Why hello there. It’s good to see you guys again ๐
After spending the weekend blissfully unplugged from the computer, I have to admit that it’s kind of nice to get back into the swing of things… although I suppose I’m not exactly getting back into the swing of anything seeing as I have yet to tame my morning hair, put my contacts in, and change out of my pyjamas thanks to a little thing called Family Day. Long weekends, I kind of love you.
I’ll be heading over to “celebrate” [read: hang out and watch movies all day]ย family day with my mom and dad later today, but I thought I’d stop by and say hi since it’s been a while since we last talked. Actually, what I really wanted to do was brag. You see, this weekend I conquered aย food fear…
Yes. A food fear; and no, it wasn’t cinnamon buns. Rather, it was a little somethingย inside the cinnamon buns. A little something that goes by the name of yeast…
I’ve been wanting to make homemade cinnamon buns for as long as I can remember, and I’ve been intimidated by working with yeast for just as long. I don’t even know why, either – the extra step/chemical process just made it seem like so many more things could go wrong! But when I came across this recipe for caramel apple cinnamon rolls, all my fears were instantly replaced with a single thought: “I need these in my bellyย now.” So, I bought my little packets of yeast, let them mingle with what I hoped was warm enough water…
… nervously played the waiting game with a small ball of dough…
… marvelled as I was greeted by a bigger ball of dough…
… flattened aforementioned bigger ball of dough…
… loaded it up with the good stuff…
… rolled it up…
… and impatiently hoped for the best, only to be greeted by this beautiful sight…
But even better than the sight, was the taste.
… my…
… word…

Victory is sweet indeed, or should I say…ย marvelous.
Hope you guys are having a great Monday! And whether or not you’re celebrating Family Day, be sure to give your loved ones a hug.
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Are there any recipes/ingredients that intimidate you?ย Working with yeast was a huge one for me, and cinnamon buns always kind of turned me off because of the time/effort involved – the whole process took me about 4 hours with waiting time! Now that I’ve got that tackled, though, I really want to try making homemade bread.
Do you live close to your family? I’m extremely fortunate to live close to my mom and dad, but all the rest of my family lives in Poland so I don’t get to see them often.
I already said it but – oh.my.goodness. I wonder how well cinnamon buns would ship? Those look absolutely divine… I never have been a big fan of Cinnabon cinnamon rolls because they’re just gigantically huge, sticky, and messy, but I love small bakery/ homemade cinnamon rolls ๐ Way to go girl, you rocked it! My “fear” food to make would be bread – my BFF and I used to “bake” bread every weekend when we were younger but we never ever had yeast so it always turned out as hard as a rock… We even attempted pizza once and didn’t have pepperoni so we used bologna. Gag!
I was actually kind of disappointed at first because they didn’t turn out to be those huge, sticky, messy Cinnabon type buns (which is what I thought cinnamon buns should be), but you’re right – these are totally better! And bread is next on my list of things to tackle… I have a feeling it’s going to be more complicated than cinnamon rolls…
Congrats on conquering your yeast fear! Seems it worked out like a charm for you – a delicious charm, might I add :). Can I come over for leftovers ;)?! Not living close enough to my parents keeps me from trying recipes like that because there’d be waaaay too many leftovers. Also, sharing baked goods or meals in general makes them taste even better. Having meals with my parents is something I truly miss when being at my own place – as well as generally being with my family, obviously. Luckily, I get to spend some more time at their place this month due to semester break :).
Something else people I know find working with hard is gelatin which I have no experience with as a vegan. Fiddling around with its vegetarian equivalent – agar-agar – is something I do find tricky, too, though. Ir’s not exactly pleasant to chew on agar-agar “gummy bears” in what’s supposed to be a nice and smooth cream :D.
I’ve never heard of Family Day actually! I like the idea of it though ๐
My mom and I were just discussing this the other day because she said I should make cinnamon rolls. I said, “I’ve never worked with yeast and I have no idea what to do about it. Plus, I think I’m too lazy.” Haha! I’m too impatient to wait for the dough to rise but I want to make homemade cinnamon rolls.. SO.BAD. Another one used to be lattice pie crusts but I conquered that sucker when I made apple pie. woo!
You should! Getting yourself to start is actually the hardest part, but once you get going it’s really not all that bad. And the end result is more than worth it.
I make homemade bread all the time it’s so easy!!! Some nights I make a loaf to take for school the next day haha it’s that simple! I can’t wait to see what kind of bread you make ๐
Can I have one?! I’m definitely intimidated by making those! I’m pretty sure I’d mess it allll up! Looks sooo yummy though ๐
You can definitely have one… but you gotta be quick because there’s only 3 left ๐
Your family day is today? It was last monday over here!
