A delicious egg-free, butter-free, gluten-free, vegan chocolate chip cookie dough that gives traditional cookie dough a run for its money!

Today we’re going to spend a little bit of time talking about a few of the things I’m afraid of… or at least a few of the more lighthearted things, since no one likes talking/hearing about losing loved ones and severing limbs. Moving ON…
Snakes. I’ve made my peace with spiders after having a basement room for a couple of years (exposure therapy at its finest!), but I’m still not cool with snakes. This probably has a lot to do with the fact that we don’t have a lot of them up here in my neck of the woods, so I’ve never had a chance to ‘get to know them’… and the unfamiliarity freaks me out. So does the idea of having a snake coil up and spring for my face. Do they even do that? I have no idea — and that’s the problem!
Deep, dark water. Not because I’m afraid of drowning, but because I’m afraid of something coming up from the abyss, grabbing my legs, and pulling me under. Omigosh 😯

The back basement steps at my parents’ place. These steps don’t have any backing to them, making it super easy for whatever lurks underneath the stairs to… again… grab your feet and pull you into the abyss. You better believe that, even at the ripe age of 29, I’m still sprinting up those suckers at top speed.
Horror movies. I haven’t watched a horror movie since 2002. I know this because it was The Ring, and after not being able to sleep for something like 2 weeks following it, I swore off horror movies for good.
And if you’re wondering what on earth my fears have to do with today’s recipe, it’s because raw cookie dough makes that list too…

Or, more specifically, the raw eggs in raw cookie dough… which could potentially have salmonella, which could potentially make me sick, which would lead to me throwing up, which is another one of my biggest fears. I won’t delve into the specifics of how long it’s been since I’ve had to pay homage to the porcelain gods, but let’s just say that I’ll go to great lengths to avoid it, which means that I’ll go to great lengths to avoid eating raw cookie dough, no matter how delicious and tempting it might be.
And, yes… I know the chances of getting sick from eating cookie dough are slim-to-none and that everyone has eaten pounds and pounds of it without ever encountering any problems, but knowing my luck, I’d have one spoonful and come down with the plague. Luckily, there are ways of getting around this…

Vegan cookie dough… with a twist. See, not only is this cookie dough egg-less and butter-less, but it’s also wheat-less and refined sugar-less. What it’s not, however, is tasteless. After bringing a batch of bites with me on my last camping trip, I have it on good authority that my modified cookie dough can easily hold its own against traditional cookie dough. So there.
I credit the coconut flour for that one, which I was inspired to try adding by The Big Man himself. I’ve done coconut flour in mug cakes before, but never in bites, and it.is.fabulous. Doughy and moist, just like cookie dough should be… whether that’s in bite, bar, or spoonful form.

I’d love to know if you make this (or any!) recipe! Tag @runwithspoons on Instagram and Twitter, and be sure to subscribe to our mailing list to receive more healthy and delicious recipes straight to your inbox!
Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
- Total Time: 10 mins
- Yield: 12 bites or bars 1x
- 1/4 cup almond butter*
- 6 Tbsp. agave nectar**
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1 1/2 cup oats, ground into a flour (measure before grinding)
- 4 Tbsp. coconut flour
- 2–4 Tbsp. vanilla almond milk
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1/3 to 1/2 cup non-dairy chocolate chips/chunks (I like Enjoy Life)
- In a small pan over medium-high heat, add the almond butter, agave, and vanilla extract, stirring until smooth and fully combined. Bring the mixture to a boil before removing from heat. Stir in oat flour and coconut flour, mixing well. Add almond milk by the tablespoon, mixing between each until desired consistency is reached. Fold in chocolate chips and mix well.
- If making balls, drop dough onto a parchment lined baking sheet by the heaping tablespoonful, studding the tops with more chocolate chips if desired.
- If making bars, line an 8×8 baking pan with aluminum foil, leaving some to hang over the edges to allow for easy removal. Drop the dough into the prepared pan, using your hands or a flat-bottomed cup to spread it out evenly and press it down firmly.
- Transfer to the fridge and allow to cool for at least 30 minutes until dough has set. Store in an airtight container in the fridge until ready to eat.
* You can sub this with your favourite nut butter. Use soy nut butter and soy milk to make these nut-free.
** You can sub with maple syrup or brown rice syrup; or honey if not strictly vegan.
- Prep Time: 10 mins

Looking for more cookie dough recipes? Try one of these!
Oatmeal Cookie Dough Breakfast Bake
Oatmeal Cookie Dough Smoothie
Cookie Dough Cheesecake Dip

