Aaaaaaand cue the randomness! 😀
1. I have to admit… I have pretty wonky sleeping habits. There are days where I’ll wake up really early (4 – 4:30), have my tea, do some blog blog, do some actual work, have breakfast, and then go back to sleep for an hour or so around 7:30 or 8. It’s odd, but it seems to work for now so I’m just going with it.
2. One of the perks of waking up so dratted early being an early bird? Getting the worm. I have a [bad] habit of hopping on my phone to check e-mails, Twitter, and Instagram as soon as I wake up, and you don’t even want to know how excited I got when I came across this picture in my feed at 5 AM:
Naked 3. In stock. Remember how I was lamenting the fact that I missed out on not one but two opportunities to buy it online? You better believe I was out of bed in 2.2 and on the computer in 2.3. My package is currently in the mail and I can.not.WAIT for it to get here #MerryChristmasToMe.
3. Apparently I can wait to dig into my spaghetti squash, though…
I think I bought this guy 3-ish months ago? Something like that… And it’s been hanging out in my pantry ever since, just wondering if today will be the day it meets its end. It’s not that I have any sort of aversion to it… I’m just a creature of habit and usually opt for kabocha instead. That being said, I really do need to get around to trying it because I know I’ll be kicking myself for not doing it sooner once I actually do… especially since there are so many awesome recipes I want to try out…
Spaghetti Squash Sausage Lasagna Boats
Spaghetti Squash Mac and Cheese
Lasagna Stuffed Spaghetti Squash
4. Another thing I’m kicking myself for not getting around to sooner? Buying iPhone gloves. I spend enough time griping about our Canadian winters, so I probably don’t have to tell you how frigidly inconvenient it is to have to take your gloves off and expose your digits to the elements just to answer a text. I was a little skeptical, but these suckers actually work!
5. I noticed something the other day while browsing my Pinterest boards — 90% of the recipes I pin are desserts. And so are 99.99% of the recipes I post on Spoons. What can I say? I have a huge sweet tooth.

6. … which is probably what convinces me to buy “dessert” teas even though I know that 99.99% of the time they end up tasting nothing like what they claim to be 😡 I was in the store the other day buying contact solution when this little gem caught my eye…
I knew I shouldn’t, but it somehow managed to make its way home with me anyways. Needless to say, it tasted nothing like a red velvet, which, while disappointing, isn’t at all surprising. The only exceptions that I’ve found to this rule have been Birthday Cake, Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride, and Gingerbread Spice… which still don’t taste like cookies or cake, but they’re good enough for me to let it slide.
7. I just realized I never showed you guys my Christmas tree — here she be!
😆 😆 Oh goodness. Please tell me you’ve watched the magic that is A Charlie Brown Christmas, because it’s seriously one of my favourite Christmas movies of all times. My mom bought me this little tree for Saint Nicholas Day this year, and I can’t help but smile every time I look at it. It just needs a little love…
8. And I could use a little more common sense. This was the reading on my car’s gas gauge the other day…
Just a teeny tiny hair short of being completely bone dry, which wouldn’t be that big of an issue if it wasn’t freezing cold outside. I really need to stop pushing my luck when it comes to filling up my gas tank — one of these days it’s going to bite me in the ass, big time.
9. Not anytime soon, though! I made sure to fill ‘er up to the max because… I’ll be driving up to the mountains this weekend to do some boarding! The weather is supposed to give us a nice little respite from the cold, so I’m taking full advantage of the warmer temps and hitting the slopes.
10. Today’s the big day! The first ever Thinking Out Loud linkup! Thank you in advance to anyone who joined — I can’t wait to read some of the random stuff that’s been swirling around in those brains of yours 😀
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Thanks for sharing!! I would have totally bought that tea, so you saved me some money:):)
I just started Tuesday ramblings on my blog. There are so many thoughts that go through my head that I thought I’d share.
Also, I’m ashamed to admin that I have never see Charlie Brown’s Christmas.
