I did something this weekend that I haven’t done in almost 5 months…
I took pictures of everything I ate. I know. It’s something that I used to do everyday when I first started blogging, before cutting back to just once a week for What I Ate Wednesdays, and then stopping completely. It’s been kind of nice not to have to worry about plating my food and spending time taking pictures before digging in, but I did miss sharing my eats with you guys so I’m hoping to make these posts a more regular thing on Spoons. I can’t promise that they’ll happen every week, or that they’ll even go up on a Wednesday, but there definitely won’t be another 5 month hiatus.
So without further ado, I give you… Sunday’s eats!
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Breakfast was a modified version of my secret ingredient chocolate smoothie. And by modified I mean I left out the secret ingredient (read: sweet potato) and tossed in a handful of frozen sweet potato tots instead 😆 I know that might sound a little bizarre, but I had a lot of leftovers hanging out in the freezer from all my botched attempts, and well… they’ve gotta go somewhere! So into the blender they went, and I’ve gotta say the result was pretty darn fantastic. The sweet cinnamony-ness complimented the other ingredients perfectly, and the frozen SPs made for one heck of a creamy texture…
That was followed by coffee, obviously. Or a homemade almond milk latte, to be more exact…
It’s so foamy I could DIE. Buying a milk frother was definitely one of the best things I’ve ever done.
Insert a few hours of tidying since my place always gets neglected during the week, and I found myself feeling a little munchy (munchie?) so I sat down to snack on some dates and almonds while trying to come up with an itinerary for Maui.
T minus 4 days until my trip. SQUEEEE! And I just wanted to send out a huge thank you to everyone who gave me advice on things to do and places to see. Much love to you. Much love.
Lunch was… not a snack plate. I was going through a big snack plate phase the last time I shared my eats with you guys, and while I’ll still have them on occasion, now I’ve moved on to obsessing over bowls. Not the actual dinnerware, but the smorgasbord of delicious ingredients I can combine and call a meal. Today it was coconut basmati rice with chickpeas, avocado, and… and what? OH! And some steamed frozen veggies I had lying around. Broccoli, bell peppers, asparagus, spinach, snap peas, and… garlic sprouts, apparently. Basically this mix here.
The weather was gorgeous, so I headed on over to my parents’ a little early so that I could take Ky for a walk…
I miss seeing that ridiculous face on a daily basis, but there’s no way I’d take her away from a big backyard and coop her up in a condo.
Following our walk, I whipped up a chocolate smoothie to snack on because it was way warmer than I thought it was going to be, and I ended up overdressing, overheating, and needing something cool and creamy…
I think I threw a banana, a pear, some cocoa powder, a handful of oats, and some coconut water in there. I think…
Dinner was courtesy of yours truly, which is totally unfair since the main reason I go over to my parents’ on Sundays is to mooch off my mom’s cooking *ahem* see them. But I was doing some recipe experimenting so I brought over a wild rice casserole that I’ll be sharing the recipe for later this week.
I didn’t eat the whole thing, obviously, but I didn’t want to whip out my phone at the dinner table, so I just took a picture before it got ravaged.
Aaaaaand because this is already getting longer than I’d like it to be, we’re going to end things with a raw artisan chocolate snack…
… even though my night ended up not ending for quite some time since, as delicious as that bar was, it had coffee beans in it and probably wasn’t the best thing to eat so late in the evening. But that’s okay because I had planning to do 😆
Happy Monday, friendly faces! And a big shoutout to Jenn for hosting!
Do you have any pets?
What did you have for breakfast today?
What did you put in the last smoothie you made?
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Your dog is cute! I have seen a rise of “the bowl” on Instagram lately. It looks like everything I put in my burritos. So I was totally ahead of this trend…I just wrapped them in bread 🙂
Seeing your eats made me realize I haven’t done a full day of eats in foreverrrr. Time to switch that up! I never remember what I put in smoothies either… I just throw random stuff in and hope it all tastes good!
I don’t have pets, but I have a child 😉 A furry one 😀 😀 😀
I really, really want to live through your Hawaii vacation right now while I’m sitting on my rump. No lie. Please text me pictures!!! I need things to do! #cabinfever
I had breakfast for dinner because my stomach is always a little wonky after surgery. Oatmeal with banana + Nuttzo peanut butter. So simple, but so good!
GIrl, I have breakfast for dinner even when my stomach -isn’t- wonky! It’s my favourite thing in the world. And do you have an iPhone?! Texting wouldn’t be a problem!
Please keep up with these what-I-ate posts, I love them!
I had omelette with veggie and potato stirfry for breakfast…I usually have savoury, cooked breakfasts 🙂 I haven’t had a smoothie in…forever! I think I’ll make them more often again once it get’s warmer.
PUPPY!! I seriously think your dog is the cutest, fluffiest, adorable furball ever. Mine cute and all, but there’s something about a big fluffy coat that just gets me 🙂
And that lunch of yours? Drooooool!
