Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Today is a special day! It’s one of my dearest blends’ birthday… so Happy Birthday, Meredith! If you don’t already read her blog, you really should start. Not only is she a speedy runner, a talented writer, and an amazing mother, but she’s got a good head on her shoulders when it comes to all things relating to food and fitness, which can be hard to find in today’s diet mentality obsessed world. So yeah… head on over and say hi and happy birthday!
2. And since we’re talking birthdays, I’m going to use this as an opportunity to wish Mister Arman an early Happy Birthday since I’ll be gone on his actual birthday on Sunday. Way to be born on Blend weekend, guy! Love you anyways…
3. Speaking of Blend… I’m leaving today! Depending on when you read this, I’m either packing like the procrastinating nutcase that I am, bored at the airport, bored on a plane, or in Utah hugging the crap out of some of my favourite people. This weekend is going to freaking ROCK, and I’ll be sure to take tonnes of pictures so that I can recap it for you when I get back. Omg… excited… so much so that I couldn’t sleep yesterday and ended up wide awake at 3:30 AM 😯
4. And now that we’ve got all that out of the way… on to the randomness!
1. Jealous! I’m lucky if I manage 6 hours…
2. Un.freaking.believable. But also apparently true.
3. Ugh! This would have been useful to know when I was shopping for tickets for Blend!
4. That wouldn’t jive with this girl, seeing as I always prefer to read the book first.
5. … so think twice the next time you think about doing it!
5. And on another random tangent… I can’t believe more people didn’t choose McDonald’s as their favourite fast food fries when I asked in yesterday’s post. You guys are nuts! I know they’re nothing fancy, but there’s still something about McDonald’s fries that makes me weak in the knees. Especially when dunked in sweet and sour sauce.
6. I’ve been racking up free drinks at Starbucks lately (thank you, daily habit), and since they expire after a certain amount of time, I figured I should use one on something a little fancier than my regular Ameircanos. I decided to have a cappuccino, and was sadly disappointed with it. How was I so obsessed with these things back in the day? And why don’t I like them anymore? I had to chase it with a passion iced tea to make myself feel better.
7. Speaking of coffee… have you ever picked up your coffee cup while staring at something else, brought it to your lips, and discovered that your aim was completely off and you didn’t manage to line your mouth up to the opening in the lid? And instead of looking down to correct your mistake, you just blindly rotate the cup hoping you’ll strike gold? Only to keep being way off and looking like a goober in the process? Welcome to my life.
8. Remember my fruit fly problem? Well, they seem to have disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared. And here I was getting ready to wage war with some of the awesome suggestions you guys gave me. Apparently a small cup of apple cider vinegar and a few drops of dish soap is supposed to work wonders. I’ll be waiting, flies… do your worst.
9. That Egg and Veggie Quinoa Pie I teased you guys with yesterday? The recipe’s been posted over on Savory Style, so go check it out!
10. So I just realized that the last time I posted to Instagram was in the beginning of May. Oops? I really have no excuse except to say that my phone has gotten so old and slow that doing anything on it has just become painful. I don’t have time to wait for you to load for 30 seconds, only to have you crash 2 seconds later! Stupid thing. My phone… not you guys. Nevertheless, I’m going to start trying to share more pictures, especially from this weekend while I’m away. Make sure you follow me if you wanna see!
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Ummmm I will definitely rethink unfriending someone now! People be crazy!! And I’m super psyched for all the posts to come from Blend!! Especially since I couldn’t go this year, so it’ll be nice seeing it in pictures 🙂 Ugh and Mcdonald’s fries, I’m not sure if they would have the same effect on me that they use to, I’m hoping not haha but I’m not going to find out.
Can you believe I haven’t had McD’s fries in years?! Such a shame, but Wendy’s fries were always my favorite! I think I overdid it on regular potatoes though because lately I can’t stand to even think about eating them (sweet potatoes are an exception though).
The Abercrombie factoid shocked me when I first heard about it. I personally think it’s no surprise that the company is quickly failing and closing stores around the county/world…it’s so behind on the times! I’m interested to see how the brand will “revamp” its stores and style…
I honestly hope they go under completely. Their stores smell bad, the message they send is utter crap, and their clothes aren’t even that good. Grr 😡
Confession: I like to dunk my McDonald’s fries into a .49 cent cone or a vanilla shake. I also don’t like to share them!!
The little factoid about Abercrombie completely disgusts me. So sad! On a happy note, have so much fun at Blend!
have fun at blend lovey!!!
I can’t believe about AberCromibie! That is an awful attitude to have. I write a Fashion Column as part of my “Real Job” I should look into this and write an article about it. Do you have any idea where I could find more information on it?
