1. Why hello there, August. I know that you always come after July, and that it makes perfect logical sense that today be your first day seeing as July is over and all, but… what? 😯 I’d like to redo last month please! Okay, okay… that’s only partially true. I mean, yes, I’d love to relive July, but that’s mostly because it was all sorts of amazing. Truth be told, I’m more than ready for fall. The food, the fashion, the cozy feeling in the air… love it. But ask me again in a few months when it’s constantly cold and dark outside and I’ll probably be singing a different tune. Appreciate the moment, Amanda… The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
2. I’ve been cheating on Starbucks… with McDonald’s.
But before you get all Judgy McJudgerson on me, I’ll have you know that McDonald’s actually makes a pretty decent cup of coffee. I initially picked some up out of sheer necessity when J and I were driving up to the mountains and there was no Starbucks in sight, but there are days now where I’ll stop by McD’s to grab a coffee rather than hitting up Starbucks like I normally do. Variety is good, right? Keeps things interesting.
3. The only problem with switching it up and trying new things is that you inevitably run in to a few duds. I explored a lot of different local cafes with J while he was visiting, and I’ve found that a lot of the swankier places actually have horrible tasting coffee. I’ve always prided myself on being able to handle any kind of coffee, but daaaaang… some of those places definitely put that belief to the test. One cafe, I’m not even kidding, had coffee with an after-hint of tomato soup. Not cool.
4. My new contact lens case, on the other hand? Very cool…
5. Remember watching Full House when you were growing up (or catching reruns)? Remember Danny Tanner, and Uncle Jesse, and Stephanie, and DJ? Ever wonder what they’re up to now? This article spills the beans on the entire cast. Definitely takes me back to my childhood…
6. Speaking of childhood things… Hello, my name is Amanda and I’m addicted to [Disney] puzzles…

I’ve always loved ’em, but lately I’ve really kicked things up a notch [and maybe gone a little bit overboard]. I think I’m just trying to keep myself busy so I don’t get too lonely without J, but I can’t deny that there’s something inherently satisfying about fitting the pieces together. I used to be all about the crazy 1k+ puzzles, but having smaller ones that you can finish in 20-30 minutes makes for an awesome way to mindlessly relax.
7. Current song obsession…
8. Speaking of music, this one’s for all my Canadian friends who are frustrated by the fact that Pandora doesn’t work north of the border. I recently came across a site called Slacker Radio that does essentially the same thing as Pandora, but isn’t restricted to those living in the States. You pick a favorite artist/band/era, create a station around it, and listen to related songs until your heart’s content. My heart is content.
9. And while we’re on the topic of things not available in Canada, a mini haul featuring some foodie finds that I brought back with me from the Whole Foods in Vegas.

Barbara’s Snackimals Vanilla Blast and Nature’s Path toaster pastries (Blueberry and Chocolate) // Justin’s almond butter (maple and vanilla) and Barney Butter cocoa and coconut AB
Breakfast foods and nut butters – don’t act surprised. I didn’t go too crazy since I’ll be down in the States again in about a month and a half and probably pick up more stuff, but I had to grab some things that I’ve been dying to try for a while. Now to make them last until my next trip south of the border.
10. The girl sitting at the table next to me in Bux is browsing corgi puppies for sale in Edmonton (I’m a creeper), and they’re so fluffy I’m gonna die! (bonus points if you know where that line’s from). It seriously makes me want a puppy of my own, buuuuuut I have a feeling that now isn’t a good time; and as much as I love dogs, I have to admit that the lack of extra responsibility is kind of nice. Still, I’d kill for another one of these…
That’s Belle, our Bernese mountain dog. She died about 6 years back, and I still miss her to this day.
But Happy Thursday, friends! See you guys tomorrow with a July favorites post!
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Were/are you a Full House fan? Who was your favorite character? Yes… and Uncle Jesse <3
1. McD’s??! Really??! I can’t judge too hard though, I sometimes believe that cheap, gas station coffee is so much better than expensive cafes too. It’s so much cheaper too – win-win! 2. I have Mitchell and he’s pretty much the love of my life. It’s okay though, Kyle understands where his placement on my love list falls 😉 I think that’s why he wants to wait a few more years on the kiddos – he’s going to get pushed even further down, haha!