I’m a sucker for the husky type dogs as well! Although your Opie’s snaggletooth melts my heart <3
I made it a goal to share pictures of all of my meals this week. I use to do it more often, as well. Now I know why! It holds me so accountable for what I am eating. I put more thought into each meal, and it helps me to choose better options! It’s worth the time, for sure! 🙂
I have a milk frother too! Best thing ever!!!
I’m all about them bowls of food – especially in the winter months it’s a good alternative to a salad. All your eats look delish!
Oh girl, I don’t even remember the last smoothie I made. I do, however, want some of that casserole. I love wild rice, and I love casseroles. Sounds like winner!
I love these posts, Amanda, so I am glad to see they are back!!! 😀
I have a rescue pup named Lucy who is almost a year. For breakfast I had steel cut oats with a banana, chia seeds, and nut butter. DELICIOUS! I still need to make that sweet potato smoothie…looks so good. So jealous of your upcoming trip! XOXO
Lucy is an absolute cutie! Those ears <3
Oh goodness, what didn’t I put in the smoothie I just had for breakfast? Frozen zucchini, banana, grapes, and blueberries topped with a pound of homemade granola and fresh fruit 🙂 Go big or go home I guess! 😉
Seeing these posts always makes me jealous of everyone who can make like a squirrel and snack on nuts! I love peanut butter but peanuts aren’t my thing, and I’m allergic to all tree nuts. Oh well – I can always sub in chocolate covered berries/raisins!
Aww! I can kind of relate. I can’t snack on raw almonds, but I don’t mind the roasted ones. And I always need to have them with some dried fruit — makes them go down easier 🙂
I may have to invest in a milk frother!!!
It was something I went back and forth on as well, but I definitely don’t regret it!
My last smoothie had chia, ALL the greens, protein powder, and blueberries for after my workout this morning. I have been strangely ravenous though and ended up eating scrambled eggs and mushrooms, a banana, and some Medjool dates w/ almond butter after that. Must be my increase in mileage lately…
I looooove throwing things int a bowl and calling it a meal!! They turn out delicious. I can’t remember the last time I had basmati rice though. Must try!! I usually just use boring brown rice.
I can’t believe your trip is so close!!!! SO exciting!
DO eeeet! Basmati tastes -so- much better! And it smells almost like popcorn while you’re cooking it!
Hi Amanda, a double smoothie kind of day? I love it! And it’s great you live so close to your parents. I’m jealous! I live across the country from mine. And I was flying this morning, so had to pick up random trail mix, yogurt, green juice, protein bar nibbles from the airport for breakfast. I hope to be back to normal foods later!
Wow, that wild rice casserole looks amazing! And I love that you used your leftover failures in your smoothie. Genius idea!
I’m so ridiculously excited for your trip! I kind of want to buy a plane ticket and come join you. Would that be okay? 😉
More than okay! Especially since you’ve been before and can show me all the good spots 😉
Ohhhhh vacation planning, it’s going to be so fun!!
I have two dogs, although it was nearly down to one this weekend when we came home from dinner and the trash ALL over the living room. (I kid, I kid. I would never get rid of her. But I would put her in her crate for most of the rest of the weekend.)
Breakfast this morning: bacon and eggs.
The last smoothie I made: half a banana, spinach, almond milk, protein powder. I’m boring 🙂
😆 Oh man I remember those house wrecking days. My dog is 12 now so she’s calmed down a tonne, but she was definitely a handful as a puppy!
That almond milk latte looks incredible. I don’t even buy milk usually (I put oil in my coffee) but seeing that makes me really want a milk frother!
I have been wanting to get a milk frother for some time…this only magnifies that want! Your smoothies look great…I get on kicks where all I want is something my blender can concoct!
It will seriously change.your.LIFE. I don’t even want to go to Starbucks anymore because I make better coffee at home 😆
I have two wonderful kitties!
My breakfast was oatmeal with cocoa powder, cinnamon, vanilla, and stevia. EVERY DAY.
Amanda, I remember your WIAW posts being my favourites when I first started reading your blog! I’ve always loved your food choices. They’re not intimidating, and yet still healthy and balanced. Happy Monday, chicky mama!
Aww thanks so much, Suzy! Super sweet of you 🙂
love your WIA posts 🙂
this was a nice surprise to my monday! i also put leftovers in my smoothies too.. i think last time i did that was a handful of steamed broccoli i had for dinner the night before.
A wild rice casserole! Are you from Minnesota or are those Canadian things, too?
Lol I’m not sure if it’s a Canadian thing (I don’t think so), but I do actually really love wild rice. Has a super interesting texture and taste!
If only I could find some heatlhified creamy chicken wild rice soup
Wow, so much deliciousness. I am digging the idea of tossing frozen sweet potatoes into your smoothie! I’m pretty sure the last time I made a smoothie, it was your oatmeal cookie dough smoothie 🙂 And breakfast today was a bowl of Greek yogurt with a ton of mix-ins and toppings, including chia seeds, cinnamon, banana, a morning glory muffin, granola, and almond butter. ‘Twas fabulous.
