1. I hate to start off with bad news, but let’s just get this out of the way so that we can move on to better things… My beloved computer of three years has officially bitten the dust…
He’d been acting up for a few weeks before completely shutting down and refusing to start back up a few days ago (hence why I was working with pretty limited pictures in yesterday’s WIAW). I took him in to get looked at and they said it’s probably the hard drive. Great. The good news is that it’s still on warranty (thank goodness I decided to buy the extended one). The bad news is that it could take up to 3 weeks to fix. Ugh. At least I still have my laptop to work with… assuming that doesn’t go again…
2. In an effort to cheer myself up, I decided to do a little retail therapy… Okay, so I wasn’t really feeling crestfallen in the least, but seeing as there was a Shopper’s Drug Mart right next door, I decided to hop on over and see what they had to offer in the realms of beauty products and food. Apparently, they had quite a bit…
I walked out with some old favorites (TRESemmé heat protectant // Simple cleansing wipes), and some new finds that I’ve been wanting to try for a while (CHI silk infusion // Essie base coat // Bioderma cleansing water // Yes To cucumber facial wipes and moisturizer). I’ll let you guys know how I like them. Who knows? They may just end up in my monthly favorites…
3. While I was out and about, I came across what may possibly be the worst parking job I’ve ever seen…
Not only did this… wonderfully considerate person… take up two handicapped parking spots, but there wasn’t even a handicapped sticker on the car. Oh.so.fail.
4. Another fail? This dry shampoo from göt2b…
They were out of my favorite dry shampoo the last time I went to pick some up, so I decided to go out on a limb and try a new one. Bad idea. Unless you have grey hair or want to have grey hair, leave this one sitting on the shelf; and it doesn’t even work very well so you’re not missing out. There’s no way I’m even going to be able to salvage this one. It’s already in the trash.
5. Speaking of dry shampoo, did you know that you can use it to add some really nice volume to your hair? I have pretty fine hair, and getting it to show some enthusiasm in the volume department has always been a little tricky… but that was before I discovered the magic of [good] dry shampoo. What I’ll do is spray some on my roots when I finish drying my hair after a shower, let it sit for a couple of minutes, and then shake it all out. I know it sounds kind of crazy, but it makes my hair feel a lot thicker in addition to making it so much easier to work with. Seriously… give it a shot if you suffer from limp hair.
6. Dear computer…
By now, you should be well aware of the fact that, like Google (which you do not squiggly me for), Pinterest is indeed a proper noun. Get with the times. Please and thank you.
7. I’m embarrassed. It’s been almost 2 years since I’ve moved into my place, and I have yet to finish unpacking all of my boxes…
And the worst part of all? Those boxes are filled with my beloved books. The problem is that I’m not quite sure how I want to go about displaying them. I’d love to have a huge library a la Beauty and the Beast, but until my Prince Charming comes along and gifts me with one, I’m afraid that my books will have to keep hanging out in boxes and random places around my home, like in the cupboards and the drawers under my bed…

8. I’m really loving these longer, summerish days, but I have to admit that they make going to sleep early a bit of a pain in the butt. For reasons unknown to me, I was feeling extra exhausted last night so I decided to go to sleep around 9:30. It was still bright out 😯 I’m thinking that I need to invest in a good eye mask or something.
9. I’m really digging the new song by Thirty Seconds to Mars…
10. And since today’s post started off on a sour note, let’s end it on a good one…
Nothing like free coffee to make you bust out the happy dance 😀
Happy Thursday, friends!
. – . – . – .
What was your last beauty purchase?
What time do you go to sleep?
Windows at home, Mac in uni (exactly the same as yours actually). I want to have a little of both for the best computer. Well, I must accept the fact it’s never going to happen. I’m sorry for your “baby” (my laptop is my baby…). I hope you don’t lose any information from the hard drive.
You buy so many beauty products I actually feel bad. I’ve been promising myself to buy just some face cream for god knows how long and I still haven’t done it even though the old one is pretty much non-existent already. Laziness at its best…
I’m an early bird so I can’t go to bed really late unless I want to look like a zombie on the next day. Normal bedtime is between 10 and 11 but the lack of DST here really drives me crazy (pitch black before 8 and back to light at 4 am) so I started a little experiment to see if I’ll manage to get more sleep. I go to bed around 8, watch some TV and go to sleep. Then I just give up the sleep attempts around 4 and spend the morning talking to people in other time zones. Yeah, I miss late sunsets and I’m really, really jealous.
that is very sad to hear about your computer. mostly because it looks like we have the same one + mine is just about 2 years old + now i’m worried about her. also i’m sure i didn’t get the extended warranty.
and 2 years for packing is no problem! the boxes are just like very affordable bookshelves for me.
