Aaaaaaaand GO!
1. I can’t even begin to thank you guys for all of the sweet comments you left on my last post. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to look back and realize how far you’ve come, especially when you pair that with reading the success stories of others. Don’t laugh, but I’ve got a folder set up in my e-mail account where I save comments and messages that really make me gush. I know. I’m a total sap…
2. There are certain comments that definitely do not make the cut, though. You know you’re writing quality content when acne cysts are commenting on it 😉
3. It’s official. I’m not a fan of Starbucks’ Happy Hour…
I always hit up Starbucks after work to enjoy my daily capp and get some blog work done, but ever since Happy Hour started, the place has become a less-than-pleasant work spot. Big crowds. Loud people. New trainees that can’t make a decent cappuccino. Ugh. May 13th can’t come soon enough…
4. Speaking of huge crowds, I mustered up some courage and decided to brave the ones at Target last night…
Target was only introduced to Canada a little while ago, and our store here in Edmonton just opened its doors something like a week ago (maybe??). I wanted to avoid the initial stampede of people, buuuuut curiosity got the better of me and I had to see what all the fuss was about. Maybe I set my expectations way too high after hearing everyone in the blog world rave about it, but… I really wasn’t all that impressed. The prices didn’t rock my socks off, and I didn’t really come across many things that I couldn’t get anywhere else. I did, however, walk away with a hot pink loofa…
5. And I may or may not have made up for my lack of Target buys during my subsequent walk in the mall…

Chanel Hydra Beauty Crème – MAC paint pot in Painterly – Lush’s R&B and Honey Trap lip balm.
The way I see it, I… yeah, no – I don’t really have a legit justification aside from needing/wanting those things.
6. I also don’t really have a justification for this picture that I took of my neighbor’s cat…
I was opening my window the other day and saw him (her?) sitting there looking all cute and felt compelled to tell you guys about it. I swear I’m not a creeper 😯
7. I picked up a hanging jewelry organizer in Winners (Canadian equivalent of TJMaxx) the other day…
Now, I don’t really have any sort of extensive jewelry collection to boast about, but I do have a cluttered nail polish collection that I’m constantly complaining about – or at least I did…
8. I’m pretty particular about my oats. They have to be cooked just so, and have a nice cakey/pillowy texture. Runny oats skeeve me out. I honestly have no idea how people can eat them when they’re all soupy 😯
9. This song just tugs at my heartstrings…
10. But before I start feeling too lonely, I’d like to share one of the perks of living alone: not having to worry about anyone stealing your last banana…
. – . – . – .
How do you like your oats? Rolled? Steel cut? Baked? Overnight? Raw? In cookies? As granola?
What jewelry do you wear on an everyday basis?
I feel like the obsession with Target comes from the fact that it’s one-stop shopping. You can get grocery items, home improvement items, pet food, personal items, clothing, and groceries all under one roof. Plus, in the states – it’s definitely cheaper. Not as cheap as Walmart, but it’s around that neighborhood.
Yeah I’m thinking you guys probably just have better ones down there in the States… in addition to having Whole foods and Trader Joe’s… Lucky buggers 😉
Awesome polish set-up!!
I wear bracelets and necklaces on a regular basis.
I love your nail polish collection! I tried to stop at Starbucks for a half price yesterday and the line was out the door.
I’m not a huge Target fan, I’ll go there for workout clothes or tampons and that’s about it. The prices are not exceptional, I don’t know WHO said they were haha! BOO about the crowded Starbucks I have not gone in during happy hour times at alllll. I like regular ol’ oats, oats in cookies, raw in breakfast bars, steel cut, man I just love all oats!
oooh. Target! it is a 3 hour drive away in the city but when I get up there, look out! I always wander those back end caps with the clearance stickers & find some treasures. There is just something about new & cool that always gets me there, like last time- they had Archer Farms GF quinoa pasta! and they have awesome cheap jewelry too. I am not a expensive person (our wedding bands are steel off ebay for like $80 ten years ago) but I love color & flash & target is good at both! Love oats in almost anything- raw in yogurt, rolled in cookies, whole in pancakes, I even use them in my salmon “burgers” for a little texture. Bob’s Red Mill GF are the best IMO. I always read your blog first thing in the AM with a big cup of coffee & it makes me smile- thanks!! (weird but living in Alaska I feel like Canada is very similar & we have a lot in common- LOL!)
