Hullo Thursday!
1. What’s say we set the random mood with some random facts?
1. 😯 Everything I thought I knew about the world has been a lie…
2. I’m pretty sure that can land you on Death Row no matter where you live…
3. Well that just… awwwr. Gushing.
4. Contributing to that number as we speak [with a bowl of cereal.
5. It only makes sense, seeing as we’ve all got a quota to fill ^^.
2. I’ve started Christmas shopping, and I don’t mean for presents (which I usually put off until the last couple of weeks before the big day). No, no. I’ve been buying decorations, crafts, calendars, and anything else that inspires the festive spirit. I’m doing my best to hold off on decorating until the 1st of December, so all those things are just hanging out in bags… for now. I can’t look in the bags without my resolve threatening to crumble, so I’ll share the goodies with you some time in the future.
3. I will, however, share these little guys with you now…
Remember the raccoon critter ornament from my last TOL post? I’ve added to the family with this crazy adorable fox and squirrel. Yes to ALL the Christmas Critters. And I picked them up at Winners (TJMaxx-ish) in case anyone’s curious.
4. Another amazing find from Winners? These two bags of coffee heaven…
Chocolate Crème and Crème Brûlée coffee from Godiva. Holy.[insert word of choice]. There seriously are no words for how good these are. None. I try to limit myself to one cup of coffee a day, but daaaaaaaaang do these ever make that hard to do. Definitely took my morning cup of coffee to a whole new level.
5. … which is probably why I have yet to venture into a Starbucks and experience the magic that is the red holiday cup. It’s a well-known fact that things just taste better from those things, so you’d think I’d have been all over it by now. Not so. What can I say? My heart currently belongs to another (see point #4).
6. And it’s probably a good thing that I’m not dishin’ out extra dough at Bux because I’ve been doing enough damage at Sephora 😳
Welcome to the top the reality of my makeup addiction — I didn’t even know it existed, but apparently I reached it. In my defence, I was only taking advantage of the 20% off VIB sale when I got this baby, and some of that involved Christmas gifts for friends… And isn’t it always like the addict to try and justify their problem 😉
7. Guess what comes out on DVD in less than a month! Despicable Me 2! Is it sad that I’m considering pre-ordering it just so I can get a minion toy or lunch box? How old am I again?? Not old enough to not be ridiculously amused by this GIF…
8. And speaking of movies… guess what comes out in a month! The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug! I was about 10 years old when I read The Hobbit for the first time, and it’s been one of my favourite books ever since. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it on the big screen.
9. I don’t like stopping things on odd numbers (unless it’s 5), so I’m going to end today’s post on #9 just to spite my goofy brain.
10. Wait, no, I lied — one more. But this has nothing to do with the fact that I dislike odd numbers and everything to do with the fact that I just wanted to share this sunrise with you guys. Byoo.tee.ful.
Have yourselves a gorgeous Thursday, gorgeous people! 😀
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Have you enjoyed the red holiday cups from Starbucks yet? What did you have?
I am so excited about something I have been working towards for 7 years finally happening!!! I love that ring finger fact- gush 🙂 by the way how are you and J- I would love to see a pick if you ever feel comfortable with that and like its time :)!!!
Weeeell, my Christmas season officially begins November 1st. I don’t put up my tree just yet, but I do think it’s fair game to begin Christmas shopping, baking and listening to Christmas music. I try to make my Christmas ‘last’ as long as I can- it’s my absolute FAVORITE time of year 🙂
I don’t really drink it anymore, but my sister would LOVE that coffee. She’s a certified addict. However, I am determined to get me a gingerbread latte this year in the red Holiday cup- not just because they’re dang delicious, but because the ‘red cup’ has such a Christmas-ey feel to it.
I never saw the first Hobbit movie, even though I loved the LOTR trilogy. I’ve heard it was good though.
That sunrise is absolutely breathtaking. Wow…
I like the way you think! The Christmas season is my favourite time of the year as well, which is probably why I’ll break down in a week or so and start putting up decorations. Maybe not the tree, but garlands and lights 🙂
That Godiva coffee sounds incredible! I need to get my hands on some of that.
We typically put up our tree the week after Thanksgiving. As much as I love Christmas, I like to embrace the Thanksgiving season first. 🙂
Beautiful, beautiful picture!
