Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Firstly of all… ly (???), thank you guys so much for all of the sweet comments and personal stories you left on yesterday’s post about why I won’t be working for a bikini body. It’s not always easy to publish those more personal posts, but it is super rewarding… especially when it comes to hearing from others who have gone through, or are going through, the same thing. We’re all in this together, right? It’s a comforting thought.
2. And since I skipped out on What I Ate Wednesday yesterday, how about I show you some of my eats? May I present… breakfast!
… aaaaand that’s about all I’ve got for you 😆 Sorry guys; I ran out of steam after the morning since I knew I wouldn’t need photographic evidence until next week 😉
3. Wait! No! I do have one more thing to share — a snack that I’ve been absolutely obsessed with lately…
What is it? A secret 😉 You’ll have to check back tomorrow for the recipe! And hopefully more impressive pictures if.the.weather.starts.cooperating 😡
4. And because it’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve posted any random facts, here be some…
1. I always thought her voice was rather… unique… but I can’t say that goat ever came to mind.
2. Erm… I guess it’s win-win either way, in that case? 😯
3. Very true — you can get into some serious trouble for mentioning pigs around police. You can, however, innocently ask “Does something smell like bacon?”… But it’s probably better that you don’t.
4. Well… sh*t! That’s basically all I wear! For some strange reason, though, mosquitos aren’t too keen on me.
5. Creepy. Very creepy.
5. AND… if those didn’t get you giggling, you need to watch this video. I know it’s a little on the lengthier side, but it had me cracking up big time.
6. I also nearly lost my sh*t when my cow mooed while I was in the middle of Starbucks… and no, that’s not code for something cute or inappropriate. My cow literally did moo. See, in an effort to stay on top of my game, I may or may not have occasionally started to bring Farmville with me when I go out so that I can… *looks down at feet*… collect my crops/crafts when they’re up. Hush. I’m usually pretty good about remembering to turn it to silent, but I must have forgotten on this particular day, and I got a nice MooooOOOooOOOoo to let me know that my honeycomb was ready to gather. I’m not ashamed to admit that I pulled the classic “look-around-and-wonder-what-the-hell-that-was” move. Not ashamed at all 😳
7. If you want me to take you seriously, please make an effort to at least spell my name correctly.
I know the 3 A’s can be a bit tricky, but seeing as my name isn’t something insanely complicated like LlanfairÂpwllgwynÂgyllgoÂgeryÂchwyrnÂdrobwllÂllantyÂsilioÂgogoÂgoch (that’s an actual name of a village in Wales), there really is no excuse.
8. Important question for you [Mac users]! Do any of you use Pages or Numbers? I used to use Office for Mac, but it hasn’t wanted to work ever since I updated my operating system, and now I’m not sure whether I should go for an updated version of Office or switch over and try Apple’s version of it. Any advice would be much appreciated 🙂
9. Oh! And if anyone has any advice on how I can avoid breaking my neck while trying to learn how to do a headstand, that would also be much appreciated. I’d love to be able to do one by the end of the summer, and would prefer not crippling myself in the process.
10. And last but not least, Kaiah says hi…
Or at least she would if she wasn’t busy sleeping in holes (her favourite). Happy Thursday, friendly faces!
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! 😀
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Your dog is TOO cute! You should share pics of her more often…
Can’t wait to see that recipe! Looks delicious 🙂
Crazy fact about Shakira…. bet she’s laughing about all of that now haha! And YUM. Can’t wait for the recipe! I’m hoping you can get the light to corporate. These last few weeks my camera and the sun have noooott been cooperating and I feel like the photography world is against me hahah.
Farmville is one of those things tat I don’t think would be healthy for me to get in to ;). I have a pretty addictive personality and I think it would sap away all my productivity haha!
I can not wait to find out what that white stuff is!! Although it reminds me of canned coconut milk very much…..That last fact….creepy. Headstands!! I only thing I found that helped, is make sure you are using your back/shoulder muscles to push up a little so that there isn’t an pressure on your neck. I hope that makes sense haha.
I wish I could do a headstand. We learned some cues in yoga that were helpful but I am still way to scared to kick my legs up. I do not have the core strength to hold myself up. But let us know if you figure out any secrets to it!
