday style, savvy?
So, you guys have probably noticed that there are a tonne of “rules” surrounding eating these days. Like… a tonne. Just eating doesn’t even seem to be a thing anymore. Now it’s all:
“Eat this, don’t eat that.”
“Eat at this time, not at that time.”
“If you do X, eat Y.”
“If you do not do X, do not eat Y…”
“… and if you do eat Y, do X to make up for it.”
Basically: analyze the heck out of what, when, and how you eat. And while, sure, I do think it’s important to be mindful of our eating habits, I also think it can go [way] too far… to the point where people do feel genuine guilt over breaking “food rules” — like they committed some kind of dietary sin. I mean, heaven forbid that I eat something I’m not “supposed” to, at a time I’m not supposed to eat it.
That’s the surefire path to damnation right there, my friends.
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Can you tell I’m not a big fan of the idea? I mean, don’t get me wrong — there was a time where I followed those kinds of rules religiously — but these days? Nuh uh. No way. And I’ll tell you why at the end. First, let’s take a look at my [foodie] confessions…
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Confession: my day of eats are never as ‘neat’ as they look on the blog.
[Breakfast:] 3/4 cup oats cooked in coconut milk with half a scoop of vanilla rice protein powder. Topped with a mix of molasses, maple syrup, and applesauce.
I’ve talked about this once before, but that was mainly concerning the fact that my pictures look a lot nicer than my reality of eating out of pots and standing over the counter. But my eats aren’t usually as structured as they are here, either. I categorize them in a B, S, L, S, D, S kind of way to make it easier, and because that’s kind of how my mind was trained in recovery, but there are days where I’ll eat 4 times a day, and days where I’ll eat 10 times a day. It all depends on my appetite, cravings, activity level, schedule, etc.
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Confession: I live for carbs.
[Morning snack:] coffee with a splash of homemade creamer and a slice of banana coffee cake.
I do. I’ve tried the whole high protein/fat thing on a few different occasions, and my body just isn’t a fan. I get cranky, my stomach goes all wonky, my cravings are out of control, and my energy completely disappears. This girl needs her carbs, and the more she eats, the better she looks and feels.
I realize this isn’t exactly the popular belief of the times, and that it doesn’t necessarily work for everyone, but it’s really been a life changing realization for [me]… and it makes me sad to see carbs getting such a bad rap.
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Confession: sometimes it’s just not easy to get the veggies in.
[Lunch:] a green smoothie made with a banana, dates, hemp seeds, and baby spinach, with a bowl of Kashi Cinnamon Harvest to crunch on.
Don’t get me wrong — I love veggies — but there are definitely times where they just don’t sound that appealing. And I really have to watch how many and what kind I eat or my stomach doesn’t hesitate in letting me know that it’s not overly pleased. So I drink them. Err… the green ones, anyways. Green smoothies have been my saving grace, especially since they’re a good excuse to get more sweetness in 😉
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Confession: I’ll never give up sugar.
Work/study/blogging fuel: jelly beans.
That’s not to say that I go crazy on it, but I don’t demonize it or avoid it like the plague either; and I have some processed form of it pretty much every day. I mean, I love my natural sugars and I’m lucky to often be able to satisfy my sweet tooth with those, but sometimes a girl just needs some jelly beans, ya know? Besides… I didn’t notice any overly impressive benefits when I gave it up, nor did I notice any overly negative effects when I brought it back. And it just makes life that much sweeter… #punny.
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Confession: I’ll never be satisfied with 1-2 squares of chocolate.
Afternoon pick-me-up: Alter Eco dark quinoa chocolate bar.
Okay, this one might not be entirely true, since there are definitely times where 1 square after a meal is enough to take the edge off, but for the most part, I don’t usually stop on anything short of half the bar… especially when this bar is involved. Bloggy friends, meet my newest obsession. Newest obsession, bloggy friends. You guys… you need to try this bar if you can get your hands on it. The taste of the chocolate paired with the crunch from the quinoa is just… uunnnnggghh (read: SO good).
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Confession: I eat when I’m not hungry.
Dinner: whole wheat pasta with a homemade cheesy sauce and green beans on the side. Topped with ketchup, #obviously.
