Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. I must have a sign written on me that says: “Hey! Come sit with me!” because I’m running 3 days in a row now where people have asked to share my booth in Starbucks. In fact, as we speak there’s a gentleman sitting across from me that I did not come here with and that I do not know. Yesterday it was a lady with a stack of books, and the day before that, an older man with a newspaper crossword. At least today’s uninvited guest offered to buy me a coffee… which I didn’t accept because I already had one, but it’s the thought that counts.
2. Can we talk about how awkward and ridiculous toes feel when they’re not painted? I can go without painting my fingernails, but my toes always have to have a pop of colour on them otherwise they won’t see the light of day. I wanted to wear flip-flops the other day, but I had taken off my polish the night before without putting on a new coat. Needless to say, I stuffed my feet into socks and sneakers.
3. Speaking of nail polish… I somehow overlooked my right thumb when I was taking off my polish the other day, and didn’t even notice until the end of the day. This is like the time I almost walked out of the house with only one pair of eyelashes painted. I’m a lost cause.
4. I’m also prone to random bouts of boredom, which cause me to do strange things. In one of my latest ones, I spent some time typing the beginning of random questions into the Google search bar to see what popped up. Here are some of my favourites…
5. But the real question I have to ask is why the heck has comment spam been so insane lately?!
6. So I went to the store to buy crispy rice cereal and came home with all this…
7. … but it was more than worth it because I needed another batch of rice krispie treats in my life, stat…
8. I also need an effective way to wage war on the fruit flies that have started infiltrating my kitchen. I love the warmer weather, but I’m not a fan of the little flies that attack my bananas and seem to spawn from thin air.
9. And because it wouldn’t be a random post without some random facts, voila…
1. I should probably be upset with them for being sneaky, but instead I really want to know where I can find some.
2. This is a perfect example of one of those things that CAN be done, but should NOT be done.
3. … which makes me lose a little more faith in humanity as a whole.
4. Can you even imagine going to sleep at night and waking up the next morning $4 million richer? I can’t…
5. Amen.

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I need another shot of the hair! Is it just the lack of sleep or am I really seeing a new gorgeous shade? That could be a factor – like flies to honey. Or is it bees to nectar!?
Since we are celebrating randomness: why did I never dunk frozen banana into nut butter AND chocolate chips before right now!? Mind blowing 😀 .
Hehe I think it’s just the way the sun was shining through the window — my hair is still a dark brown. Although it does get a few shades lighter in the summer!
HAHA, “Why do I fart so much?!” Sorry, the juvenile in me thinks that’s HILARIOUS.
I need to buy that brand of dates. They look so great! And I can’t find them anywhere. Thoughts?
Also, I blogged about your Rice Krispies recipe. I need to make it. I’m dyyying for them!
And can I be Bill Gates for a day? Ok thanks 🙂
Awwr girl I have no idea — sorry! I just find them in my regular grocery store, and thank goodness because they’re one of the few brands that don’t contain traces of nuts!
I am in need of money so I plan to go into business selling invisible cereal to excited people. I figure my expenses will be low so there will be a pretty high profit margin…
😆 That’s just brilliant.
The same thing happens to me every time I go to Whole Foods to pick up one thing. $80 later I’m walking out with a bag of goodies which usually includes a $10 juice and a $17 salad. God, I’m a sucker!
They may be sitting with you, but at least they don’t sound like complete creepes. They could try playing footsies with you & starring at all the wrong areas… if you know what I mean. GROSS!
When it comes to your spam, I had to uninstall my spam plugin and reinstall it. Havent had a problem since 🙂
True story with the footsies! Although sometimes they do end up accidentally nudging me, and it’s like.. whoa 😯 And I’ve had someone else mention the spam plugin… might have to try that.
“When I get excited I eat invisible cereal”, yes this is a habit I often fall into…?!?!
So with you on the naked toes, it’s almost like going out without a top!!
…..you mean I shouldn’t make you blood meringue next week? Fine, I guess…. :-p
I legit cannot stop laughing at the ‘is it murder if’. I dunno about the moon one though, I guess there’s no laws up there?
And YES on the spam thing, I’ve given up trying to peek through it for legit comments that got spammed. So weird.
And thank you for the reminder to paint my toes – must get on that soon.
I once heard that if Bill Gates stumbled upon a $100 bill while walking along, it wouldn’t be worth his time to stop and pick it up, because he makes more in that teeny short amount of time. Crazy!
