Happy Almost-Friday! 😀
1. Nothing like a good dose of blog issues to really get you going in the morning!
I woke up all ready to go with my WIAW post yesterday morning, only to discover that my server was having issues and that Spoons was down for the count. The count was supposed to be no longer than 15-30 minutes, but ended up being somewhere along the lines of 6 hours. I may have been slightly losing my mind. My home may also be spotless as a result of it…
2. On that note… does anyone else have a problem with obsessively checking/refreshing things when they aren’t working? And doing it every… oh… 32.6 seconds? I can’t help it — that tiny flicker of hope that next time will be the time is what gets me through.
3. Well, that and snacks. High amounts of stress completely kill my appetite, but small bouts of anxiety or nerves? Eat ALL the foods!! The amount of grazing I did yesterday morning was pretty intense. It happens. Oh, and cold mac ‘n’ cheese is pretty much the best thing ever, in case you’re wondering.

4. What I’m wondering is when the heck the Naked3 palette will be coming out…
I mean, I guess it doesn’t really matter since I promised myself I wouldn’t buy anything before Christmas, but I’d still like to know so that I can encourage… err… Santa… to pick one up ASAP before they all disappear from the shelves.
5. Speaking of shelves, the ones in my fridge and pantry are looking a little bare. Not that they’re ever overflowing, since I live by myself and only buy small amounts at a time so I don’t have to worry about things spoiling, but I’ve run out of some staples (avocado, apples, kabocha, cucumbers, salsa), and I’m running low on some others (yogurt, almond milk, baby greens, bananas, oats), so I’m going to have to visit a grocery store soon or I won’t have anything left to eat. The reason for my negligence? The weather…
Unless I’m snowboarding, I really dislike being out in the cold, so I try to run my errands when the risk of losing noses and digits to frostbite isn’t so high. It’s supposed to warm up to above freezing over the weekend, so I’m wondering if I can hold out until then. Probably not… unless I want to be eating canned beans and parsnips for dinner 😯
6. On that note, what am I supposed to do with parsnips? Eat them, obviously, but how? I bought some on a whim a couple of weeks ago, and they’ve been lying around untouched because I’m not sure how to go about preparing them. I hear they’re good roasted, or in soups, but I need concrete opinions here!
7. I realized a sad truth the other day — I can’t sew. I mean, maybe I could if I actually tried it (I used to be able to when I was younger), but my home lacks any of the necessary tools that would allow me to do so. Needles? Thread? Yeaaaaaah, about that… I also don’t own an ironing board or an iron 😯
8. It wouldn’t be a random post without random facts…
1. I want to say “those lucky buggers,” but at the same time… that seems a bit wrong.
2. What I want to know is… why do we have to come up with so many different way to refer to our periods?
3. Whatever works…
4. 😆 Alright, who tried it?! It works! Talk about insta-mood lifter.
5. You think it’s all fun and games, until someone loses an eye gets labelled a cheater.
9. Unlike last week, this week I am going to stop on an even number, just to spite my odd brain… And I’m going to do it by telling you that I’m planning on putting up an exercise update post tomorrow to fill you guys in on what’s been going on with my running and what my plans are looking like for the winter.
(10. 😉 ) Happy Thursday, friendly faces! Enjoy your day!
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Are you a compulsive checker too?
What’s one item on your Christmas list?
Can you sew? How about knit?
I loooooove parsnips!! Toss them with some olive oil and herbs and other root veggies, then roast them for a little while. They are delicious!
I like to describe my period as “shark week” 😀
If you have a crockpot/slow cooker, Google: slow cooker root vegetables! Hopefully the recipe will work for you!
That’s one thing I should probably add to my Christmas list — a slow cooker. I keep meaning to get one, but never get around to it!
I am beyond excited to feel those positive temperatures! This morning when I was walking to work it was -7 and it felt GLORIOUS! T-shirt and shorts weather 😀
mmmm cinnamon puffins! So good so many ways!
I love parsnips. Sometimes I steam them with carrots and then mash them together (great with gravy on top) or put them in the oven to roast with a little brown sugar on top.
Re: parsnips: Chop and combine with chopped carrots/beets/red onions. Toss in coconut oil and salt, roast at 400F for 25-30 minutes. Enjoy.
Oh my! So cold! I wouldnt want to venture out either!
In other news, Puffins are transitioning to all gmo-free!
