1. I came across this quote the other day, and I have to say that it’s pretty much become one of my favorites. I’m a firm believer that you attract the kind of energy you give out, so starting your day with a positive attitude is a good way to have a good day.
2. Starting the day with no gas in your car, however, is not…
I have a bad habit of really pushing my luck when it comes to filling up my tank with gas. I’ll ignore the gas light until the little needle is basically clinging for dear life to the edge of the very last line. Surprisingly, I have yet to end up stranded on the side of the road, but I should really stop pushing my luck before it actually happens…
3. I should also really stop procrastinating when it comes to getting back to people in e-mails and texts. I am the absolute worst at responding to people in a timely manner. If you’re reading this and you’ve been a victim of this incredibly annoying aspect of my procrastination, then I am very sorry – it’s not you, it’s me.
4. And is it just me, or do people never pay with cash anymore?
I was in the store the other day, counting out some change to make my purchase, and the cashier told me that I was basically the first customer who paid in cash all day… It was 4 PM! I know paying with plastic is so much more convenient, but I just find that I spend way more money when I don’t actually see it going away… which is probably part of the reason that I’m afraid to get into online shopping.
5. BUT! I do make an exception for my favorite tea. And I would probably make another exception for one of these iPhone protectors…
EeeeEEEEEee! How freakin’ adorable are they?! You slide your phone in through the mouth and it stays nice and safe… which, considering my klutziness, would be a very good thing.
6. Has anyone else noticed that the days are finally getting longer? Is anyone else extremely excited about that fact?! For whatever reason, January and February were exceptionally difficult for me this year and they left me in a funk that I just can’t seem to shake. The fact that it’s no longer pitch black when I eat breakfast or dinner is a beautiful thing, especially because…
7. … I want to get outside again! I miss my outdoor walks and evening bike rides. I’m grateful to have access to a treadmill so that I can still keep active, but I could do without the hamster on a wheel feeling. At least I have something to make the time go by a little faster…
8. I have no idea what this song is about, but I love it anyways…
9. I just finished eating breakfast, and I’m still feeling a bit peckish… looks like it’s going to be another one of those days, which makes sense considering yesterday was the total opposite. Just goes to show ya that everything balances out in the end.
10. As I write this, there are exactly 17 hours, 9 minutes, and 26 seconds until I leave for Hawaii…. aaaaaaand in true Amanda fashion, I have yet to start packing. Good thing tossing in a pair of flip flops and shorts, along with a bathing suit and sundress, doesn’t take all that long
. – . – . – .
Do you pay with cash or plastic?
Do you do a lot of online shopping? What’s the last thing you bought?
Quote= saving that one. It’s so so true and those mantras are the ones that really help me have a more positive view! I am a debit card user… but at the same time I hate using my card and get angry with myself for buying sayyy gum with it or something small like that. I realize this makes no sense 😉
I couldn’t help but laugh about the gas thing, I am the same way! I reset my mileage gauge everytime I fill up to see how many miles i get from one full tank. Sooo I attempt to beat my own records all of the time leaving me with a VERY low tank, errr quite often
I almost NEVER have cash on me so yes, I always use my card 🙂 It’s just sooo much easier. I’m always crazy with my gas and fill it up when it’s about a quarter left. I’m always afraid i’ll get stuck and freak out. You’re going to have the best time in Hawaii ahhh!
I am the same way with gas. I wait till the last possible mile!
Love the quote in #1. I truly believe that having a positive outlook at the beginning of each day can make so much difference. And on the topic of cash vs. cards – I almost never use cash. It’s just so much more convenient to pull out a card!
Huge procrastinator. HUGE. (emails..I don’t text…)
I tend to be a bigger fan of paying with cash rather than plastic. Partially because then I don’t have to think about how much I’m spending adds up eventually, partially because I don’t even own a credit card. 🙂
I LOVE online shopping, but rarely do it.
Last thing I bought on line *(which seems like forever ago but was actually 3 months ) would be powdered peanut butter. Two jars. Beautiful, really. Yet they only lasted me 2 weeks.
Just a tad bit 🙂
You are one lucky girl!! Hawaii has always been on my bucket list! Hopefully one day I’ll get there! I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing, sun-filled vacation!
I don’t email…but I do text all the time. I almost never talk on the phone. I don’t even really talk to my mom on the phone…just text.
And I always online shop…I love it! The last things I bought were a couple pairs of Toms and scrub khaki pants for work. Both within the last month. Amazon is another I use all the time…I mostly one click Kindle books now, but I do buy adult colouring books and other stuff from them…and still the occasional hard copy book. I love getting stuff in the mail besides bills and junk.
Enjoy your trip!!
I honestly think that online shopping would be perfect for me because I find malls to be kind of overwhelming. It’s just another one of those things that I’m procrastinating on 😆
Have a great time in Hawaii!!!! 🙂 And I am sooooo happy the days are starting to get longer. Makes me so happy!!!! 🙂
I am completely with you- I need the days to keep getting longer! I totally hate at the end of the day when I get to the gym and it’s dark out. So hard to get motivated! I also just can’t wait for all the snow outside to melt so I can get running outside again!!! It’s SO much nicer!
