Hey , hey, hey! Happy Thinking Out Loud Thursday! A day where I can throw coherent thought flow to the wind and just spew out whatever random thoughts are in my head. Yay! 😀
1. Remember how yesterday had me gushing about my mom and the amazing dinner she made me let me mooch off her? Well today I’ve got to do some gushing over my dad; a man who picked up not one, not two, but three watermelons for me when he was at Costco the other day…
Gah! They spoil love me But in all fairness, I do think of them when I’m out and about as well…
2. Speaking of which, you’ll never believe some of the things I come across while I’m out and about…

Gee, thanks! But as amazing as both of those sound, I’d really just settle for some Chobani and a Chipotle around these parts. Get your priorities straight, Canada!
3. Guess who already started packing for her snowboarding getaway this weekend? Mmm hmmm – this girl right here! Ms. Packing Procrastinator herself! Although… I feel as though I should mention that I never really unpacked from my last trip… but let’s not get caught up in details and consider this progress, mmkay?
4. Does harboring thoughts like this make me a bad person?
5. How about the fact that I didn’t inform a girl I came across whose self-tanning fail was so blatantly obvious that having a pumpkin orange face and a ghostly white neck isn’t a good look for anybody. Does this girl not have a mirror? Or good girl friends that will tell her these kinds of things?!?
6. Speaking of self-tanner… what are your guys’ thoughts on it? I’ve always preferred soaking up some sun as opposed to slathering myself with creams, but with things like skin cancer and premature aging being a pretty big concern, I’m starting to reconsider. I’ve actually got my eye on this one here…
7. Nothing makes you feel older than someone calling you ma’am. Seriously?! On the one hand I’ve got people telling me that I barely look 18, and on the other I’ve got people ma’aming me. I’m not sure which one bothers me more.
8. I heard this song by Radiohead earlier this week and it’s been stuck in my head for something like three days straight. It’s a good thing I like it, although a few more days and I’m going to start to hate it…
9. I’d like to draw your attention to this little bar right here…
You can find it at the bottom of each of my posts and use it to share my post to places like Twitter and Facebook. The real reason I’m bringing it up, though, is because I just added the Pinterest option to make it easier to pin any of my images to your boards.
10. Oh and by the way… just call me Queen Ygritte Snow…
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Do you use self-tanner? Which one?
Even if you’re not a fan, what’s your Game of Thrones name?
I’ve never used self-tanner but that’s simply because I would manage to make myself look like an Oompa Loompa. So I just wait for the warm sun to come out. 🙂 And I TOTALLY want to get into Game of Thrones, but my internet is so awful for that. So I’m waiting on some DVDs. In the meantime, my name is Septa Ygritte Tarly. Haha.
You could always read the books as well!
My mom is always buying me stuff! I also make a lot of things for her too, so it evens out 🙂
I always steal food from my parents lol… my mom never minds either! ewww hair mayo, that doesnt even sound right!?! And I love watermelon, I could eat my weight in it! I think I need to go pick some up today..thanks for the reminder!!
Haha it doesn’t make you a bad person for having those thoughts but acting upon them might cause some problems 😛 I had some pretty strange dreams last night that has left my mind racing all day… But no, they didn’t involve gummy bears.
I’ve never been one to sit out in the sun and bake the day away but I do love being outside on a beautiful day and going to the beach and I tend to tan easily – but after having 2 melanomas removed, I’ve tried to limit my sun exposure and found a really good spray tanning salon. Only pitfall is that it costs lots and lots $$$!
Amanda! That hair mayo is theeee best! It’s made my hair SO silky soft! Juuuust kidding 😉 This is actually the first I’m hearing (er, seeing) of it. I do wonder why they would name it that though. It’s so…off putting.
And can you say best dad ever?? I’m so ready to eat watermelon! I think I pretty much rock a watermelon baby all throughout the summer. Good thing its mostly water and eventually goes aways because it’s not the most attractive look.. hehe
Lol no it’s not, but it’s one I rock on a regular basis 😉
My mom sends me treats from far away (she lives in Chicago..i live in FL), but it’s not often. However, when I’m home it’s like a free-for-all and I am the queen bee. Whatever foods I want, we get!
