Aaaaaaand cue the randomness! 😀
1. I have to admit… I have pretty wonky sleeping habits. There are days where I’ll wake up really early (4 – 4:30), have my tea, do some blog blog, do some actual work, have breakfast, and then go back to sleep for an hour or so around 7:30 or 8. It’s odd, but it seems to work for now so I’m just going with it.
2. One of the perks of waking up so dratted early being an early bird? Getting the worm. I have a [bad] habit of hopping on my phone to check e-mails, Twitter, and Instagram as soon as I wake up, and you don’t even want to know how excited I got when I came across this picture in my feed at 5 AM:
Naked 3. In stock. Remember how I was lamenting the fact that I missed out on not one but two opportunities to buy it online? You better believe I was out of bed in 2.2 and on the computer in 2.3. My package is currently in the mail and I can.not.WAIT for it to get here #MerryChristmasToMe.
3. Apparently I can wait to dig into my spaghetti squash, though…
I think I bought this guy 3-ish months ago? Something like that… And it’s been hanging out in my pantry ever since, just wondering if today will be the day it meets its end. It’s not that I have any sort of aversion to it… I’m just a creature of habit and usually opt for kabocha instead. That being said, I really do need to get around to trying it because I know I’ll be kicking myself for not doing it sooner once I actually do… especially since there are so many awesome recipes I want to try out…
Spaghetti Squash Sausage Lasagna Boats
Spaghetti Squash Mac and Cheese
Lasagna Stuffed Spaghetti Squash
4. Another thing I’m kicking myself for not getting around to sooner? Buying iPhone gloves. I spend enough time griping about our Canadian winters, so I probably don’t have to tell you how frigidly inconvenient it is to have to take your gloves off and expose your digits to the elements just to answer a text. I was a little skeptical, but these suckers actually work!
5. I noticed something the other day while browsing my Pinterest boards — 90% of the recipes I pin are desserts. And so are 99.99% of the recipes I post on Spoons. What can I say? I have a huge sweet tooth.

6. … which is probably what convinces me to buy “dessert” teas even though I know that 99.99% of the time they end up tasting nothing like what they claim to be 😡 I was in the store the other day buying contact solution when this little gem caught my eye…
I knew I shouldn’t, but it somehow managed to make its way home with me anyways. Needless to say, it tasted nothing like a red velvet, which, while disappointing, isn’t at all surprising. The only exceptions that I’ve found to this rule have been Birthday Cake, Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride, and Gingerbread Spice… which still don’t taste like cookies or cake, but they’re good enough for me to let it slide.
7. I just realized I never showed you guys my Christmas tree — here she be!
😆 😆 Oh goodness. Please tell me you’ve watched the magic that is A Charlie Brown Christmas, because it’s seriously one of my favourite Christmas movies of all times. My mom bought me this little tree for Saint Nicholas Day this year, and I can’t help but smile every time I look at it. It just needs a little love…
8. And I could use a little more common sense. This was the reading on my car’s gas gauge the other day…
Just a teeny tiny hair short of being completely bone dry, which wouldn’t be that big of an issue if it wasn’t freezing cold outside. I really need to stop pushing my luck when it comes to filling up my gas tank — one of these days it’s going to bite me in the ass, big time.
9. Not anytime soon, though! I made sure to fill ‘er up to the max because… I’ll be driving up to the mountains this weekend to do some boarding! The weather is supposed to give us a nice little respite from the cold, so I’m taking full advantage of the warmer temps and hitting the slopes.
10. Today’s the big day! The first ever Thinking Out Loud linkup! Thank you in advance to anyone who joined — I can’t wait to read some of the random stuff that’s been swirling around in those brains of yours 😀
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I don’t know how i ever lived without texting gloves!
Also, I’ve noticed lately, and more and more, I’m becoming averse to veggies. The thought of spaghetti squash grosses me out ( no offense, just my current personal preference). I know it has something to do with forcing myself to live off a mostly veggie diet for so long, but I find my stomach almost turning at the thought of most of them, and have had to try to really think outside the box on how to incorporate them into my diet. I also no longer like fruit, unless it’s dried, or in a baked good. These things apply to things I generally allowed as safe foods and overdid (i.e., greek yogurt… i just can’t anymore, so sad.) This might be dangerous, but for now, I’m just going with it.
That was definitely an outloud thought. 😉
I went through a period like that as well, Cassie, and it was definitely caused by overdoing it on certain foods during my ED. I went through a pretty long phase where the only veggie I really ate was baby carrots, and even then it was only a small handful instead of the half a bag that I was eating before. It ran its course, though, and I eventually found a pretty comfy middle ground. I’m sure you’ve probably eaten enough veggies to have some pretty good wiggle room for a while 😉 Don’t stress too much.
