Thursday #happydance. Why? Because…
😀 😀 😀
1. I have to start by saying that you guys are seriously rocking my [Christmas] socks off with all your Thinking Out Loud posts. Last week’s linkup was the biggest one yet, and not only do I adore reading your random thoughts (one of the best ways to get to know people, imho), but I’ve found so many new-to-me blogs as a result. Thank you. Love you. Muah!
2. Speaking of last week, I can’t remember exactly what day it was, but I was over at my parents’ place and Titanic happened to be on TV. I usually have a hard time sitting down and committing to a movie, but this one sucked me right in and didn’t let go for the entire 3 (!!!) hours it was on. My main takeaway thoughts?
a) I forgot how much I freaking love this movie, and…
b) I can’t believe how young Leo looked!
But then again, I probably looked a whole lot younger too… I was 12 when that movie came out 😯
3. On that note, I can’t help but laugh at the fact that my current bedtime is earlier than the bedtime I had as a kid. I remember constantly fighting with my parents in an effort to stay up later, whereas now I’m more likely to be fighting to keep my eyes open. Oh the joys of getting old[er]. But when you [can’t help but] wake up as freakishly early as I do, the only way to get enough sleep is to go to bed early…
4. … which sounds good in theory, but doesn’t always transfer over so well into practice. Case in point: this book…
… robbed me of sleep for a couple of days last week because I literally — it’s that good. I’d say that I’m happy to be done it and back to sleeping again, but I have no idea what I’m going to read next, and life feels empty without a good book…
5. But at least I have my beanie!
Gosh I do love that thing (most recently evidenced here). Cold outside? Beanie. Bad hair day? Beanie. Want to look trendy? Beanie. I guess that’s one of the perks of living in the Arctic wasteland that is Canada — 6 months of beanie-acceptable weather. Also… we call them ‘toques‘ up here.
6. Guess who finally took down her Christmas decorations?! 😀 Well, most of her Christmas decorations, anyways… The tree is still standing, but all the ornaments/garlands are off so it’s naked as a newborn babe. I would have taken the tree itself down as well, but I’m too lazy to head into the garage and drag the box out of storage. It’ll get done… eventually.
7. Insert random facts –> HERE <–
1. Apparently I was born in the wrong era… I would have fit right in!
2. This is a somewhat disturbing realization. Ignorance is bliss…
3. Rubik’s Cube? Did not see that one coming. Has anyone ever solved one of those things?
4. 😆 I have a feeling my parents would have done this when I was going through my hardcore gaming phase.
5. It’s all just a clever way to get people to spend even more time in IKEA…
8. This is a little embarrassing to admit, but we’re all friends here and I trust that you won’t judge me too harshly… In case you didn’t know, I’m a complete wimp when it comes to spicy foods. Mild salsa is about as far as I can go and even the thought of cayenne pepper sends my taste buds into panic mode…. which is why I have absolutely no idea what possessed me to buy this bar of chocolate…
I took one bite and… nope! It may have been the only time I actually spit out a piece of chocolate.
9. At least I have my bunnies! Last week it was cocoa and vanilla, this week it’s honey grahams. I have to admit that I’m slightly more partial to the cocoa ones, but that’s mainly because… chocolate.
10. And now it’s your turn to do some Thinking Out Loud… See you guys tomorrow with a recipe!

Send that chocolate to meee! I love spicy chocolate so much. Can you believe that titanic came out when I was in first grade?! My mom did not let me see it then, and I didn’t end up finally watching it until high school. I’m a pretty big dweeb. I love it though, and now I watch it every time I see it on. Good to hear another positive review for TFIOS since I have to read it soon!
I was in the 7th grade, and I’m pretty sure my mom accompanied me and my friends to the theater 😆 And you’re seriously going to love that book — it was the first one to suck me in big time in quite a while.
Well, that fact about Ikea just cemented my complete adoration for that place. Seriously, when ninja and I want an easy date night, we go to Ikea and dream of what our house will look like one day. Love that place!
And I’ve had the chocolate before, and Im pretty sure I did the same thing you did. I CANNOT handle spice. At all. Like, I cant even eat a chip that has touched a jalapeño without gagging and almost dying. Trust me, it’s happened….
You’re doing much better than I! Had planned to put the holiday decorations away last weekend. Didn’t happen. This weekend for sure!
I’m right there with you on the beanies and bedtime. 😀 I have massive curly hair so a beanie is the best bead head cover up EVER. As for bedtime, I’m lucky if I can stay up past 10:00 pm.
Love these posts btw. I may have to join in the randomness next week!
Would love to have you! Always tonnes of fun to read people’s random thoughts 😀
All about those random facts – they make for great conversation, no matter what they are!
Okay a few things. Leo is going to be one of those men that looks great until he’s wrinkly in a wheelchair!
I have that book! It is next on my to-read list after I finish my Murakami (that is taking way longer than it should). You are making me excited to start!
Toques are my fav. I seriously have a million of them but they’re totally necessary in this whacky weather!!
I love that Thinking Out Loud is becoming so popular!! I think this week will be even BIGGER!
