1. I have some pretty expensive foodie habits, with these Barefruit apple chips being one of those…

So imagine my absolute glee when I came across them at Winners (Canadian equivalent of TJMaxx) the other day a really good price. I may or may not have gone a little overboard in stocking up, but hey… it was all in the name of saving money.
Now if only I could cut back on my snacking habit. Notice how 4 of the bags are already empty? Crack, people… crack.
2. Another fantastic find that I’m pretty sure made me squeak with excitement? This iPhone cover…
I have a huge weakness for anything and everything cute and/or cuddly, so you better believe I was all over this. It’s a little cumbersome, but so cute that I’ll make it work if it kills me, especially because it goes so well with my lucky panda keychain… which was completely unplanned.

3. Also unplanned? A mid week trip to the mall.
Infinity scarf – Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Touchable hairspray – OPI I Theadora You – Philosophy Vitamin C powder – Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in Tipsy
Oh wow. So I know this is starting to look a little bad, but I promise I’m not a shopaholic (denial?). Food and beauty items just happen to be my weakness… along with cute accessories. We all have our things. I don’t go out to eat/drink much, and very rarely buy new clothes, so this is where most of my spending money goes.
4. If only my allergies would follow suit and disappear just as easily. As much as I love this time of the year, it’s pretty much a nightmare when it comes to my allergies. Actually, I shouldn’t even say that – my allergies haven’t been bad ever since I cleaned up my diet, so I only really suffer from puffy eyes and an occasional sneeze, but seeing this when I touch pretty much any flat surface in my home kind of freaks me out nonetheless…
Nothing like a nice coat of pollen to spruce up your interior decor. Needless to say, I’ll be keeping my windows closed for a little while.
5. Does anyone else find that the longer they sit still, the more tired they become? I swear… I end up feeling way more exhausted after a day of sitting at the computer than I do after a day of running around taking care of errands. I have no idea why that is – it’s just another one of those inexplicable mysteries of life – kind of like how one sock always managed to vanish between the dryer and my bedroom…
6. Does anyone remember this dying breed?
The ever-endangered pay phone. Kudos if you remember them, and bonus points if you have memories of scrambling for change at 3 AM so that you could use one. Oh! And do you remember counting the rings and trying to time it so that you could hang up before it went to voicemail and ate your quarter? Good times.
7. And while we’re reminiscing… who remembers these guys?
I was looking for staples (??) the other day when I came across my old Mr. Sketch markers. The best part? They still smell. Does anyone remember fighting for the best smelling ones in school? The red, or pink, or baby blue ones? And what the heck is up with the black one? I know it’s supposed to smell like black liquorice, but dang… it stinks.
8. I couldn’t think of a song to share with you guys this week, so I hit shuffle on my iPod and this is the first song that popped up.
Yes… I have very strange and eclectic taste in music.
9. But at least I’m not crazy enough to count the calories in my dog’s diet…
Hey, hey! Less than 10 calories per treat! Is this like a dog’s version of our 100-calorie snack packs? Because if it is, I can’t imagine it tastes any good. But I digress. I realize that being overweight is just as bad for animals as it is for us, but calories? Really?!? Do people actually know how many calories their pets should be eating? Can you calculate your dog’s BMR or your cat’s burn rate? This is just taking calorie-counting to a whole new level.
10. Did you know… that 0% yogurt is a lot more sour than 2%?
I had to make an emergency grocery run to pick up some yogurt after work the other day, and they were all out of plain 2% so I grabbed a tub of 0% to tide me over. It does the job, but dang… All I can say is thank goodness I’m over my -everything-has-to-be-fat-free-phase.
Happy Thursday, friends!
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What kind of iPhone cover do you have?
What do you spend most of your money on? Food? Clothes? Shoes? Makeup? Collectible action figures?
Do you suffer from allergies around this time of year?
That’s the cutest iPhone cover ever, hands down. Also, I wish I could get out of my “everything has to be fat free” stage because 0% yogurt does NOT make my taste buds happy.