I love Target! I’m glad you finally got one! And I totally agree with you on the Starbucks thing. I waited for over half an hour the other day to get my frap after I ordered it!
Ah wow I need an organiser like that in my life; I have so much nail polish floating around! So much easier to find them when its neat and organised like that :).
I’m really fussy about my oats as well; I don’t mind whether they’re baked/overmight/regular as long as they’re thick! I agree I cannot stand soupy oats, they have to feel substantial to me!
I really wanna see what the big thing about Target is; we don’t have them in the UK and everytime I visit the U.S. they seem to evade me! I’m gonna have to track one down next time I go on holiday there haha
Hehe that sounds like me every time I take a visit to the States – scope out the nearest Whole Foods and stock up on all the food I can’t get up here.
You weren’t impressed by Target?! UGH. I die. The store sucks me in and I cannot leave empty handed. Ever. I love my oats to be hearty and thick. I will remake them if they come out too runny… Actually, I’d rather slightly burn them than have them undercooked. Ew. You are such a creeper! Hahaha. Just kidding 🙂
I LOVE target! I come out with something different every time! I know exactly what you mean about Starbucks happy hour- I feel the same way. It is obnoxious!
I need that organizer, but for my jewelry! I love your creative idea to use it for fingernail polish, though. And seriously, I am beyond jealous of your collection. You have some amazing colors. I want those orange/coral colors for Summer!
Thanks girl! It’s funny because I keep telling myself to experiment with more colours and move away from the corals and pinks, but they just suck me in every time. And the worst part is that sometimes there’s only the subtlest difference between shades, so it’s like… do I -really- need another shade of pink?
Hope you’re having a great Thursday!
I think the thing I love most about Target is the fact that all their store brand food is absolutely delicious! Like, of all the Kroger-type brands, its the tops!
Sorry about the packed Starbucks. The one right by my house got so bad I stopped going, and to this day I’ll only go if I’m desperate and I always use the drive-thru, lol
this makes me smile, you would have a sweetest comments box. I love that! I could do a whole post about my past life as well, it is hard to even think about it because it is so disconnected to who I am now (thank god). as for target, I think we could have a ton of fun exploring that place. I could spend hours in just their kitchen section. I get that mind set of I need all the things!
I like Target a lot. Like way too much. I buy magazines, books, clothes, groceries, décor, and of course, everything in the $1 section 🙂
I like Target, but I’m a rare breed of American who can actually go into Target and leave empty handed. I love their clearance rack, but the Targets in my area are NOT that impressive! However, I did find a HUGE Super Target about 20 mins from my house that’s worth the trek. I usually buy workout clothes, bikini tops, or clothes.
I like my oats all sorts of way! I love oatmeal so much its ridiculous. I’m going to go out on a limb and say oatmeal to me is how cereal is to you. I just can’t get enough 😉
The only jewelry I wear everyday is my nose ring and one of my ear piercings. Exciting. I used to have a necklace that I wore every day, but when my ex and I broke up, I stopped wearing it because it was too sentimental. Now I only wear that necklace on special occasions!
I usually only wear small hoop earrings as well. All of the other things are just too much hassle, and it’s kind of hard to believe that I used to walk around with half my arms covered in various bangles and bracelets when I was younger 😯
You have the most impressive nail polish collection I’ve ever seen. I’m coming to live with you. I’ll cook you dinner every night in exchange for full nail polish access.
You walked out of Target with just a loofah? You make me sad. Lol! And ooh, fun shopping… love your nail polish solution!
