1. Four. I ended up getting four whole (not half, mind you) trick-or-treaters last night, which is honestly four more than I expected to get. I always hope for the best (which is why I end up buying way too much candy), but last night’s snow had me expecting the worst. Needless to say, the kids I did get ended up getting huge handfuls of candy.
2. On that note, does anyone else feel like Halloweening is kind of dying off? I remember when I was a kid, the streets were literally packed with trick or treaters, and houses were running out of candy left, right, and center. Now though? I barely saw any kids out last night and there weren’t even too many houses with decorations up. It makes me kind of sad… so many things seem to be fading away.
3. Something that makes me happy, though? Getting surprise packages in the mail. Okay, so it wasn’t really a surprise since I won a giveaway for some Adora calcium disks on Alex’s blog (which you should definitely be reading if you’re not already!) a little while ago and was impatiently eagerly waiting for them to get here, but still… getting a knock on the door and opening it to find the UPS man standing there with a big box? Feels like Christmas 😀
4. Err… how much calcium is too much calcium? 😯 Because these things are dangerously gooooood.
(don’t worry… I’m not OD’ing on the chocolate crack)
5. I finally got around to actually trying to figure out my Facebook page yesterday. I never made a personal Facebook page, so the one I have for Spoons is basically my first go at it, and I.am.lost. What the heck are you supposed to do with it? How do you connect with people? Heck, how do you even like people? No giggling. Social media is not my forte… It’s something I definitely want to work on, though.
6. Did you know that November is is National Blog Post Month? It’s basically a time where you ‘blog for blogging’s sake’ by committing to post daily for 30 days. Since it’s pretty much something I do anyways, I figured that I’d participate in the event by joining up with a couple of great blogging communities…

BlogHer simply requires that you post daily, while WEGO takes it a step further and encourages bloggers to blog about things related to health and provides daily prompts for possible post topics. There’s still time to join, so click on the links if it’s something you’d be interested in!
7. On that note, today’s prompt was: ‘Why I write about my health‘… My answer? Because I know firsthand what it’s like to lose it and how much of an impact that loss has on every other aspect of life. Health is life; without it there really is no life. After spending years battling an eating disorder that nearly cost me my life, I want to inspire others who are struggling to never give up and show them that a happy life after anorexia is possible, no matter how deep the illness’ claws go. I want to encourage people to take care of their bodies and never take their health for granted because a healthy body is a beautiful gift that’s meant to be cherished and not abused.
8. The incredibly sweet Jessie over at Jessie Loves to Run started up something called Thankful Thursdays, which encourages bloggers to blog about some of the things that they’re thankful for…
I’m a big fan of anything that reminds us to practice gratitude on a regular basis because there are so many things to be grateful for. Seeing as I’m kicking off a month where I’ll be talking about health though, this week I’m going to say that I’m thankful for my health. I still remember the days where I didn’t even have the strength to get myself out of bed, so the fact that I’m no longer plagued by constant fatigue, pain, and hunger is just… wonderful beyond words.
. – . – . – .
How many trick-or-treaters did you get last night? Is Halloween dying?
Any Facebook tips you can offer this noobie? What do I use it for? Seriously…
Any random thoughts to share? It’s snowing outside and I could use some entertainment…
Definitely go into your IG account and link it with your Facebook and also link your Twitter with your Facebook….that way, anything you post on one goes to the FB page and since I’ve been doing that, my interaction with my “likers/followers” has gone up. 😀 Other than that, I have no idea what I’m doing either! But don’t feel too bad…a blog page is TOTALLY different from a personal page. I’m STILL trying to figure out how to navigate through it!
It really does seem that trick or treating isn’t as big as it was when we were kids. Like you said, people ran out of candy like ALL the time back then! If it would make you feel better, I’ll dress up and knock on your door…but I’ll be expecting some of those dark chocolate Adoras! 😉
I guess I am done with my thankful thursdays hahah Ill just join hers nobody will join me!