I’m pretty sure it doesn’t make anyone happy, but the only way to get over it is to treat it like any other fear and face it head on. Not only will your tastebuds love you for it, but you’ll find out that it really isn’t as bad as you made it out to be. The calorie difference is so negligible, that it’s not even worth worrying about.
All my friends think I’m weird because I love fat-free plain Cho. I love the sour taste!
I pretty much never open my windows during the Spring for the same reason as you. I woke up one from a nap one day with a stuffy nose and a headache. Before I even got up I asked my mom who was in the same room “Did you open the windows.” I sighed aloud when replied “yes.” Lol. I could just feel it. The trees, the flowers. The smell of fresh air… Stay away from me for just a little bit longer! 😀
Speaking of headaches, I loved those smelly markers to death, but were you ever guilty like I was of smelling them TOO much. One sniff too many I guess but everyone in art would spend all class smelling those things and then we’d have headaches or scratchy throats for the rest of the afternoon. All of the fumes I guess!
Oh, man, I haven’t seen those markers since my best friend and I were fighting over them in elementary school and my parents vowed they wouldn’t buy me another pack because I couldn’t share…man, tough memories of my childhood, right? 😉 lol. But what a great flash-back. And I know what you mean about expensive tastes – I’d be drinking Naked juice every day if the little buggers weren’t so expensive!
These posts are so fun , ooft. Do you remember gel pens? I loved the scented ones of them too. Ah, simpler, happier times, when a good smelling pen was enough to make your day…I miss it!
I do! I remember having a whole bunch of different colors and trying to bust them all out when I was taking notes at school. Then I got to college and realized… ain’t no one got time for that! But I do miss those days…
Omg,here in Germany,they start to advertise cat treats with the same thing!
“only 10 calories a piece and sooo yummy!” – Yeah,and my cat counts calories…?!
So. Damn. SICK.
almond butter is definitely my expensive food splurge, along with tea – i can’t go to the mall without spending too much money at teavana.
i can’t believe there are 100 calorie dog packs – funny, but sad at the same time!
Food splurges…definitely coffee, because I try to buy fair trade. And Baker’s chocolate. It’s not that a box is so expensive on it’s own, it’s how fast I go through it! Buying meat and eggs is kind of a splurge for me too, because again, I try to by local and humanely-raised.
Right now I don’t have an iPhone cover because – get this – mine broke when it fell on the floor!
My allergies have been awful this year! The only relief is in knowing that eventually pollen goes away : )
Happy Thursday!
I’m a shopoholic and I certainly don’t deny that one..ha ha…Moving on. I love apple crisps but I’ve honestly ever only experienced them in Panera salads. I think I’ve mentioned that before as well. Who knows, I become senial sometimes.
I spend two dollars normally on a coffee everyday and that is my “guilty splurge”. Though I tried almond butter for the first time last week and it was pretty good too…I just don’t go through peanut butter fast enough for all of that.
I used to suffer from horrendous allergies starting in April right through Memorial Day weekend to the point where I swear I couldn’t function. It was miserable. Howeverl I no longer have seasonal allergies- every since I randomly became a vegetarian, all hay fever symptoms completely eliminated. I am still in shock. I used to be unable to go outside, play with my son on his swingset, take him for walks, run outdoors or sit through little league games. I am so used to allergies that just seeing the trees and all of the pollen still makes me nervous lol.
Those chips.
I think of it this way… $3.50 (or whatever) may seem like a reasonable price but you have to think of it like this.. that $3.50 will buy you 10 minutes and like barely any calories. LOL. Not such a good investment.
Ps- I still you use my Mr. Sketch smelly markers. I am a weirdo who likes the black licorice too.
But the more important question is… are you a weirdo who likes to eat black liquorice? 😉
Oh for sure!