Keep the book recommendations coming! So far all of my books to read this year have to do with running so I’d love to branch out!
I think like 75% of the reason I love those bunny grahams is due to the fact they are ADORABLE. I could just stare at them all day if they weren’t so dang good! And I definitely solved a Rubik’s cube… It counts if you un-peal the colors and reattach them so it looks like you did it, right?! Lol. Hey! It takes a lot of effort 😉
And I definitely never wear hats because I just look ridiculous. I don’t have a well-shaped head for beanies, so I tend to stay away. lol!
I completely agree with you on sleep! I totally get 7 hours of sleep at night, go to work, and before I do anything, I need a quick 1 hour nap to rest and reset. Otherwise, I feel too tired to do anything at night.
What a linkup! Is it an honor to know so many folks like reading your random thought? 🙂
One house on my street still has Christmas stuff out, and it’s driving me bonkers. Mine is gone by sunset on 12/26!
I honestly never thought about it that way 😆 I just like reading what other people have to say 😀
I am so jealous of your beanie weather. Here, headbands are tell tale signs of bad hair days. Hence the one I’m wearing right now 😉 Kate Winslet looks really old compared to him … wow. Anyways, I agree, life after a really good book is done is horrible! 🙂 Thank goodness for blogs, right? Loved this post, as always!
Have I told you how much I love this link-up idea?? Well, I LOVE it! 🙂
I am noticing that when I moved further north (only to Minnesota..not as far as Canada!), there are different clothing trends because, well, COLD and SNOW! Snow boots are totally in, as are the long puffy coats…two things I thought of as dorky back in Nebraska! So basically, I get the beanie thing. Also I appreciate the hat in my work uniform for bad hair days. 🙂
I wish I had an IKEA transported from China next to my office building so that I could take naps over my lunch hour ;).
Can you believe Tom Cruise was considered for Jack in Titanic? I can’t picture that at all!
Omigosh. All I can say is thank goodness that never happened…
I watched titanic the other week too and thought the same thing- Leo looks soooo young! And we just picked The Fault in Our Stars for book club–glad you’re liking it!
I was actually just talking to someone the other day about how I can’t believe Rose is supposed to be 17 in “Titanic”. I think Kate Winslet was in her early to mid 20’s when the movie came out but she seriously looked 28 or 29 in the movie. 17 was a bit of a stretch! I actually never realized Leo looked like such a baby until that pic you just posted though. Wow! Now he looks a bit more old man to me but doesn’t make him any less sexy 😛
I can’t WAIT to see the “Fault in our Stars” movie!!! I hope they do a good job! I know I’ll sob even if it’s a bad movie, haha.
I used to seriously force myself to stay up til midnight or later in high school. I just couldn’t miss all the action going on in the AIM world! I was up all hours chatting with my friends and was a zombie each morning. Now I’m a zombie if I get less than 8 hours of sleep. I think going to bed earlier than you used to as a kid is a sign of maturity!
Love the book – I’m listening the the audiobook version on long runs only so I’ll have something to look forward to! May finish this weekend!
Ok, your condo is beautiful, Christmas decorations or not! Thinking of making a move soon and possibly buying a place myself. If that happens, we must chat!
We must chat whether you move or not! Do you have an iPhone? We could always text 🙂
I am almost done with my xmas things too! ALMOST THERE! I like to keep them around for a little but now I just want the house to be clean and back to norm.
Shoot! I was going to tell you buy the Book Thief next, but then I remembered we already talked about our love for that book and you MUST see the movie (it’s not a let down, I promise)–BTW did you see the movie yet? I want to download The Fault In Our Stars next, I am almost mad at myself for buying a Kindle. I miss holding a real book SO much, and secretly smelling the brand new pages….haha NO shame!
I bet that chocolate would go well in a spicy chili. Not that I would know, but I was watching Guys Grocery Games on The Food Network and a chef used chocolate in his chili. It made me want to gag but maybe he would be on to something with that spicy chocolate!
I have the urge to watch Titanic now but I ugly cry each time. Nostril flare, snot, wobbly chin. The works, lol. Have an amazing day gorgeous! Congrats on the success of Thinking Out Loud! 😀
I haven’t! I’ve seriously been slacking on the movie front, but I’ll for SURE get around to it by the time it comes out on DVD. Happy Thursday, lovely!
I’ve been looking for a new book to read. Thanks for mentioning that one! That might be my next one!
Yes! Finally got my butt in gear for the link-up, oddly enough I don’t think I post much on Thursday’s – no idea why..
Sounds like that book is worth the buy? I need some new reading materials!
Thanks for hosting girl 🙂
So glad you’re loving that book! It was definitely an instant-favorite when I read it.
What a disturbing thought about the water! From now on, I’m only drinking fresh rain water ;). Happy Thursday <3!
I’m pretty sure rain water has already been drunk at some point as well… After all, it’s just oneeeeee big cycle… assuming what they teach us in school is facts.
Hahaha I always look forward to reading the fun facts that you post! In-game hit men?! That is TOO funny and I literally LOL’d. Oh man.
