Awwwr… I can’t believe that I was leaving for HLS this time last week. Exciting times. Today, on the other hand, is just a regular old Thursday, which means it’s time for…
1. I promise I’ll stop talking about HLS soon, but I wanted to throw in a couple more random tidbits that didn’t make it into any of my other recaps. First, on my way over to Minneapolis, there was a huge hold up at the security checkpoint. It turns out that the man standing in line in front of me had a healthy supply of magazines on his carry-on… and I’m not talking about the kind that you read. Oh no. Buddy tried to bring bullets to a friggin’ semi-automatic on the plane. I’m glad he wasn’t going my way 😯
2. Second, it was my first time flying with an American airline (I flew Delta… usually I go Westjet or Air Canada), and I have to ask… why do they still serve peanuts on flights? 😯 I know a lot of airlines have banned peanuts because some people are badly enough allergic to experience a serious reaction just by breathing in the fumes, so why isn’t Delta on board with this? I was sandwiched between two men who, thankfully, went with pretzels and cookies as their snack of choice, but I seriously wasn’t impressed. Not cool, Delta.
3. I was a goober and didn’t pack a book for my trip, so I got pretty bored on the plane ride over there. In my desperation to find something to do, I cracked open the in-flight airplane magazines “located in the seat pocket in front of me.” 😉 This is what I found…

A toilet training kit for cats (Litter Kwitter) and a mini indoor “yard” for dogs (Porch Potty) 😯 😯 😯 I mean, I guess I can see the logic behind it, but… really?!
4. Speaking of pets, this cat has more followers on IG than most people I know. I’m not sure whether I should be insulted or not. I mean, he’s cute and all, but…. it’s a cat?! Maybe Kaiah needs an IG account…
5. I didn’t get a chance to hit up the farmers’ market since I was off galavanting in the States last weekend, and I’m seriously missing my farm fresh veggies… Like, I’ve been counting down the days until Saturday so I can go pick up my beloved carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, and corn. Produce from the store just doesn’t compare.
6. I have no idea how (or when) it happened, but I’m somehow down to four boxes of cereal…
This is not okay. As someone who usually has upwards of 8 boxes going at any given time, I consider my current situation to be pretty dire. Missing from the pantry? Puffins, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and crispy rice. A trip to the store needs to be made, stat.
7. You know how some people (me included) claim that working/studying in a coffee shop improves their productivity? Apparently that might have something to do with background noise more than anything else. If you want to test that theory for yourself, Coffitivity is a site that’ll play coffee shop background noise for you. Is it strange that I actually find it kind of soothing?
8. An oldie but a goodie. Oh it takes me back…
9. I’m working on another recipe that I hope to have up either tomorrow or early next week. It involves figs, goat cheese, and honey. Any guesses as to what it might be?
10. And because there wasn’t enough randomness in this post already…
1. Anyone else seriously tempted to put that to the test?
2. Aww man… all I’ve got on my game is college, marriage, and a mid-life crisis.
3. All.the.time.
4. Admit it… you just checked.
5. I believe it. I’ve seen chicken scratch that’s more legible than some doctors’ writing.
Happy Thursday, friends! 😀
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Can you think of any ridiculous infomercial / As Seen on TV products? Slap Chops. Snuggies. Oi.
Give me a random fact from your day! First thing that comes to mind. Go!
Wow! Doctors, if you can go to college for 8 years, can you take 8 seconds to write things neatly-ish?
I always have four cereal boxes open… and those are just mine. The rest of my family has a grand total for 10 other boxes!
I used to not eat cereal…until you inspired me to eat it in my yogurt. Now, I just have a bag of granola because I finished the cereal that I had in my pantry this morning. The ridiculous infomercial that is selling a teddy bar for your ta-tas. You put it on the seatbelt and it protects you from getting hurt. WHAT?! I hate delta. bad experiences with it so I never fly it.
