Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. So I didn’t get a chance to properly say this yet since I was away, but… Happy September! 😀 Aside from Christmas, this is probably my favourite time of the year. Not only because it’s always felt like a fresh start thanks to the new school year and all, but because we’re sloooooowly making the transition into fall, which means that I can start assaulting your lovely faces with all things pumpkin, apple, maple, and cinnamon soon. Be on the lookout for those recipes starting next week, and start stocking up on canned pumpkin!
2. Speaking of recipes, it’s been a while since I posted one here on Spoons, but I’ve got one for ya over on Savory Style! Remember those muffins that I teased you with last week? They’re up today! And you’re going to love them if you’re a fan of bananas, chocolate, oats, and breakfast (who isn’t?!?) So head on over for some delicious Chocolate Chunk Banana Oat Muffin action.
3. As for me, I’ll be snacking on dates since I currently have a massive 2 lb. bag to eat my way through thanks to an impromptu grocery excursion in Whistler. Carting this bad boy around was definitely a bit of a pain in the butt, but the price was just too good to pass up. And, hello…. nature’s candy! I’ve been sticking them in the freezer, which makes them super chewy and caramelly.
4. Another thing too good to pass up [taking a picture of]? This sign that I came across by one of the lifts on Blackcomb Mountain. It makes the big softie in me smile…
5. What doesn’t make me smile is the fact that I think I might have to cut apples out of my diet for a while. I’ve always had a suspicion that apples were the culprit behind these strange red bumps that’ll show up around my mouth every now and again, but I loved them too much to really allow myself to become 100% convinced. After eating a few straight-from-the-tree BC apples on the ride home this weekend and having my lips and throat start itching like crazy not long after, I don’t think I can ignore it any longer — the same sort of random thing happened to me with pineapples a handful of years back. And what makes it even worse is that I brought a bag of those amazing apples home with me… Bugger!
6. Squirrel! Actually, chipmunk… but name that movie! 😀
7. Or how about… “Somewhereeee over the rainbow….”
Those are actually pretty much the only words to that song that I know 😆 But I do know that looking at this [double] rainbow for about an hour made the long drive home a little less painful. I love road trips, but when you’ve been in the car for 12 hours, those last 1-2 hours take for.ev.er.
8. It’s also been forever (read: 17 weeks) since I’ve gotten a haircut, which is why I’m heading in to get one today. Woop, woop! I always have all these wild notions of doing something drastic and getting a pixie cut or a completely different colour, but then I somehow always end up chickening out and going for the same old, same old. One day… maybe.
9. Speaking of appointments… It’s sad that my dog is so much braver than I am when it comes to going in to the doctor to get her shots. Me? I basically have to drug myself unconscious with anti-anxiety meds. Kaiah? “No problem; I got this.” I used to be so much braver as a kid.
10. And on that note… here’s a little bit of #tbt action featuring yours truly as a Little Spoon…
Always and forever a goofball 😆 Happy Thursday, friendly faces!
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! 😀
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Oh man, those muffins need to be mine, but I’m on a diet for the next week. I love apples and eat them daily. I can’t imagine being allergic to them. Hopefully, that’s not it. I’ll cross my fingers for you and toes too!
You were such a cutie as a kid! That picture is adorable. I’m sorry to hear about the apples! I love apples, but definitely have to listen to what makes you feel your best, and clearly apples are attacking right now, lol. Haircuts- I’m with ya. I take forever to get them and then never get what I really went in for (aka short)!
Squirrel!-from Up! of course!! 🙂 Love that movie.
Yay! 😀 You were actually the first one to guess it!
Feel free to send me some of those dates ;). The reason I don’t buy them is because they’re just so dang expensive! A small pack of 5 or 6 costs like $5 at my local grocery store and I’m like nuh uh, noooooooo way. Love the throwback! Always fun to see what friends looked like when they were younger! And as far as the pixie cut goes, I think it would look AWESOME on your bone structure!
Mmmm dates from the freezer are so good! Those muffins though omg 🙂 Love your pics (esp. the rainbow) – so pretty!!!
Oh my gosh! Your TBT picture is the cutest!!! So is your dog! 🙂
Your dog is seriously adorable! I wish we would see more of her 🙂
I wish I could too! I had to leave her at home when I moved out, so I only get to see her a few times a week 🙁
YOU LOOK THE SAME ahhah so cute. So sad about the apples buuuuut cutting them out will definitely allow you to know 100% if that’s the cause. And seeing a rainbow (when I do) is seriously the highlight of my week! So cool.
😆 Right?! I swear that I’m going to be wrinkly and grey and still look like I’m 10 years old…
Your dog is soooo cute!! I haven’t had my hair done since mid June, my roots are awful (I am NOT a natural blonde lol). I’m getting it done Saturday, so excited… but I hate spending hours in that chair!
I am so pumped for fall! All things fall! Scarves, pumpkins, ahh! Apples sometimes give me the jeebies too, I think I just OD on them, though…but pineapple definitely makes me feel like I swallowed a knife.
Evil fruits, eeevil.
I have had the SAME feelings about a hair cut lately…but yep, I always chicken out too…but maybe next hair cut…I just am so afraid because it takes so long to grow back out, ha! I guess wigs are always an option 🙂
Happy almost Friday!
I wait to read your blog in the am than I head out for my 5 mile morning walk! Also, the apple thingy every time my daughter eats an apple (actually only certain ones, like Honey Crisp for sure) she gets bumps under her eye! Kinda creepy I wonder what is happening to our apples? Ugh
Have a great day Amanda, love your Blog!
