Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Firstly of all… ly (???), thank you guys so much for all of the sweet comments and personal stories you left on yesterday’s post about why I won’t be working for a bikini body. It’s not always easy to publish those more personal posts, but it is super rewarding… especially when it comes to hearing from others who have gone through, or are going through, the same thing. We’re all in this together, right? It’s a comforting thought.
2. And since I skipped out on What I Ate Wednesday yesterday, how about I show you some of my eats? May I present… breakfast!
… aaaaand that’s about all I’ve got for you 😆 Sorry guys; I ran out of steam after the morning since I knew I wouldn’t need photographic evidence until next week 😉
3. Wait! No! I do have one more thing to share — a snack that I’ve been absolutely obsessed with lately…
What is it? A secret 😉 You’ll have to check back tomorrow for the recipe! And hopefully more impressive pictures if.the.weather.starts.cooperating 😡
4. And because it’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve posted any random facts, here be some…
1. I always thought her voice was rather… unique… but I can’t say that goat ever came to mind.
2. Erm… I guess it’s win-win either way, in that case? 😯
3. Very true — you can get into some serious trouble for mentioning pigs around police. You can, however, innocently ask “Does something smell like bacon?”… But it’s probably better that you don’t.
4. Well… sh*t! That’s basically all I wear! For some strange reason, though, mosquitos aren’t too keen on me.
5. Creepy. Very creepy.
5. AND… if those didn’t get you giggling, you need to watch this video. I know it’s a little on the lengthier side, but it had me cracking up big time.
6. I also nearly lost my sh*t when my cow mooed while I was in the middle of Starbucks… and no, that’s not code for something cute or inappropriate. My cow literally did moo. See, in an effort to stay on top of my game, I may or may not have occasionally started to bring Farmville with me when I go out so that I can… *looks down at feet*… collect my crops/crafts when they’re up. Hush. I’m usually pretty good about remembering to turn it to silent, but I must have forgotten on this particular day, and I got a nice MooooOOOooOOOoo to let me know that my honeycomb was ready to gather. I’m not ashamed to admit that I pulled the classic “look-around-and-wonder-what-the-hell-that-was” move. Not ashamed at all 😳
7. If you want me to take you seriously, please make an effort to at least spell my name correctly.
I know the 3 A’s can be a bit tricky, but seeing as my name isn’t something insanely complicated like LlanfairÂpwllgwynÂgyllgoÂgeryÂchwyrnÂdrobwllÂllantyÂsilioÂgogoÂgoch (that’s an actual name of a village in Wales), there really is no excuse.
8. Important question for you [Mac users]! Do any of you use Pages or Numbers? I used to use Office for Mac, but it hasn’t wanted to work ever since I updated my operating system, and now I’m not sure whether I should go for an updated version of Office or switch over and try Apple’s version of it. Any advice would be much appreciated 🙂
9. Oh! And if anyone has any advice on how I can avoid breaking my neck while trying to learn how to do a headstand, that would also be much appreciated. I’d love to be able to do one by the end of the summer, and would prefer not crippling myself in the process.
10. And last but not least, Kaiah says hi…
Or at least she would if she wasn’t busy sleeping in holes (her favourite). Happy Thursday, friendly faces!
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! 😀
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Superb blog! Do you have any tips and hints for aspiring writers? I’m planning to start my own site soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you advise starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I’m completely overwhelmed .. Any recommendations? Many thanks!|
This info is worth everyone’s attention. Where can I find out more?
Gosh I forgot that spider pig story! Gotta love the scots, we are pretty random!
Also it is still illegal to commit suicide in the UK, but I don’t think they force the law on it anymore – seems so harsh to punish someone when they obviously need help.
Still working on my handstands. It’s a key move in CrossFit and I hate that everyone else can do them bar me! I will get there though! 🙂
If it makes you feel any better, I still can’t do one either so I’ll be working on mine right along there with ya 😀
I absolutely hate my name being spelled wrong too! I know that most people with the name Hilary spell it Hillary but come on, when I e-mail you and my name is right below your message how hard is it to make sure it is spelled right!
Hmmm…. are you making your own yogurt? Looking forward to finding out what new creation you’ve got going on. I never thought Amanda was all that hard to spell! 🙂
I’ve been a long time reader and enjoy your blog. However, I must say that I found your comment about suicide being a ‘win-win’ very upsetting. I lost my brother to suicide and I definately don’t feel like anyone won! Like eating disorders, suicide is caused by mental illness, PTSD, etc. Would you ever say someone being put to death for having an Ed was a win win- since it appears they want to die?