The lack of butter in here is what makes me want to whip this up tonight!! I love cookies and cookie dough and all things unhealthy, but then when I eat more than a spoonful of it, I feel sick to my stomach…but I usually keep eating spoonful after spoonful! This will be the perfect and healthier solution 🙂
I might still make this tonight.
I am so afraid of ALL bugs (even ladybugs and butterflies), snakes, and throwing up (sound/sight/myself being sick). *shiver* Andddd we’re done talking about that.
I have come to know the awesome doughy quality that coconut flour can add thanks to your mug cake, so I am very excited to try these balls/bites/bars. Although, I’ll probably be adding some crushed sweet and salty peanuts instead of the chocolate chips… 😀
Maybe you’re not missing out anymore now you can whip up your own cookie dough BUT you missed out big time in your childhood 😀 . Either my mum didn’t warn us or we didn’t listen to her because my sister and I ate copious amounts of dough. Actually, I remember my mum let me lick the beaters when she baked cake, too, so no salmonella fear to be reported. To this day I still prefer the dough or batter to the actual cookies or cake. And given I always bake egg-free these days – minus a few times at my parents’ – I get to enjoy a fair share of dough. I can’t say I was being entirely selfless every time I offer to bake…
I’m right there with you on hating horror movies — especially realistic ones. I honestly used to get scared after watching Unsolved Mysteries. Gah!
On a happier note, these cookie dough bites sound perfect, look delicious and won’t make us sick. I’m a fan. 🙂
Yummy yummy yummy! You are the queen of cookie dough, and guess what? I just bought some coconut flour!!! woooohoooo! Yes please!
Gahh you don’t eat the cookie dough!! We might have an issue… I kid, I kid. We can still be friends 😉 Cracked me up about the backless steps. I AM THE SAME WAY! My parents have those on their deck and I am always worried things would attack me so I either jumped over them or sprinted, lol. Glad I’m not the only one.
this looks freaking amazing! Gonna have to make them during my healthy dessert month!
I seriously want to go home and make a batch of this and eat it all. That’s how amazing it looks. These would be so good mixed in ice cream/banana soft serve 🙂
I watched Scream when I was like, 15, and didn’t sleep for days – the film literally haunted me!
Then a few years later I thought it would be ok to watch final destination… O….M……G……!
So I avoid horrors like the plague now! Ha!
I seriously hate snake too! I found a rattlesnake in my garage a few years ago. It was a baby, but even so I freaked out. Even once it was removed, I could never go into the garage without inspecting every corner for one or the bathroom. Somehow I thought one would be in the toilet & bite me when I was doing my business. It took a looonnnnggggg time to get over that creepy feeling. Random question…how did you get so good at taking pictures? Did you take a photography class? I’m thinking about squeezing one into my crazy schedule.
Nope! No classes here — I just practiced a lot and played around with the settings on my camera. Oh! And I bought Pinch of Yum’s food photography book — that helped a lot!
These look amazing and I love that you don’t have to worry about the whole salmonella thing. I’m deathly afraid of that too. And deep dark water. I prefer to see to the bottom, thanks!
It sounds awful, but I get really nervous around Jamaican men with dreadlocks. I’m pretty sure the pirates of the Caribbean movies are to blame! These bites look reallyyyy yummy, I haven’t really experimented with coconut flour. Thanks for sharing!
I’m afraid of “stuff” – as in having too much stuff. I just don’t like excess or clutter. My poor husband practically has to nail something to the ground if he is saving an old newspaper or empty berry carton for some other use. Otherwise I assume it’s garbage and pitch it.
😆 I can definitely relate to that. Clutter makes me feel anxious, so I’m constantly going through my stuff and throwing away the things I don’t need.
Cookie dough is literally the best! In fact, I’m snacking on a cookie dough Quest bar right now. It’s by far my favorite flavor! I’m pinning this recipe right now and I can’t wait to give them a try. They look amazing!
Omg these look AMAZING. I’m so hungry right now too and i just want to reach through the screen and take a bite 🙂 traditional cookie dough is the most amazing thing ever- although your fears are justified- i got salmonella when i was a kid from eating it. But that hasnt stopped me from eating it since, just made me stronger 🙂
AMANDA! This post is mentally exhausting; I’d try to listen in on your fears – and just when I’m grinning at your view of the dark, scary abyss and raw eggy plagues…an image of cookie dough bewitches me and throws me off. Only to be repeated again. Gahhh…
Snakes huh? I’ll take this opportunity and warn you in advance then: it is a regular occurrence to get up close.. and personal with snakes over here. What I can do without and fear to the point of screaming and sobbing like a 2 month old, is cockroaches. Yeeegh they give me the heebie jeebies.
Waiiit, why am I rambling on about icky roaches when one second ago I was drooling over cookie dough!? Oh yes cookie dough…you may know about this space of earth that seems coconut flourless. Do you reckon it’ll pass with all purpose?