I had spaghetti squash in my garage FOREVER and finally made a type of lasagna boat. It was DELISH. You’ll kick yourself for not trying to sooner! Have fun in the mountains this weekend! I’m definitely jealous of all of your adventures!
Oh, and I love the Charlie Brown tree. It’s true, it only needs a little love. 😉
You’re Christmas tree brought THEE biggest smile to my face. It’s so precious and cute! I also realized I need to invest in some iPhone gloves. Every time I run outside in the cold I curse at myself for not buying those darn gloves. Especially when I take out my phone to switch songs or something. It’s like the North Pole and my fingers have a date. Why do I keep doing that to myself?! Sigh, but you’ve convinced me to buy some!
Also, congrats on your first Thinking out Loud linkup, I hope it’s a major success! You + your blog are fabulous!
Have a lovely day 😀
Thank you, Ashley! And thanks so much for joining up this week <3
That is a most excellent Christmas tree! 🙂
I love that you snowboard…I haven’t even attempted to learn! I want to but I’m convinced I will break my nose!
Shoot, I definitely forgot about the linkup last night when preparing my post! 🙁 next week I’ll join the party for sure! The Christmas tree is so stinkin’ cute!! I wish I could find a little one like that to put in Joseph’s room! I am the exact same way about letting my car hit below E, but I have gotten a little better because I would feel like the worst parent if I ran out while my baby was in the car with me..
A big thank you for starting this link up. It really is amazing how many thoughts are living up there until you start to write them down!
I love gingerbread spice tea. I think it is the lovely sweetness that it has to it.
Your tree is too cute. It looks like it is demanding a hug haha
I hope to be out in the mountains this weekend too! Fingers crossed for some warmer weather.
It’s supposed to go up to around 0! Although you’d never be able to tell by looking outside. Hellooooo snow!
I have been getting up really early these days too! But not quite as early as you. I’m just excited about life? Haha
I’ve seen that tea before and always wondered! Thought it might not quite taste like red velvet…
I’m so ashamed that I didn’t contribute to the TOL party today. 🙁
Such a fun idea to share your thoughts! I have iPhone texting gloves, and they are great. I highly suggest you buy some. 🙂
It’s a Christmas tradition to watch a Charlie Brown Christmas every Christmas after we eat dinner. I love the fact that you got the tree–I was considering getting it for my sister’s Christmas gifts if I can’t find any decently affordable Lego sets. (Do you know how much those things cost?!? Especially the Harry Potter ones, because they’re discontinued now…) My comment has officially strayed into “random rambling” territory, but I suppose that’s appropriate given the theme of today’s post. 🙂
The reason why I haven’t bought any spaghetti squash this year – it’d be sitting in my kitchen just as long 😉 What can I say? I’ve been loyal to kabocha/red kabocha this year.
And I’ve been doing the same thing with filling up on gas! I keep thinking ‘oh, I’ll fill it up tomorrow…’ only to actually fill it up like 3 days later when the little red light comes on. Yup, that’s going to end badly for me one of these days.
And my Pinterest board makes me laugh because it’s like 90% sweet things. I just really like desserts!
Congrats on the linkup success love!
Confession: I secretly want the squash to go bad so that I have a legit excuse to just toss it 😆
I feel the same way about Spaghetti Squash! Somehow it’s just not calling my name – especially not when I can have kabocha instead.
Have fun snowboarding girl!!!
Oh my goodness…I love that tree! So adorable! I love A Charlie Brown Christmas! Such a classic. I also love The Great Pumpkin. Do you remember that one?
Ugh! As I was typing this comment, I just picked up my mug to sip some tea and totally burnt my mouth. Ouch! Speaking of tea, you got me all excited when I saw that pic of the red velvet tea, and then I read your thoughts. Bummer! I was really hoping it tasted like cake and if it didn’t I would have run out and bought some at lunch today. 😉
I love your Charlie Brown tree too! And I do the same thing with my spaghetti squash too. It looks so good in the store them I’m like ehhh after I get it home.
I did a Thinking Out Loud post too!