Same here, not really into eating out and drinking. I’d rather spend my money on cute stuff, accessories and workout clothes! 🙂
I love your Thursday posts- I feel like we’re in conversation :)! Firstly I can’t not comment on the sight of those markers…I definitely was a serial sniffer back in the day! For me it was a toss-up between baby blue, pink, red and orange…purple was pretty great too! Don’t feel too bad about spending money on food- we’re investing in our health right, at least that’s what I keep telling myself every time I feel the pinch ;)! Now I need to find justification for eating out, because that’s where a huge chunk of my money goes these days…oh and of course clothes but that just comes with the package of being a girl, right :)!
Almond Butter and Sun Butter are my expensive food splurges. I just can’t say no though.
I LOVED those scented sharpies. Whoever thought making sharpies smell good should probably be questioned though- I can’t imagine those fumes being good for anyone.
I must admit… I did buy my dog 3 calorie treats but I use them when I’m training him. I thought they were only supposed to be for “training” purposes because you have to give them like 10 treats at a time. If I gave him regular treats while training him, he’d probably be unable to walk at this point. He does have about 10 bags of other treats in our cabinet, though. Spoiled. I splurge so much on nut butters. It’s bad. It’s probably the most expensive thing I buy other than sushi. How do you like the healthy sexy hair? I’ve been reading reviews about them constantly but I’m so sketchy about buying something which might not work for me.
I LOVE THAT IPHONE CASE. Ugh, it makes me squeal it’s so cute!
I’ve only used the hairspray from that line and I really love it. It doesn’t make my hair feel dry or crunchy, but it holds a nice lose curl pretty well. That being said, it’s not great if you’re looking for something with a lot of staying power, but it’s great for more of a relaxed and casual look.
Love Ratatat! Nice to see an appearance of them! Kombucha is definitely one of my more expensive foodie splurges, along with coconut oil and weird flours. Raw nuts are pretty expensive too! And I have a phone that is over 5 years old. They haven’t made it for a long time it’s so old. But, hey, it still works, so I’d rather use it to the end!
The pink marker was favorite 🙂
As for my most expensive splurges would be gluten free crackers, fresh fish, and huge jars of peanut butter.
Please tell me I didn’t miss out on toooo much with my mum not allowing me to buy those Sketch markers. She was against that “unneccessary” – yet, as we know: totally necessary – stuff. Others that I were jealous of were my cousin’s “magic markers”. You had to draw or write with a white “magic” pen to mail secret messages that could only be seen when colouring the sheet with the other coloured pens in the package.
Yes to #5. I’ve noticed that before, too, and suspect it might be because sitting around we don’t get enough fresh air into our brains. That’s why I try to schedule walking breaks – even if just short ones – during study sessions.
First I must tell you that my bowl of mixed cereal this morning was freakin fabulous.
I never had allergies until this year. I’ve woken up looking like a zombie for the last 3 months.
I spend A LOT of money of food. I love different cheeses, all natural products, ect.
I am VERY lucky I went to cosmetology school because I get all my hair products and nail polish at cheaper prices from the Cosmetologist supply store. I’m a huge fan over Very Sexy Brand and Biolage, and of course OPI!
Ohhh! What cereals did you end up mixing? And that’s super awesome that you went to cosmetology school! I was seriously considering becoming a makeup artist back in the day, and I’m still kind of sorry that I didn’t pursue it.
I used Honey Nut Cheerios and Shredded Wheat with vanilla almond milk. It was amazing. You can always go back to school! I never stuck with a job doing hair because you have to be so confident and have thick skin which I never was and never did. I do a lot of friends and family and have been thinking about getting back out there soon since my confidence the last year has gone way up.
Ohh it would be awesome if I could, but I’ve actually been thinking about going back to school for something else, so I’ll have to reign in my makeup obsession for a little while. BUT… you should totally do it! I can imagine the need for a slightly thicker skin, but like you said, you’ve been doing a lot better with that 🙂 And I’m sure it’s something that comes with the more time you spend doing it.
