Hello, hello from… somewhere on the road! We drove about 1200 km yesterday and ended up spending the night in Chilliwack, BC. Today we’ll be hoping on the ferry and heading on over to Victoria. Can.not.wait. I’ve been taking tonnes of pictures, but I’ll do a full recap when I get get back home and actually have a chance to go through all of them them. Until then, I have plenty of randomness to share with you guys instead 😉
1. Will you allow me a quick moment of gushing? Just one? Because…
… awwwr. I got a surprise bouquet of flowers from J a few days ago, and I couldn’t help but smile every time I looked at them — I just hope they’re still alive when I get back. The long distance thing definitely hasn’t been a walk in the park, but it’s little things like this that make it bearable. Awwwr. Okay, done gushing.
2. So it’s been a handful of years since I’ve gone on a road trip that had me driving more than 4 hours to get to where I wanted to go, and I have to say that, as difficult as it can be to sit still for so long, I’ll take driving over flying any day. Why? First of all, because the journey itself is half the fun. You miss out on a lot of interesting sights when you’re up in the clouds, and some of my fondest memories involve quirky road trip shenanigans. Second, because you don’t have to worry about what you pack. Liquids, apples, pepper spray… anything and everything goes. And if there’s not enough room in the suitcase, there’s plenty more in the back seat. 50 lbs. or less be damned.
3. Speaking of back seats, that’s exactly where I’ve been hanging out for the past couple of days when it’s not my turn to navigate. It’s not a bad deal, really. I mean, I have to share my leg room with some luggage, but it keeps to itself for the most part. My biggest complaint? Not being able to reach the knob on the radio. Let’s just say me and my parents do not share the same taste in music 😯
4. That being said, I’ve spent a good amount of time with headphones in my ears, and thanks to Lucie, I’ve been listening to this song pretty much non-stop. Ob.sessed.
I keep on driving like a crazy man without the headlights.
Racing somewhere I know I shouldn’t go.
So why do we do this? Why do we aim for spots we know that hurt the most?
Why do we do this?
5. When I haven’t been listening to music, I’ve been singing it. I got about halfway through 67 in the “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall” song before I was told that if I wanted to continue singing, I could do so while walking the rest of the way. Rude. I’ve always wanted to make it from 99-0 😥
6. I’ve also always wanted to know that…
1. Dogs have feelings too!
2. But… but… they’re so fluffy and delicious!!
3. It’s good to know that my at-home studio sessions have been adding years to my life.
4. Appanrently, they do. Now that’s something they conveniently left off the ingredients list…
5. Ignorance is bliss… Ignorance is bliss… 😳
7. And here’s a random fact about me for ya – I only chew half a stick of gum at a time…
Why? Two reasons. First, I don’t find that I really need more than that, and second, the whole idea of chewing on a bunch of chemicals still kind of skeeves me out, so I try and limit my amount. Hey, whatever works, right? 😉
8. Another random fact? I really want a cat. It’s funny because I’ve always considered myself a dog person, and would go as far as to say that I really disliked cats back in the day, but I’ve really warmed up to the fuzzy felines over the past couple of years. It’s just too bad that I’m crazy allergic to them and will probably never be able to have one. Sad face.
9. Riddle me this… Why on earth does packed road trip food taste so.darn.good? I swear. I can be eating the most basic meal, or even food that I don’t necessarily like, and I’ll still think it’s the most amazing thing in the world…
10. So I currently have 1026 pictures on my phone… and a good chunk of them are food related. I really need to get better at regularly going through my albums and deleting the useless ones, but at least some of them are really pretty…
Happy Thursday, friends! 😀
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How many pictures do you currently have on your phone?
I got a surprise bouquet from A* is what you meant. Geeze.
That news about muscle milk…I drank that before argh! Conveniently forgot to mention that in the ingredient list! I love that picture of the mountain- it looks absolutely amazing. 1026 photos on your camera….that’s a really impressive collection! You should totally do a photobomb post and have everyones computers frozen due to picture overload! Thats so funny about the road trip food- The few times I’ve been on long journeys, I packed a basic PB+J or chicken salad sandwich and I swear I’ve never tasted anything better. Maybe being in tune to real hunger and not being distracted? Not sure but I’m not complaining!