Kids ma’am me all the time… I work with high schoolers in the south and they’re always calling me ma’am. I’m not much older than they are…
Raella Royce King’s Hand is my name… although I’ve never seen the show.
I saw that “sexcereal” on an episode of Dragon’s Den. (I love Dragon’s Den and Sharks Tank. Fun shows).
Those 100 gram Lindt bars? I eat 2 per week 🙁
I eat 30-40 grams per night. No willpower. I know. Its not good (my tummy and “other” tell me that, TMI alert). I also just picked up a basic 60% chocolate no-name brand at some store just cause it was on for super cheap. Really full of sugar and carbs…oh well.
Lately I’ve been eating a ton TON of carbs (grains and fruits) and slacking on the protein. Its like I just “don’t care” and want to say screw it…so what if I can”t exercise and I just sit and eat bread and fruit literally all day… but still the guilt.
But its like I’m just tired of trying to be “good”.
I DO however need more protein cause my energy and muscles are so sluggish and low, but I’ve just been slacking so hard in that area. I’m on the fence about cutting out dairy and eggs for a bit because I really think I need that elimination trial…its hard though when I am so “stuck” in my routines and habits and “safe, familiar foods”. I eat chicken and fish too obviously, but cutting out eggs and dairy would be so confusing for my lunches and nighttime snacks, etc.
Also overdosing on the hummus, among other things….I’ll be quiet now 🙂
Me nerves.
Love seeing you so ….full of life. Just normal and “cool”.
Neat way to be. neat way to be.
I think from years of forcing myself to eat it fruit just doesn’t appeal to me anymore. Also veggies I could do without and eat wayyy less, but still find ways to incorporate them into my meals. I could seriously live off chicken or meat, peanut butter, and starchy carbs, but I’m not sure how good that is for my health.
Idk what sex cereal is, but I kind of really want to try it. haha.
I started tanning in college and went every other day for a couple years. I never looked like I tanned, just enough to not be my natural Casper complexion. But I don’t feel like I pull off pale well, so when I stopped (I don’t need cancer, or too like 60 when I’m 40), I started using self tanner. I use the Loreal Sublime Bronze lotion, or Banana Boat Summer Color- both in Dark. They’re cheap and good, but make sure you’re careful about application, and WASH your hands. I got a spray tan once and it was nasty. Not just looking (I got it right before I met my boyfriend’s family at Thanksging (ACK!) but it left marks all over everything, including his white sheets. I couldn’t find these this time, so I got the Loreal Micromist in medium, and while I like the easy application, it was too light for my liking, and the bottle goes fast this way (much if it sprays into the air). I’ve also tried wipes, but meh. I hear SunLabs is good (a tiny bit more pricey), and I’m going to pick that up next time I go to Christmas Tree Stores. Also, I suggest getting a separate lotion made for your face. I don’t do this, I just use bronzer (and I’m cheap. Well, kind of, the bronzer powder is Urban Decay and like 40$), but otherwise, just be careful and go easy with your face, and if you have a spray, spray it on your hands to wipe on. And be careful of your neck, too! I sometimes get weird lines (and admittedly sometimes the dreaded white neck, tan face. oops.)
I promise it’s not as bad as it sounds, and if you’ve seen “True Life: I’m addicted to Tanning” you’ll always opt for self tanner. Bleh. It’s pretty much like applying body lotion in terms of maintenance.
That definitely makes it a little less intimidating. Thanks for the tips, girl!
When I used to live in the same city as my parents, I’d go “shopping in their kitchen” every time I went home! In fact, they encouraged it!!
Haha. That cereal is hilarious! 🙂
I’ve seen that mayonaisse hair. My mom uses it. Apparently, it makes your hair soft and manageable. 🙂
#5: haha. Omigosh. I would definitely tell my friend if her tan looks weird. I would prefer soaking under the sun than using sprays.