I used to have an iPhone cover that looked exactly like that but it was a tiger!!! I miss that thing. Got so many compliments on it and it made me smile every day. I would say my most expensive food purchases are quest bars and anything from Whole Foods, although I don’t frequent it that often anymore. I have allergies too but I have noticed them decreasing this year since I eat better than I used to. Never made the connection before but I’m not complaining!
I WANT A PANDA IPHONE COVER!!! I love me some pandas. They are my favorite zoo animal 🙂
And those markers were my first drug. Just kidding, but really. We would all just sniff them while coloring, even my grandma did it!!
Bonus points for ending up with spots on your nose because you got a little too close 😉
It is funny because the only place I have seen those hips at a good price are tjmaxx. I swear that place is a goldmine for awesome foodie staples at a much cheaper cost. Much cheaper. I also had no idea you were such a panda fan. That Case is beyond adorable. I am in desperate need of a new case. You should see mine. Eeekkkkkk.
Ah I remember those markers. My expensive food habits are but butter, fresh market coffee and sparkling waters. I know I feed my dog all natural, no nasty byproducts food but other than feeding recommended based on his body size I have no idea how many calories he eats.
I remember those markers! Love ’em. 🙂 One of my best buddy’s adores pandas. I’m sure she’d like that key chain and cell phone case.
PS – Calories in dog treats? How am I supposed to know how many calories a dog needs in a day anyway? Craziness…
I definitely spend a lot of money on almond butter and peanut butter, but it’s so worth it! Seeing those Mr. Sketch markers flew me back to my elementary/junior high /high school years. Visions of poster making and sniffing them to test the different flavors come into my head. 0% Greek yogurt makes me cringe. I can’t even handle plain greek yogurt unless it’s for baking. I just stick with vanilla Chobani 🙂
I love plain mostly because I’m a huge fan of adding sweet things to it (ripe bananas, honey, maple syrup), and the sharp contrast between the tangy yogurt and sweet mix-ins is kind of addicting.
aahh I LOVED those markers!!!! 🙂
My expensive foodie splurges are all nuts! I love buying almond butter or enough almonds to make my own. Silly but delicious! My iPhone cover is a little boring right now. Just silver and glittery, but I love it!
I spend my most money on clothes and food! They’re quite possibly my two favorite things in the world! It’s summertime for me, so I’ve been slacking on the makeup lately. The world is probably not thrilled with that decision!
As for the allergies, I suffer all year long! It’s been so awful! Ugh!
Love your post and you ‘thinking out loud’! Happy Thursday! xx
My splurges are movies, coffee/baked treats at bakeries and groceries (especially fresh fruit, almond/sunflower butter and tea. I really need to do a better job of not stopping in at the store just because I have a little extra time to burn…I walk in thinking I’ll just pick up some mushrooms or milk (something cheap that I really do need), but end up leaving with bars or yet another new nut butter at $6 a pop 🙁
Ohhh, Mr. Sketch! Those were the best, I loved when I could snag some of those & sniff away during art class. I probably killed more brain cells than I care to think about! I need a new iPhone cover & a new iPhone for that matter, mine took some concrete to the face the other day & shattered. Now I risk shards of glass in my face everytime I speak to someone 🙁
That’s what happened to mine, too 🙁 First the front cracked, and then I dropped it again and the back completely shattered. Luckily, they’re not -that- expensive to replace if you just go with an older model.
Almond butter for sure. Luckily roasted is so much better than raw in my opinion and my wallet’s. Totally remember counting the rings too 🙂
Smelly pens! Those bad boys made elementary school exponentially more fun. Even if you did sometimes end up with marker on your nose from sniffing so hard. You crack me up girl. I think I need to come visit (or live with?) you in Canada. We can eat expensive food and shop and cuddle with pandas.
And head south for the winter? 😀
I recently switched from 0% to 2% Greek yogurt and I’m SO glad. You’re right, it tastes much better!
My iPhone case is blue on the back and white on the edges (and my iPhone is white). I used to love black things – accessories, coats, electronics, shoes, etc., but as I’ve gotten older I’ve been more drawn to color. I still love black, but I also like to shake things up! And I really want that Panda case!
