Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Just a quick head’s up for anyone who’s thinking about starting a blog or switching over to self-hosting… Bluehost* will be having a 4th of July sale from the 4th to the 7th, meaning you’ll be able to score some pretty awesome prices on hosting and domain packages this weekend (as low as $3.95/month). If you’ve been going back and forth on the idea of going self-hosted, you can check out this post to see why I really recommend it, and you can click here* to take advantage of the sale (starting Friday).
*affiliate links
2. This. Very much this 😆 😆
3. I kid, I kid. While I do really enjoy chewing, I’ve also really been enjoying biking. So much so that I’ve actually parked my car for the most part and started taking my bike everywhere instead. I average something like 15-20 km per day, and I’m kind of in love with it.
4. I’m not, however, in love with some of the things associated with riding a bike. First, headwind. Holy gerbils is it ever hard to ride straight into really heavy wind. And the worst part is that it changes directions and I end up having to deal with headwind both there and back. Ridiculous.
Second, bugs — and I’m not talking about the little flies and gnats that “accidentally” find themselves on a direct course with your eyes/nose/mouth — but freaking dragonflies. It must be their breeding season or something, because those suckers are everywhere. In swarms! The other day one hit me smack dab in the middle of my forehead, and I thought I was literally going to kill myself because of how bad I started swerving from the surprise collision. Ridiculous.
5. Speaking of surprises, remember when I mentioned that I saw a lady at Starbucks asking the barista to surprise her with a drink? In the end I decided it was a brilliant idea, so I tried it out myself. This is what I got:
If memory serves, it was an iced cinnamon dolce latte. I guess my baristas know me too well. Next time I think I’ll say: “shock me” instead. I’ll probably end up with some kind of green tea frappuccino.
6. Speaking of shock… Do not ever Google “spider bite” and look at the associated images. Just don’t do it. I made that mistake because we thought a friend might have gotten bitten while we were out and we needed more info. I think I may be scarred for life 😯
7. As for where the aforementioned incident happened… in the bushes:
In addition to biking, I’ve been doing a lot of “hiking” down in the river valley. Looks like that gym membership I was thinking about getting is going to have to wait for colder days — give me all the outdoor exercise!
8. How are we feeling about the new Maroon 5 song?
It’s catchy — I like it! And I may or may not be listening to it right now… and sit-dancing in my chair. Doop, doop, doop. And auto-correct, if you change doop to door one more time, I.will.cut.you.
9. Apparently I’ve been watching too much Game of Thrones 😯 But I’ve also been reading! I started Ender’s Game, and while I like it well enough so far, I can’t say I’m a huge fan of Card himself… We’ll see where this goes.
10. I feel like there’s something I still need to tell you… give me a sec. OH! I’ll be heading to Vegas next week to celebrate a friend’s “birthday” [that was actually a month ago] 😀 It’s one of my favourite cities to visit and I haven’t been for at least a year, so next Wednesday I’ll be hopping on a plane to spend a few days in Sin City. Can.not.wait.
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! 😀
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I got bit by a spider once in the crease of my knee and it was dreadful! It was stiff for days and the bump was so unsightly.
Have fun in Vegas – I love it there! I can’t wait to read about your trip!
I’m going to Vegas next Thursday!! Going to be so much fun, and HOT!
Eeeek! We’ll be there at the same time 😀
Wahhhh thank you so much for mentioning the deal at Blue Host. I’ve been working on getting a blog design together to go self-hosted. This gave me the push to really do it whether I have the design set or not. Thanks 🙂
And VEGAS!!! I freakin love that place! Do you happen to have an extra ticket and need someone else to join? I would love to come. You’re going to have an absolute blast!
Woot! Let me know if you have any questions about it 😀
Pretty sure I killed a dragonfly while doing burps at the box the other day…lol We always have the garage doors open and in the middle of the WOD when I looked down I saw a dragonfly on the ground…I’m guessing he got caught in the jump UP from the burpee….oops! But yes, they ARE everywhere!
I actually am really diggin “Maps.” It’s super catchy.
Never been to Vegas but I know it’d be a wild time. I could not be trusted there. Except around slot machines, I definitely have will power against those because I’m already broke enough.