Definitely update office… I used to use pages and it was awful and formatting would always get messed up! Also… do your headstands near a wall… that’s what I try to do!! And make sure you’re on the top of your head and not your forehead or something… I always mess that one up 🙂
Thanks for the tips, girl! <3
girlllll try having a name like Davida…when people email me and are like “Hi David” i’m like noooooope NOT A BOY grrr. Drives me NUTS. I’m naming my kid something very VERY basic.
I am a Mac user through and through and I HATE Microsoft Office. I do have it on my computer because I need it for some work documents but otherwise if I have a choice, I prefer to use Pages or Numbers. I find them much easier to use and that they give me for flexibility when I want to create something creative.
Hi Kaiah!! So cute!
Hmm… are you making homemade greek yogurt for your recipe? Looks nice’n creamy, whatever it is! As for the mosquitos liking dark colors – sucks, those are my faves too! Darn!
Cute doggy! Is that an iPad?
I’ve spent my first few hours of thursday learning Instagram. I know…I am so, so late.
It’s an iPad, yup! And yay for IG! I love it — even if I can’t stay consistent with it 😆
Well, I’m certainly intrigued by tomorrow’s recipe! Definitely looking forward to that one!
I’ve always wanted to learn how to do headstands. I suppose that now is not the time to starting learning, so once I have the babies that is one of my goals. I’d love to be able to do one!
My name having an h always gets misspelled. If someone doesn’t know I’m like no big deal but it’s the people that know or when it is right there that I’m like ehhhhh? *insert minion questioning voice here* like on Facebook when someone posts something to me and my name is on the screen just a little above where it’s being typed. I haven’t used pages or anything because for school I needed office. The only thing I have heard though is that some people struggle with the compatibility of pages. I wish I could give you more concrete help…I’m sorry love! That is too funny about your cow on FarmVille! And when I started trying doing handstands for dance I would try them against a wall first to feel for where my balance should kind of be. Then I would move just slightly from the wall but still just close enough incase I didn’t stop myself it would. Happy Thursday!!
Oh Farmville….it stole hours of my life a few summers ago when I was bored at work. Love it.
I’d stick with Microsoft Office, just because everyone uses it. It’s so much easier to share documents since it’s pretty universal. Plus, it translates into google docs really well.
Thanks, girl! I was kind of leaning that way myself.
Amada hahah I’m dying. Why. But as for the headstands I’d suggest watching lots of Youtube tutorials and always practicing against the wall. Also, I think a lot of it is mental. I still fall over sometimes when I think I’m going to fall over—If I’m like YEA YOU GOT THIS. then I usually don’t fall haha.
“My cow mooed”… okay the first thing I thought was, “Uh oh, she farted!!!!”
ps. my cat stepped on my keyboard and tried to leave you a comment. It went something like this: Qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwer
I’m so scared about getting hurt in a headstand! I like tripod headstands better because I can balance some of the weight on my hands. Much more stable for me!
Tehhheeee! Love those facts….especially the shakira one…..how crazy! Guess what I made yesterday….almond butter…..and I bought some sweet potatoes at the store….for one reason only….thought of you 😉 Although apparently you have a new obsession…..intrigued! Have a wonderful Thursday 🙂
Okay you just decided lunch for me. I have a sweet potato hanging out in my pantry, so it’s time to whip that sucker up and serve it with some AB 😀
Ha, people call me Karie all the time. I guess its because the T is next to the R? Anyway, at least your name didn’t change completely! I use Pages but I am not sure I am a huge fan of it…I don’t use it too often which is why I didn’t buy into Word either though.
I’m taking a guess – your new recipe is either yogurt or coconut-cream-something-or-other. Or both…
I don’t own a Mac; however, I was once the champion of headstands (not), and I learned by using a wall as leg support and a pillow as head & neck support. As for handstands…I can’t help you. :p
My dog sleeps in holes too. She sleeps anywhere, really, but I have seen her snoozing in a pit of dirt before like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Must be a dog thing… 😉
Even my aunt spells my name wrong. She leaves the h out every single time I get a card or an email or a text. I don’t understand how someone can know you for that long and still get it wrong. As for the headstands- I like to practice against a wall. But the fact that I still can’t do them on my own has to do with the fear of breaking my neck as well.
omg babe i am terrified of breaking my neck while practicing handstands too!!!!!!!!!! 😛
Haha public embarrassment– the worst! Hopefully you were able to play it off as someone else’s problem haha
I ended my post with a pet picture and story today too. 🙂 We must be twins or else great minds think alike. Also in a moment of synchronicity, they did headstands at yoga last night. I say they because I opted to do a handstand against a wall. Yes the relaxing yoga I thought I was going to experience turned out to be a power yoga class. Oops, I still felt great after, even if I was sweating like someone sitting in a sauna.