Those cinnamon buns! Yum. I need to get over my ‘fear’ of baking with yeast. hahah.
That would intimidate me! Working with yeast in sweet things scares me, I have made pizza dough before and was really happy with how it rose.
Oh my goodness….those look to die for!!! Yeast has been a bit of a fear for me too. That and risotto. I seriously want to give cinnamon rolls a try now…your’s look so good. My daughter’s 7th b-day is coming up and that would be a great b-day breakfast.
Eee! Yes! It definitely would make an awesome birthday breakfast. I remember always wishing that my mom would make cinnamon rolls on birthdays and Christmas, but it was always pancakes around her.
I was the same with yeast until I made hot cross buns last year, in fact I’m not sure why I haven’t made anything with it again as it worked very well!
uhhh heck yes!! great job girl!! Although I must say…no frosting?! Im such a sugar addict lol Cinnamon rolls actually scare me too. Ive done the bread thing before since I have a breadmaker, but cinnamon rolls just seem so intimidating!
I made some cream cheese frosting, but I didn’t put it in the pictures because it was harder to see how pretty the cinnamon rolls were ๐ Plus they’re actually plenty sweet as is.
I really want to learn how to make pastry cream but the whole process of making it is pretty tricky!! I’ve always wanted to make bosten cream pie cupcakes!
You can just go right ahead and send me some of those cinnamon rolls in the mail!! ๐
Happy Family Day!! ahh those look deeeeeeelicious. Fear conquered for sure!
I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m afraid of yeast…as I think it’s more of a fear of the time that it takes to make bread. For some reason every time I see that something takes over an hour to make, I can’t bring myself to make it. Even though most of those hours are inactive hours. But now that I see how delicious your cinnamon rolls look, it has me wanting to make some homemade fluffy bread…
Enjoy your Monday off! ๐
The waiting around was definitely kind of annoying because even though you have time off from doing stuff, you still kind of feel like you have to be attending to something. Definitely not something I can make on a regular basis, but for special occasions? You betcha!
I’m definitely intimidated by making cinnamon rolls – your success is inspiring! I need to face that baking fear now ๐
I live close to my family, thank goodness. Love my family.
I have such a similar/irrational fear of yeast too! So cool that you conquered your fear and made some incredible looking cinnamon buns. Where do you even buy yeast? That’s step #1 that I’m afraid to do! haha
Haha! I just found it in the baking aisle of my grocery store. It comes in little pouches that are all measured out individually so you can’t really mess up on that part ๐
Oh my goodness, love…this looks amazing!! I have a love/hate relationship with yeast…sometimes it works well with me and other times, not so much…I’ve only used it to make bread and pizza….I’ve always wanted to try cinnamon buns but haven’t been brave enough yet….I think I have to now thanks to you!
My next thing to tackle is bread… That one seems a little bit more complicated than rolls, so fingers crossed that it goes well!
You should warn people before posting this food porn!!! OMG. Swoon.
Happy 3 day weekend! Ummm those cinnamon rolls look delish!
You’re my hero, I’m terrified of cooking/baking with yeast, it sounds so advanced! Those cinnamon rolls may have changed my mind though ๐ Yum! And yes, I live close to my family & am bummed they all have the day off while I have to work. Thumbs down! Enjoy your day!
I thought it was all really complicated too, but it’s honestly not that bad once you start doing it! And after doing it once, it doesn’t seem like a big deal at all anymore.
These look amazing!!! Now I really want a cinnamon roll ๐
Those look amazing!
Nope, my friends and family are 5 hrs away in Toronto. Hubby is working today, so “Family Day” is just Max and I today….boooo
This is impressive beyond words. Can you believe that I’ve never tried homemade cinnamon rolls? I’ve never known anyone to make them before. I bet that they’re 40 trillion times better than I’ve ever tasted.
Congrats on facing your fears. I know that it was a big one for me to start working with raw meat. Now I don’t mind it. It only takes practice and delicious results to encourage you to keep trying it until you’re a pro. ๐
Never?! ๐ฏ Girl, you need to come over STAT! I’ll keep practicing, and you can be my taste-tester.
Please and thank you?? If only if only … THIS is exactly why if I could have any super-power, it would be teleportation.
thanks for making me hungry lol! I made my hubby cinnamon rolls this morning, packaged kind though since I had to go to work!
