1. Let us observe a moment of silence to remember a dear friend. Kirby bit the dust kicked the bucket went on to a better place the other day at the tender age of 17 years (read: 17 days). He will be missed… or not…
2. This might make me a horrible person, but I feel the need to confess that I’m extremely happy about #1… It got to the point where the bugger was basically starved, miserable, and beeping at me every 20 minutes, and I was secretly considering “forgetting” him at home in an effort to kill him by an act of omission…

3. I haven’t been able to visit my regular Starbucks for the past week or so, which has resulted in frequent run-ins with baristas who can’t seem to make a decent cappuccino. I try to be nice about it, but if I’m paying out the wazoo and you’re giving me a latte when I ask for an extra foamy cappuccino, please don’t give me the stank eye when I ask you to remake it – I’m not going to apologize to you because you can’t get it right. And yes, I’m watching you like a hawk to make sure you don’t spit in my drink.
4. I have a new obsession. The other day, I was in a Starbucks [getting a horrible cappuccino] that was attached to a Chapters, when my ever-wandering eye caught sight of a book of word search puzzles…
Prior to this, I couldn’t even remember the last time I did a word search… and I had completely forgotten how much fun they are. Dangerous, though. If I’m not careful, I can easily sit down and start searching, only to realize that an hour has gone by without me even noticing.
5. Another obsession? Anything and everything tomato. I don’t know what it is, but lately I seem to be craving tomato based foods like crazy. Salsa. Ketchup. Pasta sauce. It’s quite embarrassing actually…
I’m talking jar, spoon, mouth embarrassing. Oh! And on that note…
6. Remember how last week I admitted that I couldn’t spell embarrassed? Well, this week I’m proud to say that I’ve finally been able to spell it properly on a regular basis. Win! The same thing actually happened to me with definitely. I used to spell it definitly and have to constantly deal with the annoying red squiggly line assaulting my retinas, but since I use it so often when I write, I started paying more attention and finally caught on. S M R T! Err… (Bonus points if you know where that’s from 😉 )
7. This just warms my heart…
8. As does this song; even if it gets stuck in my head…
9. I’m kind of a clean freak, and by kind of I mean: clean up the kitchen before I eat, do the dishes after I eat, always put things in their proper place, etc. The one place this doesn’t seem to apply, though, is my bed – I never, ever make my bed. At best, I’ll half-assedly pull the covers over the side I was sleeping in, but for the most part the way my bed looks when I wake up in the morning is the way it looks when I crawl into it at night.
10. So remember how I ended yesterday’s post hinting that I have a secret to share? Sorry for being a tease, but my life is pretty boring on a day-to-day basis, so I try to jazz it up whenever I can. Anywho, the big secret is that I’ll be heading on vacation in exactly one week. Destination? Hawaii…
This winter has put me in a serious funk and I’m hoping that some time spent on warm sunny beaches will help cure that. This’ll be my first time visiting Hawaii after wanting to go for what seems like forever. Can.not.wait.
. – . – . – .
Do you play any mind puzzles? Sudoku? Crosswords? Brain teasers?
What are your current food obsessions?
Do you make your bed every morning?
Oh my heck! I am jealous for sure. I love beaches and live where there are none… Haha. I’m sick of this dang snow! Cursed Canada! (But really, I love it… Just not the cold).
I actually always make my bed… Though I absolutely never used to!
First, can I just say that I LOVE you for putting up that video of Atlas Genius! They are one of my favorite bands and Trojans is one of my favorite songs! Have you heard their new one yet…Symptoms? It’s sooo good…just as catchy as this one!