I’ve used eggs in my hair as a mask before and it definitely makes them nice and soft, so I guess the hair mayo would kind of be the same thing.
ahhhhh i LOVE when my dad does things like that! He’d be like i picked u up bananas and sweet potatoes and it instantly makes my day. Sex cereal, that is hilarious! Surprised I haven’t seen it around NY they have some weird stuff too lol. HAHA i would honestly think the same thing if I saw kid with gummy bears! I just may have done something about it though, sad sad life. lol I do use self tanner now as you would be able to tell if you saw my handprint on my back and ankle/foot discoloration lol. I use just this jergens stuff because it was a 2 day one so I think thats why it was so vibrant. They sold yours at my tanning salon and people loved it, start off lightest then go up unless you want some back handprints too lol
I’m always a bit apprehensive to try self-tanner. I’ve only known people who have had bad experiences with it! Funny story – I actually did put mayonnaise in my hair when I was younger to kill lice. Disgusting, and definitely not something work repeating.
Lady Margarey Lannister! haha, love that, and love Game of Thrones. 🙂
Every time I go home for a weekend, I raid my parents pantry. Before he retired, my dad worked for McCormicks (the spice company) so I can always stock up on random spices and marinades, at the very least. My mom always offers to take me to Costco, which is fabulous.
I feel like I should get on the self-tanner bandwagon, because I’m pale as a ghost in the winter and most attempts at tanning end up with me being sunburned as all hell, despite layering on sunscreen.
Hair mayonnaise? Odd. Although, I got egg yolk in my hair when I was eating breakfast this morning (classy, I know) but I didn’t actually care all that much because I’ve heard egg yolks are good for hair. So maybe hair mayonnaise isn’t as weird as I thought it was.
Lady Shae Frey. Slightly awkward, rhyme-y name.
Did your dad deal in cinnamon too?!?! And I’ve done eggs in my hair before! They actually make a pretty fantastic hair mask, but I prefer using coconut oil – the smell is much better lol. And better a rhymey name than a bastard one 😉
yup – I actually used to work in the factory for a summer job for a couple years. Cinnamon is less awesome when you get covered head to toe in it :-p
Buuuut…it’s the spice I took most advantage of when it came to buying at employee discount!
I feel your pain– I LOVE tanning the old fashioned way, aka in the sun, low spf, just lying there and soaking it up. It makes me happy. Can’t help it. Over the past few years though I’ve been upping the SPF and I’ve gotten a couple spray tans (which turned out fine) but its just not the same:)
I wish I could mooch from my parents, but they’re too far away for that. They spoil me when then can though, and yes, I allow it. 🙂 I heard about that sex cereal on the radio. Crazy!?! I guess what’s really crazy is people who really buy into it.
I am so beyond excited for when watermelons are in season!! To me, watermelons = Summer! 🙂
Is it bad that watermelon is pretty much a year-long staple for me? 😆
Oh, definitely not! That is how I feel about cantaloupe :).
Well considering I live with my parents…mooching off them is a daily occurrence. I’ve never self tanned before actually for fear of turning into a pumpkin like the girl you saw. I usually just am pale in the winter and then naturally get tan in the warm months? No more beds for me though, fortunately after realizing that I was just asking for cancer.
I’m always looking for a good self tanner but I am the absolute worst at applying them! I’ve pretty much given up on them! The streak look just doesn’t do it for me 😉
Sexcereal…what in the heavens has the world come to??? I am a bit appalled although highly amused! And both those Lindt flavors sound right up my alley- YUM! I am hooked on their 70%, Dark with Sea Salt & Dark with Caramel & Sea Salt varieties…notice a trend ;)! Despite living in Mumbai, I am probably paler than you…in other words, I need a tan desperately! Do keep us posted on how St. Tropez is- I may have to pick up a bottle for myself. Either that or it’s time to up the ante with swimming….between you and me, my hair washing schedule tells me that self-tanning is probably a more realistic solution :)! Happy Thursday, my friend!
i love think out loud posts 🙂 I am soo not into game of thrones- lamee i know i know…and my parents live in Nepal so thats really not an option for me either. However, when my parents were here, mom made a lot of food which I miss now. Can i mooch those chocolate bar from ya 😛
I am always trying to mooch food off my parents. It’s mainly the foods that I don’t cook myself. I will call my mom and casually ask her if she felt like cooking ‘x’ for dinner on a night that happens to work for me! It usually ends wells. And from now on I will go by Queen Ygritte Westerling. I’m happy that you didn’t give away this week’s episode because I haven’t watched yet!