Absolutely nothing beats Game of Thrones! I think even I might be inclined to stay on the treadmill if I knew I could watch a marathon session of that show. But I’m glad to see the back of February too – it will be so nice to be able to get outisde in some decent weather (fingers crossed) and I do hope the arrival of spring helps with your mood too *hugs*.
I definitely procrastinate with e-mails…and every other form of social interaction/communication. I’m just terrified of saying something horribly wrong and/or upsetting, or getting the wrong impression (which I almost always do). My brain and mouth (or brain and typing fingers) are just not connected at all, so I read and re-read every message/e-mail I ever send, including blog comments. I’m also always really scared of making spelling and grammatical errors because I’m an PhD student of English, so people expect everything I write to be impeccable (and it’s really, really not).
I always pay with cash too – I would spend a ridiculous amount if I couldn’t physically see/feel the money in front of me!
I hope your vacation is brilliant and you get a nice, rejuvenating dose of sunshine 🙂
I usually re-read all of my e-mails/messages/comments too. Sometimes my mind feels completely scatterbrained so I worry that what I actually end up typing makes no sense… especially if I’m in a noisy place.
Love the quote! And yes, I have gotten bad with responding to texts lately [ahem, my appologies] – but it’s because I am totally envious of your tropical trip… No really, it’s becuse I haven’t been sleeping and feeling a bit foggy brained. ‘Tis the weekend!
Can’t wait to hear about your trip! I hardly ever pay in cash, although I did when I was in Disney this weekend because they get you with their high prices and awesome goodies!! I’m really good with correspondence and get back super fast, usually because my iPhone is always on me unless I’m snoozing. The last thing I bought online was a Little Mermaid phone case a couple weeks ago 😉
Lucky lady!! I can’t wait to hear about the trip 🙂 I rarely pay in cash haha…I feel like I spend more on useless random crap if I have it than when I use my card. Opposite of most people I know but that’s me 😉
LOVE #1! We can all benefit from a little extra positivity now and then! And I am sure that it is not very hard for you to be positive right now since you are going to HAWAII!! Ahh, lucky girl!! 😉
Beautiful quote! Reminds me of a line in one of Carole King’s songs: “You’ve got to get up every morning with a smile on your face and show the world all the love in your heart”. Does anybody else still listen to Carole King? I got to know her music through my mum and it’s just awesome! Oh, also, the Gilmore Girls’ theme is by her, too :).
Yes to paying in cash! I totally avoid paying with my card for the very reason that I’d likely spend way more than I’d like to. Do people really not do that anymore?!
I’m SO guilty of procrastinating with texts which caused my father to comment whether I couldn’t just turn Whatsapp off. Um, not unless I turned my phone off completely …
Love the quote in #1.
I pay with cash if it’s a relatively small purchase.
I definitely procrastinate with Facebook messages, texts, and emails, haha.
I am horrible about filling up with gas, I hate doing it so I always wait as long as possible. I also hate getting gas when it’s dark out and always try to wait tell the next morning.
Those little iphone creatures are ADORBS! <3
I buy so much stuff online, mostly through Amazon because I joined their Prime thing, it is SO worth it, I'm in love with reading reviews and free two day shipping!
OMG those iPhone protectors are SO cute…I want the caramel one! I am guilty of using my card much more than cash…which tends to work against me because I only realise how much I am actually spending at the end of the month when it’s time to pay the bills- whoops!
Hope packing is going well…as much as I complain about hating packing, I can’t help but feel a burst of excitement – it only means the holiday is that much closer :)! Will you be blogging during your vacay? For selfish reasons, I sure hope so!
I’m definitely going to try! I have no idea what kind of Internet access I’m going to have, or if I’ll have any spare moments to sit down and blog, but I’ll do my best 🙂
I love that first quote 🙂 I am totallyyyyy a procrastinator with responding to texts and emails! I’ll read it, respond in my head, but then forget to actually respond! Glad I’m not alone in this haha
Haha! Responding in my head – that’s exactly my problem; and then I think that I actually responded and sort of forget to actually get around to it.
Aaaaaaaahhh those iPhone covers are so cute.
The gas tank thing freaks me out– I hate it when my gas light goes on! Connor is usually the one to push it and he likes torturing me by running on an “empty” tank for as long as possible.
And like others have mentioned before me…totally jealz about Hawaii. Can’t wait to see pics!
So lovin the longer days – makes me happy 🙂
I am so excited the days are getting longer! Spring is coming!
Definitely filing away that quote – I adore it!
I try to pay with cash more often than not…it feels like I’m just playing with fake money if I use my debit/credit card for everything. If I’m physically handing over cash, I’m more likely to be more careful with it.
So jealous about your Hawaii trip…I will be here looking at the snow and feeling nothing but jealousy :-p
I do the same thing with my gas tank. I have mini competitions with myself to see how good I can get my mileage. I never use cash haha but I don’t see a difference in my spending habits since I don’t buy anything really. Jealous about Hawaii. Take lots of pics!