I went through a sudoku phase a couple of years ago, but I’ve never been a fan of crosswords…they make me feel dumb…ha! Word searches I can do! I really like the ones where they mess with you and ALMOST fully spell out a word only to get to the last letter and it be different! 😉
So weird, I’ve been craving tomatoes like crazy lately too! I mean, like I went through a 2 POUND container in less than 2 days! And ketchup? Omg, I’m putting it on everything! I even had some on a salad last night! o.O
Never ever make my bed…unless company’s coming over! 😉
Ahhh have a great time in Hawaii!!! I’m so behind on blod reading that I only saw this now. I’ve never been to Hawaii (it’s on my life list to visit it though) so I’m obviously incredibly envious of your little upcoming adventure…especially as I sit here indoors with a blizzard outside. I go through love and hate relationships with tomatoes but I do love ketchup on just about anything savory 🙂
I love that song! Thanks for posting it! It helps that I go to the University of Southern California and our mascot is the Trojan 😉
HAWAIIIIII!!!!!! OMG OMG how?? with who?? oh man that is going to be EPIC. if anyone deserves it, it’s you – February is a tough month and I would totally get serious S.A.D if I lived with grey skies and snow piles. I’m so excited for you!!! Oh and you are totally right about baristas making your drinks wrong. I’m not a confrontational person but if someone gets my order wrong I let them know – I’m paying for it and I don’t want what I didn’t order! grrr. Love the word-search puzzle addiction too – I’ve sadly never gotten into anything like that, but it reminds me of how my mom and sister are obsessed with crosswords – they do the crosswords in the paper every single day! I guess if I had a word-game obsession it would be scrabble – I kill at it lol
How? By plane 😛 And with family. Thanks, girl. Ugh the SADs has hit me hard this year and I really need some time away. I was totally jealous when you mentioned that you always have a sunny winter down there… I don’t even mind the cold so much, but the lack of sun just kills me!
I only do puzzles when I’m flying (which is often). I pray that no one got to the crossword and the sudoko in the Delta Sky Mag before I can attack it. And then I go at it.
My boyfriend and I are on a big salsa kick too. I am pretty sure we’ve purchased salsa at least twice a week now, and chips 2-3x a week to keep up with the salsa. It’s getting out of hand.
can i ask you where you got those curtains that are always in your pictures? I think they are beautiful! They would be perfect for our bedroom! Thanks!
I actually just bought some sheer cream/gold fabric from a fabric store and sewed them myself. Well that’s only half true… mom helped 🙂
I missed you, Amanda :)!! A trip to Hawaii sounds SO exciting- the countdown is on! I have never been but I would love to some day! Even though I only went on holiday for a few days last week, I am already having withdrawal symptoms so I am jealous to say the least ;)! I am such a geek when it comes to puzzles- I especially love Sudoku & Word Searches. Although that being said I can’t remember the last time I played either- that’s going to change STAT!
On a completely separate note- I read your post about the pressure to eat a certain way and as usual, you were spot on!! That’s one of the reasons I don’t post my meals regularly- I don’t need to be validated nor do I need to hear criticism of my meals. So long as I’m thriving on the foods I eat, that’s all that matters right :)!
I missed you too! And I’m selfishly glad that you’re back, even if that means you have to deal with some vacation withdrawals… But at least home is sunny and warm for you! I just really want to get away from this cold, gray nonsense.
I’m so jealous of your holiday! Yay for escaping the freezing cold weather you have been having.
LOL!!! I have issues with the same two words!! In fact I’m embarrassed about the fact I just had to check the spelling of that dreaded word against yours hahaa! not lying!
Uhh do you need a travel buddy!!?!? I want to goooo!! I LOVE Hawaii!! That is sooo exciting. I really seriously totally want to get a tomagatchi right now..like..right now. I may have to go to Toys R Us today.
i absolutely LOVE word finds. so much more relaxing than those brain stumping crossword puzzles!
Your trip to Hawaii is so exciting! What island/ area are you going to? My grandparents live on Oahu so I have spent a good amount of time there and Maui if you need any travel (aka restaurant/food
!!! We’ll be staying on Oahu, so any advice you can give would be awesome 😀
I read in an earlier comment that you are staying in Honolulu which is where I stay and am most familiar with so I will definitely send you and email with my favorite spots and things to do!
That’s so exciting you’ll be heading to Hawaii in just a couple days! I am so jealous. Where about??
&& I am a huge neat freak but our bed never gets made either. I keep telling myself that it MUST change, however, it hasn’t 🙁 lol
Se’ll be staying in Honolulu for the most part, but I really hope to get some travelling done between the islands while we’re there!