I was just in Toronto for a concert and made a stop by Tim Horton’s on the way home, why are the cups so small there?? Do we really super-size everything in the US, even our Tim Horton’s portions??
Really?! I’ve never been to a Timmy’s in the States so I have no idea… I do remember them saying that with the introduction of their newest 24 oz. cup, al the other sizes would get bumped down. So a medium became a small and a small became an extra small…
I don’t think we have that larger size here, so that explains it! All is right with the world once again!
Not gonna lie, I buy gummy bears and swedish fish “for my kids,” but it’s really so I can eat most of them 🙂
Seeing that your dad brought you 3 watermelons made me laugh. My parents were just in town for a few days and I feel like they brought me half of costco. I always ask for the almond butter that is 1/4 the price there compared to the market I shop at here but this time they really stocked me up! I have chia, flax, nuts, rice, 6 jars of almond butter (yes 6), dates, coconut and lentils. I have never used a self tanner, I am way to scared I would turn into one of those girls you see on the street where you want to say something but know its best not to.
So jealous that you have watermelon, I love to eat my weight in it :p . I like the look of well applied fake tanner but somehow feel intimated (wary?) of trying it myself. I’ve spotted that hair mayonniase among my Mum’s cosmetics but never seen her use it, haha! My name would be Whore?! Shae Snow :p
Smuggler shireeen arryn at your service 😉 love those name generators…so much fun! I would love to be going snowboarding (read:skiing) with you this weekend. Haven’t been in ages, and i miss it! You have awesome parents 🙂 mine buy me things every now and then and some of my fav days spent with them happen when we go grocery shopping together…always a good time 🙂
Ah! it bothers me too when people call me ma’am. my advice to people who work in public is to call anyone obviously under 40 years old, “miss”, that way they feel young even if they could really be a ma’am, no one wants to be a ma’am!!! unless its a cute country boy saying “yes ma’am” in a southern drawl…that MIGHT be acceptable!
oh i HATE being called ma’am. nothing makes a good mood burst quicker than being referred to as ma’am. in fact i don’t call anyone ma’am because the last thing i want is to be the cause of someone else feeling that way. and hair mayonnaise, huh? i guess whatever works…i’m thinking about trying out coconut oil in my hair so that’s not too different i guess?
It is different! Mayo just grosses me out, but coconut oil is delicious
And then there’s the smell…
Come on, admit you pondered getting some of that cereal, girl ;). Only … not. Though I looked up the ingredients out of curiosity and they don’t even sound that bad …
Who doesn’t mooch food of their parents? Admittedly, though, I hardly ever tell me mom I do so but just, ahem, “steal” some foods. The Lindt she got for us to share on Easter? Mine, all mine. Moms’ food pantries are also great to use as private bulk bins in my opinion. Why would I buy a huge packet of raisins if I can just fill a smaller bag to take home with me :)?
Don’t feel bad about not unpacking. Where’d be the need for that when you’re heading back this week already in anyway?
Hm, I have no idea what Game of Thrones is all about and I’m feeling a bit bad for it as there’s even a German actor in the cast.
Hehe yeah it didn’t honestly sound that bad, but I’m not the biggest fan of granola so I left it sitting on the shelf. Apparently there’s a different version for men and women… I wonder what happens if you buy the wrong one 😯
I don’t use self-tanner – just the Jergens Glow lotion. I would definitely be the girl who applies it incorrectly and ends up looking ridiculous. One of my friends has this stick (looked like deodorant) that she’d roll onto her legs before going out. I used it once and loved it. I think it was from The Body Shop.
P.S. I wish someone would buy me watermelons!