It has been super cold here as well, which makes walking from my car to school that much more miserable. Absolutely no energy in the air.
I tried the “who’s the cutest?” search!! LOVE that so much!
I definitely am a compulsive checker of my Instagram especially. Always scrolling and refreshing!
And lastly, I’ve only ever sewed my pointe shoes, which is actually pretty difficult with the thick ribbons and fabric. But I really want to re-learn how to knit! My mom taught me when I was maybe 7 years old, but I have completely forgotten. I would definitely be that person to knit on a train or something….Secretly 80 years old. 😉
Sheesh, I’d have freaked out completely if my blog had been down for that long. I’m so glad things worked out for you in the end but I totally understand your compulsive checking. It’s the same for me though I wish I additionally had your procrasti-cleaning habit 🙂 – now that’s one to commend!
Talk about the munchies for me today! I’ll move tomorrow and have been feeling like a headless chicken for the past days. So much to do, so little time. Add in little sleep due to constantly getting up to add things to my to-do!!!!!! [yes, there are significantly more ‘A’ tasks and exclamation marks than usual on it] list and I’ve been eating non-stop all day. Oh, and the day’s not over yet so I figure I’m about to have a date with chocolate for the billionth time today soon ;). It’s nice to have a reason to blame it to, haha.
Parsnips are awesome in anything! I actually had some today in my go-to kabocha stew because I still had vegetables to use up before tomorrow. I wouldn’t blend them because parsnips have that awesome texture you don’t want to miss out on. As you’re a fan of roasted vegetables I’d recommend these using almond butter: http://ohsheglows.com/2010/04/16/these-fries-will-change-your-life/
I wish (!!) I could knit but no matter how often my mum offers to show it to me I’m just too impatient. Though I might give it another try now that I’ll be living with my parents for a longer while again.
Okay, those parsnip fries look absolutely amazing — definitely trying that! And good luck with your move, girlie! Don’t worry — things always work out in the end 🙂
PLEASE do me a favor and roast those parsnips- OMG- SO good. So sweet, I like to rub my pan in coconut oil, sprinle sliced parsnips ( like in circles) with some cinnamon, black pepper and just a pinch of salt- SO good. YUM!:)
I HATE the pantry runs low. I have to admit, when my produce drawer gets empty- I really get anxiety, lol:) Yogurt, almond milk, and greens are staples for me- if I run out, it’s not good news:)
AMANDA!!! WHY WHY WHY did you have to share that Urban Decay link … gaaaahhhhh.
I can’t un-see that!! I WANT. I NEED. (I cannot afford.) *wink*
Also, what’s an ironing board?
PS- Parsnip Fries are so good.
From what I hear, an ironing board is something like a table — used to stack random junk that you should probably get rid of but just keep moving around to different locations around your home 😉
I tend to get the munchies when I study for ANYTHING. It was so bad in college, I swear every time I ate I had a book plastered to my face. I’m definitely a checker especially if I’m waiting for a certain text message. It seems like the time drags on and on when I’m waiting for a text message. I can sew… a little bit. Basics, I guess. I would loveeee a DSLR camera for Christmas but they are so expensive. I want a GOOD one, so I know the cheaper ones are more affordable but I want a good bang for my buck, yanno? You made me giggle with the 10 ;-).. You just couldn’t do it! haha!
I’m totally a snacker when I’m stressed! I’ve noticed that when I’m nervous or anxious though, I actually have the reverse and don’t have an appetite for anything at all. Weird, huh?
One thing on my Christmas list: a duvet comforter!
Are you kidding me with those temps?! I will stop complaining about ours. Jeez girly, I would have a mug of tea permanently attached to my hand. Wish I could help you out with the parsnips but I am just as confused and don’t buy them haha Super excited for your fitness/running update!
Parsnips are good roasted in maple syrup and olive oil, salt pepper etc. Roast quite high (like carrots) and until they’re beginning to get crispy in the tails. Fabulous. Staple British winter food – one of the few we actually grow! 😉
Adding maple syrup actually sounds like a brilliant idea! I’m going to have to give that a go.
Oh yes. Nervous eating, especially chocolate, is a habit of mine too. Just makes me feel better to be doing something, and my stomach feels better with a little something extra in it, so it’s a win in my book 😉 I can’t believe how cold it is by you! I thought it was bad here! As much as I love Canada, I don’t think I’m cut out for that haha. I’m excited to hear more about your running tomorrow 🙂
Ugh… blog problems are the worst! I also tend to hit refresh when I’m waiting for an email or for something to be fixed… darn impatience…
Hi Amanda-
Fellow Edmonton gal and first time comment! So I was in Sephora at West Ed yesterday-Naked 3 comes out Dec 26th-after Christmas!!