I actually was just watching Full House this morning. I used to be obsessed with that show. I’m still upset that Uncle Jesse and Aunt Becky didn’t get married in real life.
I love your contact lens case! It’s absolutely adorable 😉 I have 2 labradoodles and I couldn’t have asked for better dogs. They are sweet, loving, friendly, smart, obedient and THEY DON’T SHED. It’s incredible. They’re great for families because they’re intelligent like poodles but playful like labs. I am looking forward to fall too. I’m excited for the seasonal vegetables like butternut squash and sweet potatoes, the crunchy apples and the pumpkin pie! I also love that crisp autumny feeling and smell in the air. Now that I live in Cali, there’s no leaves on the ground. I do miss that about Jersey!
Dogs that don’t shed?!? Ahhh that would be amazing. I have a slight allergy to dogs, so I’m wondering if that would help…
OMG. If it isn’t obvious I freakin’ love my dog. He’s a Brussels Griffon/ Shihtzu mix, and the best decision ever made. I was afraid he would be a handful, but he’s so worth it and brings me so much joy. It’s a little extra consideration (finding a sitter for vacations or weekends away), but walking him and feeding him, etc. is kind of fun. I feel like a mom. lol. jk, not really. 😉
I was a HUGE fan of Full House- but I called it “The Baby Show” because I loved Michelle. In fact, I always loved the Olsen twins, even had my haircut like them in 7th grade (bad idea) and still consider them style icons.
Definitely looking forward to cooler weather, hikes, foliage, Halloween, apple picking and pies, pumpkin carving, and pumpkin foods! Also, saving money(or paying off my credit card, really), because the adult me knows summer is definitely rough on the wallet.
Obviously, I have a dog who is my absolute life. Haha. And Elmo is a Cavapoo (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel + Poodle)!
Uncle Jesse was definitely my favorite for Full House. I don’t know which show I watched more… Full House or Boy Meets World!
You already know I’m looking forward to Fall! Pumpkin everything, burning leaves, comfy clothes, football, UGH. I cannot wait.
I need to find those flavored Barney Butters! I’m on the hunt!
McDonalds make good ice cream? Interesting although I can’t say I’m overly surprised given how amazing their ice cream is! Yes I love their McFlurry’s and I don’t care how dodgy the ingredient list might be ;)! Love the Full House throwback- Michelle used to be my favorite but these days, I’m leaning more towards Uncle Jesse for obvious reasons ;)! As for reliving July. let’s team up and come up with some invention to allow us to do so- I know I sure want to!
I missed these thinking out loud posts. A whole lot. I have to say, when I go to a new place foodie finds are always a highlight. More so out of the country which i rarely do but hey I can dream. And how did you know I was currently listening to that song? crazy
DESPICABLE ME. ONE OF MY FAVORITE MOVIE(S, now that they have a second one) EVER. Have you cracked the Barney Butter open yet? I’ve been debating purchasing some, but nut butters are so expensive that it’s hard to “experiment”…I’d love to hear your thoughts on it! Belle is gorgeous. <3 Puppies are soooo much work, but they're so. Cute. And so worth it. But I agree; I'd definitely want to be at a stable point in my life where I have some extra time and emotional capacity to share because both are most definitely necessary!
I haven’t broken in to the BB yet since I have a few jars going already, but I kind of can’t wait to give it a shot. I’ll be sure to share my thoughts when I finally crack it open 🙂
While I clearly can’t offer an opinion on the coffee thing, I have actually heard really good things about McDonalds coffee. Back when my mom was still drinking coffee (she stopped around Christmas) she would choose McD’s over Timmies coffee, which is probably saying something about the quality.
Andddd the dog? Atticus. Cutest pug ever, as everyone has determined from my barrage of pictures through Instagram and the blog 😉 And yes, dogs are definitely a lot of work. It’s actually a lot easier with two of us at home to look after and clean up after him, especially now that Eric’s off for the summer.
I still haven’t seen Despicable Me…but I do have it and will hopefully watch this weekend! 😉
And Ohmygoodness those toaster pastries…healthified poptarts!! How are they?!