I’m definitely with you on the clean freak thing…. and barely ever making the bed! although I have been trying to be better about it lately, haha
Sorry to hear about Kirby, but thrilled to hear about Hawaii. Have a great trip.
Oh and I’m a cleaning, self diagnosed OCD nut with pretty much everything in my house, except the bedroom. I can’t remember the last time I actually made my bed, other than to change the sheets.
Wow I have been dreaming of going to Hawaii always.. fuelled many years ago by a high school (and 27 yr old…) Jack Johnson obsession…It just sounds fabulous 😉
My sister still reminds me that after ignoring and *trying* to kill my “Giga pet” ( I still don’t care for cats) I hid it under a couch cushion in the back of the junk room in the basement so I wouldn’t hear the beeps! Those things got oooold fast.
Also, I actually love having a bed made, and would like to do it every single morning (neat freak, yup) but my man works night shifts and is still asleep at the crack of dawn when I wake up! So it’s a no go. Sometimes, very occasionally, he makes it and it’s lovely to come home to. Oh, annnd Homer Simpson, of course 🙂 Classic!
Eee! You caught that 😀 Awesome!
I always make my bed in the morning, but not until I come back from the gym. My latest food obsession has been iced coffee. I just love it! I’m completely jealous you are going to Hawaii. It will be so much fun!
ahhh Hawaii?! Okay make that one more person because I’ll be goin’ in your suitcase~I’m pretty short, don’t worry 😉 I miss Hawaii and went to Kauai on our honeymoon. You’ll looooove it! Just make sure to get in as much non-touristy stuff and people around you as possible, because that’s what makes it most fun. 😀 And the only thing I’m uptight about in my life is my coffee and cappuccinos, haha! The other day someone made it super watery and I was reallly frustrated inside, but I’m not sure if my pregnant hormones were making me feel that way even stronger than usual.
OH, I love crossword puzzles! And Tetris… does that even count?
Ohhh! I love Tetris! I’m not sure if it counts as a mind puzzle, but it’s fun as heck.
Just saw one of your comments about staying in Honolulu! It’s nice — it’s got the city feel WITH the beaches and all that…. but I’ve always preferred Maui! It’s so much more secluded and natural…. gives you more of the exotic Hawaii feel. BUT, seriously, no complaints about Honolulu. You’re going to have such a great time and get all tan and…. damn you. LOL
YES I can totally relate to your cappuccino feelings – finally, someone else who understands… I sound like such a snoot saying it but if I wanted a latte, I would have ordered a freaking latte! But no, I want a cappuccino because I love the frothy and foamy goodness, not just the warmed milk and espresso. Please and thank you very much. And I definitely know the “good” Starbucks versus the “bad” ones…
P.S. Hawaii?! That’s absolutely awesome 😀 What island are you going to? We went to the Big Island when I was in high school and I loved it – all of the different landscapes are stunning!
Haha! It does make us sound kind of snooty, but you’re right… if we wanted lattes, that’s what we would ask for in the first place. And we’ll be staying in Honolulu, so I guess that’s Oahu?
You lucky thing! Wish I was going to sunnier climes, have a great time!
Ummm it’s safe to say that I am REALLY REALLY FLIPPEN JEALOUS 🙂 Hawaii is a destination I have wanted to visit errr forever! It’s safe to say that the vacation there will pull you out of your funk, a perfect place to do just that!
I think I’m better off at crosswords compared to Sudoku. Totally looking forward for your recap about your trip to Hawaii. Have fun!
I think you already know this, but you’re going to loooove Hawaii!! Be prepared to MELT. My uncle lives in Maui, so I’ve been fortunate to make regular visits to the islands throughout my life, and whenever I’m there, I feel like a different person. It’s the only place I feel *completely* relaxed and free to just…BE. Sounds corny and cliche, but I really mean it. The weather is nearly perfect (usually in the low 80s every day), the people are friendly, and the food…oh, the food! Considering your love of fruit, I have no doubt you’ll experience nirvana. 😉 The mangoes, papayas and pineapple are out-of-this-world juicy! 😀 I’ll gladly live vicariously through your recaps! xoxo <3
I will definitely be living vicariously through you on your Hawaii trip–I’ve never been, and my grandparents are also going there soon so now I’m really jealous! I really need to escape all this snow and cold for a few days…
I’m also a clean freak, but the weird thing is, I’m the messiest eater ever. Like crumbs everywhere and spilling things down my shirt. It’s kind of a problem, but at least I clean up after I’m done!
