Although I don’t generally tend to mind Mondays, I’m not a huge fan of Tuesdays. It’s that time of the week when the novelty of getting back into your routine has already worn off, and the weekend is so distant that there’s no sense in getting your hopes up. Tuesdays also tend to be the day when nothing exciting really happens. Sure, new movies come out on DVD and Mists of Pandaria launches and threatens to take over every spare moment of my day (if I disappear for a while, that’s probably why…), but other than that? Tuesday’s are just average…
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m strangely fascinated with what others do during the day. Not in a creepy “I’m going to stand in the bushes and peep into your windows” kind of way, but I get so bored with my own daily routine, that I always find it interesting to read about what a typical day is like for someone else. Please tell me I’m not alone…
If by any chance you share my unusual fascination with getting a glimpse into the lives of others then today you’re in for a treat because I’m about to give you a glimpse of what a typical day is like for me… try not to get too excited 😉
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. 6 to 9 – prepping for the day .
I usually wake up anywhere from 5:30-6. The alarm is set to 7 to make sure I don’t sleep in, but I can’t even remember the last time it went off… In any case, the first order of business is brewing up a cup of hot black tea…
I’d love to say that I get my yoga or workout on after that, buttttttt that would be a lie. The reality is that I plop myself down at the computer, answer e-mails, check blogs, start working on a post, and just fiddle around online until my stomach starts letting me know that it’s time for breakfast [and coffee].

Chocolate chip pumpkin bread x2
With food in my belly and caffeine in my bloodstream, I can finally start thinking about making the transition from morning zombie to functioning human being, so I go ahead and start working on the transformation process…

… oh and get some food prep done as well, because everyone knows you should never leave home without food.

Almond butter and jam sandwich – self-explanatory work snacks
With that out of the way, and a little bit of time to spare before work, I like to head out for a quick morning walk. It’s a great way to get a little extra movement in my day, and the fresh air always gives me a nice boost of energy.
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. 9 to 4 – the work day .
There’s really not a whole lot to say about work. My dad owns his own company and I’ve been helping out there for as long as I can remember. It’s not my dream job by any means, but it pays the bills and I love the flexibility that it gives me. I’ve been doing quite a bit of volunteer work and research in an effort to gain some experience in my field and build up my profile for when I start the grad school app process, and I really appreciate any job that let’s me do that.
. – . – . – .
. 4 to 11 – time to unwind .
On my way home from work, I usually stop by Starbucks and grab a cappuccino or a latte and finish blogging…
I know it’s kind of an expensive habit, but it’s something that I honestly find so relaxing, and that I enjoy so much, that I don’t mind splurging on myself. We work hard, we deserve a coffee break, right? Right. And I find that it’s the small things like this that really make a big difference when it comes to quality of life. I used to have the hardest time spending money on myself because I never felt like I deserved it; it was never an issue of saving money as much as it was an issue of low self-esteem. Over the past few years I’ve really been working on building up my perception of my own self-worth, and I guess it must be working. But enough about that – after coffee, it’s time to go home for dinner…
Amy’s pesto pizza
I have a confession: I’ve really been slacking when it comes to cooking dinner. If I have to spend more than 10 minutes in the kitchen, chances are I won’t do it. I know, I know; shame on me. It’s just that there are so many other things that I’d rather be doing in the evenings – like biking…
… reading…
… escaping…
… snacking…
… and just generally relaxing…
The evenings are a time where anything goes. I’ll usually do a combination of any of these things before calling it a day and hopping into bed around 11… only to do it all over again the next day. How exciting, eh? Ahh well, at least there’s always the weekend to look forward to. See you guys tomorrow for WIAW!
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Do you have a hard time spending money on yourself?
What do you like to treat yourself to?Â
This will sound ridiculous, but reading this post made me feel jealous of your day, because it seems so calm/leisury. I always either do something or waste time on the computer, but this has inspired me to dedicate more time to things like walking, reading and just general relaxing.
I’m a bit funny about money. For some things I have a big problem spending money on myself and I try to get the cheapest option possible. But in some areas of my life I have no problem whatsoever spending a lot of money.
Oh what I wouldn’t give to have the chill time you have worked into your workdays! Mine are always so GO-GO-GO that I hardly get a chance to breathe! Wanna glimpse? Beware…it’s kinda scary!
Wake up around 3:00pm (remember, I work nights).
Have my cup of matcha green tea with ACV, lemon, and on workout days, amino powder.
Feed the cat. <- You'd be surprised how many times I've forgotten that!