Oh man I made a Facebook page too and have no clue how to use it! I’m basically failing as an engineer but I just don’t feel like figuring it all out. Please share your wisdom once you acquire it 🙂
We didn’t get too many trick-or-treaters either. It definitely makes me sad because it used to be a big event for me up until I was almost 18 years old. Why do you think it’s dying off? I suspect it’s a mix of the new generation, food allergies/considerations, safety concerns, and maybe even the rise of technology (computers, video games, iPhones, etc.)? I really hope that it isn’t a dying tradition because it’s one of my favorites. So sad 🙁
We got ONE trick or treater – which is good considering we didn’t have any candy for them (want one of these unripe avocados, dear?) so you won that one! But Halloween is definitely dying!! Somewhere between peanut allergies being on the rise and kids getting kidnapped I bet. When I was a kid the streets were completely full of kids and their folks, then I turned into a teenager who handed out the candy and suddenly no one was out there but college kids stealing out King-size Crunch bars 🙁
Love the thankful Thursdays ideas! & the fact that you don’t have a personal Facebook page, your one of very few, my dear.
I got some Adora discs on Amazon a few weeks ago and am seriously obsessed. It’s so hard not to eat like 10 at once. I’m thankful for my health too – I think practicing gratitude for things we so often take for granted is one of the essential parts of happiness 🙂
It is SAD how many trick or treater’s there are these days. I got maybe 10 kids, but still that’s not a lot for the neighborhood I live in. Given, it was like this last year too. When I was younger, we would have to make pit stops at home to dump out our sacks because we would get so much candy, and there were so many of us on the streets it was so fun.
Random thought and question for you. Deeply serious, mind. London is so full of Christmas decoration already and I find myself wanting to listening to Christmas music. Is this acceptable. I’m sort of guiltity sometimes listening to them on YouTube but, I mean, should I just accept this over-eager-childlike-Christmas-fanatic that I am?
Eagerly awaiting your advice.
Hehe definitely give in to the over-eager-childlike-Christmas-fanatic side. It definitely won’t be long until I start breaking out the snowmen and Michael Bublé Christmas album.
I remember you did a post about your favorite hair products. I was wondering if you could do a post about skincare/makeup products you use! Thanks!
Sure I can! I was actually planning a “what’s in my makeup bag” type post, so it’ll be up soonish 🙂
I totally got the sense that kids aren’t as excited about Halloween anymore! It makes me so sad, because I loooved it as a child. I got so excited every year. It feels like kids are growing up way too fast. Yay for facebook page! I just created mine too, so it is kind of sad looking. I still don’t even know what’s going on half the time ha ha. Social media confuses me so much. Twitter too. I always forget I have it!
How much calcium is too much calcium HAHA. I thought the exact same thing when I first discovered those dark chocolate adora disks! I was knockin’ back 3-5 a day…never noticed any negative effects so I say go for it! haha
haha! Be careful not to OD on the calcium. Max did that once (drank an entire gallon of milk right after taking his calcium supp) & had to be admitted to the hospital.
We got ZERO trick-or-treaters =( but we live in a HUGE apartment complex so maybe that’s why.
😯 Putting the chocolate calcium crack down now… 😯
OMG YOU GOT A FACEBOOK!!!!!!!!!! I just liked your page 😀
Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I need those adora disks…like in a bad way! haha
So exciting about the facebook page! I am not the biggest social media person either! I usually just put up when I have a new blog post on mine! Heading over there to like you now! Love those adora disks! Perfect way to get in some calcium if you ask me!
Yes! I was saying the same thing yesterday about how Halloween just isn’t what it used to be. When I was driving home on Halloween at like 8 pm there were maybe 3 small groups of trick or treaters that I passed and that’s it! It’s so weird because as you said, the streets were packed when I was a kid! It makes me glad I was a kid back then and not today. 😛
I love those Adora disks too! We always load up on them whenever we visit the US. Sadly my stash from the summer is down to one bag so I hope I can stock up again soon! PS. There is such thing as too much calcium! Make sure you don’t eat more than 2500 mg/day. 🙂 #nutritionstudent
I’m sure I didn’t have any trick-or-treaters but I wasn’t at home anyway. I finally celebrated my first Halloween in Hard Rock Cafe with some people with hilarious costumes. Sooo good!
