Thursdays are kind of my favourite π
1. You guysβ¦ I am ashamed. How did I miss out on the fact that yesterday was National Bake Cookies Day?!? Can we just pretend that the white chocolate cranberry oatmeal cookies I posted on Monday were in preparation for the big day? (say yes and I’ll give you a cookie)
If not, here are some bloggers who are clearly more on top of things than I am:
Oreo Chocolate Crinkle Cookies via Fit ‘n Cookies
Gluten-Free Shortbread Cookies via The Healthy Maven
Double Chocolate Chunk Macadamia Cookies via Lexi’s Healthy Kitchen
National Bake Cookies Day via The Lean Green Bean
2. Speaking of cookiesβ¦ Remember those two failed, meltdown-inducing batches I told you about? I figured it was high time to share the incriminating photographic evidence…
Mmmmm. Tasty, no? Actuallyβ¦ they are pretty tasty. I’ve slowly been picking away at that melted cookie heap, and it’s not half bad. But I guess it’s hard to go wrong with a pile of butter, sugar, and flour…
3. And since we’re sharing secrets, here’s a fun oneβ¦ Throughout the month of December, I wear Christmas socks more often than not — even when I’m out and about.
It’s probably not too bold a move since I’m usually wearing boots and no one can tell, but it’d definitely make for an interesting conversation starter if I ever found myself in a place that required the removal of footwear. Is it weird that I secretly hope that’ll happen?
4. You know what’s been missing around these parts lately? My face! I haven’t posted a picture of myself in quite some time, soβ¦ hi! (note: I am wearing Christmas socks)…
I need to get a little more consistent with the whole selfie thing, especially since I always love seeing the faces behind the blogs I read. I think it’s high time for another round of As We Speak…
5. It’s also been a while since I’ve shared a grocery haul, and since I know I’m not the only one who’s nosy about what other people put in their carts, here’s a random restock that happened earlier this week…
old fashioned oats // quick oats // all purpose flour // raisins // cocoa // white chocolate chips // cinnamon
mushrooms // pears // oranges // bananas // cucumber // avocado // broccoli // apples
… aaaaand my camera somehow lost the third picture, but just imagine:
[yogurt // cottage cheese // almond milk // deli chicken // apple butter // salsa]
6. Remember that spaghetti squash that I admitted to holding hostage in my pantry last week? Turns out that 3 months is a few months too long to just let it sit there. I finally got around to cutting into that sucker the other day, and this is the lovely surprise that awaited me inside…
Aliens Sprouts. A quick Google search suggested it’s still safe to eat, but I think I’ll pass π―
7. Here’s a quick tip for you on this fine Thursday… If you find yourself struggling to drink enough water throughout the day, try drinking it through a straw. Colder weather makes water a little less appealing, but I’ve found that it’s a lot easier to get down when it comes up a straw.
8. I can’t help but wonder if the dogsled carrying my Naked3 palette got lost in a snow storm somewhere. I placed my order with Sephora 2 weeks ago and I’m still waiting for it to show up. I need to get Balto on that.
9. Speaking of Balto, did you know that happens to be one of my favourite childhood movies? I’ve watched it so often that I can pretty much recite the entire movie by heart — same goes for Land Before Time and All Dogs Go To Heaven. But the #1 best childhood movie, in my books? The Last Unicorn — and I know Arman agrees with me on that one π
10. Alright, enough of my random ramblings — time for me to read yours! Thanks so much to anyone who joined in this week’s linkup — I can’t wait to see some of the random stuff that you’ve been thinking about!

Even your “failed” cookies look delish! I’m jealous π
your honesty is always so awesome, not just on thursdays. Plus seriously I meet so many other great bloggers through the link up! I’ve totally eaten sprouted squash, ehh i’m cheap π
Yesterday was national cookie day?! I must have subconsciously known because I baked two batches of Christmas cookies and now have about 100 (no joke) cookies sitting in my kitchen.
And omg Land Before Time!!! I loved that movie as a kid and had forgotten all about it… shame on me π
100 cookies? π Sounds like my kitchen. Good thing they make great gifts, or I’d seriously be in trouble…
Those melted cookies …cookie brittle? Look SO good though!
Make cookie cereal! (0:
Girl look at you with almost 50 link ups. I bet by the time it closed you’ll have over 50. I told you, Blogging Gold.
Sometimes the failed batches of cookies make the best kind; talk about looks being deceiving. You can still call them lace cookies and deem them a success.
The Last Unicorn is one of my absolute favorite childhood films. It’s right up there with The Secret of Nymph, although I can barely stand the scene where the Red Bull drives them all into the sea. It’s still makes me misty eyed.