Ugh, I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been suckered by flavored teas and coffees! I did finally get a chance to try the cookie dough-flavored David’s Tea this past week (my very first DT experience, I might add!) and thought it was really good…didn’t taste like an actual cookie, but I liked that it had somewhat of a buttery taste to it. I rarely ever add anything to my tea, but with that one and sugar cookie sleighride, I almost always add a bit of almond milk to it…I swear it brings out the cookie-ish flavor! 🙂
Be careful tempting fate with that gas gauge girlie! I used to do the same thing…and then I ran out of gas one day! I didn’t have a gas can or any cash either! I will NEVER let that happen again!
I hate that I missed the very first Thinking Out Loud linkup, but I was seriously in need of a blogging break last week so I kinda took a step back from everything….hence the reason I’m so far behind on your posts. I hate the lack of balance I have…I wish I could stay in touch with all my favorite blends AND have a life at the same time, but it never seems to work out that way. Anywho! Hopefully, I’ll be able to link up this week as I’ve already got quite a few random things to share! 🙂
I definitely know what you mean about needing to take a break from blogging… just please promise to always come back, okie? 😀 xox
Hey, if you don’t want that spaghetti squash feel free to ship it to Orlando 😉 I need to go grocery shopping and spag. squash is always a staple! Also, I’ve heard suuuuch great things about all the Naked pallets, but I’m so out of the loop when it comes to makeup because I’m pretty sure I was meant to be born a dude and never got the eyeshadow memo. You’ll have to help a sista out.
Your link up is officially a success. Not that I’m at all surprised. I told you; you’re like blogging gold.
I think your spaghetti squash and mine should hang out. Currently, my fellow is napping in the basement and has been for three months now. One day I’ll get there, and when it happens it’ll be my first spaghetti squash consumption.
Speaking of wonky sleep habits, I slept in until 10 a.m. this morning. I was out solid, and even crazier, I went to bed at 10 p.m. last night. Woot, woot for 12 hours of sleep. I know I’ve been working too much, but damn.
Have a great weekend snow boarding and getting some good use out of the new gloves.
I pretty much always have a spaghetti squash on my counter, but then again…I buy a LOT of spaghetti squash. 😉 Make it girl–you will love it!
im sure i know the answer to this already but…
have you found sugar cookie sleigh ride in canada? i have not yet 🙁
ps – i dipped my kabocha in coconut cream yesterday and it was heavenly 🙂
I haven’t 🙁 The only ones I’ve ever come across have been the ones that I either picked up in the States myself or had someone send me. Dratted Canada 😕
Your tree is so cute – I’ve always wanted a Charlie Brown tree!
I can’t find sugar cookie tea or kabocha squash ANYWHERE in Pittsburgh. It’s so frustrating! But I think I’m about to order that birthday cake tea!!
Ohh you got the Naked Palette! I am hoping Santa is bringing it to me for Christmas. I bought gloves last night that have the iphone handy fingertips. SO much better than taking my gloves off in the freezing cold!
hey, i love reading your thinking out loud posts when i have a chance..what a great idea for a link-up!
i love your christmas tree! 🙂
I LOVE your little x-mas tree, it’s adorable! I hear ya on the tea… it’s hard to find one that resembles the flavor of the delicious baked good it claims to be like.
You have me wanting some iPhone gloves now… I don’t know why either, but I never got any & it’s freezing here! Was hoping to link-up to you today, but honestly wasn’t feeling very chatty today for some reason, so had no material to work with. Next time. 😉
i feel like we’re related. I’ll be your 4:30 am wake up all friend. and yes to iphone gloves. Genius!
I was thiiis close to buying that red velvet tea! What does it actually taste like, if you can describe it? 😛
Ahh I’m horrible with describing flavours… But it’s just like a strangely artificial tasting rooibos. One of the ingredients is “cream cheese flavouring” which tastes kind of as strange as it sounds.
You better hurry and cut open that squash! I’ve kept mine around for a while in the past and they end up drying out and getting really gnarly inside.
I bought a buttercup squash today. Have you tried those yet? I’m excited to give it a try!
And my Pinterest board is extra sweet too!! 😉
I think that’s what I’m secretly hoping will happen so that I have a legit reason to throw it out 😆 And I’ve never tried a buttercup, but I know a lot of stores end up labelling them the same as kabochas because they’re supposedly really similar.
Holy successful 1st time link-up parteee!*thumbs up*
Actually I knew I would be good be good because everyone loves you.
Well, I can’t be sure, but if that squash is anything like the ones I’ve procrastinated over…it will be sprouting new things ( aka rotting) from within. I do not think spaghetti squash is as hardy as the others , lol.
It also ranks far lower on the deliciousness scale IMVERYHO…oh kabocha, why you be so good!!
I had no idea those gloves existed, but I seriously need a pair!
Haha I do the same thing with my gas. Either that or I make my sister get out and fill it up for me. I was actually shocked she agreed to do it last weekend, but I’m not complaining! Now I just need to figure out a way to talk her into doing it again in a few days haha.