Ever since I got a Mac for college I’ve been converted, there’s no going back… I use a PC at work and swear that I encounter problems on a daily basis – so frustrating! If you lived closer I’d totally ask you to go beauty product shopping with me, I’m in need of a good moisturizer, face wash, and hair treatment [my ends are feeling a tid bit dry]. In the meantime, I think we should start an email chain 😉
For face wash, I’d go with Philosophy’s Purity Made Simple… I’ve been using it for a few years now and adore it. For hair treatment, MoroccanOil hydrating mask and treatment oil… both have made a huge difference in my ends. And moisturizer is a little more complicated because it depends a lot on your skin type, but whichever one you use, I’d definitely recommend picking up the vitamin C powder from Philosophy and adding that in. Such good results.
Definitely a Mac person. I hope your computer comes back to life soon!
My last beauty purchase was nail polish. I can’t help it every time I walk into Ulta and see a new essie color…I kind of just haave to have it. hehe
And I also bought those yes to cucumber facial wipes recently and am quite the fan. They’re not sticky and I feel so clean afterwards!
PS- whoever parked their car in #3 needs some parking/driving lessons…
Oh girl, I’m so so sorry about your computer. The same thing happened to me a few months ago, and even though it’s embarrassing to admit that I shed tears over a large contraption of metal and wires, I completely empathize with that feeling of grief (and in my case, anxiety — which kind of made me realize that a forced break from technology was absolutely necessary!). I sure hope they’re able to recover your files! Mine are now automatically backing up to iCloud, so no more worries about losing everything again. 🙂
If any good came out of the situation, though, it’s definitely those beauty buys. Hello favorite cleansing wipes! Oh, and you may have just convinced me to buck my fear of dry shampoo and give it a go. Considering that you’re recommendation track record is A ++++ (mascara, self tanner, and eggy oats, to name a few), I feel I can completely trust your judgement on this one. If I muster up the nerve, I’ll be sure to get the *good* stuff, though. 🙂
Hope you had a wonderful Thursday! Have there been any more flower deliveries? 😉 xoxo
I hope they’re able to rescue them too, although the guy at the desk said it didn’t look too good 😕 But I guess there wasn’t anything on there that was -too- irreplaceable, and to be honest… it kind of feels refreshing to be rid of it all. I have a tendency to hold on to unnecessary things, which makes clutter a pretty big problem.
And no new flowers yet… the old ones are still doing well 🙂
I am a MAC MAC MAC girl!!! 🙂 And I go to sleep… around 10:30/11 pm! – I almost wrote AM. lol. Ugh, I would die if I had a night job!! I need my sleep.
OMG you poor thing..so sorry to hear about your computer! Will all your files etc be redeemable after they fix it?? My biggest fear is my computer breaking/blowing up (knocking on wood as I type). I’ve actually been meaning to back up my laptop on an external hard-drive but haven’t yet purely out of laziness- you’ve given me the kick to get it done ASAP!
Not sure why but I’ve been awfully tired lately…I’m guessing going to bed past midnight on a daily basis isn’t really helping my cause ;)!
I’m pretty sure that everything will be lost 🙁 I was going to back it up when it started acting up, but I didn’t get a chance to before it completely shut down for good. So… consider this being me giving you a kick to get it done!!
Ah, retail therapy always does the trick. I just went a little crazy and tops and shoes and life just seems a little bit better 🙂 I am also terrible at unpacking. Even coming back from a trip, my suitcase will be full on the floor for a week.
Wow- Apparently Starbucks is more generous in Canada! We offer those same surveys to randomly selected customers but they only get $1 off, not a complimentary beverage. Weird!
I’m sending lots of get-well wishes to your computer! That’s the worst feeling ever. I had trouble with my laptop hard drive a few months ago and had to give up my baby for a few days. Hopefully you’ll have yours back sooner than later!
I need to get my bed time to be earlier. Where are my priorities these days?
I just got the new Khaled Hosseini book, too! I’m currently working through another book but I can’t wait to start it. I’m the same way with my books – my shelves will literally fall off the wall if I try to stuff more books on them. I’ve started to just create stacks on my bedroom floor…pretty hazardous when I wake up for middle-of-the-night bathroom trips
Hurry up with the other book! This one’s a gooder!
Oh no what a bummer about your computer, I’m sorry! I’m a Mac person all the way! I have had two lap tops and one had the hard drive crash, they replaced it with apple care. I hope you like your new beauty products 🙂 I love chi silk!! Just make sure to not put it close to your scalp because it will make your hair look oily and remove the volume your trying to get.