Love this post! I, too, crave everything tomato based. But I don’t even go through phases with it – it’s just an all-the-time thing 🙂 Like, you can catch me spooning spoonfuls of pizza sauce and pasta sauce into my mouth while making dinner. And oftentimes I’ll make potatoes JUST so I can eat ketchup. & you are not alone on spelling definitely wrong! I had been spelling it “definately” for forever, until I just recently realized I’d been spelling it wrong too! 😉 #9 – you pretty much described me. I’m a clean freak everywhere in the house, except my bed. Although I love getting into a made bed, so I should probably start to make it more! Have fun in Hawaii!
I love crossword puzzles and always make sure to buy a new book at the airport when flying. I should download a game on my tablet and make life easier but something about the pencil and paper just makes me happy. I love Hawaii and after this winter it is much deserved to be sun tanned and swimming in the gorgeous ocean! I can’t keep my spoon out of a sun dried tomato pesto sauce. :-). Love and shine courtstar
Oh man, you will be the envy of everyone in Canada when you come back with a Hawaiian tan. Which island are you going to? My family lives in Kauai for part of the year. And are you making the trip by yourself or with your family?
I’m definitely hoping that I come back looking tan as opposed to looking like a lobster. I’m pale as a sheet right now so I’m going to have to be careful in the sun. And it’s a family trip – we’ll be staying on Oahu 😀
umm… Can I go with you to Hawaii?? 😉
I’m a total clean freak too. except I can wait to clean the kitchen until after I eat. 🙂
Soooooooooo jealous about Hawaii!!!!!! Ahhhh 😀
Food obsession = peanut butter. Always and forever.
SUDOKU is my life..no really, not joking. 🙂
Latest food obsession that has been never ending: pb &j (and not just the sandwich version), pb & chocolate, mozzarella & turkey, and cheddar rice cakes with hummus. ohmygosh so good.
Making my bed…well, I guess it depends on your definition of “making” your bed 😉
Oh my goodness! Have so much fun in Hawaii! I can’t wait to see pictures. 🙂 And yes, I’m a huge word search/crossword puzzle nerd. Love ’em.
aw poor kirby. I’m sure he lived a very vibrant 17 days of life. And I’m also sure he lived longer than many of his fellow tamagotchi friends. *cough* mine. hehe
I try to play sudoku, but it comes in spurts. I’ll remember to play, become obsessed, then all of a sudden forget about it. So thanks for reminding me to play again 🙂
I’ve never been a bed maker. Lots and lots of those half-assed pull the covers back up so it looks somewhat made. I mean what’s the point when we’re just going to get back in it later in the day. Only when people are coming over do I deem it necessary to full out make my bed.
Yayy for Hawaii!! That’ll be an especially nice change from the cold weather you’ve been in! 🙂
Word searches are always fun, but Sudoku is definitely my favorite. I can never get into crossword puzzles because I normally can only figure out a few and then have to give up. It is too frustrating for me! :/
I am totally with you on the clean freak thing. I am the same way but I NEVER make my bed. I am also really bad about keeping my car cleaned…
I have the same exact problem with crosswords, but I think a lot of it just depends on what kind you get. Some of them are easy, but others? Pft. I’m lucky if I can get 1/4 of the words…
Ahh that’s so awesome that you’re going to Hawaii! I’m jealous that you get to escape the winter for a while.
I love crosswords. When I was on campus more often in previous school years I would do the crossword from our school newspaper every single day. And I always attempt to do the one in the Glove and Mail when I buy it, but I can barely even finish 1/4 of that one haha.
I love crossword puzzles! Absolutely love.
Current food obsessions: sweet potato chips.
And I do not make the bed every morning. Not even close.
P.S. Sorry about Kirby. 🙁
I’m so excited you get to go to Hawaii! My sister and brother-in-law went there (Maui) on their honeymoon and loved it!