My question is, were you actively trying to kill them with you r scariness? Or was it just your face? whompwhoooommp
I hear ya on the toes thing but I never paint my fingernails. I think the only time I got a manicure was my wedding day … .like 5 years ago! Do the people at Starbucks at least leave you alone and let you work?
They do, yeah, but I still can’t help but feeling a little cramped, ya know? It’s like a total invasion of personal space!
So you can rest assured that the coffee scent from Starbucks IS actually coffee – unless they do thing differently in Canada. I used to work for the company and we were actually not allowed to wear anything scented because it could “interfere” with the coffee smell. And all their high powered ovens in the independently standing stores (as in no the ones in bookstores and Targets etc.) are all designed to keep as much of the food smell inside the oven rather than let it out into the air. Anyway, the company does as much as it can to let the coffee smell be the predominant smell in the cafes! It would, however, be nice to find a candle that could replicate it so well! And as far as your table companions go – have you tried going dressed in your pjamas or less “together” shall we say? I’d be curious if you get as many companions if you looked more disheveled. Or maybe start talking to yourself out loud and see if that scared them away. Ha ha. I say it’s people experiment time!
I have to have my toes painted, too. Some people think I’m crazy for keeping up with them during the winter, but it’s just me. Won’t be changing anytime soon, ha. Have you heard about the coffee order at Starbucks that was $54? I feel like this is some random info you’d like to know 🙂 haha It was like 60 espresso shots or something. best thing is that it was free because he is a gold member and he chose that as his free drink. Smart guy…
My mom was actually telling me about that the other day, and omigosh I can’t even imagine. Is that even safe? Like… wouldn’t that much caffeine kill you? 😆
Oh my gosh, the spam has been NUTS on my blog lately too. It’s driving me crazy!!
Was it crowded in the Starbucks? I find it interesting people just came and sat with you…each to their own though.
I cannot deal with unpainted nails either. It just weirds and grosses me out.
It was pretty crowded, yah, so I guess I can understand. But there were still other people sitting alone in their booths!
LMAO when I get excited I eat invisible cereal…..that just made my day
Right?!?! 😆 Like what the heck?! Apparently it’s a pretty popular meme that’s been going around.
YES to the toe nail polish. I took mine off last night and I feel so naked. Must paint, stat! What the hell… twerk cannot be in the dictionary. That’s just not right.. hahah
I think I also have that face. I will be standing at the bus and people will always come up and talk to me, but about very personal matters. I am never 100% sure how to… address the issues that they present to me O.o. I also do that on Google – the things people search terrifies me!! But I kinda like it
lovely post girl xo
HAHA I was just explaining to my fiancé what you said about unpainted toes!!!!!!!!! oh I feel ya girl!!!!!!!!!!
I am going today to hunt down some puffed rice to make your crispy bars. < mainly because my husband just consumed an entire ($5 dollar) box of prepackaged ones in one sitting. I told him we needed to make them on our own. 🙂
I don't always have to have my toes painted. But! When I do paint them…it stays on FOREVER! Seriously. My finger nails will only last…1 day. Toe nails? A month.
Now I want to paint my toes 🙂
Happy Thursday!!
Hehe! I am thinking back to the nail polish one….especially with my gross runners feet, I definitely do not feel right without some kind of nail polish on there. Coral is my favorite at the moment. Loving the uber facts as always!
STOP #4 lololol my college roommate and I did that for a solid hour once–I was peeing my pants. Oh, and toenails without polish….terrible. Mine haaaave to be painted at all times.
I think it’s time you get the “you can’t sit with us!” shirt and start wearing it to Starbucks 😉 haha
That would be perfect! Except for the fact that I’m usually sitting alone so the “us” part would make it seem like I have multiple personalities or something 😆
That might just scare them off so you’ll get the table to yourself! 😉
Thank goodness dwerp is in the dictionary because I guess I’ve got to look that one up.
People probably want to sit with you because you’re so darn pretty. 🙂 Yay for free coffee!
My toes always have to be painted too! But never my finger nails!
I have been getting gallons of spam too, but just on this one old post. Very annoying!
I’d happily share my Starbucks booth for free coffee…priorities right ;)! I couldn’t agree more about toenails- I rarely paint my nails (even when I go for manicures) but I just can’t go naked on the toenails. Right now I have red on but I’m thinking I might change them to a hot pink in honor of summer! I feel like toenails & trainers are one of the few things I can get away wearing neon/totally bright…haha gosh I’m random today ;)!