Nice to know someone is looking out for our ladies 😯 And I wouldn’t have flown with them either, but no other airline offered a direct flight to Minneapolis 😕
I was stuck behind 5,000 donuts going through security on my way to HLS — it was truly bizarre. And if I never see another donut again, it will be too soon. I’ve never witnessed magazines of ammo in security, but I did see a bro have a total meltdown about needing to check his handgun once. The joys of air travel! Great meeting you this weekend. 🙂
Haha, I totally checked to see if I could form a word with the bottom row of keyboard letters. And grapes will blow up in the microwave!? Good to know! I have been meaning to try out Coffitivity ever since I heard about it at HLS!
Definitely give it a listen! I’ve been using it pretty much whenever I’m working from home, and it’s great.
I’ve been using Coffitivity for a while now and it’s so great! I’m actually sitting in a Starbucks cafe right now so I don’t need it, got the read thing. Haha. I’m flying Air Canada next week to Florida so I’ll report back on the peanut situation for you. You’re right, that stuff shouldn’t be served anymore.
Every time I see weetabix on your blog I smile. It used to be one of my favorites when I lived in Australia but there it’s called Weetbix. It’s not super popular in the states though, so most people don’t know what it is. I have a box of that open though!
True story my mom and I used to rock out to that eagle eye cherry song! goodness if it came on the radio right when we pulled into the driveway my mom would back out and we’d drive around the block until it was over 🙂
I never fly, so I honestly have no idea what’s going on with the peanut thing, I personally hate EVERYTHING about flying. The check in line, the security, the bag check, all of it!! Oh ya and the whole being in the air for hours thing. Not really a fan of that one either 😉
FIGS?! I am so proud of you! Goat cheese and honey?! Hmm sounds like something I’d like… slash make
The combo made me think of you and your pizza 😉
My dad flies for Delta…. I’ll have to get him on that peanut issue. 😉 Those pet toilets are way too funny and I always turn the radio down when I’m looking for something. I think it just limits other distractions. I plan to get the coffitivity app just as soon as I can clear up some space on my phone.
I have to say I’m one of those people who, if I need to concentrate while driving or read a sign, turns the music down. That’s also why I can’t do homework with music earbuds in. I get too distracted! The Coffeetivity thing would be good for me though. I have had many a successful homework binge at a coffee shop.
If I went to the Summit it would give me a whole month of topics to chat about. Talk about LOL. I can’t believe Delta gave out Peanuts on the plane either-wow.
I actually really like background noise when I’m working (or blogging in this case). I used to have the TV on all the time but not having cable I don’t right now.
I am seriously obsessed with Coffitivity right now!! I have been using it at work ever since I got back from HLS!
I’ve got three boxes of cereal open at the same time at the moment, most I’ve ever had and it somehow feels kind of decadent – presumably because I don’t normally ear a lot of cereal so only tend to buy and open one at a time (so they don’t go stale). On the other hand, I often have four or five different flavoured blocks of chocolate open at once (currently dark chocolate with ginger, milk chocolate with butterscotch pieces, plain dark, milk chocolate with almonds and sea salt, and mint dark chocolate).
Chocolate is a very good thing to stock in mass quantities 😉 The one with butterscotch pieces sounds divine.
Love the cereal love! I’m all about the cereal too and always searching for a good gluten free one 🙂
whoa the sloppy hand writing thing caught me off guard. really off guard. I can’t believe you were still served peanuts, I know many flights have banned them which just makes sense
#1 – YIKES!!
Save Tonight = flashback to college
Shockingly, I have NO cereal open. I’m not a huge cereal person. Now if you’ll excuse me, I shall run for cover!
#8 = YES!! Amazing throwback tune there.
My random fact from my day = there’s a batch of M&M Brownies in the oven right now.
I only have ONE box of cereal open at this time. I am impressed with myself. I’ve been trying to use up the dreaded amounts of granola I have in my pantry… Needless to say, I’ve just stopped eating yogurt bowls because, for whatever reason, I’m not a fan of granola. I used to watch infomercials with the kids in my dorm hall after we’d be out at night. LOL good times. Fact: I planned on going for a run but decided a second cup of coffee would be better!
…And indeed, the grapes explode in the microwave.
!! They do?! Did you try it?!!!?!!!
Oh wow, that is so surprising that they still do serve peanuts. Or any nuts. What the hell? That is so disappointing to me. What would they do if someone was to have an allergic reaction? Like a serious one. I feel like there should be a letter written to Delta to take this into consideration. That is not cool. I don’t even have a nut allergy but I can understand how this must be for others.