Ahh I’m so excited for you going to Maui so soon!!! Take pictures of the Iao Needle if you’re not too mesmerized by its beauty 😉
Will do! I’m pretty sure I’m going to need to bring an extra memory card for my camera for that place. I don’t even want to think about how I’m going to manage to get through all the pictures I take!
Good news! I had a sweet potato this weekend and the aversion is gone! Gotta make some sweet potato smoothies asap!
For breakfast today I had two eggs, a huge handful of walnuts and a bowl of baby carrots. It was just kind of meh but it was a last-minute breakfast.
I really need to stock up on some chocolate bars! Usually the only form of chocolate I have at home is chocolate chips…which, I guess, still does the job!
I have two labs and right now they are with my parents while we prepare to move down to San Diego. I miss them so much! I am super excited about your vacation. One day I’ll visit Hawaii. Will you be blogging over there or purely R & R time over there?
I might pop in for the occasional post (definitely for ToL and Link Love), but other than that I’m just going to play it by ear. I haven’t taken time off from blogging since last year!
Sweet potato smoothie?? I thought I whipped up some weird creations lol!
I had a 10k race this weekend in Nebraska and I definitely was not ready for the 50 degree weather! In Minnesota it has been..18-20 degrees? It got a little toasty for me although I did manage to bring some shorts so that was a little helpful. Anyways I get the overdressing and overheating thing. 🙂
Have so much fun in Maui! I haven’t been but I’m excited to hear about your experience!
I always love the look of people’s “bowls” but I never know what to put in them. Good thing to try.
You know how bad it is? I practically thought I was hallucinating! Like, what the hell; there can’t possibly be a “what I ate” up on Spoons 😯 !?
Pardon me, I couldn’t resist 😉 .
I’ve got verrrry close to my heart companions in the form of my horse Heritage and a pup who I swear could pass for a miniature version of your Ky with that luscious fur! Ohmyjeepers creepers I don’t even know how, but smoothies have fallen off my radar.. and the lady in the snow would be slurping two a day.
Breakfast was… *drumroll* polenta porridge with a banana, cinnamon, coconut oil, peanut butter and pecans. Oh wow, talk about a mouthful (of deliciousness 😉 ) .
I know, I know *hangs head in shame* But they’ll be making more regular appearances! Scout’s honour.
I loooove vacation planning. Even if all I ever end up doing is sipping drinks on the beach, I love the process of researching and getting excited beforehand.
Breakfast today was the same as what I’ve been eating for a while- cheesy eggs and toast.
I almost -always- end up winging it when I’m there, but the planning process definitely adds to the excitement! And when I ask people about things to do, the most common response is: “It’s Maui. Just go and be” 😆
We have a 9-year old Chocolate Lab. My husband’s dad gave it to him a few weeks before he passed away, so needless to say, the dog is pretty special.
I haven’t actually eaten breakfast yet, but I did taste test a cinnamon chip scone that I made for my husband to take to work for his co-workers. Pretty tasty if I do say so myself!
We go to my parents to hang out/eat their food too! Occasionally I take something over so they don’t start to wonder if we’re only coming over for the food! 🙂
Aww I love chocolate labs! What’s his name?
His name is Sam. My parents had a black lab named Sam when I was growing up. Popular name!
I remember your snack plates 🙂 I always thought they were a fun idea but my lunch always winds up being a bowl of things tossed together. Love the look of that casserole! Dinner with parents sounds fun!
HI Amanda!!
We, we have 2 dachshunds and a one-eyed cat!!! When he lived in the wild, he was attacked by a coyote! Laura’s mom paid the $1500 vet bill if Laura would take the cat so we said we would. And of course the cat snuggles with me every night
Now that’s definitely a unique pet combo! But I’m betting the cat is a sweetie after what he went through.
I should do that this week–I’m having an “off” week from a lot of things in life so I think there’d be enough time for be to snapshot some things I eat. They won’t look as good as yours, being that I do consume unconventional meats, though!
Oh myy…that chocolate espresso coffee – YUM! I can’t wait to read your Maui recap after you get back from your trip! Have a fantastic week ahead!
Totally feel you on not wanting to whip out the camera every time I eat! That being said, I loved seeing what you eat in a day :)! Excited to see this wild rice recipe- looks fab! Breakfast today was overnight oats which would have been so yum had I not destroyed it by adding peanut flour- definitely a mistake not to be made again! Real nut butter in oatmeal always..lesson learnt!
You know my thoughts on peanut flour 😉
I’m impressed with your smoothie drinking! So many people tell me they can’t drink them when it’s cold. It’s never really cold in AZ . I’m usually feeling like I’m the only one doing it. Super jealous of your Hawaii trip! Are you going with friends or family?
I have no trouble putting down a delicious smoothie as well and I live in Buffalo, NY. That homemade latte is what I’m really craving right now. 🙂 Enjoy your trip.
I feel like I crave smoothies even more when it’s cold outside! And I’ll be going with family this time around. We’ve got some extra aunts and cousins meeting us there, so it’s almost like a mini family reunion 😆