On my phone right now..just entering the 1000. Time for a clean up!
I’m thinking it might have something to do with being relaxed in the fresh air, because I’ve always found the same thing with camp food – even a plain piece of bread tastes so.darn.good.
Definitely get a cat!
My best decision ever. (even though he threw up last night)
I’m allergic to cats too, but I still think about getting one! The fact that I just sneezed while typing the word cat should tell you I might be crazy for still wanting one!
I also strongly prefer driving to flying, although I recently moved about 500 miles from home and the drive is pretty long…
That picture at the end is so gorgeous!!! I really need to get up to the mountains! And there’s no excuse for me because I live an hour away from some of the best skiing in the world! (And ironically, I don’t ski!)
It’s not always that easy to make it out! I live about 3 hours away, but this is the first time I’ve been able to make it out in the fall – and I’ve been meaning to do it for years!
Very true and a good point! I’m really glad you’re getting a chance to do it now!
Dog person DEFINITELY ! Super allergic to cats and don’t like them unless they’re jungle cats. I only have aout 250 pictures on my phone right now. but there are a ton of them on my computer.
I used to have a cat but we had to give her to a new family when we had our son. I hated giving her away but she was not kid friendly and we knew she would be better off with the family that got her. Now we have a dog and I have to admit I’m much more of a dog person. As long as their little and they don’t lick me 🙂 Hope you’re having an awesome road trip!
Ohhhh road trips! Totally agree that food always tastes so much better when it’s packed for a road trip! Hope you’re having a nice time 🙂
J is such a good guy!! Love these flowers. And so happy you love the song as much ad I do! I am listening to it all day long too here, and I suggest you check out Wonderland and especially Stormy End too – so worth it. Safe travels love!!
Your flower bouquet is SO gorgeous! It actually look similar to the bouquets we had in our wedding. 🙂 Love it!
I’m definitely a dog person. Kittens are cute, but sorry, I just can’t do cats. They kinda creep me out actually. I think it’s just because I grew up with dogs, so that’s what I’m used to!
Hope your trip goes well! Looks soooo beautiful from the photos I’ve seen!
You should get a cat! Allergies be damned. Maybe you’ll develop an immunity to them over time. It could happen. I’ve actually heard of it before. Just keep some Benadryl handy. 😉 Or I could let you play with Oscar; he’s my youngest and he’s a total trip. Wild little bugger.
I’ve been loving the scenery pics from your trip on IG. How very picturesque. Oh and gush away about J. You got flowers; you’re entitled.
Confession: I currently have 4,463 photos on my phone (hangs head in shame), which doesn’t include the ones taken with my actual camera. Oops.
that half stick of gum thing actually makes me laugh! I feel like those are all so tiny anyways. haha. And road snacks are the best snacks.
That last pictures is gorgeous! You might want to try an app called DashDroid to clean up the photos on your phone. It allows you to wirelessly transfers photos to your PC. Of course, you would need an Android phone and PC to use this app. 🙂
Which probably wouldn’t work out too well with my iPhone and iMac 😉 But Apple has the iCloud and my pics automatically go to my computer… I guess I just like having back up copies, just in case…
Awe that is so sweet about the man. Those flowers are absolutely stunning. He has good taste.
Um I’m never ordering ice from a restaurant again. hahaha.
Firstly, cats are sooooooo much better than dogs!
Secondly, what lovely flowers! I love getting bunches for no reason, just cos! Gushing is definitely allowed! 🙂
Text me when you get into Victoria!!!
We’re spending the night in Tofino, so we won’t be un Victoria until sometime early tomorrow (Saturday) evening. I’ll definitely let you know when we’re there though!
Beautiful flowers from J!
Dog person, 100%.
The flowers are beautiful, as is the scenery! I have a pretty bad gum chewing habit. I but the big bags at Costco since I go through it so quickly. I hope you have a wonderful trip and those beautiful flowers are still thriving when you get home.
