1. I came across this quote the other day, and I have to say that it’s pretty much become one of my favorites. I’m a firm believer that you attract the kind of energy you give out, so starting your day with a positive attitude is a good way to have a good day.
2. Starting the day with no gas in your car, however, is not…
I have a bad habit of really pushing my luck when it comes to filling up my tank with gas. I’ll ignore the gas light until the little needle is basically clinging for dear life to the edge of the very last line. Surprisingly, I have yet to end up stranded on the side of the road, but I should really stop pushing my luck before it actually happens…
3. I should also really stop procrastinating when it comes to getting back to people in e-mails and texts. I am the absolute worst at responding to people in a timely manner. If you’re reading this and you’ve been a victim of this incredibly annoying aspect of my procrastination, then I am very sorry – it’s not you, it’s me.
4. And is it just me, or do people never pay with cash anymore?
I was in the store the other day, counting out some change to make my purchase, and the cashier told me that I was basically the first customer who paid in cash all day… It was 4 PM! I know paying with plastic is so much more convenient, but I just find that I spend way more money when I don’t actually see it going away… which is probably part of the reason that I’m afraid to get into online shopping.
5. BUT! I do make an exception for my favorite tea. And I would probably make another exception for one of these iPhone protectors…
EeeeEEEEEee! How freakin’ adorable are they?! You slide your phone in through the mouth and it stays nice and safe… which, considering my klutziness, would be a very good thing.
6. Has anyone else noticed that the days are finally getting longer? Is anyone else extremely excited about that fact?! For whatever reason, January and February were exceptionally difficult for me this year and they left me in a funk that I just can’t seem to shake. The fact that it’s no longer pitch black when I eat breakfast or dinner is a beautiful thing, especially because…
7. … I want to get outside again! I miss my outdoor walks and evening bike rides. I’m grateful to have access to a treadmill so that I can still keep active, but I could do without the hamster on a wheel feeling. At least I have something to make the time go by a little faster…
8. I have no idea what this song is about, but I love it anyways…
9. I just finished eating breakfast, and I’m still feeling a bit peckish… looks like it’s going to be another one of those days, which makes sense considering yesterday was the total opposite. Just goes to show ya that everything balances out in the end.
10. As I write this, there are exactly 17 hours, 9 minutes, and 26 seconds until I leave for Hawaii…. aaaaaaand in true Amanda fashion, I have yet to start packing. Good thing tossing in a pair of flip flops and shorts, along with a bathing suit and sundress, doesn’t take all that long
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Do you pay with cash or plastic?
Do you do a lot of online shopping? What’s the last thing you bought?
i am the WORST texter… i have a habit of quickly reading whatever someone sent and then putting my phone down and not answering.. i pay with my card sometimes but i much rather use cash! im that person scraping for pennies in the bottom of my bag just so i dont have to break a bigger bill haha i am loving the longer days!! i look outside then the clock and get excited even if its just a minute later then the day before.. cannot wait to be outside more!
Ahhh! I just noticed the other day that it was still light out at 5pm! I may not have rushed outside with my phone, snapped a pic and uploaded it to IG! Haha! Daylight savings time is only NINE days away!! Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally! 😀
Be careful tempting the gas gods chickie! I used to do the SAME thing until this past summer. I thought I’d make just ONE MORE stop before heading to the gas station to fill up…yeah, I didn’t make it! And on top of that, it took so long to get everything straightened out that I was late to work! Definitely learned my lesson there!
You know me…I’m right there with ya on the procrastination…wait, don’t I owe you an email from like a month ago? Lol I usually pay everything with my card because I swear, as soon as I break a large bill, it’s GONE and I have absolutely no idea where it went! 🙁 Love online shopping! Which is weird…I used to be so afraid of it. I’m still leery about buying clothes (I just have to try stuff on first) but I’ve definitely gotten myself in trouble with the foodie shopping lately…you know, because I TOTALLY needed SIX boxes of Quest bars last month! haha!
I feel the same way about attitudes! I always try to be positive even if I’m having a bad day. Bad moods are contagious ya know??! I prefer to pay with my credit card because I can accrue points and earn cash back while building my credit…I feel that I do spend a bit more than I might if I used cash, but I also have pretty remarkable self control because shopping and spending money in general makes me nauseas. I go shopping maybe 4 times a year, but I love online shopping because it is super convenient and you can see everything on beautiful skinny models so you want to buy it anyway 🙂
Haha I always push my luck with filling up on gas too – especially in the winters because I hate having to stand out in the cold to fill up! They should install heat lamps at gas stations. 😛
And yup, I pretty much never pay in cash either. When I have cash, I’m so much more likely to spend it so it’s a lot safer if I stick to plastic.
That’s so exciting you’re leaving for Hawaii so soon! Get packing girl! 😉
hahaha how great are those phone cases?! and SO jealous about your Hawaii trip!! HAVE FUN!! 🙂 🙂
It’s actually really smart to use cash vs. credit cards when shopping–I know I’m more mindful of how much I’m spending when I have to give out an exact amount rather than just swiping a card. I am a little guilty of overspending when shopping online, but usually it’s just because I’m a sucker for free shipping and they always have a minimum charge for that! But honestly, I think online shopping is really worth it most of the time because I try to only buy food or clothes I can’t buy in stores near me and having it shipped to me is a real time saver and sometimes even a money saver because then I can’t just load up my cart with impulse purchases without noticing it!
I’m totally with you on the cash thing – it’s actually been super helpful for me in trying to limit/watch my spending, when I can actually see it leaving my hands it makes me realize how much I’m actually spending. SUCH a helpful tool. Also I do the same with the gas….I’ve driven (lol) myself into a panic so many times noticing the warning light go on while I’m, oh, on the highway…yeesh. AND I totally procrastinate with correspondance too! texts I’m not so bad about but emails – oh man I’m the worst. That was one of my new years resolutions actually hah!
Obsessed with Game of Thrones – we watched the entire first and second season in less than a week. No life. I always pay with a card, but you’re absolutely right – you spend way less when you actually watch your money disappear. I’m too lazy to go to the bank or atm though!
I’ve been in a similar funk… Can’t wait for march!