I love how cereal obsessed you are! Girl after my own heart. Though over the years I’ve stopped buying on a regular basis it just because I eat it too quickly. I may be due up for a box. 🙂 I’m thinking Puffins…
Looking forward to the recipe! Also- LOVE Save Tonight! Gotta love 90s jams.
I know people have bad allergies but have never really considered that when I pack food and lunches. I have brought but butter sandwiches on flights before, I would feel horrible if my lunch caused someone else a problem. I’ll have to be more considerate of that from now on.
Us allergy folk always appreciate it 🙂
As much as I adore cereal, I try to only buy one box at a time just because it can get so darn expensive. Plus, it’s probably all I’d eat if I had several boxes. 😉
LOVE Eagle Eye Cherry! The good ol’ days!
I’m always so baffled by animals having Instagram followers. Have you seen @tunameltsmyheart ?! I die. So ugly. So funny.
Regarding #4: yes, Kaiah -does- need an IG account. Would you really just let the cat win like that?!
Oh and #9 sounds like something my mum would really enjoy. I’m guessing … [tortilla] pizza?
Even though I’m not a regular coffeeshop visitor – not a coffee drinker and the tea choices are overpriced and not nearly as good as those at home 🙂 – I appreciate you sharing coffitivity. I may or may not just let it run later when I’m writing a new post. Thanks!
About those random facts: there’s a doctor among my relatives so I might just have to share ;). Also, I worked as a secretarial help in a doctor’s pratice for a while and yes … totally agreed on the chicken scratches. Smart people but their handwriting …
Nope! Not pizza this time
And I’ve actually heard that the reason their handwriting is because they’re trained to make it that way – so that the patients can’t alter their prescriptions.
Ahhh Save tonight! adore that song. and I currently have 5 boxes of cereal – all of the ones I brought back from Minneapolis. I do only have three open right now, because I just cannot stop eating those oatmeal squares. so cinnamon-y. so good.
And that’s weird that your flight had peanuts! I flew Delta as well, but they just gave us pretzels. Maybe they think that Canadians just love their peanuts (considering that mine flew into Detroit)?
And yes to getting back to the farmers market – on Saturday, I’ll finally be heading to the one in London that I’ve been meaning to go to ever since we moved.
Oh, and yes, I immediately started thinking about the grapes in my fridge. And Life has always been my favourite board game, but now I’m curious to find the original…
And confession: I had three snuggies at one point. In my defense, they were all gifts….apparently a lot of people caught on to the fact that I tend to be cold all the time?
They didn’t serve any peanuts on my flight TO Minneapolis, so I have no idea what the heck my return flight was all about. Stank eye nonetheless. And I need to come steal your oatmeal squares because I’m going through serious withdrawals over here…
I’ve always had terrible luck with Delta and American airlines. And united, for that matter. I never thought about the peanut thing though. That just seems dangerous! I do the same thing with my foods where I keep certain things stocked. For me, it’s pretzels, hot chocolate, grapes, and carrots. And chocolate, of course. Basically anything I eat on a regular basis I must have copious amounts of just in case. You never know when you’re going to run out!
The sad part about the kitty toilet and indoor doggie yard is that people actually buy that crap. As a former dog trainer so many buy that stuff and then return it because it obviously doesn’t work for 99% of pets.
I’m so surprised to hear Delta still served peanuts on flight! Yah, that’s definitely not cool. Especially with the severe allergies these days.
Shut up about that Coffivity site, I’m kind of weirdly excited about this.
Surprisingly I only have one box of cereal open at the moment!
Coffitivity is kind of amazing. I’ve been listening to it pretty much non-stop when I’m at home. And I’m guessing the cereal is Cinnamon Harvest 😉
Eagley Eye Cherry! Sandro listens to it every time he washes the dishes. Maybe I should bring it on once when he’s asleep and see if he wanders to the kitchen and starts washing. ok, that was cheesy.
I totally need to check out Coffitivity! That’s a reason why my boss gave me headphones, I can so much better concentrate when there is something in the background. Like You Tube 🙂
Whoa. That had to be a frightening experience at the airport. I’m glad to hear security is on the ball though.