I still haven’t gotten to my Spaghetti Squash, and he’s been hanging around since oh I don’t know October or early November. I hope he hasn’t sprouted….I guess time will tell.
I think you may have created the next new blog craze!! WHOOO! Sometimes I watch old movies I loved as a kid and it makes me feel so warm inside. OHHH those cookies.
OMG YOU JUSTTTTTTTT CUT OPEN THAT SPAGHETTI SQUASH! Wow, I wish I were Superman, I would have saved that squash from you!
OMG I LOVE The Last Unicorn! You just provided me with the most amazing flash back. Parts of that movie used to terrify me as a kid though. I was also a huge fan of Labyrinth, Adventures in Baby Sitting, and I will shamefully admit, My Little Pony. So happy you posted about that movie. What a lovely nostalgic moment. I still have it kicking around on VHS somewhere.
Eeeeee! I love it π I still have my VHS copy as well, but I don’t have a VHS player so I had to go out and buy the DVD. Also… I was just as obsessed with MLP — no shame!
You’re so funny… I love the idea of Balto bringing the mail.
I wish I wore eye make-up… or make-up in general. I used to LOVE the Urban Decay Naked pallets… but I honestly haven’t worn eye make-up (besides mascara) in probably 4-5 years… and I’m 24. Isn’t that weird?
you’re killing me with those cookies..even the ones that are not like the others..the ones that don’t belong but will still get eaten because they still have a place in your hΜΆeΜΆaΜΆrΜΆtΜΆ belly. love that!
thanks so much for doing this for us btw..i’m a little late in joining the party though..still, ’twas π
I was actually just telling someone how the best flavor for cookies are oatmeal w. white chocolate and crasins!! YUM!
Whoa, did you forget an ingredient or something? How did the cookies become like that lol π
π One time I only added half the amount of oats that I intended to, and the second time there was just too much butter and I didn’t chill the dough. At least they still tasted good.
I’m so craving cookies, but I have no time to bake them.. π Oh girl.. that squash it totally fine! I eat them like that all the time! lol!
I really need to remember to link-up next week! I love these posts. (:
I totally missed the National Bake Cookies Day memo too. Oh well. Every day should be a day for baking cookies, in my opinion!
And my friend ordered the Naked 3 palette over a week ago and hasn’t received hers either! It must be some sort of back-order or delay. Booo. I can’t wait to hear your review on it!
Apparently they sent mine out on the same day that I ordered it, but it’s been stuck somewhere π₯ Still trying to figure out what the heck is going on…
Those cookies still look fantastic! I almost always drink water out of a bottle with a straw, it does make it so much easier to get it all in.
Aha I ALWAYS wear Christmas socks in December!! Sometimes I even break them out in November, eager beaver that I am π And I can’t wait for Naked3 palette too!! A friend of mine has hers already and it looks AWESOME, I’m super jealous!!
Hope you’re having a lovely week chica! <3
Ah love the Christmas socks! And as for the spaghetti squash…..I would pass on it too haha!
Last unicorn fans unite- I FOUND THE DVD ON EBAY. And the land before time? Seriously…we must have had the same like minded mums. I remember that movie being the big tear jerker for me..even at that age when the mother died after fighting off the ‘sharp tooth.’
Those broken cookies sound like the perfect cereal substitute for yogurt bowls….just saying.
I have it on VHS! Such an amazing movie! I’m self inviting myself to join this union of Last Unicorn fans. So good!
Wha’d I tell ya about the squash :p, aw I’m sorry. But don’t worry…it’s no kabocha!
Love seeing that face:D
Love straws! And I really believe it does help me drink more water. Bonus! =) I can’t wait to try that cookie recipe…
I had *no* idea it was national bake cookies day! But let me tell you: I tried to make oatmeal raisin cookies this past weekend… EPIC FAIL π the first batch looked like pancakes – they seriously morphed out of control and got HUGE.. the second batch cooked on the outside and not on the inside (like AT ALL – i don’t even know how that’s possible!?) and the third batch I attempted to turn into muffins. don’t ask. didn’t work. lol π Sigh… I just don’t think I’m meant to be a baker! lol π
Oh noes! Maybe it was just a bad recipe? But the real question isβ¦ did they still taste good? π
I missed out on bake cookies day too. These things should be announced on the news or something!
Also, love your new linkup!!
I wouldn’t eat it with sprouts growing either–safe or not! I don’t blame you π
That melted pile of goodness…get in my belly. I’m craving some sugary treats right now. One of those days.