That’s so funny (#9) because I refuse to buy things in odd numbers. I am obsessed with even numbers.. and although embarrassing, I’ll admit it here: I even make sure the volume on my TV is on even numbers. Some will think I’m a freak, for sure… but I blame my childhood (don’t we all?), because my little sister and I always fought for the front seat of the car, and my mom gave me the front seat on EVEN days, and my sister got ODD days… and, I’ll leave you with this: my sister is the same way with ODD numbers that I am with even!
That despicable me GIF made me laugh… I also watched it a few times, not going to lie.
I do not believe in decorating for Christmas until after Thanksgiving. With that being said, the day after Thanksgiving=full game, it’s on!
Well it’s technically after Thanksgiving for us up here in Canada 😛
i awake early for 2 things–> coffee and sunrise. That’s a good combo you got there with the Godiva too
I will most definitely be finding that coffee ASAP!!!!
I looove Christmas, but I never decorate my apartment for it because it’s kind of depressing. Christmas makes me think of being home with my family, so it doesn’t REALLY start for me until that happens.
Also, I don’t like coffee, so no red cups for me. I know. I hope that our newly found blog friendship can still continue.
What does the fox say? >> “I’m so cuuuute!”
Seriously, I love that little guy. Adorbs! And that sunrise is breathtaking. I’ve never seen anything like that in my lifetime.
My rule for Christmas decorating – the first Saturday in December. Except I’m not going to be home the first Saturday so I’ll have to do it like, the first Monday or Tuesday. I’m excited to decorate though, especially since I already spotted some cheap stuff in the Target dollar bin and some cute things while I was in Marshall’s last weekend.
I’m excited to see Despicable Me 2!! I did really like the first one. Although confession: I’m not a fan of The Hobbit…at all. I blame the fact that my horribly-monotone eighth grade teacher would read it to us for 3 hours at a time and it took all the willpower in my 13-year-old brain not to fall asleep.
Moviewise, I’m excited for Catching Fire and Divergent….fan of YA dystopias much?
Gah! It makes me sad when bad teachers ruin good books!! That’s what happened to me with To Kill A Mockingbird until I went back and reread it. And I -was- excited about Divergent until I read Allegiant. Ugh. Still trying to wipe that one from my mind…
It certainly does make a difference who reads it for sure! Because my first grade teacher read it to our class and we loved every word! He was a pretty rad guy though who did good voices 😉
You put me to shame. I christmas shop the day before or maybe a few days before. Is it weird I don’t really like Christmas all that much? I’m odd I know.
I love that fact about the ring! I always wondered why engagement and wedding rings went there haha…thank you for answering my question 🙂 We have not decorated for Christmas yet, but it is all going up the day after Thanksgiving…and I’m starting to buy things for the big day this weekend 😉 And I fully support your preordering of Despicable Me 2 for the extra present. I may just do that myself!
Eeee! Look who it is! So good to see your face around the blog world again, lady! 😀
I’m holding off on decorating for Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving! Although this winter like weather I’m having lately is definitely making this very tempting! And I’m really excited to have a weekend of R&R and christmas shopping!
My mom and I are trying SO hard to hold out until the day after Thanksgiving. I feel like it’s bad if we don’t celebrate each individual holiday to its entirety, but once the turkey is eaten it’s ALL about the mistletoe, santa, and cookies! Woo!
I haven’t gone to Starbucks yet either 🙁 🙁 🙁 It makes me miss living at college because it was a hop, skip, and a jump to enjoy my obsession daily… Sometimes twice. Oops?
I am excited about baking something tonight!!! What can I say? It’s the little things 🙂
Happy Thursday, lady!
A banana is a berry? My mind is officially blown.
Haha, I got my VIB rouge at sephora as well a while ago. I wasn’t too sure how to feel about it – but let’s just say it’s a good thing:)
Too bad we didn’t live closer so we could go together. That would be fun.
I think it’s obvious I’ve already been enjoying the holiday cups from sephora. I have an addiction.
That sunrise though!
It’s almost inspiring enough to make ME wanna get up early.
Almost. LOL.
PS – you KNOW you felt like a badazz baller with the VIB Rouge card that day. Admit it (0:
😆 Maaaaaybe after a while — at first I wasn’t sure if I should be embarrassed or proud.