Parsnips-marinate in orange juice and sesame oil and roast!
Hey girl! Always awesome to come across a fellow E-towner 😀 But that’s super disappointing about Naked3! Ugh! I was hoping it would be out before Christmas.
Haha the constant refreshing thing – absolutely. For a week or two there when Feedly decided it didn’t like my blog I must have hit that damn refresh button 200 times a day. You figure that one of these times, it’ll actually work :-p
One item on my Christmas list? People keep asking me what I want for Christmas and I still have no idea. Which is annoying, because if you asked me a month or two ago I would probably have a good list going.
As for sewing, I can do the basics of it. If I lose a button or need to sew up a hole I can – but I just realized that I don’t have sewing supplies either :-s maybe I should get some for emergency situations…
But I can knit! Well, at least I could. I don’t have the patience for it, so I’ve had a half completed scarf for the last 3 or 4 years. I haven’t tried it since, so I don’t know if I still remember, actually.
As for parsnips, I usually chop and roast them like fries and serve them with ketchup. Angela from Oh She Glows has a recipe for nut butter-crusted parsnip fries that’s actually not bad (http://ohsheglows.com/2010/04/16/these-fries-will-change-your-life/)
Compulsive checker…YES!!! It’s so bad. Sometimes I just need to stop myself! I’ve roasted parsnips before and they’re super tasty that one; although, that’s the only way I’ve tried them. I wish I could knit or sew, but I really can’t. I can sew a button and that’s about it!
I love roasted parsnips! They’re really great roasted right along with carrots. I’ve never tried this recipes per se, but my parents make something very similar: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/roasted-parsnips-and-carrots-recipe/index.html. So simple, so good. 🙂
Thanks for sharing that recipe, Steph! I’m super curious…
Obsessive checking? Who, me? Never! I tend to assume the problem lies with me. Yesterday, for instance, when I couldn’t access your blog I figured it was my computer. I tried logging on by clicking a link in your response to other bloggers. No dice. I thought surely I just hadn’t found the right combination.
I can sew a bit, mostly counted cross-stitch. I have wanted to learn to knit for years but have yet to attempt anything.
I am a teacher and I tend to shy away from “Heads Up, Seven Up” because it can quickly turn into mass pandemonium. That’s actually rather clever…Fortunately, my students are pretty awesome. I have this dorky saying before administering a test. If I ever neglect to utter it my kids beg me, “Say it! Say it!”
You may look up for inspiration. you may look down in desperation. But you may not look to the side for information.
I have had this Scottish dish called clapshot. You boil carrots and parsnips then mash them as you would potatoes adding salt, pepper, and butter and/or milk if desired. It tastes even better if you cook the vegetables in veggie or chicken broth for a little extra flavor.
That’s an awesome saying! No wonder your kids love you 😀
Aw, thanks. I cannot not take credit for coining the phrase. Prior to having my own classroom I did a lot of substitute teaching and saw a poster bearing that inscription in one of the classrooms I was working in. I jotted it down thinking it might come in handy someday. It’s pretty cute to see the students pantomiming looking up and down as we say the words.
bahahaha funny story actually, I pretty much refreshed your blog like 1208542795z yesterday morning trying to get to it but it kept saying it couldn’t and I was getting so pissed! lol Glad its back up now 🙂
And Im actually asking for some new urban decay eyeshadow for xmas. Seriously those peeps have the BEST shadow!
You’re not the only one! I was literally doing it every 30 second before I got fed up and went to take my nerves out on cleaning instead. And YES to UD being amazing! Are you getting a palette or just the individual shadows?
Do you get hit with the munchies when you’re nervous? I eat mostly when I am bored! It’s a horrible habit!
Are you a compulsive checker too? Haha, yes! I am always refreshing pages…it is silly, do I really think the news will have a million different stories after a refresh?