This is so Funny because I LOVE McDonalds fries and I ALWAYS dip them in Sweet and Sour sauce ( only the Mcdonalds sweet and sour of course). I had a bad batch of Fries last year when I went to Atlantic City, So I decided to give them up completely. yesterday was 14 months since I had a French frie and I really don’t miss it. ~M
I’m not really sure where you can find more info 😕 I just Googled “does Abercrombie burn clothes?” and a bunch of hits came up, so I guess that would be a good place to start! Apparently there’s also a video that went viral of some guy giving A&F to homeless people.
Every time I try something new at Starbucks I regret changing my ways. Your passion fruit tea was a great choice – it’s one of my favorites! I also love a light mocha frappuchino with a shot of espresso.
I agree – I love McDonalds fries! I used to always dip them in honey. Now I just cover them in pepper. However, Chick-fil-a and Five Guys make my favorite fries!
June is such a popular birthday month! A bunch of my coworkers have already had birthdays this month, and my dad, sister, aunt, and two close friends all have June bdays. (it becomes a very expensive month for me..).
I must have missed the survey about fries but I would definitely go with McDonalds! I can’t remember the last time I went there but even the smell alone could win me over.
Lately I’ve had an intense Starbucks addiction. I had lots of $ from gift cards for awhile from the holidays but its almost gone!:(
Ugh — worst! But at least it’s a tasty addiction! Do you have a go-to drink? Or does it change depending on how you’re feeling that day?
Lately its been the iced skinny vanilla latte! But when its cold out my drink of choice changes all the time.
Welcome to Utah! It’s my hometown!
I agree, McD fries are yummy … but for dipping sauce, my go-to is a Wendy’s frosty!
Re: A&F, I’m so glad I don’t shop there and my one stint was in high school when I was trying to be cool. My shirt literally disintegrated about 3 weeks later and I was all, heck noooo am I going back there. Plus it smells bad. The fact about their not giving extra clothes to the less fortunate shows that their business practice stinks of so much more than simply stale perfume.
THANK YOU for acknowleding McDonald’s french fries are the best. They are my freakin’ weakness. Could eat ’em all day, err day. #truth.
Five people were murdered for unfriending on Facebook?
Can this be real?
Oh girl I feel you on the coffee incident. I went to Starbucks with a friend earlier this year and ordered a SF vanilla cappuccino. There was so much froth and so little coffee that, as cold as it was, it took all my willpower and then some just to choke it down. Starbucks cappuccinos just can’t compare to the powdered mixes I buy. Nothing compares to the Amish cappuccinos. 😉
Have an incredible time at Blend! Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to go someday.
It took me a couple of years to finally commit to going, so you never know! 😀
1. Very jealous of your trip to blend. I tried to make it work but it just wasn’t going to happen this year 🙁 #blendvy
2. Saddest day of my life happened last week when I had been saving my free coff and went to use it and it had EXPIREd! I almost cried. That shits gold!
I can’t wait to follow along and hear about Blend! You’re going to have the best time 🙂 And I’m extremely jealous.. Those are some crazy facts, especially the FB one! Come on, who does that! I would choose French Fries from McDonalds. I am actually a fan of a few things on their menu, but i never go there (despite one being across the street from my house!)
Have an amazing time at Blend–I so wish I could go! But then I would have to tell my mom that I don’t want to see her. Which is a) not true and b) not happening. I used to like McD’s fries, but the past few times I’ve had them they have really let me down. I will continue to stand my ground behind Chickfila 😀
see you soon! i’ll harass you to take an instagram picture. 😉
Can’t WAIT! And if you’re working with a 5, don’t be surprised if I steal it 😛
Have a blast at Blend! I can’t wait to see a ton of pictures of everyone and I’ll be sad I’m missing out. Maybe it will be motivation for me to go to the next blog conference 🙂
Have a great time at Blend, it looks like it’ll be so much fun.
Totally agree that McDonalds are the best fries- though I haven’t had them in forever! I also like Chik-fil-a waffle fries.
Have a fabulous time at Blend! Wish I could attend, but Wedding season has officially kicked off for me. And that Abercrombie fact?! Just made me hate that store even more!
I’m so with you on the MacDonalds fries, love them and they are so addictive.
Well hot damn, I had no idea about that booking flight fact either. Would’ve been helpful when Joshua an I were looking for the best prices on tickets to the States in September. Such is life. At least I learned something new today 🙂
I hope you have the most wonderful & fun time this weekend @ BLEND with all the other fabulous ladies!