Unfortunately, I have yet to have the red, Holiday Starbucks cup, BUT that said, today could be the day! If so, I will purchase a traditional cup of coffee (blonde roast), with some sugar-free vanilla syrup, splenda and a dash of skim milk! Yum!
Oh my goodness that minion gif is actually one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. Totally made my day. My sister texted me like a month ago and was also disappointed that the Despicable Me 2 DVD release was so far away…on the other hand, I don’t know if you’re a fan of the Hunger Games, but at least that comes out somewhat soon! And girl, get yo’ Christmas decorations up. It’s never too early to start decorating for Christmas!
I watched Despicable Me 2 last weekend and it was beyond hilarious! And don’t hate me, but I’ve never seen the hobbit or any lord of the rings movies!!! My friends joke that I have no imagination…it’s probably true!
Is that one of the reasons you’ve avoided Harry Potter as well? 😛
Despicable Me 2 is going to be out already? Super exciting, I still haven’t watched it. Lol, I tend to groak a lot. Embarrassing. I love shopping for Christmas decorations, I’ve started too. Which is crazy because honestly I don’t need that many more decorations for my classroom.
im so excited to start holiday decorations too but im holding off until December 1st as well 🙂
I love the random facts. I had no idea a banana is a berry! Will you still be my friend if I tell you I haven’t seen Despicable Me 1 or 2? I actually have no idea what it is or what it’s about… We don’t watch much movies or T.V. for that matter. Having a kid is so time consuming!
Wow! That sunrise is tremendous! I love the “bookends” of the day when time is just on the cusp of changing. I’m not ashamed to admit I dressed up as a minion for a Halloween party a couple of weeks ago.
I moved to the Los Angeles area in the spring so this is my first holiday season here. Yesterday it was nearly 90 degrees! Decorations are beginning to pop up in my neighborhood. It is rather surreal to see wicker reindeer sporting red and green wreaths whilst I trot along in a T-shirt and shorts. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s November.
No red cups for me. I don’t care for coffee and always joke that I left Seattle because I was kicked out for such an infraction. I do like tea but cannot bring myself to pay for what is basically a cup of mildly flavored hot water.
I am excited about my new volunteer job ushering at the local playhouse. I adore live theatre and will now be privy to every production.
Happy Thinking Out Loud Thursday!
Getting kicked out of Seattle for not liking coffee — oh girl, you crack me up 😆 And it’s honestly hard for me to imagine a holiday season without snow.
PS – I love that you were a minion for Halloween!!!
I’ll be going home (Edmonds, a small town north of Seattle) for Christmas so I may get snow after all. I just came across a Wow fact I thought you’d appreciate; peanuts are an ingredient in dynamite. Double stank eye!
Gah! I knew they were trouble 😡
I wanna join the Sephora club too! You & Lisa have made me love makeup even more! When it comes to all the Christmas stuff in stores, I’m pretending not to notice it. I don’t wanna get burnt out before December begins, but I’ll admit, I am excited for my first peppermint mocha of the season.
I’d be more than willing to go Sephora shopping with you
That coffee needs to be in my life…like NOW!!!
And I love that your a beauty insider! That’s awesome. 🙂
I am excited that the weekend starts in 2 hours!! Woohoo!
I didn’t start decorating yet, but I am SO in the holiday mood. I already have several social events in December which freaks me out completely, but I decided to give my best and just enjoy every one of it and not panic around.
That GIF….I have a hard time not bursting out in the middle of my office…. 🙂 🙂
I didn’t have anything in a holiday cup yet!! NOT acceptable – need to change that ASAP.
Happy Thursday beautiful lady!
I should really get cracking on the whole holiday thing since Hanukah this year starts on Thanksgiving! Yikes. I am not up to it, ready for it or even honestly, interested just yet. It was just my son’s birthday, how many things does he need when he doesn’t even look at half of what he has!
Oh I am so jealous you have Rouge status! I don’t know if I’ll make it to Rouge this year, but it’s a definite possibility. I found a Sephora across the street from the Pure Barre I go to, and I stress shop for makeup when I’m upset or anxious about exams. And I’ve had exams every week except for two weeks for the past two and a half months…I’ve never seen Despicable Me but it looks SO CUTE! I really need to see that don’t I?
Oh geez — having access to a Sephora like that definitely wouldn’t be good for my addiction. Mine is tucked away in a mall, so it’s easy enough to avoid. And YES! to Despicable Me! It’s a movie I never gave a second glance to as well, but it surprised me in the best possible way.
