Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. This is the reason I stood you guys up yesterday…
I got completely sucked in to reading. I really needed a good book after struggling through Ender’s Game, and these two did not disappoint. I will admit that I had a bit of a hard time getting into Under the Never Sky, but after a handful of chapters I was smitten… which is why I ran out to buy Through the Ever Night that same night, and finished it the next day (yesterday). Now I really need to find out how it ends in Into the Still Blue, but I promise I won’t abandon you guys again becauseeeee…
2. I have a recipe to share with you!
I told ya I’d make up for slacking last week, and I somehow managed to pull my nose out of my book long enough to work some magic in the kitchen. I also managed to put my nose back into my book and forget about the cookies baking in the oven… hence their slightly toastier appearance. Nevertheless, I’ll be whipping up another batch today so look out for that tomorrow!
3. My cereal addiction is getting a little out of hand. Remember the stash I showed you last week?
Two of those boxes are completely gone and the remaining two are only about half full. I also may or may not have added three new boxes to my collection, and have a dwindling batch of vanilla almond butter granola on hand… I’m addicted. I admit it freely.
4. Can I interest you in a square watermelon?
It’s a steal of a deal for the incredibly low price of $200! 😆 I spotted that gem in the grocery store while I was picking up a boring old round melon, and I can’t help but wonder if they’ll actually have any luck selling it. Like… who would spend that much money on a melon?
5. Me? I’d rather go to Target and buy things that make me smell like cake and make my fingers look pretty…
Be Delectable’s strawberry & cream body lotion and vanilla & cream body mist || Essie’s I’m Addicted
6. Speaking of fingers, Spike lost one of his…
Or maybe that counts as an arm? Either way, whoever said it was impossible to kill a cactus clearly never met me. But… how does one little finger/arm thing just shrivel up and fall off?!?! I’m just hoping his 9 remaining ones fair better than that one did… #prayforspike.
7. I’m also hoping that my lips never touch the skeeviness that is the kombucha mother…
I know there’s technically nothing wrong with drinking it, and that it might even be great for your gut health, but I just can’t get past the slimy bacteria-ness. Not thinking about it.
8. Have you entered my giveaway? You have until Sunday night to enter for a chance to win a $45 gift certificate from Swanson’s Health Products, and they have some pretty awesome things, so you definitely don’t want to miss this one!
9. And now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to start reading Into the Still Blue, which I didn’t have when I started writing this post, but ended up running out to get at 9:30 PM because I needed to know how the story ended. I should probably get to sleep considering it’s already 10:30 (I’m writing this on Wednesday night), but I don’t see that happening any time soon. Ob.sessed.
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! 😀
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I always drink the kombucha mother, but I’m pretty sure I make an “I’m horrified” face whenever it happens…because I never actually mean to do it and then it catches me off guard with it’s sliminess. And while I like watermelon I don’t love it. So basically I’m not spending $200 on one…hell, I have trouble spend $5 on one at the grocery store!
That square watermelon sure is interesting. The restaurant I work at has been serving yellow watermelon!
I would like to meet the person who pays $200 for a watermelon. I know it’s square, but come on!
I was wondering if I should read another series by Veronica after reading the Divergent series…the final book in the that series was kinda, meh, compared to the others.
I might give this a try!
I wasn’t crazy about Allegiant either. And while I can’t say for sure how the third one in this series will go since I just started it, I really enjoyed the first two!
Now I want cookies…..for breakfast!
Oh my gosh, reading has ruined my blogging motivation lately! I’ve skipped posts because I was too busy reading. If we lived in the same town, we’d probably just get together and spend a few hours reading in the same room.
I need to check your books out! As soon as I finish re-reading my favorite 8-book series haha.
I heard about those watermelons on the news! So stupid and they aren’t even for eating, they’re decoration only. If someone buys that they have too much money and therefore should give me some 😉
They’re only for decoration?!? Don’t they go bad after a while? Isn’t it just better to buy like… a really nice decorative lamp or something? 😆
I want to try all those liquid stevia products.
A square watermelon?! Ha that is too crazy!
And I’d love to buy some Justin’s nut butter!
That square watermelon is so cool! Not $200 cool but, cool just the same.
As for project, #prayforspike. I think you need not worry. He has nine arms (fingers? branches?) left. Who needs ten lives? Nine works for the feline population.
First- the watermelon fruit is placed in a box and as it grows, it develops that shape!
Next- Kashi Cinnamon Harvest is awesome!!!
AND I think spike is either an aloe vera or agave, I don’t think a cactus. And don’t worry about one of his little arms/legs/whathaveyou dying, it should get new ones inside/ontop to replace it.
Enjoy your book!
Don’t you love getting sucked into an awesome book series? I wish that would happen to me sometime soon. Or even to find a book that makes me want to check out of life and read. I haven’t had much luck lately. 🙁
How is that One Degree cereal? I’m always tempted to buy it but then I’m like… I think they’re just expensive cheerios?
I haven’t tried the Cheerios one — only the Rice Krispie kind — but I like them! They’re not -that- different from the original, but I mostly buy them because they don’t have BHT… which seems to be in all the mainstream cereals these days 😡
I love toasty cookies!!the crunchier (burnt) the better.
200 for a melon?? Haha. I am with you, I just spent that amount at Douglas, which is about the same like Sephora. Love.
Yay!! Glad you found some good books to read!!! I’m almost ready to start a new one!! Maybe I’ll check that series out.
Totally understand your cereal addiction… No shame
I’m really not a watermelon fan. So sorry, so lazy to deal with all of those seeds. ;). And Kashi Cinnamon Harvest is SO delicious and I haven’t had it in ages – thanks for the reminder! :D.
