After having to skip out on the randomness last week, it feels extra good to be back at it today!
1. I honestly can’t believe there was a time in my life where I thought that pumpkins were only for carving and squash was only for decor. In my defense, that’s pretty much how things went down when I was growing up — it wasn’t until I discovered healthy living blogs that my veil of ignorance was lifted. All I can say is thank goodness for that.
2. Speaking of decor, I spent some time adding little fall touches to my home last weekend…

… but, really, besides Christmastime, my home pretty much always feels like fall. I’m big on neutral palettes with warm accents, prefer bunches of dried twiggy branches to colourful flowers, and love mixing beat up classic pieces with more contemporary ones. My home radiates calm, and that’s how I like/need it.
3. Also on the “need list?” A donut pan. Why? To make recipes like this…

Banana Chocolate Chip Baked Donuts // Baked Cinnamon Sugar Mini Donuts
I’ve been craving donuts like crazy lately, but finding a place to buy ’em that’s allergy-friendly is a bit of a challenge. I’ve been meaning to pick up a pan so that I can make my own, but I keep forgetting whenever I walk into a store.
4. At least I always remember the cinnamon…
Oh, don’t give me that look — it was on sale! And don’t ask how long those’ll last me for because it’s kind of embarrassing how quickly I go through them…
5. In non food related shopping news, I took a trip to the mall earlier this week…
I didn’t manage to find any coloured skinnies (drat!), but I guess I made out alright 😉 Two sweaters from Old Navy in an attempt to add a little colour to my otherwise black, gray, and brown wardrobe; Humbeline ankle booties from Aldo (thanks for the inspo, Lisa!) because the only boots I had were knee-high; LaVanila deodorant and Ole Henriksen 3 Little Wonders from Sephora because I needed the first and wanted to experiment with the second.
6. Speaking of experimenting, I need to get my butt into the kitchen and start doing some. You know how I mentioned that I’m in charge of dessert for Thanksgiving? Well, it’s right around the corner (Monday for us Canadians), and I still have no idea what I want to make. The problem is that no one in my family is a big fan of pumpkin/pecan pie — myself included. Since that’s basically the epitome of Thanksgiving dessert, I’m kind of at a loss for what else to make. Oh bother.
7. I know I already mentioned this one in my last “Currently” post, but it deserves another shout-out…
8. The return of random facts! Gosh do I love these things…
1. The image that that conjures in my mind is not a pleasant one.
2. Drat it! I knew I was forgetting something the last time I renewed my insurance…
3. #truth. iPads and computer games got nothing on couch cushions.
4. Mind = blown.
5.… 😯 😯 😯 Beulah Hunter in 1945.
9. Speaking of pregnancy… whoaaaa that’s probably not one of the smartest ways to start a sentence. Before your mind runs away with you, no, I’m not pregnant (you can calm down now Mom… J). What I am is super excited for Tiff, who just had her beautiful baby boy last week! I’ve been reading Tiff’s blog for years, and I literally had a fit when I found out about her surprise birth. I’m not even joking — I was over at my parents’ for dinner and squeed out loud, probably scaring everyone in the process. It’s amazing how close and attached you can become to the people that you spend so much time reading about online. The world is definitely changing…
10. Happy Thursday, friends! Rock its socks off! 😀
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Do you like donuts? What’s your favourite kind?
What’s a good Thanksgiving dessert that’s not pumpkin/pecan pie?
I’m asking this out of pure ignorance as I’ve only had a doughnut once in my life (don’t think they even existed until quite recently in the part of the world where I come from), but isn’t the whole point of doughnuts that they’re deep fried? I mean, is it still a doughnut if it’s baked in the oven, or isn’t that more like a muffin with a hole in the middle? You know, like when people bake strips of potato (or other root vegetables) in the oven and call them ‘fries’? Or is it the shape that makes doughnuts unique? Please educate an ignorant person from outside of North America… 🙂
Never ate pumpkin growing up, my first pumpkin experience was when I moved from Europe to Australia as an adult.
You’re right — I’m pretty sure donuts are meant to be fried, so baking the dough is definitely cheating. But they look like they’d be fun to eat, so as long as they taste good, I can overlook the slightly false advertising 😉
Ooh your boots are super cute, good selection! We used to roast a lot of pumpkin seeds when I was younger, but we didn’t eat a ton of other squash. I like to make pumpkin bars for Thanksgiving. I also like chocolate chess pie- the best!
Your decorations are absolutely gorgeous! Seriously. I wish I had half that decorative eye. I certainly don’t. One thing about house design that I just can’t get is mixing colors and patterns. I always love how that looks but can never execute on it myself! I’m going to need mad pinterest boards once I get my own real house.