I was actually going to tell you that you NEED to watch Despicable Me! J is the one who introduced me to it, and I’m totally obsessed. As for the toaster pastries, they actually taste exactly like Poptarts, so it’s nice to have a healthified version when you really need to satisfy a craving.
Disagreed! Can summer please stay for longer? It’s just now getting truly hot and summery – now that I started working full time. That being said, I like fall for leaves changing colours, walks in temperatures that are just right – in short: nature is gorgeous in fall, too. And I no longer have to feel weird for drinking hot tea :).
It must be a sign for me to finally watch Full House again now that so many bloggers keep mentioning it, right? Actually, I first discovered it at a friend’s house because we didn’t have the channel broadcasting it at home. Michelle was my favourite character because she was so cute, hilarious, curious, … I used to be quite the fan of the Olsen Twins for a few years. Now you sure agree with the product ‘Uncle Jesse’ is advertising these days, huh ;)?
And that quote? Will you believe I have yet (!) to watch Despiccable me?
Aw, Belle looks adorable. Though I’ve never had a dog I totally get what you mean about still missing her.
I love you…want to know why? BECAUSE YOU QUOTED DESPICABLE ME! I need to see number two!! OHH man so good. As for the coffee at Macd’s…to me coffee is coffee..especially drip coffee. I will even drink the sludge at hotels haha. I would never judge! I NEED FALL NOW! That is all.
You DO need to see it! I don’t know if I would say that it was better than the original, but it was just a cute and hilarious. And I’m with you on hotel sludge… When I need a fix, pretty much anything will do…
I loved Full House and I love to still watch it, as I did this morning since my son had it on! I think I liked DJ best since she was my age when the show started. I never loved puzzles but I did always like to color, and still do, in my Hello Kitty coloring book. I love when I can get my son to color at the same time so I can whip out the book.
I actually really enjoy McDonalds coffee. If you ever go back add the french vanilla syrup, it’s pretty good too. I normally get that myself. I don’t really have a favorite season because I enjoy them all for a week and then honestly get tired of them and wish it was the next season LOL. Does that make me a pessimist..summer was great until the humidity rolled in. Fall is great until is gets closer to winter…winter up north…yeah no…spring is nice until allergies. I feel you can complain about all of them.
Full house is probably the best show that was ever on for kids… I see the shows for kids and teens these days and think–what about full house? What about 7th heaven? What about those shows that set great examples for kids, and also were entertaining!
😆 I’m exactly the same way… I always feel so old when I look at what’s on TV these days and think… “they just don’t make ’em like they used to.”
Aww, love your dog! I have my little shelter mutt, Chooey 🙂
I still watch Full House re-runs. Uncle Jesse and Joey were always my favorites.
Fall is my favorite season. Looking forward to the crisp temperatures and beautiful leaves changing colors.
Get out with that Full House article. I am sheepish to admit that I follow the majority of the cast on Instagram…Uncle Jesse and Aunt Becky are by far the most entertaining, but Danny, Joey and DJ have some great stuff too. And I love the fact that they still get together – I suppose if we’re still into it after all these years they must have been superclose working together so long.
I was OBSESSEDDD with Full House lol Michelle was my favorite growing up.. but now I’m an Uncle Jesse fan 😉 He and Becky were so cute lol and I totally had that contact case lol I try to change them every 3 months so sadly I just have a boring lime green one now lol
I should probably start changing mine too, but I’m horrible with keeping up with that kind of thing… I just try to keep mine clean.
Tomato soup aftertaste? Blech. I’m excited for fall too. I love the cool weather and all of the food! Pumpkin spice lattes…oh yeah.
I love your contact lense case, so cute!! Oh, and I am OBSESSED with cocoa coconut butter. I ordered the squeeze packs from vitacost and I savour every spoon of them.
I love fall, but I definitely don’t want to think about it yet. We have such a beautiful hot summer currently here and I don’t want it to end! But as for anticipation, it definitely are the colors of fall and PUMPKIN!!!
As always, love your Thinking out Loud posts! 🙂
I’m so excited for fall. I’m trying not to rush away the summer but I love the changing leaves and crisp weather, plus fall clothes….ready for tall boots and skinny jeans and scarves.