See I don’t even think I can do a handstand up against a wall! Add that to the list of reasons I need to come visit — you can teach me 😉
I’d happily teach you how to handstand AND the only reason I can do one is because of years of gymnastics as a kid. It’s almost like riding a bike.
Yes we’re in this together! Love it 🙂 .
Oh I absolutely find that photographing breakfast is easily remembered – almost a pleasure… as the day goes on however? I always tend to lose the plot slightly.
Goodness.gracious.me. That village in Wales 😯 !
I am a big Shakira fan, but I can see where the goat-comparison came from. If she had been ejected from dance troope, now THAT I would have had a HUGE problem with. Unless it was a Catholic school (which it may well have been), and then I think it might be valid. And hey, Amada isn’t so bad. Suie is a call for pigs…. but then maybe I would just raise a stink in the middle of Starbucks, lol.
Hiii pretty doggy!!
Also. When you figure out the handstand, please come teach me 🙂
Just found your blog and I’m loving it already! I think my fav random fact is the Simpson one – HA!
I loved your post yesterday. It was so honest and open. Once we can start a conversation that is centered around honoring our bodies, feeding it what it needs and respecting them, we will live i n a much better world.
Kaiah!! I never met her but I alrady love her.
Try to do the headstand on your forehead. You can fold your hands around it like….a nest? And then stand on the line where your hair begins. I have no clue if that makes sense. You should come here and I can show you 🙂
I had a chance now to read your post from yesterday. I know it isn’t easy to publish those but be proud of yourself for doing so…And I can’t help you in the handstand department. Never could do one and never really tried. lol Must be why I don’t care to attend yoga.
The amount of people that spell my name wrong or email with “dear LOLZ” is quite amusing. But that it never bothers me.
I love how proud you are of Farmville. I would have died laughing in the middle of Starbucks as well.
Don’t be mad about the misspelling of your name – in my language, Portuguese, “Amada” is a beautiful word : it means “loved”!
The fact that Shakira got kicked out of a choir makes me feel a bit better about my voice- maybe the fact that it sounds so awful now means that I still have hope in the future? I’m glad she’s the one having the last laugh to the bank! I LOVE that oatmeal mug – perfect for cereal too! And this brings me to a random though about mugs- I hate drinking out of fat mugs (think Central Perk style mugs). Maybe I’m a clutz but there’s too much potential for spillage!
Totally hear you on the fat mugs! That’s why I eat out of them with a spoon 😉
Ah is that yoghurt you have made!? Amazing. Haha that made me laugh about Shakira sounding like a goat…
Headstand wise, practice against a wall and on a comfy cushion until you get the hang of it 🙂
I really need to get word on my Mac – I have had it for nearly two years now and I still have not downloaded office.. Google docs is pretty sweet free deal 😉
I wear dark everything too – I need to try lighting it up -at least when I am outside just to see as I am a mosquito magnet-even with repellent on! And that Joe was hilarious! a spoon of flour????!!!! GAH! Thanks for the morning laugh – I almost spewed my coffee all over my screen 🙂 Kaiah is adorable! And I cannot wait to see what #3 is! Have a wonderful day lovely!
Word actually crashed when I was writing my high school thesis! I had inserted too many pictures and it just could not take it anymore! I made the switch to Pages (thank god it was able to open my 80 (!!!!!) pages of already written work… totally saved the day. So I vouch for you trying it out 🙂
Saying Shakira sounds like a goat is mean…to goats.
And stop blaming farmville for goat noises. Hasn’t anyone ever told you that you sound like one? I can attest that.
Well, I’ll take goat over cow! 😛