I never had winter squash growing up – I’m starting to get into it now. I’m wondering if you’ve ever shared your favorite methods for cooking squash? I’d love to know.
I found some super cute raspberry skinny cords on Alloy ( They are the most comfortable pants ever!
I don’t think I ever have, but it’s pretty simple! I cut my squash in half, scoop out the seeds, cut each half in half, and then slice it into 1′ strips. Then I peel the strips (lots of people leave the peel on, though), put them on a baking sheet, spray with coconut oil, and bake at 425F for about 30 minutes.
I can always say no to a donut… I donut even like them. 😉
[yes, I went there.]
Also, I am pretty sure we have the exact same style when it comes to decorating our houses. Love it!
I’m new to your blog but I really liked reading the WoW Facts! #4…..crazy! Or maybe I should say #5. Anyway–I also recently decorated my apartment for fall–little things can make a big difference sometimes. And yes, I was deprived of pumpkin and squash. Thanks mom.
I saw a recipe on Pinterest for a Sweet potato and Mollasses Buttercream cake. I may do that this Thanksgiving, since my boyfriend’s mom always covers the apple and pumpkin pie. Last year I brought a Snickers Pie, go figure, and it was the hit of the dessert table. I’ve also seen some great blondie recipes– white chocolate maple, and caramel apple….man, I love Pinterest. Bake all the things! 😉
A Snickers Pie would be amazing… if it weren’t for the fact that I’m allergic to Snickers 😡 😡
LOVE those shirts!! The gray/yellow color combo is one of my faves!
Those boots! UGH, I love the belted look because it makes it look badass. I ate pumpkin seeds and canned pumpkin growing up, but never ate too much squash. I didn’t even know about the tens of thousands of varieties until recently! I don’t like donuts (I know!) but these kind of made my mouth water. Maybe I need to try a good one? I always hate the glazes on the outside. Blech.
We always have coconut cream pie at Thanksgiving along with Pumpkin Pie. You could always try making some sort of Pumpkin Dump Cake or Pumpkin Crumb Cake (on Sally’s baking addiction). OR pumpkin cinnamon rolls? Or a pumpkin roll?!
A 17th month pregnancy??! How is that even possible?? I need to read that right now… And yes, starting a sentence with “speaking of pregnancy…” only brings one thing to mind 😉
How about apple crisp? Mini apple pies in apples? Poached pears? (
Those mini apple pies are the cutest thing, and I’m loving the look of those pears! Thanks Em!
Your photos are so gorgeous! As are your fall decorations, ahh I want to come live with you!!
Yes, having a donut pan is probably one of the most exciting parts about my kitchen life right now lol I adore that little thing.
And I’ve been wanting to try that 3 little wonders business, so let me know how you like it! Sephora has great reviews on it, and I was looking into the night moisturizer I think. My skin just gets crazy dry and red in the winter time so Im looking for something with a bit more ummph for the colder months!
I never ate nor cared for squash or pumpkin until a few years ago. Crazy considering I can’t get enough of both now, and I’m eating squash as a snack these days. I think blogs sparked my interest, but then my mom starting making it more often because apparently her mom was a big squash fan back in the 1950s. 🙂
Your decorations look wonderful! I love having my own space to decorate as well.
Believe it or not, I actually picked up a pair of dark green skinny jeans at Smart Set yesterday! They were originally $45 and I got them for $25! Check it out if you have one near you! They also had burgundy and dark blue.
Thanks Christine! We do have those here, so I’ll have to check it out.
So, i’m going to come to see your condo so I can get decoration inspiration (because I reaaaaaaally have no idea what i’m doing for that kinda thing. Right now, the giant tub of sour keys is sitting in the centre of the coffee table basically acting as inspiration, if that’s any indication) and I’ll bring my donut pan and we can bake some fabulous donuts. Deal? I think so.
And I adore those boots!! I have similar ones, but I need new knee-high boots. Must get on that soon. Are the deals decent at Aldo right now? Oh and p.s., your mention of coloured skinnies inspired me to wear my purple ones when I went to school on Tuesday…you need to find yourself a pair, they’re pretty fun :-p
I don’t remember eating squash as a kid either…even sweet potatoes only came out around Thanksgiving when my grandma would make mashed sweet potatoes with a pecan and brown sugar crumble topping (note to self: recreate). Oh blogs, what would I do without you? (not eat nearly as well as I do now, clearly).
Annnnd I’m planning on making an apple cake with a caramel glaze for my family thanksgiving, but I don’t have mine until the 19th.
Donuts for decor tips? Deal! I’ll prep the spare room 😉 And I don’t even think I had my first sweet potato until the ripe age of 25 or 26… my mom only ever made the normal kind when I was growing up.