I love that you drink tea while getting breakfast ready in the morning. It seems very calming. I’m a big fan of dessert teas, that stash one sounds great! I recently got the red velvet cupcake from DavidsTea and it is fantastic!
So jealous you ordered the Naked 3 palette! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts 🙂
Tea is without a doubt the biggest culprit in false advertising…seriously. The number of cinnamon teas I went through to find one which ACTUALLY tasted like cinnamon- argh! That tree looks awesome as it is- Artsy 😉
So stoked to see this link up in effect, Amanda- you are a legend!
PS Next time your up at 3am, feel free to jump online- Its a good Australian time then (I think early evening..)
If you need an amazing cinnamon tea, I definitely recommend Hot Cinnamon Spice from Harney & Sons — I have to order it online, but it’s my absolute favourite tea and I haven’t managed to come across one that’s even remotely comparable.
Haha I’m so OCD about my gas. I start panicking before it gets near the red. Probably because I’ve run out of gas before on a road trip with some friends 😛
GIRL! Get to making that spaghetti squash! You’re going to love it!
I actually have been doing the exact same thing in the mornings…I wake up at 3…contemplate life for an hour and then wake up and drink some decaf coffee and eat. It has been working for me lately, but I think I just need to eat more during the day to prevent this, because after I eat I pass out like you for another couple of hours. LOL. Not normal! I just can’t sleep on an empty stomach though!
I MUST go to the store like now and find those dessert teas, like not even an option.
I’m the queen of, yay I have a full gas tank and then, oh crap (as I putt putt into the gas station running on fumes). So bad about filling ‘er up.
You’re really gonna lurve the Naked 3 palette. I’ve been so protective of mine like it’s worth a million bucks. I can’t help it! It’s super gorgeous!
I’ve come to the conclusion that flavored teas NEVER taste like they’re supposed to. And that sucks! I tried some sleepy time tea a while back and it honestly tasted like dirt. Kind of like I left my mug outside for a couple of days. :/ It claimed to taste like honey and cinnamon. Pfft!
Thanks for hosting the link up! 🙂
Thanks for linking up, Amber! And I’m still waiting on that warm weather 😉
You need to make spaghetti squash Pad Thai!! It is to die for!
Say what???!!!! There’s such a thing as iPhone gloves?! hahaha, it’s so funny how everything now revolves around smartphones, and kind of creepy at the same time. 0_0 lol And I’m the same way with spaghetti squash~I love to eat it but I do have my truly FAVORITE ones, like Kabocha. Also, I find spaghetti squash really hard to cut through..or was that butternut squash? 😛
I have such anxiety when my car is on empty! I wish I knew how long it would actually stay on empty before it ran out of gas…
Love the Charlie Brown tree. So cute! I have iPhone gloves too but they were from the dollar store or something, so they are pretty ugly. I need to get a cute pair. My gloves also have holes in them. I’m notorious for getting holes right where my web of my thumb to pointer fingers are. It’s strange!
LOVE your tree!! adorable.We went the smaller version this year too. Um…and Iphone gloves?! Guess I’m just THAT naive…because anytime I have gloves on and need to use the phone real quick, I think about what a bitch it is to take them off AND think about the rubber finger tip glove and how awesome that’d be…..
Definitely look for a pair! Mine were something like $3 and they work perfectly.
Ooo, pretty makeup! I love Stash tea. They’re definitely my fav brand.
GAHHH! You got the Naked! So jealoussssss…. I’m about to head to the Sephora down the street and am hoping there is one hiding in the store somewhere. Although it being in downtown Chicago, my hopes will soon be shattered 😉 Love the link up!
Oh my goodness what a successful first link up. Congrats girl! I am obsessed with your Charlie Brown Xmas tree. Tres adorable. I am so with you on the disappointing dessert teas! There’s a place near me that does do a loose leaf herbal of a successfully sweet combo – Banana and Chocolate tea! Yes it tastes like just that! I’m in love. Barely any sweetener needed either. I’ve heard great things about those David’s Tea flavors, maybe sometime I’ll try them but I truthfully rarely ever drink tea.
I have the bad habit of checking my phone (phone errands as my friend Jenny calls them) when I wake up too. I’m glad you were rewarded for it, haha! Sometimes I’m rewarded and can get on something ASAP and sometimes I’m not rewarded if I wake up feeling bloated or dehydrated from drinks the night before and then see people posting their early AM workouts. It’s enough to make me feel like a lazy sloth but I have to fight the urge to compare! And put the phone down!
I was all set to buy Naked3 but then someone stole my credit card and when I went to buy it? Sold out 🙁
BUT – it’s supposed to be in stores today, so I’m going to take a walk to the mall at lunch and cross my fingers.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
They had it! 🙂
I think they ordered tons because it was selling out so quickly – hope yours arrives soon.
PS – I LOVE spag squash. I roast it and then top it with butter and garlic salt and it’s so yummy!