Throw on workout clothes and get to the gym by 3:30-4pm.
Home by 5 at the latest. Throw together some "lunch", pack dinner for work, shower, dress, and RUN out the door by 6:40 to be at work by 7pm.
Work from 7pm-6:30am.
Go home, eat breakfast, bed by 8am…only to wake up in SEVEN hours and do it all over again!
IF I have time for blogging, I try to squeeze it in between patients at work, but other than that, yeah…NO me time! Pretty sure I look forward to the weekend SO much more than most people! But of course, last weekend, I was so dang tired, I didn't do anything…just carved a nice sized Heather imprint on the couch cushions!
I definitely don't have a problem spending money on myself…when it comes to food! 😉 Clothes on the other hand…that's where I penny-pinch! Lol But I love your perspective on the Starbux thing…it really does come down to how treats like that enhance your quality of life. Because life's too short, isn't it! 😉
I love reading about people’s daily routines too! The “day in the life of…” posts are some of my favorites. I am so jealous of your natural sleeping and waking cycle. No matter what time I go to sleep, my body just doesn’t naturally wake up before 8AM. How do I train it to wake up at 5:30? If only there was a simple answer, right?
I used to have a very hard time spending money on myself when I was still under my parents’ wing (AKA it was their money). Nowadays, I get a steady paycheck and try not to limit myself from purchasing anything, within reason of course (I would never spend out of my limits)! I still get buyer’s remorse though…don’t you hate that feeling?
WoW can definitely take up a lottt of time. My fiance used to play and he would spend HOURS on there. Now his best friend is living with him until he moves to Australia and he is a MEGA WoW addict and never sleeps. He’ll be playing from 9pm when he gets back from work until 9am when he needs to sleep for a couple of hours before his next shift. Craaazy.
You’re right.
I wasn’t sure if I’d be such a fan of spying on the inner workings of your Tuesday, but by the end of this post I was enthralled 😀
I love your perspective on the Starbucks splurge too. It’s true! We make money for a reason, right!? Right.
Now please tell me you’re at gold member status? 😉
Haha! Yes ma’am 🙂 Definitely at gold member status.
I love this post. A lot of people forget how important is to treat yourself. I personally will spend extra money on a nice haircut or a cute outfit. I think it’s just so important to be happy ha. I would have never pictured you as a WOW player but then again I don’t know what a typical WOW player looks like LOL
I guess you can call me a closet WoW player 😉
Great post! That chocolate-chip pumpkin bread is seriously calling my name! Looks delicious. I sometimes feel bad splurging too, but I love grabbing something every once and a while.
What a lovely day! I used to have a hard time treating myself, and still do sometimes but it feels good when you splurge every now and again. Okay, and I go to Starbucks everyday. I don’t see the problem…yet.
I always like seeing people’s schedules too for some reason, must be the nosiness in me!
I never pictured you as a Warcraft nerd. 😉 heehee
Sounds like a good day to me, and I’m actually jealous of your dinner. I wish I had one of those in my freezer right now.
Haha I get that a lot actually… When I was buying my computer and told the guy I needed it to be able to run WoW, he was kind of shocked. I’m a closet geek 😀
Sometimes you just have to splurge a little! I am a huge coffee lover and think it’s totally worth treating yourself on it!
i think that sounds like an awesome day to me! – the best part of a day is the unwinding at night. its soo necessary!
I have such a hard time spending money on myself too! I used to be really bad about it and NEVER spend money on myself, but I’m getting better. I like to treat myself to Starbucks or Davids Tea, sushi dinners with friends, good cuts of steak, magazines, and sometimes new clothes but I have a lot harder of a time justifying buying new clothes. A $5 magazine, sure, but a $50 sweater is a lot harder to talk myself into!
What a great idea for escaping. I really need to find a game to play. No wonder so many guys I know (that play Wow) are so relaxed and laid back, haha. Game aggression 😛
Hehe it can be great as long as you don’t let it take over your life. There were times where I was playing waaaaaaay too much, and that was definitely no good. Like everything else, balance is most important.
so it’s funny you post this because i’ve already started to track my daily activities for a similar post later this week. a few things strike me about your day: your comments about the starbucks splurge really ring true. i need to treat myself more often. also – i loved the relaxed vibe of your day – i could learn a thing or two from you.
Love it! I should totally make a share-my-day soon as well. And hey, who of us regular blog followers is not a little bit of a stalker 😉 . I see it more like a positive habit – we are not selfish, but do like to share!