What a coincidence you’re mentioning it. I’ve been growing up pumpkin-less, too, always wondering if I was the only one. We didn’t even carve any pumpkins let alone eat them. It was shortly before starting to read blogs that I tried red kuri squash [yes, I still remember the variety] for the first time – and fell for it immediately.
Maybe I can’t vouch for it being a typical Thanksgiving dessert because we don’t celebrate it over here. But you can never ever go wrong with Apple Crumble. We usually sub some of the (white) flour with whole wheat making it one of the few occasions where everybody in my family agrees (a little) ‘healthier’ tastes better, too :).
Oh, and you’d make me feel better if I knew I wasn’t alone in the speed I grow through those cinnamon jars/bags [for me] :).
Also: I haven’t forgotten about the reply to your last mail. It’s coming along :).
I always make my apple crisp for Thanksgiving – it works as a side or dessert. With a layer of crisp on the bottom and top, you really can’t beat it! I didn’t eat pumpkin or squash as a kid either so don’t feel bad!
I’m another one who grew up thinking pumpkins were only for carving and squash was a fall decoration.
Your home looks so festive and I love your taste!
How about a classic Apple Pie. It is apple season too! Or apple cake.
What are your allergies?
I have a severe allergy to peanuts, which wouldn’t be that big of an issue if there wasn’t “traces” of it in literally everything…
I will have to agree with you on the squash and pumpkin. It was solely used at decor in my house up until maybe 5 years ago when I started experimenting with different foods. Oh and love your decor 🙂
Firstly, love your fall decorations and your shopping finds, especially those boots! I kind of have a minor, okay fine…a major boot obsession! 😉
Come to think of it, the only time we ate pumpkin growing up was in pumpkin pie. I seriously don’t know how I lived without it! I eat it all the time now!
Oh yes, I love donuts. I have 2 favorites – chocolate glazed or a white donut with chocolate frosting and rainbow sprinkles on the top. Mmmmm!
Love those boots! So cute! I’m making a pumpkin pie for my family’s thanksgiving this weekend so I’m not really of much help. Sorry! Love your random facts, I was all about the lava couches when I was a kid. Haha!
Your decor is just beautiful! I can’t wait to have my own place again to decorate it. Hmm maybe I should still decorate my room… sorry you didn’t find the skinnies but definitely keep looking they are worth it 🙂
For Thanksgiving, my mom usually makes her full-fledged (aka totally sugar-ladden) apple crumble. It is delicious! I am a big fan of apple desserts. Also Davida posted a recipe for apple crumble bars that look pretty delish.
Loooove the heels!!! I actually just packed very similar ones for our business trip today, but with chunky heels. I just love ankle boots.
And it seems like our music taste goes in the same direction. I LOVE that song.
I explained my Mom today how I roast kabocha squash after she saw me on the street carrying 2 huge kabocha squashs and a butternut squash home. So that means I had no idea that you could eat these babies until….get prepared – THIS year. I only ate pumpkin puree last year when entering the blogging world. And don’t forget, I am 35. 34 years without squash. oi.
But you have the excuse of living in Europe! I don’t think it’s as big of a thing over there as it is here, especially with the lack of Thanksgiving. My parents immigrated from Poland a few years before I was born, so I grew up on a pretty traditional European diet — that’s my excuse 😉
I was so excited to see that Tiff had Ethan too, and glad they are both doing well with the early and pretty scary birth. My mom always made pumpkin bread, and we would eat acorn squash in the winter but I never tried kabocha, or butternut squash until this past year. Crazy I know! Maybe your bread pudding would be a good option for dessert? Or something with apples?
First of all, your house looks gorgeous. This is your official invite to come to Miami and help me. Oh and did I mention I live near the beach?? 🙂
And I am so excited for Tiff! Ethan is so darn cute! It is funny how much we care about people we’ve never actually met in real life. The world is most definitely changing!
I’m with you on the donut pan. Those look great. And I like the sweaters.
Today, my Thursday is a Friday. Which is the best kind. 😉
I love your decorations! It reminds me of my style. I am a fan of donuts, but the totally horrible for you kind. I hardly ever eat them, except of vacation! Banana pudding is always a great option for a holiday dessert.
Those ankle booties are straight up sexy. Love ’em.
That pregnancy fact freaks me out. 17 months?! I don’t even understand. So confused. And kind of terrified, as well.
And you should make something CHOCOLATE for Thanksgiving. Maybe some cookies? :). Ooo, ooo, I know! Pumpkin dark chocolate chip cookies. Boom. You’re welcome.
