1. Remember how, a couple weeks back, I professed my love for storms? Well, we finally got our first real big one of the season yesterday afternoon…
Rain coming down in sheets, thunder that set off car alarms, hail, flooding… the whole nine yards. In the end, I think we had a tornado touch down somewhere outside of Edmonton, but it never hit the actual city. Thank goodness because we don’t need another repeat of Black Friday… I was only 2 years old at the time, so I don’t recall what happened in any vivid detail, but it didn’t sound all that good…
2. So it’s been about a week and a half since I took my iMac in to get fixed after it inconveniently decided to break down on me, and I still haven’t heard back from the place that’s holding it hostage working on it. I’m assuming it’s because it’s not done and there’s really nothing to say but… maybe I should give them a call?? 😯 I mean, I’m getting by with the laptop and all, but I’m going through some serious gaming withdrawals… sorta. At least I still have Candy Crush; I know this girl understands…
3. On that note, my laptop is not a huge fan of Blogger blogs. So, if you blog with Blogger and noticed a lack of comments from me lately, the computer is the reason why. I’m still reading, but I can’t comment.
4. How are my bananas simultaneously green and speckled? My mind is boggled…
5. I’m also boggled by the fact that people on TV shows and movies never say hello when they pick up the phone. I was watching Gossip Girl the other day (5 more episodes to go!!) and every.single.time one of the characters calls someone, they never bother to wait for a hello before they started spilling the beans. I mean… how do you even know you’re talking to the right person?!? And how come no one ever says goodbye either? Where I come from, that’s considered hanging up on someone, and it’s rude.
6. I realize that this is going to sound completely crazy, but… I’m [impatiently] waiting for my nail polish to chip. Here’s the thing… I painted my nails about 3 days ago, but the color just wasn’t jiving with my mood (ladies, I know you know what I’m talking about…) I picked up some new polish the other day and now I just need my current polish to start chipping so that I don’t feel so bad for taking it off. Stupid sticky base coat…
Essie’s Rock the Boat and Full Steam Ahead.
7. And stupid scented candles! Don’t get me wrong, my nose loves them, but my body definitely does not. Every time I light one, I end up feeling sneezy and wheezy after a little while. It took me some time to put 2 and 2 together, but I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to something in those candles… which is extremely frustrating considering that a) I love how they make my home smell, and b) I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with the collection I’ve built up over the years…
8. I was wondering… do people still have little critters for pets? Hamsters, mice, rabbits, rats, chinchillas? I can’t honestly say that I know anyone that does… I had a hamster and a rabbit growing up, but that was mostly because my parents wanted to “test the waters” to see if I was responsible enough before they let me get a dog. Critters are cute and all, but they just seem like so much work.
9. I am a woman completely ob.sessed…
But you only need the light when it’s burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low
Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go…
10. I’m currently in the middle of a huge cooking funk. It’s actually almost embarrassing to admit how lazy I’ve become in the kitchen, but let’s just say that if it takes more than 5 minutes to throw together, chances are I’m not going to bother. I’m getting bored, though, which means that things need to change. Help!
. – . – . – .
Anyone else experiencing a cooking funk? What should I make for dinner tonight?
Salam, is blogwalking sini, nice sharing. 🙂
Aww, I don’t have a current critter, but you’re making me miss my little ferrety furball so much! He was DEFINITELY a handful most…no ALL of the time, but he was the cutest little stinker! When I was little, my sister and I went through a few hamsters and we even had a ferret then for a little while, but most of the time we just had dogs. I always wanted a chinchilla though…I had a friend who had one and I was always jealous! Lol
Favorite scent: Lilac…also a beauuuuuuuutiful flower and one of my favorites!
Cooking funk? Yes ma’am! I blame the weather though…it’s just too warm outside to think of eating warm food. I’ve been bitten by the cooking bug a couple of times in the last few weeks, but mainly, I’ve just been keeping to my yogurt bowls, smoothies, and of course my “salacious” salads! 😉
Oh Gossip Girl…I’m kinda starting to miss it! I can’t believe I never noticed that about the phone calls! Too funny!
I’m on the exact opposite of cooking funk. I’ve been on a cooking bender because the ingredients are inspiring. I suggest finding that ingredient calling to you and the funk will disappear.
Great song, cool storm picture, and odd brown speckled green banana. Maybe the heat did it to him. The only question now is do you eat it or bake with it?
Already all eaten
Well played, my friend. Well played.
I am cracking up at the gossip girl thing about answering the phones! I never noticed that, but now that I think about it, they do that and it is so weird! Hhahaha. Funny thing about the nail polish, too, because I just painted my nails yesterday and I already want to take it off. Boooo
lol I use to have turtles but had to get rid of them once they got to big. Sigh. I actually only no one person who has a snake still but has for like ever. I have been sooo boring in the kitchen lately too, eggs, smoothies and tuna, and its a wrap for me. So exciting! I love those colors, I get like that with my nail polish but by saturdays after work it’s mostly off so I just switch it up that night each time. Gahhh GG ending, I miss that show! You should do one tree hill or friday night lights next, they are the best!
Aw, that really stinks that your body hates scented candles. They are my favorite! So glad you and your family and friends are all safe from the storm. It looks like it was nasty!
Does anyone out there currently own a small critter pet? Have you ever? I have a hermit crab, if that counts! I’ve had basically every little critter you can think of. Hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, turtles, birds…you name it!
First favorite scent that comes to mind: Pumpkin!
Holy cow those clouds look terrifying!!!
I can relate about the candles, sort of. I’m not allergic to candles but a lot of scented body lotions/perfumes really bother me and give me the worst headaches so I have a hard time being around them. I was actually just talking about favourite scents with Sam when we were in Bath & Body Works last weekend. I like any kind of coconut, vanilla or brown sugar scents! I love how they are all dessertish scents… I guess that says a lot about me haha.