I actually haven’t gotten peanuts on a flight in forever, even on Delta, so that’s weird. I’m not a huge fan if Delta either. Or really any airline for that matter but I heard Virgin airlines is nice.
Having four boxes of cereal open would drive me nuts! Brandon usually has two open at once and that bothers me because I think they will go bad before he finishes them. I guess it’s the OCD in me.
Omg my mind is exploding with a billion different thoughts- overwhelmed central right here! I needed this post for a laugh :)! As I was reading about the grapes, I wanted to go test it out asap. It’s too bad we don’t/never owned owned a microwave…my mom has always been anti-them because of radiation! Will you still be my friend if I tell you that we have NO cereal at home right now? Tragic I know but I am working on rectifying it over the weekend. Have you seen the IG account & Facebook page of the dog BooBoo? I just can’t get over how a freakin’ animal gets so many likes & followers!!
Confession: I can’t even remember the last time I used my microwave. My mom was always against them as well and we never had one when I was growing up. My home came with one built-in, but it skeeves me out…
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for the Coffitivity hint – I cannot believe that a site like this exists, it’s hilarious, but it will definitely spare me a few bucks I would otherwise spent on unnecessary amounts of Starbucks cappuccino for studying-purpose 🙂
I think Canadians are far more progressive when it comes to peanut allergies than Americans are. In Canada most schools have banned peanuts but in the states they make the kids allergic to peanuts sit at their own table…It’s so wrong!!! Also I own and still use my snuggie…it’s amazing!
I routinely have several boxes of cereal open at any given time.. what can I say, I never know which flavor I’m going to crave! Haha, also, that’s pretty interesting about grapes exploding when placed in the microwave!
EXACTLY! You just never know what’s going to hit the spot. Sometimes it’s a taste thing, and sometimes it’s a texture thing. Cinnamony or fruity? Flakes or squares.? Good for the body or good for the mind? So many variables 😉
Yay for “save tonight!” What a goodie. Oh, and I totally just clicked on coffitivity. Interesting concept. Sometimes when working from home I’d go to a coffee shop. The buzz of people just makes me a little more productive, unless it’s too loud, but there’s a fine line there.
Oh golly – don’t think I should admit this, but I do “WowFacts/Factguide” # 3! Passengers in the car give me the stank eye when I turn the music down when I get to a sign or a traffic light…and I try not to…I must need some therapy or something! 🙂
I had no clue Delta served peanuts – the few times I have flown them, the only offering was pretzels…must be an international thing?
I don’t eat cereal -Shocking eh?! And Thanks to Charlotte – I still have the “hot pockets” theme in my head!
A random fact from today is that while stuck in traffic, I like to look into other cars and try and figure out where/what the driver does for a living – I do the same when I walk by houses – but am NOT a peeping tom or peeping sally! Seriously! :0!
I currently only have one box of cereal at home right now. I used to be a cereal nut, but lately I’ve been gravitating to oatmeal or smoothies. Funny how your tastes change after a while! I’m sure my love for cereal will reignite one of these days!
Random fact…well, I’m flying back home today from my business trip. I’ve been away since Sunday and I’m SO missing my hubby. I can’t wait to get back! 🙂
Yay! I’ve been missing you and your posts!
First, I think it is hilarious about the in-flight magazine! I saw the same exact thing last time I flew and thought it was so absurdly ridiculous! They always sell the WEIRDEST things in the Sky Mall magazine; things no one would ever think to buy or every really need, but are available at an exuberant cost. They always are good for a chuckle, though. And never fear, in case you are re-considering a pass at one of those awesome purchases, it’s available online, too. 🙂 ( just for kicks
😆 Oh wonderful… because I was totally kicking myself for not buying that ramp for my dog so that she can have an easier time getting on the bed 😆
hahaha those random facts are great today 🙂 i’ll admit, i checked the bottom row of the keyboard! and thats really interesting about coffee shop noise- i’l be testing that theory soon since tomorrow is my last day at my job, and I’m not all that productive when I’m just sitting in my studio. i’m going to have to find just the right coffee house with just the right amount of noise 🙂 and crazy about delta- i thought peanuts on planes were long gone!!