You know… I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cockroach live… We don’t have them up here, and they never come out when I’m travelling. Probably a good thing, eh? And I would probably just go with more oat flour, in that case… But you would need to play around with the liquid and probably add a little bit less since coconut flour is way more absorbent.
First Arman and now you? Man I’m seriously missing out on this cookie dough parade! Totally terrified of horror movies too…and bees. I cannot stand bees!
Oh my gosh. I need the whole batch of these! They look so good Amanda – what a great recipe and I love how healthy this is. Pinned 🙂 I hope you had a great weekend!!
Ugh, I have such a weak spot for chocolate chip cookie dough. It’s my favorite flavor of (non-dairy) ice cream and I absolutely cannot resist it raw. Thankfully I’ve been alright, but I love to find these kinds of recipes to get my fill! Much healthier, too. I will be making these asap, once my next craving strikes.
I’d have no time (or patience) to make bars. It’d just stay in one big bowl so I could take spoonfuls. I think some whip cream on top would be a great dea – 0r better yet, crumbled on vanilla soft serve ice cream. Mmmm!!!
Omg these would be perfect cookies to make cookies ‘n’ cream ice cream. Gah! What a horrible time to run out of vanilla 🙁
Tomorrow is Day30 of my whole30 and then… I am definitely trying these!
I am terrified of snakes and any lizard type animal. Yikes!! I freaked out durning my first trip to Florida.
That’s really interesting. I’ve never been a big baker but I always love cookie dough. They look rather simple. Since you aren’t “technically” allowed to eat cookie dough due to eggs I guess this would be a better alternative.
These look incredible! Wheat free and dairy free? I’m so in, these are being made TODAY!
I hear you on the fear of snakes. Mine is a downright phobia. But I will eat raw cookie dough. This recipe looks delicious though, as always.
Oh man, I’ve eaten so much raw cookie dough. And brownie dough. So good!
I’m also terrified of snakes. Even if I know for a fact they aren’t poisonous I’m scared. Something about the slithery way they move just isn’t natural to me and it freaks me out. Also echo the deep water fear, mostly because of water snakes.
Oh my! These look INCREDIBLE!
“The Ring” traumatized me for life. I am seriously incapable of watching any movie that has any violent gore or scare factor to it – and by incapable I mean that I spend the whole time with a cover pulled over my face 😉
Errr yum. These just went on my post Whole 30 to make list 😉 mixed into ice cream perhaps…
I too cannot STAND open dark water or horror movies – I mean, just why? WHY?
Great post this Morning Amanda! I’m afraid of all these things also, hahaha .
I’m not a sweets type of person, but these I will try!
Thanks for your great Blog!
I also have an irrational ferar of throwing up…
Salmonella or not, I love me some cookie dough…and something tells me I will love these balls just as much! I make a similar version without coconut flour and I am hooked- perfect snack with a cuppa coffee! Given my love for cookie dough ice cream, I’m thinking these are best served with a side of vanilla ice cream ;)!
As for fears- I have an irrational fear that I’m going to fall almost every time I climb down stairs!
I love cookie dough, too, but don’t eat it because of the eggs. In fact, we share many of the same fears (all of the except for the stairs, obviously). But now I can cross the cookie dough off the list! Do you know of any substitutes for the coconut flour?
You could probably just add in an equal amount of oat flour… or even almond flour… but you would have to decrease the liquid by a little because coconut flour absorbs way more than regular flour.
YUM!! You think those ship?? 😉
I always ate raw cookie dough until I met my ex-husband and he blasted me for eating raw egg. Since then, I kept it in mind and I don’t think I ate another raw spoonful but omg, it was the best lol…I grew up afraid to walk downstairs at night to get a drink of water. Even when I still lived at home at 20, I wouldn’t go downstairs at night. Totally silly. Nowadays I am afraid of peacocks. I don’t encounter them often but the feathers freak me out and I can’t even look at pictures of them.
Totally guilty of eating copious amounts of the regular cookie dough. I haven’t gotten sick yet, but I always wonder if THIS will be the time salmonella catches up with me. Your version looks great and I want to try it! Just as soon as I can get to my kitchen…and a grocery store!
I love that this is vegan and peanut free – My step sister is both vegan and allergic to peanuts so she will love this! They sound really delicious especially with the addition of coconut oil! I am scared of a few trivial things… 1) Heights 2) Being in the house on my own at night – I am fine until bed time and then I hear EVERY noise and convince myself someone is breaking in haha – so silly 🙂
Yum Yum Yum! These look fanfreakintastic. I think I will make this and eat it from my spoon 🙂
you are a totally baller! LOVE IT! and maybe you need to write an all things cookie dough cookbook, yes?
…but oh my god they actually look like the quest bars though…
I love vegan baking so that I don’t have to worry about that whole egg thing, but to be honest, if regular dough is in front of me, Immaeatdat. I refrained during pregnancy, but that totally sucked. Eat all the dough!!!