What’s one item on your Christmas list? Bogs or Sorrels! Last winter I was in Victoria and all I needed was rain boots and a rain jacket. This winter, I am in Ottawa! Because I did my undergrad in New Brunswick, I know how cold and snowy Eastern winters can be…unfortunately my boots got left behind in NB because I (wishfully) thought I was moving to Victoria permanently! But change is good and sometimes exciting 🙂
Can you sew? How about knit? I took sewing in highschool and loved it! Unfortunately my mom is not a big sewer and I have forgotten most of my acquired skills because we didn’t have a sewing machine at home. My friend taught me the basics of knitting last winter and I was on my way to creating a beautiful scarf….but then I didn’t “join” the ends properly, a big hole began unraveling in the middle of the scarf and that was that! I should probably try again though….
Happy almost-Friday to you too!
Stress makes me want to snack constantly!! The more food I eat the more the stress will go away. My mom adds parsnips to mashed potatoes and they are really good roasted like you would sweet potato wedges.
“Not that they’re ever overflowing, since I live by myself and only buy small amounts at a time so I don’t have to worry about things spoiling” <- Omg, teach me your ways!!! I am a habitual over-buyer. I have to say I do a pretty good job of putting it away most of the time, but seriously, it should be considered an Olympic sport at other times! Lol And we won't even talk about non-perishable pantry items! 😯
I feel for you in that cold girlie!! The lowest it's gotten around here so far was around 8 below zero and omg, my bones were hurting! And why must you continue to feed my newfound makeup addiction?! I could have gone months without you telling me about the new Naked palette, but now I want…need…MUST HAVE!
Do you get hit with the munchies when you’re nervous? Omg, YES! I was a little stressed about something (that was actually pretty silly) to do with the blog the other day and I could not stop eating trail mix!! Mah god!
Are you a compulsive checker too? Ha! You don't even want to know how many times I refreshed P&C yesterday before I eventually gave up and went to bed at 8:30am!
What’s one item on your Christmas list? Now? Naked 3! But I'll probably end up buying it for myself! Haha!
Can you sew? How about knit? I can sew on a button. That is the extent of my domestication outside the kitchen! I tried to learn how to crochet once…if you want something that resembles a yarn necklace, I've got you covered! Hey, if I made one long enough, perhaps it COULD be a scarf! Lol
😆 I was checking P&C all morning too! And I don’t even know why since I couldn’t even put my post up.
The only time I’ve ever used parsnips I peeled them into strips with a peeler and put them on a baking sheet. I brushed them with oil and liquid smoke, salt, pepper and baked them. They taste a lot like bacon if you do that!
Oh and I used to be a cheater! I’d look at the person’s shoes! hehe.
Now that’s something I’ve never seen or thought of — I’m thinking that’s going to be the route I end up going.
Naked3 looks awesome!! I love the fact about teachers playing Heads Up, Seven Up to see who the class cheaters were…I actually think that’s kind of brilliant!
Yes, I can absolutely relate to constantly refreshing a page if it’s not loading properly! Also, as far as parsnips, I love to roast it, because it brings out it’s natural sweetness!
I’m the same as you: extreme stress kills my appetite, but mild stuff definitely can lead to excessive munchiness. 🙂
Definitely with you on the compulsive checking, as well. I’m trying to work on this, with occasional success.
I would love a Keurig for Christmas.
I can sew a button on and make very minor repairs (neither very well, so I rarely do it myself). Haven’t yet learned to knit, though I’d like to. I have crocheted in the past. And did latch hook rugs when I was a kid. 😀
I remember those latch hook rugs! I did a huge Winnie the Pooh one, and then another that I think was a dalmation. Ahhh I miss my craftier days…
I hear that… but I think it’s important to make the time for relaxing hobbies! I just bought a used guitar, now I need to get strings and teach myself to restring it!
I definitely get hungry when I’m anxious. Actually, lately I’m hungry all. the. time. Like literally I had 3 lunches yesterday and was starving for dinner at 5. I’m still going with the cold weather excuse.
Whenever my blog goes down, or something else isn’t working, I totally check it obsessively until it’s fixed. Somehow the “watchpot never boils” statement doesn’t work for me in the moment. And then it just fuels that anxious feeling so really nothing gets accomplished. Anyways, I’m glad you got it resolved 🙂
“On that note… does anyone else have a problem with obsessively checking/refreshing things when they aren’t working?” –> literally story of my life. I figure if I refresh it long enough, it’ll eventually get annoyed at me and HAVE to start working…because that’s how these things work, right? 😉 I’m assuming those temperatures are Celsius, or holy moly that would be COLD. But even so, I think -20C is still negative something F…I honestly can’t remember the last time I was in negative anything F. Stay warm! <3
I think it was something like -4F, so yeah… very chilly. I need to start migrating south for the winter.