What is going on with that watermelon?! I would love to know if anyone buys it and what in the world they are going to do with it!
I’ve never tried Kombucha either. I’m kinda interested to taste it, though, and see what all of the rage is about. However, I’m sure I’ll think it’s nasty; kinda like the chia seed drinks. I love using chia seeds, but can’t handle the sliminess when in drinks.
I actually really love kombucha — it’s just the mother culture I can’t get past. I feel like kombucha is kind of an acquired taste since it has a slight vinegary feel to it, but it’s surprisingly addicting… especially because of the fizz!
That square melon is ridiculous!! I want to know who buys it and what they do with it. Preserve it somehow so it can last forever?! Better that than spend $200 just to eat it….
HAHA the watermelon!!! I love essie nail polish, i have a similar color like this one my toes, i usually wear pink and loveeeee the blue! 🙂
I’ll have to check those books out!! I need some of that Delectable lotion!! 😉
I just like th fact that eh watermelon has the $200 price and the words “save on” on the same tag….
$200!?!? What the heck!
I really like how it was a good book that kept you from posting. Not only because I haven’t found ‘that’ book for a while despite getting a few dozen from the library since my last great one. But especially because a non-technology distraction is the best kind.
Strawberries & Cream body lotion sounds amazing. Actually, I saw one scented like that – by a different brand – at a store but it smelled artificial. Some things are too good to be true. And the Essie polish looks so fresh and summery but I’ve yet to dare blue/ purple colours and sticking with the reds because of my pale skin tone.
I have pretty pale skin as well, but this shade of blue seems to work really well. And I also really love the colours Turquoise & Caicos and In The Cab-Ana. Both look awesome with a sparkly black accent nail 🙂
I just looked up all colours you said and we can’t get a single one of those over here. Laaaame.
I wrote about my feet today, does that count? LOL, I love that you battle with Spike (that’s cruel hey)- I thought I was the only one! I have a dog and worry so very much that the theory you cant keep a plant alive you wont keep an animal alive is true. Maybe i just don’t have a green thumb? I am definitely joining in with Thinking out loud Thursdays next week for sure! X
Target is my mom getaway when I feel like I am losing my mind with my kids We pack up the car and then I just stroll up and down the aisles.
Haha I have swallowed the Kombucha “mother” as you call it! It reminded me of swallowing a cherry pit as a kid – kind of horrifying as it was happening but once it was down it lost it’s power. Although I am still wary of going near it.
😆 You should see me when I’m drinking it from the bottle instead of filtering it into a cup — I”m constantly staring down my nose into the bottle to make sure the mother isn’t making it’s way up, and then swishing the bottle around if it does. Eek.
I love getting sucked into a book…no apologies necessary! My high school boyfriend loved Enders Game. It is humorous to me that it is making a big comeback.
Love love love that nail polish color.
Uhm. I am a total plant killer. Spike is definitely in my thoughts. 😉
I’m pretty sure square watermelons are the norm in Japan…I’m sure they’re more economical to pack that way!
A square watermelon? Interesting…Love those cupcakey scents, I love them in candles too..I have been reading the book on my nighstand, almost finished with it which means I will even get myself another one! lol…Haven’t spoken to you since we both have been reading, let’s make sure to chat today lol. The days have totally gotten away from me this week.
I was wondering where you disappeared to! But I know what you mean about this week — I honestly can’t even believe it’s Thursday already…
Umm that’s one expensive melon! Square though…so…worth it…?
I have that Essie polish! So perty!
I might have to pick those books up! And then not sleep for two (more) days!!
I’m loling at someone’s comment up there. “Seeds made of gold”. I haven’t seen anything like that at all. So interesting!
Haha! That watermelon! never seen that before, at least they weren’t charging to take photos!! ($200 is ridic) Also that essie color is really pretty. I’ve been switching between french affair and status symbol this summer, so i think i’ll be ready for a break from the pinks soon 🙂 Also this link up is so much fun! I love it, thanks for hosting!!
Those cookies look delicious even with their slightly crispy appearance. I’m psyched for the recipe. AND psyched to add a few books to my to-read list…although I already have quite the sizable stack staring me in the face. But you can never have too many in my opinion!
Only $200? I’ll take 3 or 4 since ya know I’m rich & grow a money tree in my backyard…. that I don’t have 🙂
That watermelon must have seeds made of gold or something!!! That’s the only thing that might justify their price tag! #5 – Oooh that sounds like it would smell heavenly – but that might leave me hungry ALL the time! Looking forward to that cookie recipe (P.S. “toasty” is better than burnt any day, yesterday I burnt chocolate while trying to male homemade hard shell P.S.S. have you tried burnt chocolate as an air freshner? 😉
😆 I have, yes. And as lovely as it is… I think I’ll still be sticking to my lilac scented candles for now 😉
I am the same with books. I end up reading them until I physically can’t keep my eyes open any longer. Those cookies look so inviting – looking forward to the recipe.
Strawberries and cream moisturiser that is free of shizzle- wow – I want some!!
Lastly – a square watermelon – what!?
Haha I love watermelons but no chance I’d pay 200 bucks for that…heck I wouldn’t even pay 50! Can’t wait to check out this cookie recipe- although perhaps biscuit is a more appropriate term given the crispiness (which I love)! I’ve recently gotten back into reading and I’m loving it. I just finished Homefront by Kristin Hannah, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Those watermelons were everywhere in Japan and it was considered to be an honour if you received one…yeah honour and an empty wallet.
Burnt cookies…..I actually don;t mind them if they are chucked in greek yogurt or cottage cheese. OR milk. lots of milk!
Cerealkiller right there.