Cannot wait to see the pictures! Sounds like an awesome time. I also am a full proponent of, if you have the room, might as well pack a bunch! lol things expand all over the car when I go somewhere! 🙂 I love that you are becoming more of a cat person, probably from me obsessing over Benson 😉 So sad you aren’t able to have one, though 🙁 Enjoy your trip!! I have many many pictures. I swear I delete them, and somehow I have even more within a day!!
Your Benson definitely might have something to do with it – he’s so darn adorable!
It looks like there’s some spectacular scenery involved in your travels. Just that last photo is absolutely stunning and breathtaking.
I am a cat person, 110%. If someone says they don’t like cats, then deep down I think they’re a horrible person. I will honestly not trust anyone who professes to dislike or hate cats. Dogs? Well, I’m live and let live when it comes to animals, but I wouldn’t be sorry if I never saw another dog again. It’s not their fault, because their owners don’t train them properly, but it’s hard to think rationally like that when they’re snapping at me, chasing me or generally getting under my feet when I’m trying to run. I’m not comfortable around dogs at all.
Well, considering my phone is a 90s brick and therefore doesn’t have a camera on it, I don’t think I’ll be taking photos with it any time soon!
definitely a dog person..some of those random facts are interesting, yes ignorance is a bliss!!! have a great time dear.
Wow. That last picture is just stunning – and makes me want to pack my bags and travel to Canada right now. Not like I hadn’t before but all of your pictures of gorgeous nature intensify my wanderlust. Can’t wait to see your recap [pictures] of the trip to Victoria!
#3: yes, most definitely one of the worst parts of road trips. When we were younger and still fought for the front passenger seat my mum came up with the ‘rule’ of letting the one in the backseat decide on the music. Well, unsurprisingly that didn’t work for too long.
I just looked it up and I have … 232 pictures on my phone. All kinds of random including nature, outfits, a giant Milka cow [don’t ask ;)] and food. Time to delete …
And aawww, you got yourself a keeper! Gush as much as you want!
If you do plan on travelling to Canada, just make sure you don’t come during the winter 😉
I had an evil cat growing up so I am definitely a dog person.
Hope the rest of the road trip goes well, they are always a fun time and bring back lots of photos and stories!
My phone is overflowing with photos, majority running related I suppose, or photos of my nephew because he is so damn cute!
Though I really like both, I’m more of a cat person. Love my furry babies!!! And I totally agree about road trip food. Simple sandwiches are transformed somehow. 🙂 Safe travels!
The flowers are so sweet, by all means gush away. I’d have to say neither because I’m not a pet person period. But I do like looking at cute pics of kittens and puppies. 🙂 I just checked and realized that I have around 2400 pics on my phone, all taken in the past three months I must add. I may have gone a bit overboard on vacation. 😛
😆 I’d definitely have a whole heck of a lot more pics on my phone if I wasn’t carting around my DSLR half the time. But I think I’m going to have to start transferring my pictures to my computer because I lost all the ones on my old phone when I had to have it replaced 😕
Cat person all the way!! I’m allergic, too, but I find that some are less bothersome than others, and that I will get used to individual cats if I’m around them enough. Plus we don’t allow ours in our bedroom, so there’s a cat-free zone where I spend my sleeping hours. Love our kitty!
I have 260 pics on my phone at the mo’.
Again, those pictures of those flowers and the mountains are gorgeous! Well, you certainly had be cracking up on #5. So funny!
I’m a total cat person! I always had cats growing up, but sadly we don’t have any at the moment. One year I was having really, really bad allergies, so I went to the doctor and he tested me to see what I was allergic too…well, it turns out I was allergic to pretty much everything, including cats. That totally didn’t make sense because I grew up with them, but I’ve found that since I have been around cats like that in years when I go to someone’s house who has a cat, I start to feel my allergies flare up. What the heck!?! I’m not sure I’ll ever being getting a cat either. 🙁
Aww I’m gushing away for you- those flowers are gorgeous. J is truly a keeper :)! You know what else is gorgeous? That last picture- OMG….what a view!! Aren’t those kinda views only existent in movies?? Don’t hate me but I am not a cat person at all..if anything, they terrify me. I must have had a terrible experience growing up because just the sight of a cat makes my heart stop. Glad you are enjoying your road trip, girl….I’m off to go satisfy this turkey sandwich craving you just brought on!!