I’ve been of Facebook for more than 5 years now so even the craziest updates can’t surprise me anymore 😀 I’ve got a personal profile and I am an administrator of a page too so I can offer free help. It’s pretty easy though. Once you get used to it 😛
It’s just getting used to it that’s proving to be kind of difficult 😕 I’m starting to get used to the update thing, but I still can’t figure out how to -like- other people…
Liked your page! If you got questions just go ahead. I created and host the page of my company so I spent quite som time with this.
Funny. You do not have kids out there and here, in Switzerland, where we do not have Halloween, kids start to trick and treat. It’s just frustrating for them as the Swiss adults have no clue about Halloween and surely did not have any candy around for the kids, poor them!
That’s sad that trick-or-treating is dying out! Part of me thinks that it might be because parents are scared about what might happen to their kids when they knock on strangers’ doors! Of course it’s different if the kids are accompanied by their parents, but gone are the days where that strong “community” feel & trust existed- truly a shame!
CONGRATS on your FB page…that’s very exciting! I applaud you for holding off for so long. I am guilty of being an avid FB user ;)! Fortunately it’s user-friendly but a warning in advance: prepare to be addicted :)!
Hope your weekend is off to a great start, Amanda!
😆 I probably would have to worry about getting addicted if I actually knew what I was doing. As it stands… it’s more frustrating than anything else! I think I need to invest in ‘Facebook for Dummies’.
Halloween is definitely dying. I don’t even know why stores stock so much candy. When I moved into my condo years ago from an apartment I was so excited to hand out treats and see all the cute kids. After two years of at the most 10 kids I stopped bothering even buying stuff for them. Let the kids go to the boring malls if they are so inclined now. I’m happy I was a child of 80s who got to enjoy Halloween as it’s supposed to be.
I got a grand total of zero trick-or-treaters, but that’s probably because I live in an apartment complex that’s pretty much all college students. All the kids probably trick-or-treated in the neighborhoods around the complex, which is fine by me because I didn’t have any candy to give them! But my mom told me that in my neighborhood at home, they only got a couple dozen trick-or-treaters which isn’t very many so maybe Halloween is dying.
That’s crazy that you have snow over there! We got our first dose of snow last week but it wasn’t a lot and it melted right away. That’s the only thing I like about winter here–it snows sometimes but it doesn’t stick around for long!
Girl, I was CLUELESS whenever I attempted to set up a facebook page for my blog. I ended up throwing in the towel. Maybe one day I’ll have the patience to figure it out… can’t make any promises on when that may be though! 🙂
Thank you so much for linking up to “Thankful Thursday” girl. Have a great rest of the week!
Kids don’t seem to like going outside AT ALL these days. I remember playing outside in the back field for HOURS at a time — evenings, weekends, you name it!! While there are fewer kids in our neighbourhood nowadays, it’s still not an excuse to never see them out! It makes me frightened for the coming generations — I feel like they’re missing out!! And it hurts my heart to think of them caught in front of various screens (she says typing from her computer ….) and not cultivating their imaginations.
It was you who won the Adora giveaway?!?! Ugh. I really wanted to hate the winner of that one. But I love you, and so I’m very torn. Don’t worry, we can still be friends, but I might have to send a scowl your way every time I think of your strong and healthy bones supplemented by all that chocolatey-calcium fortified goodness. 😉
I liked your page! 😀 you really did a good job with it, I think, I have a personal facebook but I have no idea how to make a page that people can like! Anyway. I agree with you about Halloween, though I think it’s just because since I moved away from my home in Maine, I haven’t lived in a neighborhood with many (or any!) kids. In middle school/high school (yeah…I trick-or-treated in high school….lol!), I would go to my friends’ neighborhoods to trick-or-treat, and they were always those new housing developments with tons of young families. I live in an apartment right in the middle of downtown now – definitely no kids :-(. It made me sad, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays!