Apple cider DOES work for fruit flies and it’s scary. I did that trick this past fall and it was disgusting how my flies the mixture caught. ANYWAY, so jealous you’re going to Blend–there’s always next year, right?
You better be there next year!
Good morning! You are a recent addition to my feedly blog list, and I have to say I really enjoy your posts. You have a great blog voice!!
I became vegetarian 2 years ago and basically don’t eat at fastfood, as a rule, anymore (except subway). I had some Mickey D fries after not having any for at least a year, and I am here to say, they are kinda gross. I used to LOVE them. I can’t put my finger on why- it tastes chemically. So I don’t eat fries at ff, only in restaurants-however in a pinch, a McD latte is pretty good, tho.
Anyway, I am not here to steal your joy, everyone has different tastes. Thanks for the enjoyable read!! Have a great weekend
Gah I feel like Abercrombie only gets worse- ugh no sense of humanity at all! And it’s so funny you mentioned about cappuccinos- I was thinking the same thing a few days ago! Especially as I tend to drink my coffee black these days, I don’t know how I used to drink such milky coffees on a regular basis. Have the best time at BLEND- perfect opportunity to get back on Instagram, lady!
How are you racking up the free starbucks drinks? I’m super jealous, I have not been LOL. I go a lot working next door but I still find myself having to get 12 (from gold card) to get a free drink. I’m personally not a big french fry person but the McDonalds ones aren’t too bad.
I still have to get 12 as well, but they seem to add up without me noticing. Especially since I’ve been getting lucky lately and getting those “take a survey, get a free drink” receipts. The universe is apparently trying to tell me I need more coffee.
Wow, some of those uberfacts are disturbing… especially because I unfriend people all the time!
Wow, blast from the past, McDonald fries in sweet and sour is the best! I haven’t done that since I was a kid. But I wonder if it will be a cappuccino situation. On that note, the passion tea is straight up my jam at the Bucks.
OMG I am so honored. Wow. Thank you for the kindest words. Had I read this prior to publishing my post, this might have been my most thoughtful gift worth mentioning today in my blog. I am so sad I won’t be at Blend! Let’s not talk about it. Let’s talk how we were separated at birth because nothing is better than French fries dipped in Sweet and Sour sauce from McDonald’s. I should pick up a few packs just to use at home.
I used to ask them for a handful of extra sauces when I ordered fries… which I’m convinced is why they started charging 😆 Happy Birthday again, lovely! Hope you have the most amazing day <3
Maybe McDonald’s fries are better in Canada… 😉
I hope you have a fabulous time at Blend! I can’t wait to hear all about it!
As if Abercrombie burn their clothes over giving them away – that is so ridiculous! I can’t lie, McDonald’s fries, especially in sweet and sour sauce, taste amazing although I cannot remember the last time I ate McDonalds though – I think I dislike them as much as Abercrombie haha. Have a wonderful time at blend lovely lady! I so wish I could magic myself over the Atlantic to go! I can’t wait to read about it!
That picture was payback, wasn’t it for that lovely picture of you with your beanie (which I’m going to steal).
Thanks for the birthday love- and the irony of the coffee stain in my shirt from that very thing happening- saying that though- it ONLY happens with long blacks, Americanos or milk-less coffees. Lattes and Cappas- it never happens.
Don’t forget to spank Meg. she’s expecting it.
It was definitely payback. I almost used the one of you as a little baby when you said your mom dressed you up as a penguin, buuuuuuut I thought something more recent would be more appropriate. You’re welcome 😛
Squeee! I am so.excited for Blend! You would think I’m going to be there hahaa. I LOVE the recaps and photos; makes me all sorts of fuzzy inside 😀 . Oh and I can’t wait to see your dress! Sam’s too!!
The majority of the population is born in June – I am fairly certain.. the amount of birthdays I’m discovering! Mine too 🙂 .
You have very good reason to envy a snail. 3:30?!? Nooooo!
That wow fact about Abercrombie…WoW!!!! My mind is reeling…just another reason why I shouldn’t ever shop there! And emm…#7…you don’t achieve “goober” status unless you got caught by someone who was staring/laughing at you – how bout that? 🙂
I am gonna be going to Blend vicariously through your reviews…so cannot wait for that – in the meantime have a WONDERFUL time and safe travels, lovely lady!
I’m pretty sure that people have caught me and had a good giggle before, I’m usually just too lost in my own little world to notice 😆
Have a safe, fun trip at Blend!
I’m with you on the Maccy D fries – I remember taking my BK-obsessed friends to McDonalds after we picked up whoppers, just for the no#1 fast-food fries of choice… Crack.
Can’t wait to read about Blend! Will try to quell envy… 😉