!!! I’m not sure about -cookies- but you definitely got my wheels turning with the pumpkin & chocolate chip combo. Yes. Yes this could be good…
Wow your house is way more decorated than I could ever dream of doing. I don’t know how to make things look good together but I’d say you nailed it 🙂 Donut pans are awesome. My roommate and I are actually planning on getting one. Right now we just use muffin pans because it means I can eat the hole in the middle 😉
I never knew people ate pumpkins in anything other than pumpkin pie until I lived in Australia in high school. The family I lived with would cut them up and bake them. They were pretty good! I want a donut pan as well after seeing Ashley’s baked donut recipes all over the blogosphere! Some of my best memories are from my first year in recovery when my boyfriend at the time and I would go get donuts and coffee….chocolate cake and sprinkles for me!
I ate so much squash as a small child that my skin pigment took on a yellowish tinge. True story. This is not a myth. I then did not eat squash again until last year! 🙂
By the way, I took your bloggy advice and ordered LaVanila deodorant. It’s honestly changed my life!!! I’ll be mentioning it in a blog post soon (i.e.: tomorrow). It’s not here in Australia, and if it weren’t for you, I would never have heard of it. So, a big thank you from me and my armpits. 😛
😆 That seriously made me laugh out loud — I’m glad you’re enjoying it 😉
I love your decor and that little squash ornament is divine! 🙂
My mom attempted squash ONCE when I was younger. It was so bad that we gave it to our dog and even he wouldn’t eat it. So gross.
I bought a donut pan months ago and have only used it once, but it was awesome. You’ve actually inspired me to make something else in it.. maybe pumpkin donuts this time!
Apple pie! As much as I LOVE pumpkin, something about the consistency of pumpkin pie has always freaked me out. Apple pie is a Thanksgiving staple in my house.
All of your Fall decor looks great! I buy a large container of cinnamon from Cosco, so don’t feel bad. 😉
That first random fact temporarily distracted me from all other thoughts related to your post today! haha sooo nasty. Alright back to business.
I ADORE those boots and I bet you look real hawt (why yes I am spelling hot in such a fashion 😉 ) in them! If I wore those shoes, I would be well over 6’1″, aka reaching giant territory. I would only where them if I was going out with someone equally tall 🙂
I’m actually not a big fan of pumpkin pie either (surprisingly with all of the other pumpkin/squash love), but what about another kind of pie? Apple perhaps? Or apple bars of some sort with a crumb topping? I will be testing an apple recipe today as a matter of fact, as I am also in charge of dessert on the holiday! Though ours is a bit farther away
I am sure anything you make will be glorious ms Amanda!
I love all of your fall decorations! The only season I get really into decorating (either my room at school or at home) is Christmas. Hanging up lights and streamers, putting up the tree, listening to Christmas music for weeks on end…for me, there’s nothing better. 🙂 Donut pans exist?!? Since when?! Ever since my sister and I had elephant ears at the fair over the summer, we decided that we wanted to fry some dough…maybe I’ll ask for a donut pan for Christmas. (You know you’re not a kid anymore when…)
They do exist! You can get them in regular or MINI (!!!) size. And girl, just wait until you get your own place… you’ll be asking for things like bed sheets and dinnerware. Le sigh… to be a kid again.
So you only wear brown and black too?? I feel much better! I am trying to add color into my wardrobe as well….BUT it is SO hard for me! So does that deodorant work well??? I have been looking to switch to a more natural deodorant but didn’t know which to choose!! Oh and those booties are FAB!
Well… brown, black, and gray 😉 But yeah, not a lot of colour in my wardrobe. And I’ve been using this brand of deodorant for a little over a year now and I have no complaints. There’s a lot of sketchiness with aluminum in deodorant, so definitely make the switch to a healthier one!
I loved seeing this post!:) We are so much alike, it kind of freaked me out! I know we don’t know each other, but you have three of the SAME decorating items I have in our house, I have almost as many fall decorations as Christmas, and those boots- SO ME. Every year I get a new pair of black boots and promise not to get another the next year, yet alas, I do!:) Oh and by the way- that’s my favorite cinnamon brand. It is so good! I go through a container about every three weeks:) I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! I can’t wait to see what you make<3 Blessing!<3
I have the same exact problem with boots (and jackets). I swear… this time of the year doesn’t do my wallet any favours, but the fashion is one of my favourite parts of the season.
Those heels are AMAZING! Also how cute is Ethan? I’m so excited for Tiff!
I grew up roasting pumpkin seeds with my family and it’s one of my favourite halloween traditions. Maybe this year I’ll be brave enough to actually eat the real pumpkin because my canned purchasing is getting a bit out of control!