I know, I know… “Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full.” But what about… eat when you have a craving? Or when you’re with family/friends? Or when you’re baking? Or when something just straight up tastes good? There are a lot of times where I’ll grab something (usually sweet) just because I’m craving a taste of it. I know food is fuel, but it’s also a whole heck of a lot more than that, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with getting enjoyment out of it.
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Confession: I never eat without distractions.
Evening snack: popcorn with chocolate chips while watching the GoT finale.
If I’m eating, there’s a 99.99% chance that I’m either: on the computer, reading a book, watching TV, playing video games, studying, working, blogging, and/or doing something else. I know that’s not exactly ideal when it comes to the whole mindful eating thing but… honestly? I tried phasing out all other distractions and I just found myself rushing through my meals because I was bored and wanted to go do something else. It doesn’t work for me.
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So there you have it — my foodie confessions. I realize they go against most dietary “wisdom,” but they work for me. And if they stop working, then I make adjustments. I think one of the worst things we can do for our health is become too rigid in our habits. I mean, our bodies aren’t static things that operate on set principles — they’re fluid and ever-changing, and our habits should be as well. The same things aren’t going to work for different people, and the same things aren’t going to work for the same person at different times. It’s all about being flexible and keeping your sights set on the big picture — not driving yourself crazy with tiny details.
Happy Wednesday, friendly faces! 😀
I guess what I’m just trying to say is that it’s okay not to eat “perfectly.”
What’s your foodie confession?
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Thank you for this post! Love it, needed it.
I love this! It’s nice to see someone being totally real about these things. We all like to put our best selves out there, but sometimes that makes people feel like they are doing things wrong because that’s not how they eat/live/are. I definitely need chocolate (and not just a square), eat when I’m not hungry, and eat while in front of the TV/book/magazine/computer, etc. Thanks for sharing!!
Yes, I love this.. .Because I feel like you’re saying what some of us want to say, but at least I haven’t worked up the courage to say them yet on the blog. I like that you’re honest, transparent, funny, and really relatable Amanda. That’s what makes your blog one that people love to visit!
This is so important to say!! What you can be so personal, yet so destructive. Or so positive really. Thanks for keeping it real 🙂
I’ve been down the disordered eating path and I’m never going back. My love of restrictive eating is slowly but surely becoming a thing of the past. No food is off limits or bad based on a rule!
That’s really awesome, Jill! 😀
Finally a post about reality! Thank you so much for sharing. Sometime bloggers make things neat and tidy, with lying or hiding anything I’m sure, but it so nice to hear you say these things. It is way too easy to get caught up in the ‘rules’ and there are new rules everyday!
I love this post! We’re a lot alike in our eating habits. I love carbs too and there’s no way I could give up sugar entirely. Life’s too short not to have coffee cake and jelly beans. 🙂
And I always eat while doing something else. Breakfast is standing in the kitchen while I pack my lunch. Lunch is at my computer every day and dinner is at the TV or at the computer if Bran is away. It’s so bad!
But so good at the same time *insert monkey emoji here*
can i tell you something? i love this. because i relate. In fact, my shuband went low carb last week and i about died! and i am trying to eat without distractions, but….. then i put on a podcast and um, whoops!
Great post, thanks for sharing! I never eat without distractions either. I’d be pretty bored so I read blogs or watch a video. I still ear mindfully and realise that I’m eating and blah. I think it’s totally ok top do this!
My foodie confession: I love to dip things. Chips in dip, carrots in hummus, cereal in yonanas. I love to dip things. Not sorry about that.
I confess to all of these. And I couldn’t have put it better. Beautiful! 🙂
This is SUCH a great post! I love your honesty here! I do eat a s@&$ ton of vegetables, but only when I am craving them. There are lots of days when my only veggies come in the form of sweet potatoes , pumpkin, carrots, etc. Clearly I love beta carotene.
And 1-2 pieces of chocolate is NEVER enough. I always eat more than that.
YES. I can relate to so many of these. I eat with distractions occasionally, I eat when I’m not hungry and I could never give up carbs (I think I would go into a depression without my oatmeal, potatoes, rice and quinoa, among others). I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that our bodies are ever-changing so our habits should be as well. Completely agree!
Can someone really tell me who thinks 1-2 squares of chocolate is enough! I surely don’t, ha. If I can’t have it all, I might as well not have any 😉
Right?!?! It’s like… that’s only enough to intensify the craving even more 😆
omg LOL. In a continuation of the previous comment, my mum asked me how I liked quinoa and I said popped in the alter-ego bars. Not even kidding you.