I’m horrible when it comes to responding to emails. Unless it it very very important then I try to immediately respond. Like if I have an opportunity to show in a gallery. Heck yes I will respond to that message.
I’m trying not to pay with plastic anymore. I am clawing my way out of debt right now and trying to be better with my finances. I am trying to limit myself some cash for gas and food and that’s it. The key word is trying.
ah, Hawaii. Would love to go too.
Ok I love that monster phone protector. Haha it’s sooo cute! Yayayaya for Hawaii! I never pack until the last minute, I just can’t focus otherwise haha. I pay with plastic, I like earning points.
I don’t even keep cash on me. It actually makes me spend less which is good… even though I rarely spend money. One of my frugal ways for sure. Gosh in hawaii you will be outside all the time. jealous jealous jealous
I tend to procrastinate with emails and texts, too. I read somewhere though that if a certain task only takes 2 mins or less, then do it now! It seems to be working 🙂
Oh Hawaii, I would love to go there one day. I’m excited for you, and maybe a little jealous!!
I read that somewhere too, and it’s a wonderful sounding plan… but I’ve been procrastinating with putting it into action 😆
I usually pay with plastic. We always pay it off though so it’s not like it’s just adding up! And YES to online shopping. Yesterday I bought a stuffed iguana (how long would that take you to find in a store…) for my friend who moved away and loved iguanas 🙂
I am always so afraid my gas is going to run out. When I get to only a quarter of a tank, I fill up right away. I am not a procrastinator with texting/emails, but very much so in regards to packing. I have to do it the night before so I make sure I pack everything I need. I’ll admit, I overpack by a lot.
I usually have an overpacking problem too, but I’m trying trying reaaaaaally hard to keep things to a bare minimum this time around… especially because Hawaii seems so minimalist!
Your so close to Hawaii!! Im literally the complete opposite of you. ninja and I are going out of town NEXT WEEKEND, and I am going shopping today to prep my outfits. lol Im so weird.
Also with the whole gas thing? OMG I panic when I get to 1/4 tank. I literally have to find a gas station ASAP when it starts to get low!!
Nerds Unite! haha I just started season 2 of Game of Thrones last night. I was so excited when it finally arrived from Netflix. Now if only I had HBO and could watch them new, then I’d be a happy camper. 🙂
Right?! Ugh! I hate having to wait until it comes out on DVD 🙁
who needs to pack anyway? it’s hawaii! a couple bathing suits, a cover up, some sunglasses and you’re covered…right? and i do the same thing with gas – i always end up chancing it and then being mad because i haven’t left myself enough time in the morning to fill up my car and then i end up late. late is all relative since i obsessively get to work like an hour early, but still. and #6 – FINALLY THE DAYS are longer! i am loving it because it means i actually get to see the sun start to rise before i go into school for the morning.
Uuuh, I must say, I am pretty good in answering texts and emails but only because if I don’t do it immediately, I forget it forever. That’s even worse. And yes, I LOVE paying in cash! This way I can actually SEE that I spend money. I don’t even have a creditcard.
Yay for spring!!! Here it is already getting bright by shortly before seven am, so excited.
I am so thrilled for you to go to Hawaiii!!! Please take pics! ( I think I said that before…?)
I will for sure! I just hope that I can get decent Internet access over there and a bit of downtime to hop on the computer once in a while.
We use our credit cards more than we use cash. HOWEVER, I check our bills very regulary and request that Vishnu save every receipt. This helps keep things in check…oh and I steer clear of online shopping as well. It’s too dangerous!
And I hope you have an amazing time in Hawaii!!!!
Those i-Phone cases are too cute! Definitely going to have to track them down:)
I love that quote. I’m going to say that to myself all morning long. I almost always pay with my plastic- I very rarely have cash on me! Basically I’m just too lazy to go to the ATM. And yes, I do spend way more money than I need to, especially on groceries. It’s kind of a problem.
I love that quote!! I still can’t believe you are about to leave for a Hawaii, so amazing! You deserve a break from the cold in exchange for a little fun in the sun! I can’t wait to hear all about it 🙂
I love that quote! What a great way to start the day.
I’m such a sucker for inspirational quotes.
Oh man, I am known for almost always having an empty tank of gas, I don’t know what it’s about always leaving it to the last minute, but it happens everytime even after I swear I won’t do it again.
Eee, those iphone protectors are too cute if I say so myself haha.
I can’t wait for Spring time to arrive! Well, I mean Victoria is pretty spring-y to begin with, with our no snow ALL Winter, but I’ve noticed it getting lighter and warmer out! So pumped.
Oh yah, I’ll get back to your e-mail today or tomorrow! I’ve been procrastinating my inbox;)
PS Have the most amazing time ever in Hawaii!!!!!!!! So excited for you, mixed with a tad of jealousy, can you just pack me too.
Hehe I was starting to worry that my e-mail got lost in cyberspace! No worries, girlie… I totally am not one to talk about promptly responding to e-mails 😯