Also, I’m the most horrendous bike rider. No matter how hard I try not to fall, I always fall. My friends don’t believe but it’s true. I’m so so so bad. And it hurts my lower region… ouch. I’d need a some sort of special seat.
Eww, bugs! I especially dislike when it’s super hot and humid, and you sweat so much that the little flies get stuck to you. Gross. Although being smacked in the face by a dragonfly doesn’t sound so fun either…
Have fun in Vegas!
I am liking the new song! Usually it takes me a couple times to like their new songs and then I get addicted, overplay it, and get sick of it.
Have an awesome time in Vegas! I hear its pretty hot there!
😆 That’s what happens to me all the time too. I’m still not quite ready to listen to “One More Night” again…
That Starbucks Iced Cinnamon Latte mmmmh – right down my alley. I love iced latte and I put cinnamon in almost everything! Though it must be fun to get shocked by your barista especially when she knows your usual coffee choices so well 🙂
My husband had a form of psoriasis a few weeks ago. I made the mistake to google it to get visual confirmatio0n of the diagnosis. I really shouldn’t have done that! Luckily he didn’t look like those poor people!!!
The song is fun. I didn’t knew it before but you’re right. It’s quite catchy 🙂
Have a lovely day!
Yeah I made the mistake of Googling “Tick” for the same reason. Never…..ever……again
I have made the spider bite google mistake before too. Instant panic attack!
I got on my bike with the same hopes as you annnd…my knees just about touched the floor. 😉 Definitely time for bike shopping.
Have so much fun in Vegas! Although, I think (know) I would melt if I showed up this time of year. The heat we have here is enough for me, thanks!
I’ve never been to Las Vegas, but I don’t gamble so I’m not sure that I’m missing out. I can’t believe you are biking THAT much every day! My town really isn’t set up to be able to take your bike everywhere, so it’s nice that you have that option. I would also get scared of biking with traffic because, you know, I don’t want to get hit by a car!!
I’m not big on gambling either — it’s just the atmosphere of the place that gets me because everyone is there to have a good time and there’s always tonnes of stuff to do and see.
hahah your Starbucks barista must read your blog…. 😉 I still need to try the “surprise me” but I’m so picky I’m not sure I’d be thrilled. Also need to get a bike..it would really come in handy sometimes! Have a great holiday weekend!
I’ve never been to Vegas but I’ve always wanted to go! Can’t wait to hear about it 🙂
Once I’m no longer unemployed and can afford to do things again, I’m still planning on inviting myself along on a Vegas trip 😉
And now I’m trying really, really hard to resist the temptation to google spider bites….
I couldn’t resist.
Gah! That would be the best trip ever. Maybe we should forgo Blend next year and see if we can ninja some people to go to Vegas instead 😆
Bike riding – I miss it. When still living at my parents I used the bike every day to get to school and everywhere else especially in summer. Now that I live in a big city I left the bike at home for the fear of it being stolen.
Outdoor exercise is the best kind and even more if friends are tagging along. And your picture makes me think I need to visit my parents in the countryside again soon. But they obviously decided to go on holiday just now that I’d have time to hop over and demand full attention 😉 .
Oh yeah, googling spider bites is a bad idea! It makes you think any bump you find is going to eat at your skin and eventually kill you. Won’t do that again any time soon.
Vegas! I’ve never been but I really want to. I’m not really the “crazy partayy type” but it does seem like a fun thing to do once in your life :D. And PS, you’ve just reminded me how much I like cinnamon dolce lattes. Noms.
Totally agree about the gym membership! Why pay money when your membership for the great outdoors is free! Nature is a great gym!!
I love love love some outdoor exercise!!
I’ve never been to Las Vegas. Have a great time!! The new Maps song is one of my newest favorites. I wasn’t sure at first, but then I got caught on it and listened to it on repeat for a while! I love when it comes up during my classes I teach. I get an extra pep in my step. Sadly, I have looked up spider bites. It’s my first reaction when something appears and we try to diagnose it (like I’m a doctor or something, haha) but oh geez, it’s so terrible!!