I am pretty sure that all Easter candy left over from my mom, went home with me. Whoops. Does the fact that she also gave me fruit salad make up for the amount of Robins Eggs I consumed?
I use Jergens, but you have to build up a bit of a natural tan before using it, or you might fall under the category of carrot orange.
Hair mayonnaise sounds gross haha! Mayonnaise creeps me out to begin with, so I definitely would not want to slather something like that on my hair. Is it watermelon season already?! Ahhh! I’m thinking I need to swing my Costco soon to get myself some 🙂
I have no idea if it’s watermelon season or not because I’ve been eating them all winter long 😆 But hopefully they’ll start becoming more available soon.
I like #9…too funny! 😉 I grew up spending so much time in the sun and then realized I better cut it out or else I’m going to look like a cooked sausage link or end up with melanoma. I use self tanner frequently and have heard great things about St. Tropez mousse but never tried it. I like Kate Somerville tanning towelettes and XenTan. XenTan is messy (you have to wear long sleeves/pants to bed) but it has the best smell I’ve found yet. Okay, I’m done! Now I am craving watermelon!
I’ve seen that sex cereal at stores plus on Live with Michael and Kelly, but haven’t picked it up. I’m a little intrigued by it.
I’ve never got into self-tanner because I”m the palest of the pale so most just look WAY too dark haha.
Yay new chocolate flavors! Those ones sound awesome!!! I wonder where I can find those here…I’ll be on the look out. Happy Thursday!
I have never bought self tanner although I look at them all the time – especially Victoria’s Secret brand. I lay out almost every day in the summer and read despite skin cancer concerns. I have spent a majority of my summers outdoors since I was old enough to be outside in the sun, so I become very, VERY dark every summer. I just love to soak in the rays even if it’s 90 degrees. Ahh! Your daddy is a good guy! And Kelly and Michael had Sexcereal on their show the one day and ate some of it. Funniest thing ever.
Awwr I didn’t see that episode! I honestly didn’t even have an idea that this stuff existed and kind of did a double take when I saw it. Talk about taking the “sex sells” idea to a whole other level.
It’s guaranteed you can find me at the beach all the time during the summer, but I use lots of sunscreen. I like tanning the natural way so I don’t get any skin issues. On fake tanner-I’m not a big fan of it because I feel like no products ever truly look natural.
Ha, I went through a phase where I called everyone ma’am and sir.. I blame it on living in the military life.
…and I want to thank you for sharing that song. I may of just listened to it two.. okay I lie, three times in a row =)
Your Dad is the sweetest! And you know, it’s mean. Now Lindt is a Swiss product. But we DON’T have that white coconut flavor here. Isn’t that horrible of them? I would be ALL over it!! White Choc and coconut….holy yumm.
I like self-tanners. It’s much better than using a tanning bed or lying in the sun for hours, I mean for the skin. And in winter, I tend to look like a ghost, so I think it helps to put some on – but correctly without stripes 🙂
I am ALWAYS jealous of little kids and their snacks. I feel so bad and not-grown-up about it 🙂
What?!?!? No white chocolate coconut?! I admit that was the first time I saw it, but I can’t believe you guys don’t have it over there! I think I’m going to have to send you a goodie package very soon 😛
I love being spoiled by parents. I don’t care how old I get- a home-cooked meal from my dad will always taste amazing. Um, sex cereal? What is that? Cereal you eat after sex? Cereal you eat during sex? Cereal that tastes like sex?
😆 Well you know… sometimes you just need some extra energy 😉
Totally not a problem that you wanted to steal some gummy bears. I think that just about every day. And tanning- I think I like the way the sun makes me feel. I’m not sure it’s as much about the skin itself for me, although I do appreciate a little color. Those traces of the winter blues completely disappear the minute the sun comes out and the weather gets a tad warmer. I’ve been running on clouds all week with this 90 degree heat. As for the sexereal? That’s just weird. Who likes that stuff?
I definitely love the way the sun makes me feel, but there’s a difference between trying to catch your daily dose of Vitamin D and trying to maintain a nice color. Plus I kind of hate going pale as a sheet in the winter 😡