I never owned any small critter pets because of my dad’s allergies. The only pets I ever had were fish. 😛
I’ve painted my nails four times since last Thursday, which is a pretty good indicator of my indecisiveness when it comes to polish colors. 😉 Right now I’m wearing a subtle pastel lilac, however I’m already feeling an urge to switch to something brighter, like a hot pink or coral. Yet I know that once I go that route, it will only be a matter of (short) time before I want something subtle again. Gah! Maybe I need to start wearing the peel-able nail polish that I used to love when I was five. Do you remember that stuff?
Favorite scents: by FAR vanilla and coconut. They’re really the only lotion scents I own! 🙂 I hope you’ve had a great week, Amanda! I’ve been pretty MIA in the blog world this week, but I can’t help but stop by my favorite blogs (that’s you!) from time to time to say hi. <3
I’m glad to see you still stopping by, love! I’ve missed your face since you announced that you’re going to be posting less 🙁 And peel-able nail polish?! I don’t think I’ve ever come across anything like that! But then again, I wasn’t allowed to wear any makeup when I was younger, so that might be why…
I totally and 100% percent feel ya about the nail polish. Sometimes after I paint them, I’m like, “What was I even thinking…” I love those colors though! Those are next on my list!
thank you for that awesome song. I mean you already know I dig your taste in music
i haaaaaate when the bananas are green + brown at the same time. i feel like they’re not as sweet as i need them to be, but already getting that gross texture.
totally call about your computer.
and do not feel ashamed about the kitchen. e.p. is currently en route to pick us up some domino’s. (don’t even get me started on my love for domino’s.)
Yikes! That storm looks like a really bad one. Good thing the tornado didn’t actually touch down in the city! And I’ve been in a kitchen funk too. It always happens once it starts getting too hot out. I’m just not as motivated to stand in front of a hot oven/stove.
Wowza that is so weird you posted that song. My ex-boyfriend (you remember Adam….) loved that song and told me to download it like the first week we started dating. Haven’t listened to it since and it was weird seeing it on here! Haha! Also, I totally notice that on TV shows about people not saying hello or goodbye during phone conversations. Where are their manners!?
Love that song!! Vanilla scented candles are the best along with cotton smelling ones, mostly because they smell like fresh laundry!
Staring at the ceiling in the dark, same old empty feeling in your heart, cause love comes slow and it goes so fast- I’ve been obsessed with good reason too 🙂 I’m afraid I have a fear of rodents or large critters like rabbits! My favourite scent is vanilla/coconut… Also smells delicious! Make nigella lawsons caramel croissant pudding! You can have no fear that it will be anything but pure heavenly bliss- it puffs up magically and is as light as a cloud- plus you could add a bit of vanilla ice cream to just make it even better (if that is possible!) It’s very lovely- let me know if you try it and subsequently fall in love with Nigella even more lol So much love Sophia
It sounds -amazing- but I was actually thinking something more along the lines of dinner than dessert 😛 I never seem to have a problem with baking, but when it comes to cooking? Ugh. I think I’ll look through some of her other recipes though!
Lol- I think it really is only nigella herself who could have this as dinner (she suggests you serve it as such in her book!) Whilst we did enjoy it as our dinner as she suggests- it is a dessert for sure 😉 her naan pizza might be right up your alley though. Hope your dinner is delicious and whatever your beautiful heart yearns for xo Sophia
I swear, I’m like the only girl in the world who never paints her nails. My job actually ruins them so badly =( I am obsessed with scented candles right now tho – I love anything natural smelling, cotton, lavender, ocean! Funny you mentioned hanging up on people – my fiance never says goodbye, he just hands up, and I was telling him yesterday that I think it’s rude! I feel validated =)
Send those candles to meeee!!! Just kidding I’m sorry about your allergies. I just picked up my mac book from the apple store earlier today. What’s with these laptops crapping out on us bloggers???
Apparently, blogging is just that hardcore 😆
Storms are fun/scary at times. I can tell you that in the last week, we’ve gotten a ridiculous amount of rain. It’s raining now… and through the evening. It’s never-ending but on a positive note, the sun will be shining this weekend!
I know what you mean about the kitchen funks. Try browsing Pinterest, you’ll be instantly inspired, or hungry… 😉
I always get overwhelmed looking at the Essie shelves because I want ALL the colours, and then I leave with nothing. I was at London Drugs today with the intention of picking up a new bottle, but I bought Zevia ginger ale and black bean chips instead. I’m still kicking myself for not buying ‘Chinchilly’ last year. Damn it!
YES, I am also experiencing a cooking funk. My stomach has been acting up and it seems like everything has been upsetting it, so there’s not a lot of joy happening in the kitchen right now.
Fave smells – definitely vanilla, rain, coffee beans, coconut, lilacs/plumerias (they smell very similar!) stargazer lilies, the smell of fresh bread/donuts wafting from bakeries
Aaaaand now I’m craving a fresh cinnamon bun. Thanks 😛
I really really really want a hedgehog. My mom got me a giant stuffed hedgehog for Christmas last year, but it’s just not the same!
I absolutely hate when bananas look like that! I always wonder if they are trying to trick me. How am I supposed to know whether they will taste like deliciously ripe bananas, or whether they will taste horribly green :(??
Well, mine have been tasting delicious ripe, so I guess the spots are a better sign than the color.
I heard that the tornado actually touched down in Leduc, but I don’t know if there were a ton of injuries or not. It was scary though! And my bananas have been doing EXACT same thing lately! I thought I was the only one 😉