But… but… it was hot pink!! 😳
I did the exact same thing! I went to Starbucks to study and was like why on earth are there a million people in here..low and behold it was ‘happy hour’.
LOVE the nail polish in the jewelry hanger! Totally something you would see on Pinterest. I may have to do that…
What DON’T I buy at Target? Over the years, I’ve purchased the following and more: Workout and other apparel, shoes, books, CDs, DVDs, almond & coconut milk, toiletries, bath tissue and paper towel, greeting cards, makeup, toys (as gifts), kitchen gadgets, mirrors, accessories, office supplies, candles, nutrition bars, various food products… the list, it goes on.
How DON’T I like my oats?! (Hmm, a trend!) All of the above, please. 🙂
Spam comments are so annoying! I love those organizers you bought, those are awesome! And I have to get in and out of Target as fast as possible or I’ll do some serious damage. 😉
That’s a great way to organize your nail polish… So smart, Amanda! – I’m gonna have to leech off that idea 😉
I love oatmeal in any form – thick or soupy, in cookies, as granola or muesli… And I only tried them less than a year ago!!!
I LOVE target. They have great inexpensive swimsuits, good deals on food, and nice giftwrap stuff (I love giftwrapping haha!). You can also get some good deals on small kitchen appliances (toasters, blenders, etc) and books/DVDs. It’s one stop shopping! And their popcorn is so addictive. It’s 1 billion x saltier than any other popcorn, but it’s delish
Oatmeal…I like cooked pretty firm with lots of cinnamon. Not a fan of oatmeal cookies (just give me the chocolate chip ones, please). I do love granola!!
I almost never wear jewelry…I always forget to put it on! Too much of a hassle haha
Ha! Finally someone who shares my views on jewelry! I almost never wear any because I can’t stand it clunking and sliding around on my wrists and fingers. On special occasions? Maybe. But everyday? No.
It’s probably a good thing you weren’t a huge fan of Target. You can not just buy one thing from that store. It gets me every time. I use the painterly paint pot too. It’s such a great universal color that’s flattering.
I am a Steel Cut man myself. I need something with a little bite when I have my cereal lol.
I am loving your keep it coming:)
I laughed so hard at the picture of your neighbor’s cat! Also, love your nail polish idea. It’s so handy! I keep my nail polish stash in a plastic bag…it gets a little inconvenient after a while. 🙂
Target’s pretty good if you need snacky foods or random around-the-house-stuff like shampoo, toothpaste, dishes/cups, etc. It’s a no-go for produce or clothes (at least for me). Although I do experience the phenomenon where if I go into a Target for let’s say shampoo and conditioner, I somehow come out with bottles and bottles of nail polish, boxes of snacks, a pillow, some extra pens just because…you get the picture! 🙂
I totally expected that to happen to me based on what other bloggers seem to complain about all the time, but I only walked out with that one thing. It’s actually the worst for me at grocery stores – I go in for toothpaste and walk out with 5 bags worth of stuff that I didn’t know I needed 😉
I am so with you on the oats!! I love mine just like you do!! I love overnight oats or egg white oats! I also end up going to target and getting way more than I need! I have fallen in love with all their clothes…they have gotten such cute stuff for the summer!!
Eeek runny outs skeeve me out as well! Yuck!
And I love Target in comparison to Walmart, that is all. I mean Target isn’t amazing on its own but if comparing it to similar stores it’s SO much better!
I love everything LUSH. They make some amazing products!
Wow someone that doesn’t care for target? That is almost unheard of! LOL. I actually do the majority of my grocery shopping at Target.
Your nailpolish collection is pretty baller, I’m not going to lie. When I was in college and was only like 15 minutes from Canada, we would go to winners. I liked it the most because of the name seriously. I always wanted to find a shirt that just said “Winners” or “Department of Winners”…but of course they didn’t have that.
What I always loved about Target in the States was the wide variety of candy, and I don’t know if they’ll have the same collection in Canada. So if not, it loses all its appeal for me haha.