PS- You weren’t kidding about the jelly beans!
Seriously the best.answer.ever.
Amen to all of these! You have such an ability to remind me that food doesn’t have to be complicated. And I couldn’t relate more with the last point; it took me a long time to realize that even though it goes against the “guidelines”, eating alone without a book or my computer just leaves me bored and enjoying my meal less. So not worth it! Thanks for writing this.
These are all so great! I’m pretty much guilty of all of these as well. When we look at each other’s food blog posts it’s easy to perceive the way that person eats different than how they actually eat and kudos to you for putting it all out there!! I also eat on a b,s,l,s,d,s kind of schedule! Love my snacks!
Can I confess all of these? Because I’m right there with ya on them. 😉 Particularly the chocolate and carbs one!
I can relate to so many of these confessions! Especially your obsession with carbs (GIVE ME ALL THE CARBS!) and not eating without distraction. I know it’s bad and that I shouldn’t do it, but I can’t help it! I love surfing the web or watching a good show while I’m eating. It puts me in a zone! LOL
Love this! As you saw, I am just finishing up the Whole 30 thing. I did it as a challenge to myself and just to see what all the “hoopla” was about with it. I successfully completed it, and I don’t plan on doing it again. I felt fine and it was whatever. But I missed carbs. More so, my workouts missed carbs. And I will never say goodbye to them again.
Kudos for being able to stick to it, girl! I’ve thought about trying it just so I could have a better idea of what people are talking about, but I feel so good now and I can’t really justify changing that.
I swear I must have been born with the world’s worst metabolism & I’m 53 – just you wait – things do change.
I do better on fewer carbs on the days I don’t run – in fact, I just naturally eat fewer carbs spring/summer & I have much, much less cravings & it’s easier to maintain my weight. But without carbs on run days I am the little engine that crashed.
I eat pretty healthy maybe 80% of the time! but I may or may not have had a brownie sundae for lunch after a long run. More than once. 🙂
You could be my food/appetite twin. I NEED carbs- the high protein/high fat just doesn’t work for me, energy/weight/satiety – wise. While I try to keep it in moderation, sugar is going nowhere in my life. I do not like food rules because life is complicated enough – food such be enjoyable as much as it is nourishing.
I’m guilty of all of the above. Most of the food pics I use are actually what I’ve plated for Vegas. By the time I’m ready, I no longer care and just slop it on a plate… or eat with my fingers standing in the fridge. Whatever. Still tastes good.
I ate that EXACT quinoa chocolate bar the other day and just devoured the entire thing. 2 squares? Pshhhhh. Confession: 1) my actual meals are way lamer than they look on the blog (….said every food blogger ever). But it’s true!
#ditto 😆 I just can’t be bothered…
My foodie confession is similar to yours – I pretty much always eat with the iPad beside me, tv on or I’m at the laptop :-S the only time I eat at the table without tech is on a Sunday when David and I eat breakfast with the newspapers!
I also eat dates every single day…. A dateless day is a sad day!
Heck yes to the days! I’ve especially been loving them with the dark chocolate lately.
Oooohhhh these are good foodie confessions! Mine would be:
1. I have to have a spoonful of nut butter for breakfast;
2. Dinner always involves hot sauce!
Naughty rule breaker Amanda ;)?! I like it and I’m right there with you. If I had to pick the most obnoxious rule – I wouldn’t know which one to choose because by now there are way too many. Like the whole no carb idea is SO yesteryear. Or no, wishful thinking on my part. It sadly is still one of the most popular fads out there and likely to stick around for a while. People considering fruit carbs? Can’t we please all just like, eat and thrive on food, not calories/carbs/fat/protein?
I -do- try to eat without distraction or at least without technology but I need a newspaper, crossword puzzle or sudoku to keep me entertained :).
I always eat with distractions too, and one square of chocolate – never enough! I just got used to eating while reading the newspaper as a kid (I know, not the worst habit to have) and now I read blogs while eating. I think it’s all about finding what works for YOU and going from there 🙂
Having food around while reading blogs is definitely a bonus. That way I don’t feel like I’m dying while looking at all the delicious food out there 😛
I like the way you do your WIAW posts. It’s not just a rehashing of what you ate and there’s usually some kind of theme. Today’s is great! You’ve got to own those confessions!!