Today is the day!! 😀
1. My bed is one of the comfiest places in the world. It’s true! And that’s a completely unbiased opinion 😉 But as comfy as it is, last night I could not for the life of me fall asleep. You know how when your pillow feels wonky and lumpy in all the wrong places, and how as soon as you start drifting off to sleep your arm or leg moves a little bit and wakes you up? That was me. It probably took me a good hour of pillow-boxing and rolling around to fall asleep, so I’m a little bit on the sleep-deprived side of things today. I blame my excitement over the upcoming opportunity to meet some of my favourite ladies. Squeeeee!
2. My brain needs a little time to kick in, so let’s get the ball rolling with some random facts:
1. Note to self: Do not name any future daughters Jane.
2. What I want to know is why they felt the need to make this a law… And apparently, it’s legit.
3. Dancing Queen… oooOOooO something, something… seventeen!
4. It is! And apparently a German family was granted political asylum in the States because of it.
5. Indifference is the worst kind of punishment.
3. Murphy is a jerk. I waited at home all morning for a scheduled UPS delivery to show up, and when I finally gave up and decided to run across the street to Starbucks for all of THREE MINUTES, my package arrived and I missed it. Well played, world, well played.
4. Speaking of packages… is there any sweeter sight than this?
Okay, so there are several sweeter sights, but that one makes the list, especially since it was filled with snacks (thank you Wild Harvest), oats (thank you MyOatmeal), and omigosh.mind-blown.amazingness (thank you Lucie!!!).

5. Have you ever heard of Thought Blossoms? It’s a company that makes some really adorable hand stamped jewellery that you can personalize with a message of your choice. I won a giveaway over at The Athletarian a little while ago and got to personalize a piece from their new active line. I went with “Choose Happiness” because that’s kind of the mentality that I’m working to adopt, and it’s always nice to look down and get a random reminder throughout the day.
6. And just to finish up with all the talk of packages and products, part of the shopping haul that I mentioned the other day.
Benefit Bad Gal mascara // Urban Decay 24/7 eye liner in Demolition // YSL Rouge Volupté Shine lipstick in #15 Corail Intuitive // BeautyBlender // sample of YSL Babydoll mascara
I’d show you guys a picture of the dress and shoes that I got for HLS, buuuuut I’m just going to save that for the recaps and talk makeup instead. Sephora, you wound me my wallet. But in my defence, I somehow made it at least two months without buying any new higher-end makeup, so I guess I’m making up for lost time.
7. On a less pleasant note, remember that baby mint plant I bought a while back? It pains me to say that it’s gone to a better place…
Okay, it doesn’t pain me at all. Truth be told, I was kind of helping waiting for it to die. I’m just not a plant person and find them to be way more trouble than they’re worth. Making sure they’re watered, making sure they’re not watered too much, making sure they get enough sun, making sure they don’t get too much sun. Ugh. And besides, I think my mint was infested with some kind of tiny little white spiders 😯 Good riddance.
8. Because September is a time to remember…
A hero of war
Is that what they see
Just medals and scars
So damn proud of me
And I brought home that flag
Now it gathers dust
But it’s a flag that I love
It’s the only flag I trust
9. I’ve been seeing a lot of figs around the blog world lately and it’s making me want to give them another shot. I like dried figs, but when it comes to the fresh ones? Ehhhhh. I’ve only tried them once, and they tasted like… lettuce 😯 From what I hear, I must have just gotten a bad batch so I’ll probably pick up another and see for myself. After all, everything deserves a second chance, right? Except eggplant… eggplant does not. Kidding. Sort of.
10. And with that, I’m off to Minneapolis! I can’t even tell you guys how excited I am to finally get a chance to meet some of the great ladies that I’ve made friendships with over the past year – that actually may or may not have been my biggest motivation in attending 😉 I’ll be gone until Sunday afternoon, but I’m assuming that there’ll be plenty of time to sit down and blog so you’ll definitely be hearing from me before then. So until tomorrow…
Have an awesome Thursday 😀
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Are you good with plants?
Are you a fan of figs?
What’s the last non-food related thing you bought?
Omg, have you tried that mascara yet? I got a sample of it and fell in love immediately…though I’m kinda scared to go back to the store to see how much a full-sized tube costs! 😯
Lucie hooked you UP for sure!! I’m still hoarding the Ovomaltine cookies that she sent me in my last package…but I’m sad to say the spread is wearing thin! Eeeeeek!
I can’t wait for you to try figs again! I really think you’ll like them!
Yup, I’ve tried it! Bad Gal was actually one of my favourite mascaras from back in the day, but I haven’t gone back to it because I wanted to try some others. And I’m thinking it was something like $26 😕
You will love the oatmeal! I sampled it a couple months ago and told Anthony about your blog and how it’s so amazing (and you love oatmeal.) what flavor did you get!
I was wondering who told him! I ended up getting the butter pecan flavour with added pecans and raisins.
I would say I’m sorry to hear about the mint plant, but since you’re glad to be done with it, then all is well that ends well.
I hope you have a great time at the summit and are able to get some good zzzz’s this weekend …and stay away from porcupines.
I’m usually a really good sleeper but if I’m super excited or super anxious all bets are off.
I’m ok with plants but my cats eat them so no plants in our house.
The last non-food related item I bought was some super cute necklaces from Pink Twig on Etsy. I can’t wait to get them.