We usually put the tree up the day after Thanksgiving. I would love to do it before then but part of me feels like it takes away from Thanksgiving in some weird way. I’m excited my vacation starts in 6 days and counting!!
My mom and I always set up the tree the day after Thanksgiving. It’s lovely. I love that thing. Although, I have approximately ZERO decorations for my apartment, which is sad. I might have to haul my mini American Girl Doll tree out of storage and set it up ;).
I’m excited to sleep in this weekend! Usually, I pop right out of bed in the morning, but I’ve been dragging lately. Urghhhh.
I feel like I could be on a game show now with the random facts at the beginning- I am having a hard time believing some of them, I mean a banana is a berry?? C’mon! Godiva coffee is the best and it has been on sale at Publix for a few weeks now, so needless to say, I have been having more than one cup a day..
Cannot wait for the next Hobbit part, too. It was actually my favorite of Tolkiens books! And I’ve been also desperate waiting for the Despicable Me 2 DVD, since I didn’t manage to watch it in the cinema – thanks to my exams. So, yeah, I decided to be a good girl and wait for the DVD – such a hard thing to do.
Congrats on your self-control. I started Christmas decorating yesterday and I am planning to bake some cookies and have some hot punch with a good friend who visits me for the weekend. Cannot wait. My favorite holiday! So it’s absolutely okey to start celebrating in November 😉
I have a feeling I’m not going to make it to December either — I might with the tree, but other things like garlands, lights, and poinsettias are getting harder to resist. But you’re right — might as well enjoy the best season for as long as possible!
No holiday decorations in this fam. Although one year I made my mom buy a fake tree so I could decorate it… it was the “Hanukkah Tree” haha. I actually need to get on my gift buying because the first night is November 28th! Eek! Speaking of movies, I am super excited for Catching Fire to come out. I’m a nerd!
Oh my goodness, those ornaments are the CUTEST!! Love your craftiness!
It’s tradition around here to put up the Christmas tree on Thanksgiving, so we’ll put it up when that happens (Thanksgiving is coming up in about 2 weeks).
One thing I’m excited about = the weekend!
Happy Friday!
Oops, I meant Happy Thursday 😀
😆 I actually always stop to check myself before I say “Happy _______” because I’m paranoid about saying the wrong day — it’s happened on a few occasions. But Happy Thursday to you too 🙂
I love the ornaments and that sunrise is gorgeous!
We usually start decorating for the holidays around the first or second week of December. I can’t believe how fast it’s coming. Yikes!
I’m excited about having taken Thanksgiving week off of work!!!! 🙂
Groaking is disturbing. What’s more disturbing is that it has a name like groaking! LOL
I’m super excited because today is my “Friday” and the first of many long weekends to come throughout November and December. Yeah, buddy!!
I actually just asked Joshua this morning before he left for work if we could watch Elf tonight & start decorating soon. Unfortunately, he turned down my idea. I guess you’re supposed to wait until after Thanksgiving or something he says. Boo! It’s not like he’s the one whose home all day. I mean I guess I could watch Elf all by myself, but I wanna snuggle up w/ him too. GR, if only I could have every single thing I wanted in life.
Excited about – End of January or beginning of February (dates still uncertain) when my parents come to visit! Woo Hoo!!
That sunrise is gorgeous. It makes waking up at the crack of dawn worthwhile. I hate odd numbers too, unless it is a multiple of 5, like 15, which is my lucky number. Otherwise it must be even. Must.
That’s one heck of a gorgeous sunrise – The Big Guy is painting again!
And a banana is a berry? whaaaaat????
As for the wedding ring – no matter my status, am a big ol romantic so that’s just – awwww!
Well, i made my first batch of holiday cookies yesterday – I am trying really hard to hold off on decorating till December too…but I have a feeling we are gonna start earlier…I adore Christmas!
I have not been in a Starbucks or any coffee shop for that matter – lately…if I get my hands on that Godiva Chocolate creme – dont think I will be going any time soon either!
One thing am excited about – no plans this Saturday other than a long run! Oh yeah! I know its lame…but life has been hectic so when I get a rare break I love to bask in its glory 🙂
Happy Thursday to you lovely lady!
Definitely not lame — those small things are the ones that make the biggest differences! Happy Thursday to you too <3 <3