I went trick-or-treating in high school! No shame 😀
I hate how trick-or-treating is dying out 🙁 I went out on a walk early in the evening and saw a few group of little ones out with their parents and it was precious. My uncle always gets LOADS of trick-or-treaters. I’m not sure if it’s because he lives somewhere warm or because New Orleans just likes to have a good time 😛
I’m gonna go with the latter. I’ve heard some people say they had tonnes of kids, so I guess I’m just living in the wrong place.
It seems that lots of cities have large halloween gatherings earlier in the day to promote safety. It’s wonderful to do that, but it’s sort of sad that fewer kids come door-to-door. I would love to hand out candy to hundreds of kids!!
Good luck on the facebook page, girl! I’m sure it will be less intimidating as you keep going. From the looks of your comments, you’ll have a ton of likes in no time at all!
I feel you about Halloween dying off. WHAT is going on? So sad.
omg I feel the same way about packages – even if it’s something I bought for myself on ebay for example, I feel like I’m getting presents when I receive the parcel from the delivery guy!
I’m so glad you’re participating in the event! I love reading your blog posts, they seriously make my day :o)
Total lack of trick or treaters, I’m pretty sure I only saw a few running up and down my street. I don’t get it either, I mean don’t all kids want free candy?
Of course I liked you on Facebook! :-p
That is sad but def like my neighborhood back at home. We have had years where we have like 1 or 2 trick or treaters. No one likes us LOL! That is awesome about the facebook page and I have not gotten to your level with that one yet HA!
I am glad you are loving those adora disks. I couldn’t agree more, halloween was such a big deal but really isn’t anymore. crazy, it was my favorite holiday. seeing as I didn’t even have candy this year can’t say I loved it all that much. I love this WEGO thing, I may or may not be signing up. I always find such inspiration in your writing so I had to check it out. something I also loved, is your reason for blogging about health, because you know what it is to lose it. I know that all too well as well, that is why I blog about it. Can’t wait to join you on this
Awesome! The prompts are kind of nice to have… makes trying to come up with blog posts a lot easier.
YAY YAY YAY I love these posts!!!! 😀
Only 4 trick or treaters?! Oh man that’s just wrong. I guess people think candy is laced with drugs or something nowadays. Major bummer.
AHH Congrats on the facebook page! I’m totally gonna go like it after I type this!
And I have to say, I loved when you said this: “Health is life; without it there really is no life. ” PREACH IT GIRL. 😀
Soooo happy your on Facebook! I will definitely follow you!
Halloween was basically nonexistent here in NY – still no power no tv – it’s really scary. Now there is a shortage of gas! My dad waited 1 hour today to fill up his car! Trying to hang in there!
i was juuust talking with a friend today about how it seems like there are fewer and fewer trick or treaters ever year! I totally remember when I was a kid and the streets were PACKED with other kids. Needless to say, I had a grand total of zero trick or treaters last night. And tons of candy. It could be that I live in an older neighborhood?
I can’t believe its snowing over there already!! so jealous. I wore a sleeveless shirt out to dinner last night. Waaaaiting for it to get cold over here.
You’re jealous?! I’m jealous! I’m sportin’ 3 layers and cold feet over here!
Liked your page 🙂
Maybe there is some sort of app for trick or treating now….or a Wii game and that’s where all the kids went?
PS- I am 150% sure everyone who reads this will like your page. Then everything you post goes onto our news feed. You can choose to link every time you write a new blog…and share other things with us as well. Have fun!
Next step would be to get a button or something on the main page of your blog so that those who miss this post or find you later will be able to see that they can “like” you on Facebook.
My random thought is that you are in snow as are many…and I’m down here in shorts and a tank top….
But an app doesn’t involve candy! Unless there’s some new technology that I haven’t heard about yet… And thank you for sharing some of your FB wisdom. I’ll get the hang of it… eventually 😕