Omg the library in Beauty and the Beast. That’s every little girls dream right? Who cares about the prince! Haha. Someday if/when I have an actual big house, I can’t wait to have lots of bookcases or something to hold my books. Now, I tend to donate a lot and weed them out since it’s not practical to hang onto them all. I keep my favorites though!
MAC for sure
blush and lip gloss from Sephora
…trying to get to bed earlier – not that I have started back at 6am gym classes – so about 10:30ish
I’m having some computer frustrations myself. Thankfully my dad has been kind enough to lend me his laptop since he doesn’t use it. It’s quite clunky and I don’t like it but it’ll hold me over for the time being!
I have SO much hair and it’s thick so dry shampoo helps me when I’m being lazy and don’t want to do my hair. I found that LUSH’s dry shampoo is great, except that it’s in a shampoo type bottle, not a spritz so applying it is never fun. It smells wonderful though but that’s a given with LUSH isn’t it?
I’ve been hearing so many good things about the Lush dry shampoo, but the whole application thing keeps turning me off. But gah! I can’t say no to Lush…
Computer troubles are the worst! I hope yours gets fixed soon. I’m actually a bit worried about mine because it keeps on randomly shutting down… I’m thinking I should mayyybe back it up just to be safe. Mine is a PC – that’s what I’ve always used!
I usually go to bed around 10:30. I’ve been waking up around 6-6:30 lately, so it’s like the perfect amount of sleep for me.
haha that is great with the boxes, my friend just moved and when we were packing up her apartments shes been in for years she still had a load of boxes all unpacked. Oh mannnn sorry about the computer, always happens at the worst time! I love dry shampoo I am not a fan of that one either, I honestly use powder most of the time but I am a blonde so it’s not bad for me. My last purchase was mascara, just a plain wet n wild brand lol cheaper the better sometimes
I hate when people park ridiculously! I can understand if you’re in a rush at city hall or something… the mall? Not so much.
I am most definitely a MAC person. I can’t believe yours had a big problem like this after 3 years. That’s no fun. 🙁 Thanks for the tip on the dry shampoo! I love that stuff but I’ve only sprayed it from afar because I was scared of getting the white residue! Haha
Your hair will be white for a few minutes, but after you give it a chance to soak up all the oils and brush/shake it out, you shouldn’t notice anything out of the norm.
I had issues with my laptop this semester and had to use my old one that barely turns on for a week and it was miserable. I literally was driving myself insane running back and forth to the library. I’m the WORST at parking, but I’ve never reached that level. That’s just plain wrong and I hope he got a ticket.
Yay for the coffee! Yumm! Seriously, I am in love with Starbucks (especially with the pumpkin flavor in the autumn)
Hey Amanda! I noticed that you have Khaled Hosseini’s new book, And The Mountains Echoed, in one of your pictures! I’ve read his other two books, loved them, and have been wanting so badly to read this one! So I was wondering if you’ve started it yet?
I have! I really loved his other two books as well, and I’m happy to say that this one is just as good 🙂 The man can do no wrong…
My exact same MAC desktop is on it’s deathbed this week as well!!! I can’t get it to work at all! Hoping my husband can fix it this weekend; I seriously have zero patience for computers. Sooo, instead I’m on my Macbook Air this week. We are Apple fanatics around here!
Also, dry shampoo has saved my pride and dignity on more than one occasion! 😉
Aw, so sorry to hear about your computer! I’m always so afraid that mine’s going to kick the bucket soon. It’s been acting slower lately, so I’m nervous every time I turn it on! I’m glad yours is under warranty, though!
Um, that parking job is horrible. Horrible.
It’s always been my dream to have a library like that, too. But yeah, the whole “lack of a castle” thing is kind of getting in the way…
That’s so cool that you get a free coffee! I’ve never seen a receipt like that before. Lucky you!
I hope you’re having a great day!
-MAC (you can never go back! I hate PCs. Why do they still exist. )
-coconut conditioner, lip balm & pina colada body wash
-9pm-ish. I’m a granny – I like going to bed early so I can read – it’s my treat that I look forward to aaaallll day. 😀
I’m a PC person who really wants to become a MAC person. Mac computers are not even comparable to PCs when it comes to journalism and photo editing. I hope yours gets fixed!
Dry shampoo, actually baby powder for me, is my little secret! I have fine hair so aside from covering up the oil it also adds volume to my hair too. I love it! You should try the dry shampoo from Lush! It’s great 🙂