To be honest I actually like McDonald’s iced coffee better than Starbucks. There isn’t a Starbucks anywhere within reasonable driving distance while I’m home for summer, so McDonald’s is my place. I used to love, love, love Full House and still do!! Seriously one of the best shows on TV! And here at home we have two labrador retrievers. One is chocolate and one is yellow. As for fall I wish it would just wait…stay back fall I’m no ready!
Love that contact lens case! I have an unhealthy obsession with owls 🙂
I’m weirdly attracted to Uncle Jesse and I don’t know why. Actually yes, I do know why. It’s the bad boy vibe mixed with the sweet, loving father figure thing. Irresistible.
And omg, dying over that contact lenses case… If only I actually took my contact lenses out. Oops.
That’s what gets me about him too. Swoon. And I have no idea how you manage to live with your contacts in 24/7… Mine start feeling like little metal slivers in my eyes by the end of the day…
Anytime we see a pug, both joe and i start whining like children that we want one too and start plotting ways to steal the one we see 😉 I think we both know it’s smarter to wait until we move into a house we own (don’t have to pay a ridiculous pet fee either), but it doesn’t stop us from wanting one now. He already said I could dress him up in cute clothes if he can take him bike riding, which i said is fine if he does it in a baby bjourn/backpack thing rather than in one of those child things that attaches to a bike (we see dogs in those things on the trail all the time and we laugh every time because it’s ridiculous). As for fall, please please please get here soon! Easily my favorite time of year!!
Love Despicable Me! (It’s so fluffy I’m gonna die ~ Agnes at the Amusement Park)
Those nut butters look amazing <3
Fall is a great time of year (I got married in October!), but after fall comes winter and I do NOT like winter! If we could just have spring, summer and fall, I’d be a happy girl! 😉 I do love the fall fashions though specifically sweaters and boots!
Oh yes, I was (still am) a big Full House fan! Uncle Jessie was my fav too!
BTW, I really need that contact case! It’s the cutest thing ever!
Thanks for the blast from the past this AM — i was definitely a Full House junkie — “You got it dude!” Of course, now I feel super, super, SUPERold. “Nicky” and “Alex” are 22? holy crap!
I do have a dog — she is a mixed breed — kinda looks a little like a fox. And she’s the light of our lives. She is spoiled rotten, but makes us laugh every day. She can certainly be trying some days — yesterday she decided to bring me a dead (half-eaten) bird.But I wouldn’t change it for the world!
Haha right?! I think the thing about Nicky an Alex already being 22 is what hit me the most too, so don’t feel too bad about that one… Besides, we’re only as old as we feel 😉
Dunno if the timing is ever right when it comes to pets and commitment. I always wanted to have a cat soooo bad and my parents were against pet, my first two room mates against anything bigger than a hamster and when the last one finally moved out I just did it. I have to admit, that I also thought boyfriend and me would be moving together way sooner (we are waiting until our semester abroad is done before getting seriously into finding a place to live that suits us both) but we didn’t and it sucks from time to time that you always have to find someone who watches the kitty if you want to take a weekend trip or even a holiday. But to me I wouldn’t do it any other way. She just makes my life a whole lot richer.
I KNOW Fall isn’t always perfect and the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, but I can’t wait for it! Cold morning runs, soups, big chunky sweaters, my riding boots, leggings, warm cups of tea, cozy movies with the family, gorgeous fashion, pumpkins, ugh I could go on for days!
Ok, now to the questions!
Do you have a dog? I don’t have one right now, but if I ever got one I would love a samoyed puppy, a mini Alaskan Husky, or a great pyrenee. Apparently I want a small dog or a huge one!
Were/are you a Full House fan? Who was your favorite character? YES! And I was the creepy 4 year old who had a crush on Uncle Jessie. I think that’s normal though.
Are you looking forward to fall too? What aspects of it? I think I answered that in a way too long response above, so I’ll spare you 🙂
I honestly can’t wait for fall fashion. I’ve always noticed that I have a way easier time finding things to wear in the fall than I do in the summer… but I partially blame this on living in Canada and constantly being cold 😉
Agnes from Despicable me said “It’s so fluffy I could DIE!” (About her giant stuffed unicorn.) I just quoted that yesterday (regarding the egg white omelettes at a yummy local breakfast joint), in fact!!
