Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. A few random things I forgot to mention in my Vegas recap! First, this…
Hangover Heaven — a pimped out bus you can ride that will treat your hangover by hooking you up to an IV and pumping you full of fluids and vitamins. I thought it was a joke when I first saw an advertisement for it at the airport, but apparently it really is a thing! And no… no one in our party needed to utilize its services.
2. Second, I had a mini panic attack when I thought I busted my iPad while I was gone. I’d slide the little thing to unlock it, but instead of going to the home screen like it should, it would just reboot itself… every.single.time. I resigned myself to the fact that I’d probably have to take it in to Apple and lose all my data [read: my farm], but lo and behold… I brought it home, hooked it up to my computer, downloaded an update, and it works just fine [read: my farm is safe]…
I guess it didn’t appreciate the heat any more than I did [even though it was always in a place with AC].
3. In other news, Alberta finally decided to update its license plates, and they’re kindly giving us the option to vote for our favourite. The one on the upper left is what we have now, and the other three are our options…
Personally, I’m kind of in love with this [reader-created] one
4. I’m also very much in love with this Morning Oat Crunch cereal…
5. … which once again unleashed my inner cereal monster…
My cereal addiction was getting a little out of hand for a while there, so I decided to cut myself off and start seeing other people foods. I was doing so well, aaaaaaand then I went ahead and opened Pandora’s Barbara’s box. That was the beginning of the end. And those boxes up there? All bought and opened within the past few days
6. Speaking of grocery shopping… random snack haul!
I’ve been seeing a lot of new foods in here in Canadaland, which makes me a super happy camper! New kombucha flavours. The Good Bean crunchy chickpeas. Enjoy Life decadent bars. Yay!
7. Now if only I’d start seeing these too…
But at least I stocked up [a bit] while I was down in Vegas!
8. And while we’re on the topic of almond related things… does anyone else have a hard time finishing off a whole carton of almond milk in 7 days? I only ask because it says on the carton that that’s what you’re supposed to do, regardless of expiration date… Honestly, though? I don’t think I’ve ever managed it. I only use almond milk for my smoothies, and not enough to finish it off that fast.
9. Another thing I had trouble finishing? Ender’s Game. I got through it eventually, but daaaaaang was it ever a struggle. I’m not really the biggest fan of science fiction to begin with, but I think my biggest problem with the book was that I just didn’t find Ender likeable or relatable. In fact, I didn’t feel for any of the characters — they all seemed so shallow and robotic. That and the plot was ridiculously repetitive to the point where I probably could have skipped past the entire middle section of the book and not missed much. I’m now reading Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz, and I think it’s safe to say that I’m enjoying it a whole heck of a lot more considering I started it last night and I’m already over halfway through.
10. (Happy Thursday!)
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind!
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SSOMs brown rice crisp are BEST kind if you ask me. I love it a lot. Too Healthy
Good ol’ Vegas. Always lookin’ out for the consumers (and over-consumers)!

Almond milk really is hard to finish in only a week! Greek yogurt on the other hand…three days max?
I vote the reader-created license plate too! It has the most character.
I’m so happy you can eat the Justins again! Heaven on earth I swear…And my cereal addiction is slowly returning.
Ohhhh, I love Justin’s but I’ve NEVER seen it in the jar?!!! I need to find that!
I usually find them in Whole Foods
I can’t believe that mobile hangover clinic exists! Only in Vegas;) I agree with you on the cereal front and opening all those boxes is totally justified, nothing quite compares to the crunch and deliciousness that is cereal:)
Ah yes~once you start enjoying them cereal boxes it’s hard to stop! :p And it used to be that we wouldn’t finish milk for about 1.5 weeks before Selah, but now all of our groceries (including milk) go out about 2 days before our grocery day! Trying to change things up to save money and make things last, lol!
I miss good gluteny (is that a word??) cereal! I love the top right license plate. How cool that you get to choose???
I voted for the bottom left one!
Omg that hangover bus is hilarious! There are times when I definitely could have used one of those.
And great snack buys! I love those roasted chickpeas and decadent bars. Although the cinnamon ones weren’t my favourite – I way prefer the s’more and sunbutter chocolate ones!
i can never finish a whole carton of almond milk either!
soooo, you wanna know my solution? when you first open the almond milk, make some almond milk ice cubes
they work perfectly in smoothies!
You’re a genius! Definitely going to be doing that next time!
I only use almond milk for smoothies and never finished it in a week. I’m okay so I guess it’s not a big deal.
My friend was just telling me about that “IV” deal in Vegas and says it totally works, but for when you stop partying and actually leave Vegas…yeah you aren’t feeling too good. LOL…It’s a genius idea though.
Stealing all of your Justin’s…Sorry not sorry!!
CEREAL! gimme gimme gimme!! I buy the Kashi one from Costco, so I get a super good deal on it. Which basically means that I eat a ton of it. bahahaa
Aaaand I never ever finish all my almond milk in 7 days. Do I toss it? Nope. I keep mine for like 2 weeks, and usually have it polished off by then with all the smoothies, baking and oatmeal
I love those packs of pitted dates. Dates are so tasty but I can’t stand pitting them. I found a huge pack of the organic Made in Nature ones at Costco and regret only buying one bag. They had a non organic brand the other day which I picked up. I love them as a handy snack on the go.