I only chew half a piece of gum, too! I’ve never met anyone who does that 🙂 Great minds think alike! And I love the random facts – fear of marshmallows, who knew? Happy Thursday!
Great minds, indeed 😉 It’s nice not to feel like such a loner!
I’m definitely more of a dog person than a cat person…but my parents have had our cat for about 14 years now, so I kind of have to love her. Dogs just feel so much more interactive to me, but I can understand how a cat is the best option for people that live alone or don’t have a lot of spare time.
And now I’m just extra thankful that when I order pop at a fast food place I ask for it without ice. Deep down, I must have known…(or I just hate it when the ice melts and then at the bottom is just watered down diet coke. unacceptable).
And I can’t do just half a piece of gum…if it’s mint flavoured i need one, fruit flavoured i need two.
Such a gorgeous view!
Glad your road trip is going well! I chew two pieces of gum at a time haha… we are opposite 😉
Love the flowers! I am trying to limit my gum chewing amount. I agree about the chemicals and have totally found that Extra gum above all others is extremely addicting…I have 600 or so photos in my phone and work on deleting as often as possible…I am the queen of changing the radio stations – used to drive my parents nuts! I still do it, in fact, the other day my son said I was making him nauseous with all of the changing. Hey, at least I am cool and listen to the music he likes unlike our parents lol.
Those mountains are gorgeous! I am def. a dog person. I like how they can interact with you more than cats. And as far as my phone pictures go, it’s probably 50% dog pictures and 50% food.
Those mountains… Oh my gahhhh. I want to be there right now. Eh, and about the fast food ice cubes? It’s good for your immune system ;).
😆 That’s definitely one way to look at it.
Ben only chews half a stick of gum at a time too and it drives me nuts… but that is because he’ll just randomly throw the other half somewhere and I find them everywhere. Throw in some hot weather and then I have a sticky mess on my hands. 🙂
Beautiful flowers and beautiful mountain view!
I’m definitely a cat person. I like dogs, but have never had one.
Road trips are the best and so is the food, hands down! Maybe you should try singing 99 Bottles really quietly under your breath so they can’t hear you. Go for zero!
I’ve never drank Muscle Milk, but I’m never going to now…and ice? I’ll pass…seriously, that’s gross. I don’t discriminate between cats and dogs. 😛 Like you, I’m allergic to cats, though, so dogs it is for me. 🙂 I can’t lie though, the amount of independence that cats have is appealing. They can go to the bathroom by themselves…and entertain themselves…and even feed themselves, if you don’t.
That last picture is gorgeous. I can’t wait to see more of them. You are making me excited for my little roadtrip this weekend. I’m just going across the state of Pennsylvania but still…
I think I have about 500-some pictures on my phone and yep, I’m sure half of them are probably of some sort of food.
Oh and that fact about restaurant ice? Ick, ick, ick! I’m one of those people who are really paranoid and skeeved out when I eat in restaurants. Unless they’re really nice ones. I like cooking my own food!
Hope you have an amazing trip! Road trips can definitely be a lot of fun, and I’m with you on the food – homemade is so much better.
I hate long car rides but for some weird reason I do kind of enjoy camping out in the backseat when I’m with my parents. I guess it brings me back to my childhood or something. The music drives me nuts too although we all seem to agree on the John Mayer pandora station so at least that’s settled. Unless there’s a big sporting event on and then all bets are off. Anyways I hope you’re enjoying your trip this far and the car ride continues to entertain you, even if it does mean singing obnoxious songs 😉
Now I’m even more grossed out by muscle milk… and ice cubes – blech!! Have a blast on your trip and stay sane through all of the music 😉
We have a puppy!! Well he’s almost 2. I’m allergic to cats… And weirdly only long haired dogs! Pets are fun though, even if you have mostly one-sided conversations. 🙂
Maybe I need to invest in one of those hairless cats 😉