I love random fun facts, and have an agenda where I write them in when I find good ones haha. I swear packages always show up the one moment you step out, just like the phone always rings the one moment you need to go to the bathroom. That package you got though looks so incredible, so many tasty things I would love to try. I am the same way with plants. My Dad got be an african violet for my birthday almost 3 months ago, I haven’t watered it once.
Ahh how exciting to meet blogger friends, have fun Amanda!!! And my oh my~that package is the bomb, so much good stuff!
Oh gosh, the one time I tried fresh figs it was so sweet that I gagged!! I’ll take the lettuce, please.
Okay, you are like the only other person I’ve come across that likes dried figs but not fresh ones!!! The fresh ones are SO flavorless! Comparing them to lettuce is GENIUS!! The dried ones on the other hand are like candy….so addicting.
I’ve heard they’re -supposed- to be sweet, but I dunno. Also, I guess that baking/grilling/broiling them is supposed to bring out the flavour.
I really didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. It’s do warm compared to the grey drizzly rain outside.
I definitely have such hard time when getting to sleep when I’m excited about something..ummm Christmas Eve..I’m like a 5 year old hah!
I’ve been seen figs popping up loads recently too and I don’t like them either! Maybe I got a bad batch too and will have to give them another go…it was the texture that got me though…yack!
I can’t believe they made a law about the porcupine….wouldn’t you be warned off by the sharp spikes anyway haha!
When I was younger, I was the WORST with my birthday and Christmas. I literally would not be able to sleep all night.
have the best trip ever!
That bracelet is SOOO CUTE!! I LOVEEE. I love figs..LOVE LOVE them, they should taste sweet..not like please give them another chance. I am so jealous of all those ladies that get to meet you!! AHH I WANNA COME!
When I’m nervous I go batshit crazy. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t think straight. Right now I’m so nervous I’d bite my nails to the shoulders. Luckily, I don’t bite my nails xD At least you know something good is coming your way. Enjoy! 🙂
I love plants <3 I had a jungle in my dormitory room and I felt really sad when I was about to leave and had to give all my beautiful plants away. Only one traveled through the whole country with me because I just loved it too much to give it to someone else. Now I'm about to leave again and there will be another giveaway. I'm pretty sure they won't let me fly with an African violet on my lap.
Figs… only dried. Dried are good. Veeery good.
Ack! Hopefully what you’re nervous about isn’t anything bad 😕 And I had to Google an African violet, but it’s a lovely plant.
All of the items you bought at Sephora are my staples! Seriously. Lovelovelove.
And I’m beyond jealous of all your goodies. I’ve heard really good things about MyOatmeal so I can’t wait to hear your review!
Have an AMAZING time this weekend!
Yeah, I think you owe figs another chance. They’re weird little things, but tasty. 😉
Have a great trip!!
I couldn’t sleep last night either and I’m blaming it on excitement! 24 hours until I get to see you!!!!
The last non-food related thing I bought was a sweater for my mom’s birthday, which is tomorrow. I know, I’m abandoning her to go to HLS on her birthday… I’m a horrible daughter. 😛
Love that bracelet you chose! I think “choose happiness” is such a great mantra and it’s something I’ve definitely learned in my life. I’ve gone through some ups and downs, but I find I’m usually able to bring on happiness in my life by actively choosing to be happy!
Seriously can’t wait to meet you, lady! Hurry up and get here already 😛
Have an amazing time in Minneapolis! 😀
I haven’t gotten a package in so long and it honestly makes me sad. so so sad. i need a package of goodies to perk me up these days. as i have said have a freaking blast
Have an absolute blast, my friend! Cannot wait to read over your recaps, and PLEASE have a double serving of chipotle for me- or at least the guac!
I definitely have a hard time sleeping when I’m excited or nervous about something! How funny that figs are the new HLB thing of the week- I wonder how long it’ll last! Not a fan of them dried but fresh is another story! Last non food item I bought? Petrol maybe? or $1 coffee from 7/11 😛
oh and that porcupine fact…….
You mean to tell me you’ve never looked at a porcupine in -that- way? 😉
I am so freakin’ close to meeting you I can’t even stand it. yayyyyyyyy! And I like figs, but I don’t go nuts over them like a lot of people seem to. I didn’t get the lettuce connection though, maybe you did get a bad batch?
And eggplant does not deserve another chance. I’ve given it a couple and it’s always terrible.
Annnnd I never liked the name Jane anyways.
The last non-food related thing I bought: paying to check my bag at the airport. They kinda gouge you with that, don’t they?
Ahhhhh so soon! <3
I’ve only ever tried dried figs, but I loved them. I’ve been seeing a lot of figs and dates around the blogsphere lately which makes me want to get some from Fresh Market in the near future. Have fun on your trip! It is very hard to sleep when you’re excited about something. I get that way too.
Have an amazing time this weekend!! I wish I could join you all!
Have so much fun! I always have trouble sleeping when I’m excited for something. I probably won’t sleep well tomorrow night because I have a race on Saturday. I don’t think I’ve ever had a fig that wasn’t a Fig Newton, so that doesn’t count. I’m open to trying anything once 😀 The last non-food thing I bought were some headbands and bobby pins for my hair now that I’m growing it out. And by growing it out, I mean it’s like chin length now. Getting there…baby steps!
Ohh good luck on your race! And I know how you feel with waiting for hair to grow out – it can be such a pain in the butt, especially when you get to those awkward lengths.
All of those snacks look delicious 🙂