Despicable Me, that is. I’m not entirely awake yet! 😉
McDonald’s coffee isn’t too bad. I was like you and resorted to trying it on road trips and was shocked it wasn’t awful. Plus for $1 for a large, you can’t beat it. Now I’m off to go read this Full House article!
Oh man I want that contacts case. Too bad I have to use this special kind of solution and container or else my eyes get all irritated. Maybe for those “just in case moments”?
I think it’s almost a given that fast food restaurants have to have at least semi-good coffee because more than a million people stop there every morning on the way to work 🙂 If it stunk then they’d go somewhere else. My dad actually likes Burger King’s coffee I think, but I’m not sure how long ago he was drinking that. I’m sure they change a lot.
I’m the same way when I go to Whole Foods. For most of the year I don’t live very close to any type of awesome grocery store so when I do go I stock up on awesomeness.
We have two dogs, a cairn terrier (like on the Wizard of Oz except tan and not black) and a mix border collie (black and white sheep dog). I would love to have a pug or miniature greyhound when I get older. I think the shorter hair would be better for my dog allergies.
OH… And that would be a Despicable Me quote about “fluffy” 😉
Love that you caught the reference (I just watched DM for the first time last month and I’m obsessed). And there was a time where I was seriously looking into getting a mini greyhound… Those little guys are just way too adorable.
Nothing wrong with McDonalds. I prefer Starbucks espresso beverages, but McD’s has my favorite drip coffee. Good stuff!
Thanks for the song share, BTW. I haven’t heard anything by 30 Seconds to Mars in forever. Nearly forgot about ’em!
Last thing… how are the toaster pastries?
I really like ’em! They’re a nice, slightly healthier alternative to satisfy those Poptart cravings.
I always feel so lucky when I stumble on amazing blogs, and I’m definitely looking forward to following you! I’m hoping to get a pug in the future; my boyfriend wants a bulldog (I secretly think they would be really cute friends!)
I LOVED Full House, and I think it was either Uncle Jesse or the girls. They were all so quirky.
And I’m ready to open my arms and welcome fall! Its probably my favorite season. I’m mostly excited for all the comfy cute clothes and being able to get warm drinks again. Can’t do anything but iced during the summer or I overheat!
Aww well thanks Kelsey 😀 And pugs might just be the cutest things ever… I know a handful of people that have them and they’re all head over heels with their pooches.
I miss full house! That was a favorite growing up. I always wonder what happened to my favorite stars. Especially in The OC but marissa went downhill. And I can judge hot chocolate like you judge coffee. It’s a specialty of mine. McDonald’s can be surprising. My dad is actually a convert from Starbucks and swears by it. It has to be good!
I honestly cannot believe it’s August, already! Where does the time go? Anyhow, I LOVE your contact lens case; so cute! Also, I’ve been wanting to try Barbara’s Bakery Snackimals cereal, they look so good and I’m a huge fan of their Puffins! Yummy!
Your contact lens case may be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Love it.
And no worries on Mc D’s, it was actually the first brand of coffee I ever got hooked on, so I’ll always have a soft spot for their coffee…although, Starbucks does take the cake for me these days.
I’m also jealous of your Disney puzzles. You have no idea how obsessed I was as a kid with those things 😉
First of all, I used to watch Full House in the past and have recently been catching re-runs on Nick at Nite so I am really interested in knowing what the ‘gang’ is up to these days…I used to LOVE that show. I, too, absolutely love doing puzzles. I think especially in the winter when I hate being out in the cold…it’s a perfect thing to do that’s fun and gratifying. Nothing quite like completing a puzzle 🙂
I feel sort of bad for saying this, but i can’t wait for fall!! i look forward to summer all year, then by the end of July I’m always like “alright, im all set, fall please.” im ready for the cool air, the clothes, the new fresh feeling one gets in fall, everything. sigh, grass is always greener. and i lovvved full house, my fav character was probably michelle though, she always had the best one liners 🙂
😆 No reason to feel bad at all because I -totally- get it. I’m already looking forward to fall, but I know I’ll be eating my words once winter hits.
Ok so I totally agree with you about McDonalds coffee!! And yes, my sisters and I were Uncle Jesse groupies. We also thought Kimmy Gibler was hilarious. I can’t wait to read that article!