And I wanted to drop a quick thanks for the great pumpkin bread recipe. It totally made my evening yesterday.
Ohhh I’m so glad you liked it! Thanks for letting me know 😀
I do have a hard time spending money on myself. I’m much more of a saver. But itz important to remember to have fun because I work hard and I do want to enjoy it. 🙂
I love day in the life posts! I don’t think it’s creepy at all to want to know what other people do with their days–it’s so interesting to see how different people’s schedules are.
This sounds so bad, but I love to spend money on myself. I don’t usually feel too guilty about hitting up Starbucks once in awhile or buying an outfit I love, but I try to keep it in check so I’m not always broke! Treating myself to food is harder but I’m working on feeling more comfortable with it.
It’s definitely hard to splurge on ourselves! Although I often buy a coffee drink, some makeup, or a new piece of clothing, it’s hard not to feel guilty! I’ve figured out a solution, though – I’m just going to marry a multimillionaire. Problem solved.
I think it is so important that we remember to treat ourselves. I feel the same way about Tuesdays and actually did a Tuesday Treats post a while back to make my Tuesday a little brighter. 🙂
‘A Day in The Life’ type posts are some of my fave reads! They appeal to my nosey parker ways:), so thankyou for sharing.
And I’m rubbish at spending money on myself, I guess it depends if you actually have the funds to spend or not- as well as self worth . I still yearn for the days when I was a youngter, & everyone just buys stuff for you :p! Sigh
You’ve mentioned a couple of times that you have little desire to spend that much time in the kitchen any more. Do you think this is because you burnt youself out , or something, at a time that you were more obsessive around food? I’m just curious, ( see , I am nosy).
Aww yeah it was good to be a kid and not have to worry about things like money. I’d offer to send you some cookies in the mail though!
And I definitely think that I got burnt out with baking and cooking. There was a time where I was constantly in the kitchen trying to come up with new and exciting foods, and it just got tiring. Thanks to my black and white thinking, now I went the complete opposite direction and spend as little time in the kitchen as possible. Still trying to find that balance.
aah I love hearing about other peoples’ days too! Yours honestly sounds awesome – really stress-free and you actually do things you ENJOY which is more than most people can say! I love that you buy yourself coffee every day – I do too! Every afternoon I treat myself to an iced coffee or green tea latte (my newest addiction). I tend to see this as a need rather than a treat (hello, caffeine addiction), but I do have trouble buying other “treats” – like taking myself out for froyo or buying a muffin at the bakery – I’m getting better about it though!
ahh, thanks for sharing…I’m actually oddly fascinated by people’s days too. Sometimes I contemplate posting about mine, but then I think no one would care.
also, I love that book! I read it in high school and it is one of my favorites.
I’m pretty sure I read it for the first time in high school as well, and probably about 20 times since then lol. It’s definitely on my favorites list 🙂
Sounds like a wonderful day to me! 🙂 I totallyyyyy have issues with spending cash on myself– actually I just have issues with spending cash in general haha I’m a frugal psycho!! I do love treating myself to macadamia nuts though– they’re expensive lil buggers!
My typical day- up at 6:30 – brew cup coffee, breakfast, check emails. Next get ready for work. Work from 8:30 till 5, finally go home – either take a walk round neighborhood or a short bike ride, make dinner. Finally relax – read, snack and hopefully in bed by 10:30! Really not too exciting!
I definitely struggle with money on myself – I always have- something I’m trying to work on! I think it’s great that you treat yourself to your favorite Starbucks – after a long day nothing is better than a warm cup of jo!
Ah, I’m the same in many ways. First, I enjoy getting glimpses into other people’s lives as well because I find it interesting to see how different we all are. How boring would it be if everyone was the same?!
Morning walks are such a great way to start your day refreshed and – for me – they keep my mood brightened up a little the whole day long.
Treating myself is something I struggle with because – like you – I never feel like I “deserved” to. It’s not only about thinking I was spending way too much money on food. I can’t even “allow” myself to simply cuddle up in bed with a book even if I’m feeling like it when it’s still bright outside because I could possibly get more important things done. That’s so tiring and something I really want to work on.
I used to be the same exact way. I always felt like I had to be doing something useful or productive, so sitting down and doing something I enjoyed was always difficult. I find that it really helps if you start by scheduling in some relaxation time and kind of force yourself to do it. Takes time, but it gets easier 🙂
I am up at 4:45. workout, work from 8:30-5, tennis, then unwind. Love it.