Thanks for linking up, Meredith! But don’t forget to add your link to the actual link party so that everyone else can see it too!
Oh, I love your Charlie Brown tree! The Peanuts Christmas special is my favorite.
I am on the same sleeping schedule. I have been waking up at 3:30-ish, shower, breakfast, computerizing, then back to sleep for 30 or 45 minutes or so.
I have bought things with the full intention of trying them only to let them sit and sit and sit. I completely understand about wanting to try a new food but not wanting to miss out on a food I know I love. That being said, spaghetti squash is pretty yummy. It does NOT taste like pasta but is delicious in its own right.
Congrats on the link up success girl! I totally agree about iPhone gloves. Mine don’t work too well, but it beats de-gloving in the winter brr!!
Wow, red velvet TEA?! That sounds beyond incredible! Definitely a must try, for me. Oh and I agree with you about the spaghetti squash. I mean, I like it, but it definitely doesn’t measure up to kabocha or butternut!
Your tree is so adorable!
I’m the same with teas. I buy cookie, chocolat, marzipan and though I know it I am annoyed when it tastes like water. Then I put it somewhere in the pantry and never tough it again.
Nothing bad about posting loads of dessert recipes! I always enjoy them. And your pictures are always beautiful 🙂
As much as I love my tree and Pippin, I think yours is pretty damn awesome, too 🙂 I love the Charlie Brown Christmas special, but I don’t think I’ve seen it yet this year. This needs to change asap! Definitely agree with you about the tea thing, too (although I definitely would have picked up the red velvet…I have a weakness for red velvet anything 😀 ). Ah, I put Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2 on my Christmas list and thought of you when I did so 😉 I sincerely hope Santa brings them to me, so I can watch them on Christmas and introduce (read: force) everyone to watch it while eating massive amounts of Christmas cookies of course 😀
Despicable Me 2 is on my list as well! It sucks knowing that it’s already out and I can’t watch it, but I know the wait will make Christmas even more special.
Awwww the Charlie Brown tree. I think it’s adorable! 🙂 Although we never had Charlie Brown trees when I lived in Wisconsin, we always went out to find the BIGGEST one. Three years in a row we got 16 foot tall trees. One year the top of it bent over on the ceiling lol…. sometimes I think my dad made the Great Room addition on the house just for that purpose. I can’t wait until I have space for a decent sized real tree, right now I have a little three foot fall fakey hanging out on my bookshelf. It works for now!
I am guilty of harboring a hoooge sweet tooth too…I thought I would have satisfied it for a week after that chocolate cake, but …. had to make some cookies yesterday 🙂
I am a big fan of Spaghetti Squash – recently made and reveled in Mike @ the Iron You’s spaghetti (squash) and turkey balls -so.good.
Thanks so much for hosting today’s “thinking out loud” My brain is always a jumble of random thoughts so thanks to you, I had fun sorting through some of em 🙂
that. tree. is awesome! oh my gosh. i have nothing but christmas lights in my apartment (which stay up all year), but today i will be enjoying my parents’ decorations while baking christmas cookies with my mama.
and i hope the link-up stays around for a while, because while i’m not ready for it this week, i would love to play soon.
I’m planning to have it up every week!
I know this would be successful 🙂 You’re amazing!
I’m a sucker for dessert teas too and I’m pretty sure I wake up 5 times through the night, like Instagram pictures and then don’t remember in the morning haha
😆 You’re a Sleepgrammer! But honestly… sometimes I don’t even remember liking pics an hour after it happened. The joys of age induced memory loss 😉
Do you know, in Oregon… you’re not allowed to pump your gas. They have attendants for that, and you sit in the car all cozy and warm (or cool, in the summer) and let them do it for you. Is it wrong that that’s one of the things I’m so excited about for when I move to Oregon? LOL!
Lol, your Christmas tree is adorable, I always wanted one like that. And I had a friend that had iPhone gloves for the last 2 years and didn’t realize what the different color tips were for. I told her the other day and it made her week! 🙂
Waking up randomly at 2am has helped me snag some online deals that quickly disappeared… yay insomnia!