I might be going against the blogger grain but Chanel definitely trumps Target ;)! Living your stash of Essie- I’m actually at the salon now and your pic is making me think I should go for a bright color like an orange..hmm you got me confused now!
As much as I love toppings on my oatmeal, I’ve started to embrace more simpler bowls with just applesauce and almonds! Have you tried raw oats in your yogurt bowls? Too die for (with applesauce & almond butter of course)!
Happy Thursday, girlie!
Loving not loving 🙂
Oooo an orange would look great on you! Especially at this time of the year 😀 And yessss the raw oats in yogurt bowls are fantastic. So chewy and nutty <3
Hope you're having an awesome Thursday, Khushboo!
I 100% agree with you on the oats, but then again, I think we may have had this “discussion” before. haha I’ll be braving Target today, so wish me luck!
Must not buy all the things!!!
Target is seriously an addiction. I remember the first one that went in by my house at home and I swear to god my mom acted like it was Christmas. She is obsessed with that store. Okay, I am too, but still. They just have the best stuff there! I can never walk out of that place without buying half the store. Which reminds me, I should go there today to find a dress for the athletics banquet… the spam comments always crack me up. I am constantly trying to figure out what I said in a post that caused them. Usually I’m still baffled.
I don’t always have time to leave a comment but I would just like to say that I’m always left with a really good feeling after reading your posts. . .whether it’s smiling inside, that totally-can-relate feeling, or deeply inspired its always good 😀 ! So just to echo everyone else – thank you and keep being you 😉 . No Target on my end of the world. I think I enjoy oats in every single way possible; its just so versatile.
Awwwr gush. Thanks SD <3
I didn’t know you were from Canada! Do you have Walmart there? I actually prefer that to Target. The prices at Target are expensive if you ask me and I don’t really see the huge deal either. I would love to never worry about the last banana.. I always have to call dibs!
That jewelry organizer is amazing for nail polish!! Such a great idea. I need to do it lol
We do have Walmart! And it’s a lot bigger than Target, but that might just be because it’s been around for so much longer…
I love Target for really cheap cute t-shirts and shorts, workout clothes, home decor stuff and some hard-to-find food products. I always wear earrings… I have two holes in each ear and I never take out these little diamond studs in my 2nd hole, but I change up the other one. I also always wear my wedding ring and another ring on my right ring finger and usually wear a bracelet and sometimes a watch.
I was wondering why Starbucks has been so busy and didn’t even think about it being happy hour….my son and I couldn’t even find a seat last time we were in there! 🙁
Can you believe Kuwait DOESN’T celebrate Starbucks Happy Hour deal. Seriously, what is going on w/ this country??!!! With that being said, my starbucks isn’t crowded so if you want you can fly here & we can go blog and have our peace & quiet.. Ill even pay for yours so it’s like your geting half off =) lol
Aww I love that idea to make a “sweetest comments” folder. Especially for days when the world feels like “ugh” that would be the perfect folder to read. i love it, i may steal that idea 🙂 my friends always tell me that i need to mix up my jewelry combo because i literally wear the same thing every day- pearl earrings my mom gave me a while ago and a necklace my boyfriend gave me for christmas. i love both pieces so much, i can’t not wear them. sometimes ill add a bangle. depends on my mood.
And i love the way you sorted your colors in the nail polish holder- it’s so pretty!
Looking through that folder definitely helps when I’m going through one of those blogging funks. And wearing jewelry that has such special meaning behind it is so sweet! Why on earth would you want to switch it up? Pft.
Wow! Your oats look heavenly, what’s your cooking secret?
I use this technique right here:
I just went to Mac yesterday and picked up that same pot haha awesome.
I looooove your nail polish collection. Love it, mine is so disorganized. I should really get better at that.
I also love bananas when they’re that right perfect for oats or banana bread.
Same with my oats. No soupy style for me
Happy Thursday love!
Using the jewelry organizer for your nail polish is brilliant! Totally stealing that idea 🙂