So true! I’ve been checking Spoons like 20 times yesterday and felt like an obsessive stalker – I don’t even want to imagine what I would have done if my blog was down for 6 hours. Though cleaning the flat isn’t the worst choice, and so aren’t cold mac’n’cheese (actually enjoying a warm bowl of melty tuna mac right now).
Hope “Santa” reads your wishes 😉 this naked palatte looks awesome!
Do you get hit with the munchies when you’re nervous? << Um, YES! I get so snacky and fidgety. I think it's so I have something to do with my hands.
Are you a compulsive checker too? << Again, YES! This usually manifests itself with (1) grades and (2) class registration. I'll compulsively check for midterm/project/paper grades online until they're posted! And, since classes fill up so quickly, I constantly check to see if the ones I need have spots left.
What’s one item on your Christmas list? << Socks. New eyeliner. ALL the home cooked food ;). And that's really ll I can think of right now.
Can you sew? How about knit? << Bahahahahahahahaha no.
-21 degrees ..good golly!!!! I think I would have to hibernate ALL winter if the temps around me were-21!!!! And I get my fleece everything out when temps dip into the 50’s – man I am a big woos!
When am nervous, i definitely clean – but I don’t snack – that I do when I am bored or driving around alot. I can sew a button on – but not a whole dress – my mom is so good at it, she used to make my clothes when I was younger,and my daughter’s toddler dresses. I am always fascinated by people who can sew and knit so well! You are not alone when it comes to not owning an iron or an ironing board – my cousin gave me such a hard time about it when he came to visit last year – and guess what – I still don’t own either! 🙂
“Heads up, Seven Up” hahahahaha!!! Oh my – I need to remember that one! I won’t try it…well.. 😉
Happy “Almost Friday” Lady!
Oh believe me — there are definitely times where I’ll refuse to go outside when it gets this bad… hence the lack of food in my home 😉 And at this point, I think I’m going to avoid buying an iron just on principle, especially since I don’t really wear any clothes that require one.
I do the same thing, refresh, refresh refresh. You think I would learn that it actually drives me more crazy to just keep doing that rather than waiting and coming back to it. I will never learn. That weather is disgusting, I don’t know how you do it. I would be eating canned tuna for the rest of my life for fear of going to the store. Holy cow. I actually have had this weird urge to go back to knitting and cross stitching, I used to do them daily (especially in treatment) I actually miss that simple act of doing it.
I can’t sew or knit but I used to make a mean bracelet or keychain with lanyard. Nowadays it is all about these rainbow looms which I can’t do either. Although I haven’t even tried. Nor do I want to lol. I am big on cleaning to organize my mind and distract myself from other things driving me insane. I took spring cleaning to an extreme this summer it seems because now that it is sweater weather it appears I cleaned out and gave away just about every sweater I owned. Oops lol.
Holy cow it’s cold! I would figure out a way to get groceries delivered to me if I lived in your neck of the woods; cold weather is just plain miserable to me, and I have a high tolerance for being uncomfortable. I am a major ‘grazer’ and if I didn’t have a family I would probably not eat one meal, just graze..
A grocery delivery service would actually be a dream come true, but I don’t know if I can trust someone else to pick out my groceries 😆 I even have a hard time asking my parents to pick up something for me because I get something “close” to what I asked for instead (soy milk instead of almond).
-20??? Just shoot me! I like adding pasnips to soup. Chicken soup especially 🙂
Parsnips are good roasted like squash but they taste better if you rub them with butter (instead of oil). They’re also good in risotto mixed with squash – I always eat them one of those two ways.
Ok err, fact number 2? Being French I’ve heard of that expression before but we do not say it. It’s a very very old one that’s maybe still used by great great grandmas or so but definitely not by younger people.
Oooh stress munchies – yep! Get them too! ALthough if I’m in a giddy excitement/very very nernous state I’m the opposite because as soon as I eat something errr it goes back out again ( sorry tmi!!)
Roasted parsnips with lots of olive oil, rosemary, salt, and cracked pepper. Delicious. And to make it even better, top with crumbled feta cheese (either before or after roasting).
I definitely hit the munchies when I am nervous but also when I am doing work on the computer. My keyboard is always sticky…
😆 The keyboard on my laptop is a dead giveaway of how snacky I get when I work/study. I really need to get better about cleaning it more often…