Are you kidding me? I mean, seriously! I just found this recipe on Sally’s Baking Addiction yesterday and went shopping for ingredients today to make a batch of these rolls tomorrow. Hahaha, the blog world is really small. Cannot wait to dig into one of them, after seeing your beautiful pictures.
Eee! You’re going to love them! They’re so, SO good, and maybe even better on the second day <3
Haha, I didn’t roll mine as tight as they were supposed to and they looked like little monsters yesterday evening, and now that I left them to rise overnight they look like huge monsters. Curious to see what will come out of the oven in a few minutes… guess, baked monsters ๐ ? Anyways, the taste is all that counts, isn’t it?
Tasty monsters will come out of the oven for sure
Oh my goodness they look amazing! Well done for conquering your food fear!
Working with yeast isn’t so bad at all! I’m so glad that you tackled your fear of yeast with one of my recipes! That truly makes my day to see and read. And yours look just perfect. There is quite nothing like a homemade cinnamon bun. And I bet they tasted even better knowing you made them yourself, taking on a once “scary” recipe ๐
Oh my goodness, now I need those in my belly!! And I need family day in my life. Enjoy every second of today! My parents live about a block away from Dan and me, and I wouldnโt trade it for the world! ๐
Those pictures make me swoon, oh my GOODNESS. I hope you have a marvelous family day and I wish I could just not put my contacts in for a day. Haha.
I am rather impressed with you, lady :-p I think I broke out the yeast once to bake bread about two years ago…and haven’t used it since. The bread actually turned out ok, I don’t know why I haven’t used it again though! If anything is going to convince me, it’s those cinnamon rolls- they look incredible. When I was in high school I used to love the ones with icing from Tim Hortons!
Hope you have a great Family Day with your parents! Mine are actually coming up this afternoon to take the boy and I out for dinner. I’m still getting used to the fact that I live an hour away from them (even though it’s been that way for the last 6 months or so) so I’m always happy when I get the chance to spend some time with them.
Awwr! I hope you guys have a great dinner!
sure missed you this weekend. I have never worked with yeast but those seriously look professional, way to go.
Those.look.like.perfection. ๐ Professional if you ask me! Great job on the cinnamon buns/rolls.. it’s actually something I have wanted to make before as well, but never seem to find the time or motivation to get started… also fearing messing it all up! So yeah, I get your reluctance around this one, but looks like it turned out just fine, well better than fine that is!
I’m glad you were able to conquer that fear. Wow, that is awesome and boy do those look good. I’m super jazzed for you girl. My family actually just came to visit this weekend which was really nice. They live about 600 miles away so for them to drive up here meant the world to me ๐
I’m jealous of the fact you have family day today;) so weird that ours were a week apart!
Oh man, those cinnamon rolls look to die for! So pretty!
I’m so intimidated by yeast, so I haven’t yet experimented with it, but you better believe this makes me want to.
That’s pretty impressive!
Well, to be fair, we’re the ones who’ve had Family Day for longer, so ours is the right one ๐ And you should definitely give it a shot! I was really intimidated by it at first too but it’s honestly not so bad!
Conquering food fears is hard but oh so worth it! Great job! They look incredible by the way ๐ Glad you are back!
I’ve never made anything with yeast before, and I can understand the fear. It seems like it would be a tricky thing to work with. Looks like your cinnamon rolls came out great!
I’ve made cinnamon rolls once in my life and that was using Bisquick pancake mix. Haha! I guess you could say they intimidate me!
Have fun with your parents! I just say mine this past weekend. We don’t live close to either set of parents so spending quality time with them is rare. But when it does happen, I enjoy it to the fullest!
YEAH for baking cinnamon rolls from scratch for the first time, they look heavenly! I wish I loved close so I could try one ๐
I do live close to my family and am so grateful! They are everything to me and especially great to have them close with having a son and one on the way! <3
Yes! He’s going to be lucky to be able to see his grandparents and aunts! I really wish that was something I had while I was growing up.
Ahhhhh congrats on facing that fear! Cinnamon buns are one of my favorite foods but I never ever ever eat them. They just seem so complicated to make to me! But the result of them being so delicious is more than worth it, from the looks of it! I would say your victory is most definitely sweet ๐
Enjoy your day at home! I wish we had a day off for family. I could use one of those right about now.
They definitely seemed a little bit complicated while I was making them, but I think it’s just about getting the hang of it. Now that I’ve done it once it really doesn’t seem all that bad – the worst part is just waiting around!
Oh gawsh, those look sooooo good. Swooooon! I wish it was a family day for me. I’m home, but the hubby has to work. Wah!