Hi Karla. I’m incredibly sorry for your loss and I apologize if my comment upset you. I know it might not have come across properly, but I do hope you realize that my comment was a 100% sarcastic response to an obviously ridiculous law, without even an ounce of seriousness behind it. I’m sorry again if I upset you, though — it was never my intention.
Thanks for cresting such a fun link up!
1. That breakfast looks amazing oh my gosh.
2. I don’t know if you mean Microsoft Office, but I use Open Office for Mac and I absolutely love it! Plus, it’s free!
Hahahaha! I’ve heard a different story about Shakira – they didn’t want her because her voice was too loud and she couldn’t blend in with the rest of the choir. This is still true – it’s hard to blend in with a specific voice like hers.
Stick to Office, just update. My computer in uni was with Office 2008 and it was the most annoying piece of crap that ever tried to call itself Office. Big files, working with files on the server, simple copy-pasting – everything would crash it. Excel also had this magical ability to erase half of the information in tables so that I could think I had messed up something with the scripts creating said tables. Office 2011 doesn’t do any of this + it has improved functionality (Oh, how I missed the ability to filter by multiple criteria and conditional formatting!). You’ll probably like it unless you want to use the files you create in Unix/Dos environment. Then I suggest you invest in a Windows machine because the different encoding is seriously shortening my life.
“Hi Amada” – Had to smile when I read that because I get Amanada and Samantha all the time.
People seem to enjoy adding an extra “t” to the end of my name… they are only making more work for themselves! It always has baffled me!
Amada!!? HAHA Wow. I also have to admit I laughed out loud about your Farmville cow, I love your no shame attitude. You breakfast mug is so adorable…I want.
Girl, if you can, stick to Office. My work computer is a Mac and the entire company uses Pages and Numbers. It has been such a pain to get used to and I really, really, really wish that we could just use Office. It blows my mind because our computers have Office as well. My advice is don’t switch unless you absolutely have to!
Page is awful. Don’t switch from Word if you’re used to it.
Headstands: Okay, the goal is that your hands and head need to make a triangle. Definitely start practicing against a wall. Start on your knees facing the wall – spacing depends on your size, so I can’t give you guidelines there, but it requires your own experiment, maybe a foot or so. Put hands in front of knees. Lean forward, place top of your head on floor with back of head against wall. Slowly pick up knees onto your elbows. If you feel comfortable enough, slowly straighten back and legs. I haven’t done one in *years*, but I just did one and it was fine. Except for the blood rushing to the head part.
Blood rushing to head is right. But thanks for for the tips, Dana! I just gave it a shot, and there may be hope for me yet.
Isn’t it funny when companies obviously don’t double check the emails they send us? I once got sent an email that started with “Dear [INSERT NAME HERE]” hahaha.
I’m curious about that snack recipe! It looks like yogurt??
Nooo that is evil! Your creamy concoction looks so amazziinnngg. And Kaiah is such a beautiful dog! Is she hyper, sweet, wild…? I’m so curious since you never talk about her 😛
She’s a sweetheart. She’ll be 12 this year and she still acts like a puppy. She has my “young-forever” genes 😉
Doing a headstand scares me! That and a lot of other similar yoga positions look really cool, but I’m also scared of becoming permanently disabled or at least hurting myself for a long time. I’ve seen people practice with pillows, so maybe that would help?
It’s always slightly embarrassing when you forget to turn your devices on silent and then some weird sound pops up! I’m paranoid about my phone always being on silent, but sometimes you just have to laugh it off and pretend it wasn’t you.
Oh man… Amada?!?! Who spells would even think to spell your name like that? And the Shakira goat voice is cracking me up – I will never be able to listen to her songs again without imagining a goat in the background 😉
I have pages, but I’m still committed to my Office! Maybe I’ll try playing around with it a bit and let you know! =) Funny thing about names…I’m in the group that thinks the spelling of my name is “the way”, but I recently saw the spelling as Kalsie – totally threw me off!
I totally understand your fear with headstands. It took me a LONG time to get up into mine, and I still don’t have it great by any means, but a lot of my initial struggle was both fear and figuring out how to move my body to make it work. I like to start in a tripod and then lift my hips up — it’s all getting your waist above your head. That’ll swing your legs up on its own. Then, of course, there’s the stability factor of staying there: that requires core strength. When I was learning, I first practiced against a wall, and then later I practiced against my bed. That still gives you somewhere other than the floor to fall, but forces you to learn how you need to balance to hold a headstand. Once you feel confident enough, try it in an open area. If you do fall out of it, your legs are probably going to go one of two ways: back down to where you started or all the way over, which is basically just like doing a somersault. Practice makes perfect! I worked on it for like a year before I had the confidence to do it in front of other people, but that’s because I didn’t practice regularly for a long time. Practice, practice, practice!