Have you ever tried stuffing them with almond butter and/or chocolate chips? To.die.for.
My almond milk says it’s good for 7-10 days after opening, so I usually hang onto it for 10 days and then toss it. I also only buy the shelf-stable boxes, because there’s noooooooooo way I’d go through an entire refrigerated box in 10 days. Plus that way I can stock up!
I had no idea we were changing our license plates! Not that it will affect me…um….at all, but still good to know I suppose.
Are they sending out a SWAT team to steal all the old license plates or what?
Also, have you heard about Earth’s General Store opening on 104 st on Monday? I talked to a girl working over there and it sounds like it is going to be a foodie heaven. There will be samples at Saturday’s market too if you find yourself over there!
I didn’t hear that! Ooooo but that’s going to be dangerous, especially with the Planet Organic that’s already here. I know where I’ll be on Monday
Hahahaha, I love the the winter is coming license plate. The best
I was waiting in line to get into a restaurant a few months ago and met the guy who started that whole IV/hangover cure thing! I’m not sure if the bus is related to him, but they market themselves as doctors who help you get over a cold/flu faster by giving you the proper vitamins and fluids, but most of their customer base is people with hangovers! He even mentioned that they travel to corporate locations more often than anything. What hasn’t been thought of?
Have a great Thursday!
Lol – the winter is coming license plate, amazing!
I love Synergy Kombucha – just picked some up at the store today
Hey I just nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award (my most recent blog post)! Check it out if you have a second!
Aww thanks so much, girlie! <3
I have to buy the little almond milk cartons so that it doesn’t go bad. I can’t use the half gallon in a week.
I go through almond milk so quickly! That’s probably because I cook my oats in it most days… If you find you need to use some up fast just use it in place of water
I also like it because I find it makes my oats wayyyy creamier than just water.
That’s super funny about the hangover bus! Unfortunately, I bet they make a pretty good living! And I feel you on the cereal addiction. They’re like bunnies…they just keep multiplying!
I still cannot believe you can’t get Justin’s where you live. Preposterous! Actually, I can believe it. I couldn’t find it in Wisconsin either when I was visiting my Mom. It’s crazy to me how some places offer so many food options others not so much.
That’s kind of funny & kind of sad that they have a hangover cure bus.
As for your inner cereal monster, it’s kind of like my inner sugar/fruit monster. Since I’ve upped my carbs a bit & added more fruit… I just want ALL the fruit & anything sweet now. Ugh. I’ve unleashed a monster.
I like the plate on the top right.
Dried fruits are my kryptonite… Lately it’s been figs and dates — especially if almond butter is involved <3
My friends and I considered trying the oxygen bar one night after we went a little too hard, but we wanted to save our money for more important things like food. And I never finish a carton of almond milk in 7 days since I’m the only one who drinks it. It probably takes me 2 weeks. I haven’t given much thought to the expiration. Maybe I should, burin don’t have problems with it.
I’m so intrigued by that book. I’ve surprised myself with how fast I’ve been tearing through books lately it’s almost as if I have caught up with the pace I used to go as a preteen! Haha to the winter is coming license plate…Although it may be more appropriate to say wi ter is here. Justin’s has got to come to Canada soon!!
Glad to know that your farm is safe ;). Usually it’s pests or bad weather than ruin crops, but now we know that new iPad updates should be on the list as well hahah! Oh, and your snack haul is reminding me about how badly I need to get my butt to the grocery store
. Apparently you can only live on oats and granola for so long. The things you learn in college.
Voting for a license plate? Kinda cool haha. I’d totally vote for the GOT one. Loving your cereal stock!! I need to get some in my pantry again.
Alberta should have a license plate with a sleep mask on it with the words, “Sleep is for the weak” considering it’s still light out at 10 PM. Haha!
I bought “The Cuckoo’s Calling” a couple of weeks ago and I am having the HARDEST time getting into it. If a book doesn’t suck me in from the get-go, it’s going to be a long read. Le sigh. I can’t seem to find any good books these days. Trashy magazines it is!
The last book series I read and really loved was Throne of Glass… Have you read it? If not, then I definitely recommend giving it a shot!
Ok Alberta definitely needs to invest in the winter is coming plate. That is too genius for words. And that hangover bus? Also a genius idea for Vegas haha. They should probably expand to other major cities, too…:I bet they’d make a fortune. And that book sounds good! Have to check it out once I make it through the mountain in my room.
Oh My Gosh we are COMPLETE opposites concerning almond milk!!!!:)
I have to buy a new one almost every other day:) I don’t get it I just love it….i end up drinking it straight out of the carton…..luckily, i’m the only one in my household who drinks it, so it is somewhat socially acceptable.
Your new book looks good – I’m definitely putting it on my “to read” list!
I was not aware of that almond milk tidbit. I think I always go through my almond milk within 7 days, but I’ve got a whole family that drinks it. Glad that some specialty foods are coming your way!
My cereal obsession is back and stronger than ever… I am blaming it on the Summer months. When the weather is warm I don’t feel like eating a hot/warm breakfast…. and I also feel to lazy to make anything