Hmmm, expensive food splurges: lately I’ve been drinking decaf iced Americanos (I just blogged about it not long ago, in fact). They’re not cheap! I should probably look into an espresso maker if this is going to be an ongoing habit!
I know how many calories my pup is supposed to eat and how many she eats per day…she’ll eat anything in front of her, regardless of whether or not she’s hungry, so we do have to portion her food so (1) she gets enough to eat to grow but (2) she won’t eat too much that she gains excessive weight. Obesity in dogs is just as debilitating and harmful as it is in humans! And, they have no way of actually knowing how much food they eat or need to eat…hence why we’re here.
That panda case is ADORABLE. There are times I want an iPhone just because the cases are so dang cute.
See my dog is the complete opposite – we have to leave her food out for her all day so that she can pick away at it whenever she wants or she just won’t eat. She’s a little more lenient with human food, but she still has a tendency to leave things alone if she’s not hungry.
I only buy Chobani as Greek Yogurt…so I’m thinking that’s my most expensive foodie splurges. I also splurge a ton on Dark Chocolate Covered Pomegranates. My iPhone cover is the Little Mermaid because I am obsessed 😀 I spend most of my money on food..although I have spent a good amount of money on clothes lately! Running tights and sports bras. And regular person clothes on clearance.
I do have allergies and they’re the worst!!! I do not miss that nasty yellow pollen coat everywhere.
I’m a sucker for stuffed olives. Wegman’s has a Mediterranean Olive bar with just about every kind of olive stuffed with a variety of things. I basically love any olive stuffed with garlic. I have a plain black bumper on my white iPhone. I appreciate plain simple things. I think it’s safe to say I spend most money on food, and then closely followed clothes. My allergies aren’t super bothersome except I sneeze about 10 times a day at work and my coworkers are constantly fearful I’m sick.
hahaha omg the pink and the orange markers were my favorite! Kombucha is so gosh darn pricey, but it’s soo good. That’s definitely one of my splurges. This has been an expensive month for me. I needed some new summer duds, so naturally I bought them all at once because i hate clothes shopping and I like to get it over with. Plus it’s been a big birthday month so between the clothes, gifts, dinners and drinks I really need to rein it in over the next few weeks. It’s been a fun month, but not for my wallet 🙂
We all have those months we have to recover from… I’m the same.exact.way when it comes to buying clothes… I hate the process, so I just stock up a few times a year and call it good.
Mr. Sketch markers are the best!! And I can’t resist food or beauty products, either 😛
I use those Mr Sketch markers in my classroom lol! The kids don’t use them, I use them when I’m writing on chart paper. And then I start sniffing them. Yummm. Those apple chips look good, I totally would’ve stocked up too. Yay for shopping sprees… and blegh to all that pollen.
Wait a second… this is going to sound really dumb but I didn’t even know dog food HAD calorie counts. That never would have occurred to me. I remember the smelly highlighters. I loved the soda flavored ones, especially root beer. My shopping habits are usually in the form of running clothes. Everyone spends their money differently. It actually is a big pet peeve of mine when people comment on how I choose to spend my money. Maybe I go out to eat more often than some people, but I don’t go shopping every other day. If I wore makeup, I bet I’d be buying new stuff all the time!
I had no idea about the dog food thing either… I just noticed this one because it was plastered across the front. And spending comments bother me too. It’s like, I work hard and I’ve got my finances budgeted out… what does it matter where the extras go?
Counting calories for a dog? Poor thing. Lucky them they have no idea about…..
And I totally agree on the long sitting – getting tired – thing. I am so glad I have a position changer in my desk so I can stand for a few hours. When I saw us girls shopping along in Spain for 7 hours and more, I knew that running around IS energizing!
Almond Butter, Coconut butter, pants, shoes, body lotions and face products – I spend almost all my money on it, but the most goes out on my travels which I love!