Thanks for the advice, Bethany! And a whole year? Ack! I guess I was a little too optimistic when I said the end of summer *shuffles off to practice*
LOL at the moo incident. I would totally react the same way.
Can we be handstand-learning buddies this summer?! I’ve been working on them for a while now, and I just want to stick the dang thing. A couple links I’ve looked at: http://blogs.yogajournal.com/slideshows/defy-gravity/
Let’s pray that neither of us break our necks trying this out. 😀
I’ll join you in that prayer… and in that challenge as well 😉
I LOVE What the F*** Facts!!! Do you follow Bad Advice Dog too? He’s hilarious.
Misspelled names oddly feel like what you’re getting isn’t even meant for or adressed to you, don’t they? I always know the person writing it didn’t consciously do but still. I once got a birthday card from an aunt with my name spelled wrong and it felt so off. I get that my name’s a little tricky but c’mon.. a relative???
Hehe, you might enjoy this game: http://findtheinvisiblecow.com/
Don’t blame me if you’re getting addicted, though. I managed to pull myself away but who knows…
My first thought whenever you post a picture of Kaiah: I want a dog. Just today I was filling out some papers for my apartment asking for pets and I sadly had to cross out the fields.
Happy Thursday!
😆 Omg that game… I think I may go insane if I hear the word cow one more time 😆
I’m loving all the UK references in this post…Joe Sugg, England suicides, Scottish Spiderpig man…You picked out all our best bits! 😛 Haha!
Omg that village in Wales has GOT to be a joke. WHAT? Imagine living there and having to write your address on everything…
I just got my headstand after the longest time of being terrified! I first get into forearm stand and then gentle lower my head to the ground. Thus all the weight is still balanced nicely on your forearms and you can just clasp your hands behind your head!
For the headstand, it’s all in the arms. Really ground and push in through the forearms and elbows and palms.
This is how I perform mine:
Eventually you can move more easily into other variations when you begin by mastering that.
Omigosh lookit them all do it! Okay that’s gonna be me too… eventually 😆
Inversions! Try starting in a forearm plank, bringing your palms closer while keeping elbows apart to form a cradle for your head. As you walk your feet towards your head/arms, stack your hips above your shoulders and shift the weight into the forearms. That way when you finally kick up, most of the pressure is on your forearms and not the neck/head 🙂
Thanks, Mila! Definitely going to try that 😀
I literally just laughed out loud at the Shakira fact. Too funny. I have a Mac and use Office, not too tech savvy with any other mac things because I’m a newbie!
I’m an Office person, however my mom works at the Apple Store part-time (winning major cool points, I know ;-)), mostly because she LOVES it, and she uses both. She likes pages way more than I do. I think once you learn how to use it, it’s pretty user friendly.
I prefer Pages over Word but prefer Excel over Numbers. I have to use a specific layout for my school grades which requires text to go vertical and Numbers doesn’t do that easily. Pages has many very nice templates that I’ve used a number of times.
Your breakfast looks amazing! And I can’t wait to read about that snack! Kaiah is precious. 🙂 Thanks for hosting this link up!
Head stands will never be for me! If I don’t break my neck I’d probably have a headache for 3 days practicing. Maybe it’s just being out of practice but I am feeling too old lately for gymnastics! There are some things I’m happy to leave in the past or just watch my kids do 🙂
Haha! I was actually thinking that a little while ago when I tried to do a somersault and ended up all sorts of dazed and confused at the end. It was like… this was so much easier when I was younger!
I am SO guilty of doing the “look around like it wasn’t me” thing ALL.THE.TIME. Especially when I was in college and my stomach would growl SO LOUD at the most inappropriate times. I’d look at the person next to me and give them the “omgosh” stare. HAHA. Ooops. Or the vibrating phone in class… that one is even worse.
Love seeing your doggy :o)
I LOVE the cup that your breakfast is in! Where did you get it?
And your dog looks so adorable and cuddly!
I picked it up in Homesense! Which I guess is our Canadian equivalent of Marshall’s or TJ Maxx?
Definitely try to get into tripod first! More here: http://www.fitsugar.com/Strike-Yoga-Pose-Tripod-Balance-96756. It is so much easier to straighten your legs from there then if you just whip them up against a wall. Slow and steady wins the race (and avoids scary neck injury!)
Good luck 🙂 Love your blog!
Thanks Leah! I just gave it a try and it actually seems pretty doable. There’s hope for me yet