Aaaaaaaand GO!
1. I can’t even begin to thank you guys for all of the sweet comments you left on my last post. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to look back and realize how far you’ve come, especially when you pair that with reading the success stories of others. Don’t laugh, but I’ve got a folder set up in my e-mail account where I save comments and messages that really make me gush. I know. I’m a total sap…
2. There are certain comments that definitely do not make the cut, though. You know you’re writing quality content when acne cysts are commenting on it 😉
3. It’s official. I’m not a fan of Starbucks’ Happy Hour…
I always hit up Starbucks after work to enjoy my daily capp and get some blog work done, but ever since Happy Hour started, the place has become a less-than-pleasant work spot. Big crowds. Loud people. New trainees that can’t make a decent cappuccino. Ugh. May 13th can’t come soon enough…
4. Speaking of huge crowds, I mustered up some courage and decided to brave the ones at Target last night…
Target was only introduced to Canada a little while ago, and our store here in Edmonton just opened its doors something like a week ago (maybe??). I wanted to avoid the initial stampede of people, buuuuut curiosity got the better of me and I had to see what all the fuss was about. Maybe I set my expectations way too high after hearing everyone in the blog world rave about it, but… I really wasn’t all that impressed. The prices didn’t rock my socks off, and I didn’t really come across many things that I couldn’t get anywhere else. I did, however, walk away with a hot pink loofa…
5. And I may or may not have made up for my lack of Target buys during my subsequent walk in the mall…

Chanel Hydra Beauty Crème – MAC paint pot in Painterly – Lush’s R&B and Honey Trap lip balm.
The way I see it, I… yeah, no – I don’t really have a legit justification aside from needing/wanting those things.
6. I also don’t really have a justification for this picture that I took of my neighbor’s cat…
I was opening my window the other day and saw him (her?) sitting there looking all cute and felt compelled to tell you guys about it. I swear I’m not a creeper 😯
7. I picked up a hanging jewelry organizer in Winners (Canadian equivalent of TJMaxx) the other day…
Now, I don’t really have any sort of extensive jewelry collection to boast about, but I do have a cluttered nail polish collection that I’m constantly complaining about – or at least I did…
8. I’m pretty particular about my oats. They have to be cooked just so, and have a nice cakey/pillowy texture. Runny oats skeeve me out. I honestly have no idea how people can eat them when they’re all soupy 😯
9. This song just tugs at my heartstrings…
10. But before I start feeling too lonely, I’d like to share one of the perks of living alone: not having to worry about anyone stealing your last banana…
. – . – . – .
How do you like your oats? Rolled? Steel cut? Baked? Overnight? Raw? In cookies? As granola?
What jewelry do you wear on an everyday basis?
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