Oh I loved the Land Before Time. Best ever! I’ve always wondered what happens if you leave spaghetti squash out too long, now I know!
There are so many cookies in blog-land this week I feel like should be spending all my free time baking cookies! Instead, I’ve been spending my evenings drinking wine and falling asleep in front of the fire. no shame!
That actually sounds pretty darn perfect if you ask me.
HeyyYY! You made brittle right?! (pretend those cookies are brittle) π
And it seems like the Nake3 palette is taking over the world! Every girl I know either wants it or is waiting for it to arrive. Also, Greg would be so happy to see your picture of tons of fruit. He’s all about the fruit and gets kind of sad when I don’t end up buying as much as he hoped for, lol.
Christmas socks = the best socks. I totally agree that drinking out of a straw makes water so much more fun to drink! Especially a crazy straw π
The land before time was my favorite! Are they still making those?
Honestly, I have no idea π I stopped paying attention when things started getting ridiculous by like the 7th one…
What is this Last Unicorn magic I apparently missed out on?! I love the other movies you mentioned though. I even have Balto and the first three Land Before Times on VHS. All Dogs Go To Heaven had a pretty good sequel actually!
I was about to say…those melted cookies look AMAZING. I’m glad you kept them.
Those cookies you made actually look really delicious! I love crispy, homemade cookies so I’d hardly call that a fail!
Your Christmas socks are very cute and I agree that wearing them throughout the entire season just adds an additional layer of coziness and holiday spirit.
Anddd, good water idea- I have a major issue with forgetting to hydrate. I actually get a little bit better about it in the winter because I drink tea throughout the day to stay warm!
Girl, you are making me want to get Naked 3 and I swore to myself that I would stop at Naked 2. P.S- 2 weeks is ridiculous, I’d give em until the weekend before I go coo-coo customer on them. I admire your patience π haha. Errmm and can you pass some melty cookie bark-chips to me please? I would turn those into crumbles of crunchy goodies over some ice cream or baked into pancakes.
Sheesh…clearly it’s time for my snack π
P.S.S I think your stunning and we all love your “As we speak” posts, so keep em coming! π I want to try one, but I am not sure how people will react since I am a “newbie” blogger and don’t have much of a following or anything. Sigh, real world problems right? haha, have a beautiful Thursday!
Everyone was a newbie at some point π
Happy Thursday, Ashley!
I admit, I’d eat all of those cookies. I’d somehow justify it by saying “I really only want to give out the pretty cookies so I might as well eat these. No sense in wasting!”
Oh and it’s a good thing you threw out that squash! Occasionally I’ll forget a potato or two in the fridge and find it later with sprouts or arms, rather. Ah! Best to throw that stuff away just in case.
You’re gorgeous, btw! π
I’ve actually heard that you’re supposed to avoid the sprouted potatoes, but they didn’t say anything about the squash. Better safe than sorry, though. I have too many cookies to eat to be suffering from food poisoning.
THE LAST UNICORN!!!! I loveddddd that movie as a kid…loved it. Had the main theme song memorized…oh yes. Watched it though a few years ago for the first time since childhood and was shocked at how dark and creepy the movie actually is!!
I agree on the straw thing too. Only way I get all my water in a day!!
So jealous that you got Naked 3! I wish it were in stores. My friend always wears really funny socks, they’re like little sweaters on his feet. Whenever he takes his shoes off I make fun of him! But really, fun socks add a splash of happiness to anyone’s outfit π
AHHH it was national cookie day yesterday!? I knew there was a reason my intuition was calling me to bake a batch. I wanted to make your white chocolate cranberry cookies but the realized I didn’t have white chocolate or cranberries…. fail. I was able to get my first batch EVER of snickerdoodles made. I LOVE the Last Unicorn. It was my favourite growing up, as was any movies with ponies or horses haha
I really need to drink more water, it’s so hard when it’s freezing out. thanks for the reminder! love your xmas socks π
That spaghetti squash! Ew. I wouldn’t have ate it either.
Thanks for showing us your failure cookies. It always makes me feel better to know I’m not alone in my mishaps. I would be munching on the scraps too if I were you.
I can’t believe how fast the linkup took off! That’s awesome! I need to quit slack in’ and join in on the fun soon.
I refuse to believe that you have mishaps! Everything you make is perfect in my mind.
On my mind… cookies, but only because you mentioned them and I’m giving them away today. Along with that, I probably should have put them up yesterday on my blog but then I realized I rarely remember to look into food celebrations, national _____ days, or the like. Unless it’s running related of course π
Finally, Christmas break is on my mind, because it starts at 4:15 tomorrow and I cannot wait.