Aww your comment just totally made my day — thank you, Arlene!
I feel the same way about hair cuts! I love the idea of changing it up, but almost always chicken out!
this is my fav time of the year too! love the fall 🙂 and i am in need too with a hair cut!!!
HAHA that sign kills me. I’ll eat those apples for you! Or better yet, make me a pie? I’ll meet you in Banff.
Hey come to Banff this weekend. I’m going to be there. 🙂 🙂 🙂
I wish! I need to play catch up on a few things since I was away last weekend. And I kind of need a few more weeks to recover from all the driving 😆
Those muffins look fabulous and I will definitely be planning on making them! And yeah…when I eat a lot of apples (like, for example, when I go apple picking and have a gorge fest) I always get the worst stomachache. This has happened to me for quite some time now…but I don’t think I’ll ever stop eating them apples! 😉
Awww your pup is SO cute! I can’t wait for all of your fall recipes..although I never really gave up the pumpkin addiction through the summer!
I hear ya! I’ve been keeping up with my kabocha addiction as well 😉
I am the worst with shots, and anything medical! But that dog’s smiling face could totally make me rise up to the occasion – so cute!
Aww little spoons!! SO cute! Its funny about your reaction to apples- I cut apples last year bc i thought they were too acidic for my stomach but ive been thinking of giving them another try. yay for fall! That muffin looks amazing! Ive been eating so many dates lately too- I would love a 2lb bag 😀
I love those signs that say “no foul language.” I don’t know about Canada, but here in America we have ones that say “Drug Free Zone.” Um, seriously? how are you going to regulate that, sir? In Illinois they have “no concealed weapons” signs, which are just pictures of guns with that circle + line over them. Because you know that is enough to deter me!
I have a lot of trouble with raw apples but cooked ones are fine…I think it breaks down a specific sugar that my body can’t tolerate. Give that a try before you completely cut them out!
Ahh I can’t wait to check out your fall recipes! I started a little early and have been making them like crazy already 🙂
Oh no! You have the worst allergies, you poor thing! x
Right?!? And to top it all off, I seem to be the only one in my family that’s been “blessed” with them. Aren’t I just the lucky one? 😆
Ooh totally going to try putting dates in the freezer! Sounds amazing!
Love the pic of the chipmunk, we don’t get them here, so cute!
(Although all the chipmunk talk has put the theme tune to alvin and the chipmunks in my head! Doh!)
I need that foul language sign for my house! As for apples, I feel your pain.
Ahhh Fall is my absolute favorite too!!! 🙂 🙂
Dude…can your Dog teach my Cat how to properly behave at the Vet?
🙁 🙁 about the apples. My mouth feels the same way as you described with pineapple! Makes me sad!!!
Happppppyyy Thursday!!!!! 🙂
How fast did August go or what? My dogs have always been more fearless than I have as far as doctors appointments. I swear I’m the baby of the bunch and scared of everything.
Same thing happens to me with kiwi but not all kiwis which is weird. If they are soft and ripe I’m fine but if they aren’t my lips swell up and I get red spots. Talk about confusing!
Ah, I feel your pain with the apples… Discovered back when I was about 12 that they make my mouth itch, as do peaches. (I’ve read that’s a birch pollen allergy causing it.) I’ve tried them a couple times since unsuccessfully but haven’t had them in years. I haven’t tried again since I did a gut repair diet, so I’m hoping that may have helped.
I’m thinking that peaches might be giving me issues as well… or a whole lot of different fruits in general, because I notice myself breaking out a lot more during the summer when I tend to eat a lot more fruit. Ugh. At least it’ll be easier to go without now that the season is coming to a close.
A big fan of all those fall flavors and fall in general so looking forward to some of those recipes! Sorry to hear about apples. Raw with skin bothers my stomach and is also one of my favorites so I can relate to the sadness 🙁
Non canned pumpkin in Switzerland – aaaaaahh!!
Oh I LOVE the pics of you as a little and Kaiah. Adorable!!
I have the same issues with pineapple. My tongie burn like crazy if I eat a piece – so no tropical whatever for me….. 🙁
OMG I feel so sad for you- no apples means no applesauce which means NO BUENO! I will be sure to double my intake on your behalf :)! I’m obsessed with that rainbow picture- amazing much?? Mini you is so adorable- love those eyes!
Oh my – your Little Spoon Self is just too adorable! Are you getting your hair cut to where it was when you were little? And – bummer – you cannot eat apples! I take it that you don’t have this same reaction when apples are cooked – like in applesauce? Kaiah is indeed a brave dog – mine start pacing and salivating and start crying when we go into the examination room – I don’t remember my daughter being that much of a baby – even when she was a baby!That sign on top of Blackcomb Mtn is just priceless – wonder if those will ever make it to airports!? 🙂
Happy Happy Thursday Lovely!!!
I didn’t end up going that short, but close! It’s now just a liiiiittle bit past my shoulders, and feels so much better since the ends were definitely looking a little ratty. And I don’t get itches from cooked apples, but I’m avoiding them anyways just to see if they contribute to the rash I get on my face. Definitely going to be tough going without 🙁
No apples?! I think my world would come to a halt. But I am completely on board with the fall obsession; bring on the pumpkin!
Mini spoons such a good egg brushing her teeth.
Seriously big props for driving 12 hours….for a 9 hour drive, I had to stop halfway lol! And let’s not mention dates….