And sistah, I’m on the exact same page with you on spicy food. One time, I went to an Indian restaurant with my friend and her family and ordered the non-spicy bread that they had and literally started crying when I ate it. I had to order a separate mango smoothy just so I could eat something hahah! Spice=pain for me ;). Glad I’m not the only one!
I’d be more than happy to take that chocolate off of your hands. 😉 Most of our Christmas decorations at home are still up–random garlands and lights and snowflakes are still up around the house, but the tree and our lights outside are down. And I just can’t bring myself to un-decorate my dorm room…
So we’re drinking the same water dinosaurs drank… kinda cool!
That books is absolutely unputdownable (new word). If you liked tat book I think you would really like What Alice Forgot and Blackberry Winter. I read them all around the same time and thought they were wonderful reads.
Oh those darn bunny graham’s they get me every time.
Love the uber facts!! I’m like you -I would fit right in on the early(ish) to bed, early up and awake in the middle of the night!!
My 12 year old son is a Rubik genius – I think his record is around 12 seconds. He can also solve the 4 x 4, 5 x 5…..and several really oddly shaped ones. Did you know there were so many different types?!
First, I just love your blog!!! Truly! Everything about it puts a smile on my face. You are the best. What’s on my mind? Now that the holidays are over, I’m ready for spring. Enough of this winter weather for me! What kind of Christmas tree is that? I like the style and the size! Do you know what the size and type is and where you got it? I need a new one for next year. I just have a small three foot table size tree. Oh, first time I saw Titanic in the theater, I cried so much when he died. I wanted Rose to just move over and share your floatie with him…even if it meant they died together. Just seemed right. I know, I know….but still.
Aww well thanks Beth! So sweet of ya 😀 As for my tree… err… I think it’s a 9 footer, but I can’t remember the style of it 😕 I got it at Michael’s, though, and I’m pretty sure they had them this past year as well.
I love random posts as well and agree that it is a great way to get to know another person.
Side note- you’re rocking that book way better than I am. Since we got furman I’ve had to put reading aside.
Honestly? As much as I love books, I would rather have a puppy…
Wahhhhh my water has already been drank???? I don’t know how I feel about this, I know my water is filter, but that just sounds gross haha. Um yeah, I was definitely born in the wrong era too. If I don’t take anything to sleep, I wake up at either midnight or 2 am and can’t go back to sleep. And yum to those bunnies, they remind me of teddy grahams, oh sweet memories. Ugh love beanies! They are just the best. And because I love them so much, I have tried to wear mine in the middle of summer (90+ heat), yeah that wasn’t the brightest idea haha.
Oh Leo… he’s still a heart throb. I love him. I’ve only seen Titanic ONCE! Funny story – when I was in jr. high I used to tell my parents I was seeing the late show of Titanic so I could stay out late, but I was actually getting drunk with my friends. Hahahah!
😆 That’s actually pretty brilliant. I was in junior high when it came out, and I think my mom came with me and my friends the first time we went 😯
Titanic is one of my all time favorite movies, but my favorite character is Tommy, the Irish guy. I have this ritual where I replay the part at the end when Rose sees everyone standing in the ship again and they screen past Tommy over and over again. Because he’s beautiful and I love his accent and I wanted to marry him when I was younger 🙂
I will never grow tired of Titanic; it always sucks me in, too (Forrest Gump is another one like that). That’s totally disturbing about the water we drink, but I guess it makes sense, too. I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying The Fault in Our Stars because it’s a book I’ve been wanting to read. I’m like you; my life feels incomplete without a good book to read!
Cheers! And happy Thursday!
I was seriously obsessed with Titanic when I was younger! I’ve seen it way too many times…and Kate Winslet may be a good chunk of the reason why I was a redhead for a while…
Ahh you didn’t tell me you read the Fault in Our Stars!! I read it back in the summer and it was easily one of the best books I read in 2013. I’m actually really excited for the movie to come out (assuming that they do it well).
Random fact number 1: what the hell were they doing in the middle of the night? You would think that the whole lack-of-daylight thing would make that kinda pointless….although it makes me feel like my sleeping patterns when I worked overnights was a little more normal. Still, I’d never want to do that again.
AHHH Titanic Leo=best Leo.
That book is the bees knees.
I swear I wrote my post before I read this and didn’t know you wrote about your Christmas decorations…and I wrote about my tree still being up too, weird!
I also dislike spicy foods. Except Indian food, so I’m not sure if curry is just a different spice that my taste buds can handle? Have you tried it?
I’ve tried curry and I can handle -some- of the different varieties, but definitely not all. Anything super spicy/herby/flavourful makes my stomach go all sorts of wonky though, which is probably another reason why I like to keep it mild.
OH MY GOSH I love “The Fault In Our Stars”!! I read the whole thing in under 2 hours- partly because I’m a speedy reader and partly because it was amazing! Also? The Titanic is the best movie, hands down. Leo in “Romeo & Juliet” is pretty great as well 😉
I never thought about the water that way… Gross? Our Christmas decorations came down before New Year’s Eve. It was a sad day. But my parents are all about cleaning up the house so to the attic they go. And spicy chocolate… Nope. I just can’t. I prefer sweet thanks, it is dessert after all!