It was the same for me — the song starts off a little weird, but the chorus gets me every time. And omigosh those images were horrible… I honestly had no idea that kind of thing could happen 😯
Ohh have fun in Vegas!! 🙂 I haven’t listened to Maroon5 in a long time but I’m thinking I’ll have to add them to my spotify playlist 🙂
That hiking trail looks gorgeous! Hiking is hands down one of my favourite ways to be active in the summers. Our neighbouring city Hamilton is secretly known as the city of Waterfalls so I’m hoping to check some of them out this summer. So far I’ve only been to one!
Finally catching up on many of your posts from over the past month+… totally agree with you on the gym membership and all the motivating factors in having one, but if you hold off until the fall when things get cool again, then I bet you’ll be extra pumped about it 🙂
So exciting about Vegas….always a great time, especially with the girls. That’s one thing I loved about living in Calgary: such easy access to so many weekend getaway destinations!!
PS- you are so brave to “surprise me” with your Starbucks order. I am the worst decision makes at the cafe or any restaurant and fear possible “order regret” haha. I’m excited for Buckys iced coffees sooooon. T-3 weeks!
awww yay thanks for sharing that song! i love it! i love maroon 5 😉 😀
I definitely agree with you on the Maroon 5 song, I am loving it!
One of my best friends is in Vegas right now. If memory serves, the first things that she texted me were among the lines of “holy balls the heat” and “I totally underestimated the heat” and “So I’m already down $40 at blackjack.”
Typical. I hope you fare better!
😆 I’ve been in July a few times and it’s definitely hot. When you walk outside from being inside for a while, it feels like you’re opening an oven and getting blasted in the face with all that heat. Pools are a godsend.
Outdoors = 1 million times better than exercising indoors 🙂
I love that you’re biking around town!! I did a big stint of bike commuting last summer!! It was awesome!!
Vegas- how exciting. I am trying to get myself down to Fl for a few days in the coming weeks. Not that I need more heat and humidity but I do need to see two of my closest friends for a bit!
Cinnamon Dolce lattes are super good! That is a great barista. And can we talk about my extreme jealousy that you are going to Vegas? You are going to have the best time! And per other suggestions, be sure to hit up Giada’s!
Oh gosh I can only imagine what popped up when you googled that – freaks me out just the thought of it!
I wish I could get out on my bike more – it’s so much fun! Glasgow has just had rental bike stations installed all over the city, including one just outside my door so I think I will be taking advantage of them over the summer!
There is another meme I like “The only exercise I enjoy is running from my problems”. LOL. Thanks for sharing about the bluehost! I am one that has been going back and forth with getting self hosted. LOL.
That was me for the longest time as well, but I’m super happy I made the switch. E-mail me if you ever wanna chat pros and cons 😀
Always so many things to comment on these posts!
1. Holy gerbils–my new favorite phrase!!
2. Dragon flies really are everywhere!
3. I wish my city was more bike friendly.
4. You should visit Giada’s new restaurant!!! I just saw that she opened one there and I immediately wanted to go to Vegas for that specific reason!
If there’s one thing that keeps me off trails it’s a fear of bugs and other nasties like spider bites! I am very selective with what I image search since there are just some things you can’t unsee!
I’m about to head out for a short run in the rain, at least it’s better than 90 degrees. Weather and running drive me nuts sometimes 🙂
Oooh excited for your trip – we might have met – I was supposed to have been attending a high school reunion, which ended up being cancelled about 3 weeks ago! GAH!!! One of these days…
Your hiking trail is GORGEOUS!!!! But you got bitten by a spider – is that why you googled spider bite? – spiders are nasty fiends – I hope yours wasn’t/isn’t to bad!
I don’t think Ive seen dragonflies here in Atlanta yet – but there are TONS and I mean TONS o lightening bugs – which makes for a gorgeous evening on the porch!
Noooo! It would have been so amazing to meet you — hopefully one of these days! And it wasn’t me that got bitten but a friend! We’re still not sure if that’s what it was, but he seems to be doing okay…
The things I’ve googled and the associated images…..let’s not even go there.
That cartoon picture replicates you to a T.