I got iphone gloves last year and that sure was a great investment! Your Christmas tree is adorable and I’m so glad you mentioned the sugar cookie tea. I had meant to pick some up last year, but I never did. I’m definitely going to try it out this year. Well I didn’t have any randomness to share today, but maybe I can get my act together and participate in the link up next week! 😉
I NEEEEED iphone gloves.
Ahh the Naked 3! I remember my friend and going crazy over the 1 and 2, but our obsession with makeup has simmered down since then. I still get excited over the Naked palettes though!
Also, your Christmas tree is BEYOND adorable. That’s definitely what mine will look like when I have a place of my own. 🙂
And lastly, I’m so excited for this link-up! Have a great day, Amanda!
You too, Alison! Thanks for joining up today <3
What a bummer the red velvet tea didn’t turn out well! I had high hopes after seeing the picture… oh well, guess I’ll stick with the cake 😉
I have the iPhone gloves and they’re great, though come to think of it I haven’t seen them this year yet. So maybe I hadddd the gloves. Also–I do that with the gas gauge every. single. time. It’s a habit–I guess I enjoy pushing my luck?
the iPhones gloves, while I hate to admit it, are pretty darn sweet. especially in the cold you get. spaghetti squashes have been terrible near me. I hate to admit it but I just can’t eat them. they just don’ taste good. Now butternut squash… that is my new one.
See that’s what I’m worried about… that I Just won’t like it, especially since I’m so addicted to the kabocha. But I guess you never know until you try.
I love your treee! lol it’s so cute… I have a minature tree too but I’ll have to give you the cutest little tree award
Poor neglected spaghetti squash! Feel free to ship it to me ;). I can’t find any of these anymore as their season is apparently over around here – major boo.
Hehe, I bet your heartratem jumped up noticably upon seeing that IG picture. Fingers crossed the package will arrive soon.
I hear you on the fancy teas. Most of the special ones are flavoured rooibos which – sorry – isn’t enjoyable at all. I wish I could get the Sugar Cookie tea over here, though. A friend mailed me some last year but it’s long gone :(.
When I see the car gas gauge getting close to being on its last quarter I already get nervous. Never letting it get down to the red sector … I’m a scaredy cat.
Wait a second, your spaghetti squash is still good?! I bought one, and not even 3 days later it went bad and I had to throw it out!!! I haven’t bought one since because I am terrified I won’t be eating in within the day or two, hahah. I have the North Face Denali gloves with the finger tips and they are honestly worth every penny!! They keep my hands warm and really work well with the phones.
Your charlie brown Christmas tree beats mine that I just blogged about!!!!!
We’ve had a spaghetti squash sitting on our counter forever too. Except ours has turned white and is probably inedible. Aren’t texting gloves the best? I bought two pairs on Black Friday for something like $1.50 apiece and I LOVE them. Now if I can get my phone fixed so I can actually use the gloves more often. I’m all about the dessert recipes too. For some reason I don’t think people mind 😉 That tree is the best. As are you for admitting to the whole “drive on empty” thing which reading me feel tons better because I do the exact same thing…take last week during our Level 1 Snow Emergency. Haha. Ya…
Thanks for hosting this link-up! I hope tons of people join in 🙂
Thanks for joining, girl! Enjoy The Hobbit!! But no spoilers 😛
Your sleeping habits and morning routine are identical to mine! Except now I don;t go back to sleep, I just stay up and get more early morning “relaxing” time 😉
Mine vary depending on how tired I am, but it’s always nice to see someone else who gets it 😀
I’m glad someone else lets spaghetti squash sit in their pantry for months. I have been debating what to do with it lately. I’ve seen those three recipes before as well as making squash pasta with it…I don’t know we will see. HA.
I used to push my luck with gas in Upstate NY…but then it got so cold one day my car didn’t start so I decided not to do that again…I’ve never run out of gas though thank goodness.