Did you ever rock bright neon jackets/pants when you were growing up in the 90’s? ‘Cause I know I did! Along with scrunchies 😆
I cannot stand to have naked toes! If they aren’t painted, they do not see the light of day.
I feel the same about toenail polish. They must be painted if they are exposed. This is also due to the fact that I have “runners” feet and don’t even have all of my toenails, so I must paint fake toenails on hehe. Happy Thursday, Amanda!
Well I would burn a coffee scented candle so I guess the air fresher isn’t so bad! Also you are in starbucks anyway if you smell it so you are probably sitting with some coffee based drink! Now if they blasted the smell outside then there may be something wrong with that!
Also that google search bar made me worry and also a bit sad – I can’t believe some people are searching for those things! Although eating imaginary cereal made me laugh out loud! 🙂
Some of these had me giggling to myself behind my computer screen! The first one about random people coming and sitting with you was one of them. I also agree on the nail thing. Nails can be chipping, completely bare, look totally awful, but my toenails must be manicured…always. I think it’s because feet and toes are ugly enough as so as it is. I enjoyed reading this post 🙂
I cannot recall the last time my nails on either my fingers or my toes went without polish for more than the amount of time it takes for the manicurist to do the manicure and pedicure. I know they say your nails should breathe but since I never notice any yellowing of the nail, I just keep on polishing.
I notice mine staining sometimes, but it usually only happens if I wear an orange or red based polish. Weird… and nasty looking 😆
Ok so those questions made me laugh.. Is it murder if it’s on the moon? and why do I fart so much? (My dad might actually ask that..) My parents have become major “google askers” but those questions are hilarious+ Oh and the cereal eating one, that meme is hilarious!
And yes, I am kind of disappointed that derp is in the dictionary.. twerk and selfie have been used so much I can slowly understand wanting to add it so the notorious squiggly line doesn’t appear, but derp?!
I try to limit grocery trips and if I need just a couple of things I wait, because stopping for 1 thing always leads to 20 and then I just run out of something else the next day! And fruit flies in warm weather are gross and bother me as well!
Ha! I always suspected Starbucks – and many other similar stores – to do that. It’s the reason why Subway [where I used to work] places their ovens close to the doors so the scent of the freshly baked bread lures hungry people in. I still walk past the store I worked in every day and yes, it’s enticing.
And yes, fruit flies. I was working on a new ‘currently’ post and they are the bane of my existence right now. Along with… ants. Ugh. I think these are even worse because they don’t just stay in the kitchen. However, one of the upsides of the nasty weather we’re experiencing right now is the disappearance of the little buggers.
About #3: the reverse thing happened to me the last time I painted my nails. For whichever reason I forgot my right ring finger. Luckily in the evening so I still had time to remedy the situation the next morning when I noticed.
Happy Thursday!
If I came to that starbucks and I wanted your seat, I’d just swing by with a peanut butter jar.
I thought my spam was bad…yours…another damn world. Twerk it out.
I’d throw a cat at you.
Has your hair got lighter or is that the sun shining on it? Either way it looks really pretty!
I cannot believe twerk has been added to the dictionary – what is this world coming to?
I am so the same re 6 – go in for cinnamon – buy so much stuff.
As for coffee air freshener there is a Supermarket here called Sainsburys and I swear they pump the bakery smell around the shop and out onto the streets – smells insane!
Just the sun shining on it 🙂 Although it probably does get a few shades lighter in the summer!
I feel the same way about my toes! I seriously can’t remember the last time they went polish-less… Theres just something about it that doesn’t look right! I’m not okay with it lol. – I don’t know anything to get rid of fruit flies specifically but my family has gotten ants buttons before to put in the cupboards I wonder if they have something similar for fruit flies? – Those random searches are just great! I got a chuckle out of them. I’ve never done it on purpose but I always scan when I am typing! Have a great day!
#4 – Hahahaha – that’s too funny – still better than some of the questions my daughter has asked Siri! Gah #6 happens to me just about all the time I go into a Trader Joes! I think I need blinders on when I go into that store! And #9 random fact #1 (uber fact) now if only they would make that air freshener available to the public…
Happy Thursday Lovely lady!
I had some other real winning questions, but I try to keep things PG on the blog 😆